

单词 anacreontic


(Of a poem) written in the style of the ancient Greek poet Anacreon, known for his celebrations of love and wine: I find anacreontic poetry to be darkly beautiful...
  • Whereas constant or unrequited love had long remained the favourite subject of courtly chanson, more anacreontic, carnal, or satirical themes are exploited in the narrative anecdotes of Marot and his contemporaries.
  • Shakespeare's last two sonnets are variations on an anacreontic epigram from The Greek Anthology.
  • Tomlinson wrote the poetry of the Anacreontic song, which Stafford Smith set to music.
A poem written in the style of the ancient Greek poet Anacreon, especially one celebrating love and wine: I began by reading aloud an anacreontic...
  • The whimsical drunk given to the occasional half-rhymed, fireside anacreontic is a pretty poor relation of the poet.
  • I began by reading aloud an anacreontic, adding to its beauties by the modulation of my voice, and keenly enjoying her pleasure at finding her work so fair.
  • Late in life Broome returned to Greek poetry and published a verse translation of sixteen Anacreontics in several instalments in the Gentleman's Magazine.


Early 17th century (as an adjective): from late Latin anacreonticus, from Greek Anakreōn (see Anacreon).





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