

单词 common sense

common sense

noun [mass noun]
Good sense and sound judgement in practical matters: it is all a matter of common sense [as modifier]: a common-sense approach...
  • I believe that the committee reached a very sound, common-sense approach to the problem.
  • He had a practical, common-sense manner, and he was determined from the outset that nothing but his best was good enough.
  • I hope that a practical, common-sense application will be applied to the various issues that will arise.


good sense, sense, sensibleness, native wit, native intelligence, mother wit, wit, judgement, sound judgement, level-headedness, prudence, discernment, acumen, sharpness, sharp-wittedness, canniness, astuteness, shrewdness, judiciousness, wisdom, insight, intuition, intuitiveness, perceptiveness, perspicacity, vision, understanding, intelligence, reason, powers of reasoning;
practicality, capability, initiative, resourcefulness, enterprise
informal horse sense, gumption, nous, savvy, know-how
British informal common
North American informal smarts
rare sapience, arguteness



/ˌkɒmənˈsɛnsɪk(ə)l / adjective ...
  • And we all ought to go about our business in a commonsensical, calm way, and not in any way be distracted by scare stories or horror stories or headlines.
  • These changes are practical and commonsensical and I hope they will prevent cases of serious error.
  • In general, the American public seems to apply a fairly reasonable, commonsensical standard of benefit and cost when evaluating foreign affairs.






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