

单词 claim


/kleɪm /
1 [reporting verb] State or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof: [with clause]: the Prime Minister claimed that he was concerned about Third World debt [with direct speech]: ‘I’m entitled to be conceited,’ he claimed [with object]: not every employee is eligible to claim unfair dismissal...
  • The developers and some anthropologists claimed that the evidence on which protection had been granted was fabricated.
  • Mrs May claimed that evidence from the blonde-haired victim, who had had a baby since her ordeal, was unreliable.
  • The plaintiff claimed that there is evidence to show what her current needs are.


assert, declare, profess, maintain, state, hold, affirm, avow, aver, protest, insist, swear, attest;
argue, contend, submit, move;
informal make out
archaic avouch
rare asseverate, represent
1.1 [with object] Assert that one has gained or achieved (something): his supporters claimed victory in the presidential elections...
  • It set out do something, only to achieve nothing and then claim a victory.
  • The UK government is claiming some kind of victory out of a Common Fisheries Policy negotiations which everyone, in the cold light of dawn, admits is the management of extinction by committee.
  • His supporters, having claimed victory, were celebrating in the streets Thursday night.
2 [with object] Formally request or demand; say that one owns or has earned (something): if no one claims the items, they will become Crown property...
  • If he does, tradition demands that he can claim a seat on the Treasury bench.
  • She remained the moving spirit behind the scenes for a long time after she stopped claiming any formal roles or titles.
  • Some householders then claim compensation from the council, and the council demands the builder repays that compensation.


lay claim to, say that one owns, assert ownership of, formally request;
pretend to
2.1 [with object] Make a demand for (money) under the terms of an insurance policy: [no object]: the premiums are reduced by fifty per cent if you don’t claim on the policy...
  • She was also accused of faking three burglaries to claim insurance money.
  • If it ever breaks down, call your local computer geek, or set fire to it and claim the insurance money!
  • What a tragedy it would be to be burgled and not have time to claim on your insurance policy.


request, ask for, apply for, put in for, put in an application for;
sue for;
demand, exact
2.2Call for (someone’s notice and thought): a most unwelcome event claimed his attention...
  • Then Jonas seemed to shake himself out of whatever thoughts had claimed him.
3Cause the loss of (someone’s life): the attacks claimed the lives of five people...
  • She was subjected to a sustained knife attack which almost claimed her life when she stopped her car and went to help another woman who was being attacked.
  • The findings are the result of a three-year study into the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of 2,749 people.
  • A massive car bomb attack has claimed the life of another prominent critic of Syria.


cause/result in the loss of
1An assertion that something is true: [with clause]: he was dogged by the claim that he had CIA links...
  • The claim that professors at the leading law schools tilt to the left is supported by statistics.
  • But critics say the claim that the 87,000 who've left are doing well rests on shaky evidence.
  • Do you think there is any substance, then, to his claim that his own warnings went ignored?


assertion, declaration, profession, affirmation, avowal, averment, protestation, representation;
contention, submission, case;
rare asseveration
1.1 (also statement of claim) A statement of the novel features in a patent: the two patents based on his claims will be reconfirmed...
  • This does not mean, however, that a simple allegation of a novel claim may pass judicial scrutiny.
  • I have also underlined those features of the claim which are relied on for the allegation of infringement.
  • The specification continues with a commentary upon the characterizing feature of the claim.
2A demand or request for something considered one’s due: the court had denied their claims to asylum...
  • After the Portuguese, it was the Germans, the British and the French who laid claims to some part of the country.
  • The flag of Canada, were a real energy and price crisis to develop in America, would hardly hamper their claims to our resources.
  • Tullow will not put too much store in this victory, but will rather wait for a stiffer examination of their claims to the town's silver.


request, application;
demand, petition, call
2.1An application for compensation under the terms of an insurance policy: he should make a claim on his house insurance for storm damage...
  • Death and disability claims on insurance policies are being subjected to more intense scrutiny than was the case ten years ago.
  • If you think you do have a case, you should act on any shortfall before you file a claim for compensation.
  • In your particular case the airline is within its rights to reject your compensation claim.
2.2A right or title to something: they have first claim on the assets of the trust...
  • Because the city is the first creditor, they have the first claim on the property.
  • The Baroness had agreed in a marriage settlement to renounce her claim on the trust.
  • Such a child might use the courts, for example, to establish a claim on inheritance or support.


entitlement to, title to, right to, rights to
2.3A piece of land allotted to or taken by someone in order to be mined: each of them was to be rewarded with a farm and a number of mining claims in the land...
  • The area no longer has any active mines, but there are large tracts of land under claim for placer mining.
  • The mining claims or other mining related interest may be affected by the action.
  • As a result Chinese were driven off gold mining claims by white miners who had no fear of being arrested.


claim to fame

Phrasal verbs

claim something back



/ˈkleɪməb(ə)l / adjective ...
  • Remember there will be a restriction on the amount claimable if there is any non-business use.
  • The maximum BES relief claimable by an individual in a tax year is £25,000 (£50,000 in the case of a married couple assessed jointly).
  • The maximum amount of claimable tax relief will be reduced from £5,000 to £3,700 for the short tax year.


Middle English: from Old French claime (noun), clamer (verb), from Latin clamare 'call out'.

  • Latin clamare ‘to call out’ is the base of English claim. It also gives us acclaim (early 17th century) from ad- ‘to’ and clamare ‘to shout’, and reclaim (Middle English). This was first used as a falconry term in the sense ‘recall’. The sense ‘make land suitable for cultivation’ is recorded from the mid 18th century. Clamour (Late Middle English) comes from the same source.






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