verb trans
to plunge or immerse (something or somebody) in a liquid
to immerse (a sheep, etc) in an antiseptic or parasite-killing solution, or (wood, grain, etc) in a preservative
to moisten, cool, dye, or coat (something) by immersion
to make (a candle) by immersing a wick repeatedly in hot wax
to lift up (water, grain etc) by scooping or ladling
to lower (something) and then raise it again
They dipped the flag in salute
to lower (the beam of a vehicle's headlights) so as to reduce glare
(+ in/into) to reach (a hand, etc) into a container, esp so as to take something out
to drop or decrease suddenly, often only temporarily and by a small amount
to baptize (somebody) by total immersion
to plunge into a liquid and quickly emerge
to immerse something in a processing liquid or finishing material
to drop or decrease suddenly, often only temporarily and by a small amount
said of an aircraft: to drop suddenly before climbing
(+ in/into) to reach inside or below something, esp so as to take out part of the contents
He dipped into the packet of biscuits
to slope down
to incline downward from the plane of the horizon
said of a flag: to be lowered and raised
to make inroads into (something) for funds or supplies
She dipped into the family's savings
to read (something) superficially or in a random manner
He dipped into a book while he was waiting