

单词 thinner
释义 Noun: thinner  thinu(r)
  1. A diluting agent
    - dilutant, diluent
Adjective: thin (thinner,thinnest)  thin
  1. Of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section
    "thin wire"; "a thin chiffon blouse"; "a thin book"; "a thin layer of paint" 
  2. Lacking excess flesh
    "you can't be too rich or too thin"
    - lean 
  3. Very narrow
    "a thin line across the page"
    - slender, slimline 
  4. Not dense
    "a thin beard"
    - sparse 
  5. Relatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous
    "air is thin at high altitudes"; "a thin soup"; "skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk"; "thin oil" 
  6. (of sound) lacking resonance or volume
    "a thin feeble cry" 
  7. Lacking spirit or sincere effort
    "a thin smile" 
  8. Lacking substance or significance
    "a thin plot"; a fragile claim to fame"
    - flimsy, fragile, slight, tenuous

Derived forms: thinners

See also: anorectic, anorexic, bladed, body, body weight, boney, bony, cadaverous, capillary, cobwebby, compressed, consistence, consistency, deep-eyed, depressed, diaphanous, distributed, ectomorphic, emaciated, filamentlike, filamentous, filiform, filmy, fine, flat, gangling, gangly, gaunt, gauze-like, gauzy, gossamer, haggard, hairlike, hollow-eyed, hyperfine, insignificant, lank, lanky, light, narrow, pale, paper thin, papery, pinched, rare, rarefied, rarified, rawboned, reedlike, reedy, ribbonlike, ribbony, scarecrowish, scraggy, scrawny, see-through, sheer, shriveled [US], shrivelled [Brit, Cdn], shrunken, skeletal, skinny, sleazy, slender, slender-waisted, slight, slim, slim-waisted, spare, spindle-legged, spindle-shanked, spindly, spiritless, stringy, substance, sunken-eyed, svelte, tenuous, thickness, thin, thinly, thinness, threadlike, thready, transparent, trim, twiggy, twiglike, underweight, unimportant, vaporous, vapory [US], vapourous [Brit, non-standard], vapoury [Brit, Cdn], wafer-thin, wasp-waisted, wasted, weedy, wiry, wisplike, wispy, withered, wizen, wizened

Type of: agent

Antonym: fat, full, thick

Encyclopedia: Thin






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