

单词 fat

fat1/fat/ noun

greasy or oily matter, or animal tissue consisting chiefly of cells distended with greasy or oily matter

fatness; being fat

any of numerous compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that are a major class of energy-rich food and are soluble in organic solvents, e.g. ether, but not in water

a solid or semisolid fat as distinguished from an oil

the best or richest part

the fat of the land

the fat is in the fire

something has been done which will have serious consequences

fatless adj

fat2adj (fatter, fattest)

having an unusually large amount of fat; plump or obese

Imprisoned in every fat man a thin one is wildly signalling to be let out — Cyril Connolly

said of a farm animal: fattened for market

well filled out; thick or big

a fat book

richly rewarding or profitable; substantial

a fat part in the new play

prosperous or wealthy

productive or fertile

informal used ironically: practically non-existent

a fat chance of winning

fatly adv
fatness noun
fattish adj
[Old English fǣtt, past part. of fǣtan to cram]

fat3verb trans (fatted, fatting)

archaic to fatten (a person or an animal)

a fatted calf

kill the fatted calf

to put on a celebration

You can hardly expect them to kill the fatted calf just because he's left Labour and joined the Greens





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