

单词 crow

crow1/kroh/ noun

any of several species of large birds with glossy plumage, a heavy beak, rounded wings, and a raucous cry, esp the carrion crow (Corvus corone) or hooded crow (Corvus corone cornix): genus Corvus

informal an ugly old woman

as the crow flies

in a direct line, usu as distinct from the overland route

eat crow

NAmer, informal to be forced to accept humiliation or defeat; to eat humble pie

[Old English crāwe; related to Old English crāwan crow2]

crow2verb intrans (past tense crowed crew) (past part. crowed)

said of a cock: to make the its shrill long-drawn-out cry of a cock

said esp of an infant: to utter sounds of happiness or pleasure

(+ over) to triumph over somebody in their defeat

Her father's comfort … will consist of his crowing over her and saying ‘I always told you so!’ — Henry James

(often + over/about) to brag

crow noun
[Old English crāwan; related to Old English crāwe crow1]


the characteristic cry of the cock

a triumphant cry





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