

单词 spirit


/ˈspɪrɪt /
1The non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul: we seek a harmony between body and spirit...
  • I believe in this way that the soul/spirit is reflected by the body, that the soul gives life to the body and without a spirit or soul the body and brain are dead.
  • No doubt you've guessed that I think I believe in reincarnation - the doctrine of the rebirth of the spirit / soul in different bodies.
  • And most amazing, we get to receive the Eucharist into our spirits, souls and bodies.


soul, psyche, inner self, inner being, essential being;
Philosophy pneuma;
Psychology anima, ego, id;
in ancient Egypt ka;
Hinduism atman
1.1The non-physical part of a person regarded as their true self and as capable of surviving physical death or separation: a year after he left, his spirit is still present...
  • YET I remained basically sceptical when it came to the idea that the spirit survives death.
  • If something survives, if a spirit continues, it sure isn't me.
  • According to spiritualists, the spirit dwells in the physical body, but can leave it temporarily or permanently.


life force, animating principle, vital spark, breath of life;
French élan vital
1.2The non-physical part of a person manifested as an apparition after their death; a ghost: a priest performed a rite of exorcism and the wandering spirit was ousted...
  • In this sense, ‘ghosts’ mean the spirits, the apparition of the dead or the devils.
  • Men in the mode of goodness worship the demigods; those in the mode of passion worship the demons; and those in the mode of ignorance worship ghosts and spirits.
  • The movie Ghost also involves spirits who have unfinished business on planet Earth, but in this case, the ghost is here to assist the living.


ghost, phantom, spectre, apparition, wraith, shadow, presence;
Scottish & Irish bodach;
German Doppelgänger;
West Indian duppy
informal spook
literary phantasm, shade, revenant, visitant, wight
rare eidolon, manes
1.3A supernatural being: shrines to nature spirits...
  • The kami can be likened to nature spirits, and Shinto shrines are usually found in areas of natural beauty.
  • Surya, God of the Sun, is worshiped and the nature spirits are thanked.
  • The Japanese culture and arts have been strongly influenced by a wide-spread belief in ghosts, demons and supernatural spirits.
1.4 (Spirit) short for Holy Spirit.They do not see the cross, and so they do not see the kingdom of God and new life in the Spirit....
  • If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.
  • The Spirit frees the Father to let the Son go, and so actually to love him.
2 [in singular] The prevailing or typical quality, mood, or attitude of a person, group, or period of time: I hope the team will build on this spirit of confidence the university is a symbol of the nation’s egalitarian spirit...
  • We have despatched a wealth of business together over a short period in a spirit of optimism.
  • It was a change in attitude, a spirit of openness and mutual trust because that clearly was at the crux of the matter.
  • The perception, he admits, might be that government is handing down what is right for people, and an election gives an opportunity to listen to people in a spirit of humility.


ethos, prevailing tendency, motivating force, animating principle, dominating characteristic, essence, quintessence;
atmosphere, mood, feeling, temper, tenor, climate;
attitudes, beliefs, principles, standards, ethics
2.1 [with adjective] A person identified with their most prominent quality or with their role in a group or movement: he was a leading spirit in the conference...
  • He has demonstrated quality leadership, and embodies both entrepreneurial spirit and business excellence.
  • This revolutionary spirit is not just about changing the world, but also about what Jim calls ‘tuning people's ears to poetry.’
  • Lucy herself is a powerful character, an independent spirit with a thirst for revenge that threatens to consume her.
2.2 (often spirits) A person’s mood or attitude: the warm weather lifted everyone’s spirits he confessed in a spirit of self-respect


temperament, disposition, character, nature, personality, temper, make-up, humour, cast/turn of mind, complexion;
mind, heart
attitude, frame of mind, way of thinking, way of looking at it, state of mind, point of view, outlook, thoughts, ideas
mood, frame of mind, state of mind, emotional state, humour, temper
2.3 [mass noun] The quality of courage, energy, and determination: his visitors admired his spirit and good temper...
  • Swans have shown great spirit, courage, determination and team unity this year but the most important ingredient to the Swans outfit has been an increase in skill.
  • As these and dozens of other contributions came in from people all over the world who had met Peter and admired his spirit and energy, his family had to take up where he left off.
  • The Chelsea coach had commented that his team are far behind Manchester United ‘not in terms of quality but in terms of spirit and determination’.


morale, team spirit;
French esprit de corps
courage, bravery, courageousness, braveness, pluck, pluckiness, valour, strength of character, fortitude, backbone, spine, mettle, stout-heartedness, determination, firmness of purpose, resolution, resoluteness, resolve, fight, gameness
informal guts, grit, spunk
British informal bottle
North American informal sand, moxie
animation, enthusiasm, eagerness, keenness, liveliness, vivacity, vivaciousness, energy, verve, vigour, dynamism, zest, dash, elan, panache, sparkle, exuberance, gusto, brio, pep, go, sap, fervour, zeal, fire, passion
informal pizzazz, oomph, zing, zip, zap, vim, get-up-and-go
3The real meaning or the intention behind something as opposed to its strict verbal interpretation: the rule had been broken in spirit if not in letter...
  • The show, which has been running in Athy for almost ten years, unites the town into the real spirit and meaning of Christmas.
  • Despite being old, this definition gives the spirit behind the discipline.
  • The spirit and intent of this rule dovetails with the interpretation of rule 21.02 I have suggested.


real/true meaning, true intention, essence, substance
4 (usually spirits) chiefly British Strong distilled alcoholic drink such as brandy, whisky, gin, or rum.The type of alcohol ranged from beers, lagers and cider to spirits, wine and designer drinks such as Hooch, Bacardi Breezers and Maverick Ice....
  • Most of them are used to mature spirits: various brandies, rums, and whiskies.
  • It is the home of a drinking establishment known as the Old Devil Inn, purveyors of strong ales, stronger spirits and artery-clogging pub food.


strong liquor, liquor, strong drink;
gin, vodka, whisky, brandy, rum
informal hard stuff, shorts, firewater, hooch
4.1 [mass noun, with modifier] A volatile liquid, especially a fuel, prepared by distillation: aviation spirit...
  • In recent years, however, and mostly in urban areas, high - octane fuel and methylated spirit have been added to enhance potency.
  • The tanker he was driving was carrying more than 32,000 litres of petroleum spirit and 5,000 litres of diesel fuel.
  • In January 1929, for instance, only two loaded vessels arrived, one with petroleum spirit from Liverpool and the other with cement from London.
4.2 archaic A solution of volatile components extracted from something, typically by distillation or by solution in alcohol: spirits of turpentine...
  • Spots on all finishes except lacquer can be treated with a cloth dampened with spirits of camphor, essence of peppermint or oil of wintergreen.
5 archaic A highly refined substance or fluid thought to govern vital phenomena.For it, he drew once again on Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood, and proposed that it was one part of a complicated system involving animal and vital spirits....
  • I am exceedingly melancholy of complexion, subject to consumptions and chilliness of my vital spirits, a slavish and sickly life being allotted to me in his city.
  • It passes from the liver to the heart where it revitalises the vital spirit and to brain where it revitalises the animal spirits.
verb (spirits, spiriting, spirited) [with object and adverbial of direction]
Convey rapidly and secretly: stolen cows were spirited away some distance to prevent detection...
  • Frank rescues the couple and their about-to-be born child, spiriting them to a secret home deep in the woods, where their child will join two others that have been saved.
  • Shaggy's enjoyed our fair share of kind offers to have our anatomy enlarged, become an ordained minister online or join a deceased dictator's family in spiriting millions of dollars out of Africa.
  • A spokesman for Caritas said simply, ‘most of them are reducing their staff as much as possible’ and spiriting them out to safety.


abduct, kidnap, make off with, run away with, whisk away, carry off, steal away with, snatch, seize;
abscond with


enter into the spirit

in (or in the) spirit

lift (or raise) someone's spirits

the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

when the spirit moves someone

the spirit world

Phrasal verbs

spirit someone up


Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French, from Latin spiritus 'breath, spirit', from spirare 'breathe'.

  • Our word spirit is based on Latin spiritus ‘breath or spirit’, from spirare ‘to breathe’—the ancient Romans believed that the human soul had been ‘breathed’ into the body—the image is the same as ‘the breath of life’. The sense ‘strong distilled alcoholic drink’ comes from the use in alchemy of spirit to mean ‘a liquid essence extracted from some substance’. People sometimes say the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak when they have good intentions but yield to temptation and fail to live up to them. The source is the New Testament, where Jesus uses the phrase after finding his disciples asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane despite telling them that they should stay awake. Spirare forms the basis of numerous English words including aspire (mid 16th century) from adspirare ‘to breath upon, seek to reach’; conspire (Late Middle English) from conspirare ‘to breath together, agree’; expire (late 16th century) ‘to breath out’; inspire (Late Middle English) ‘breath into’ from the idea that a divine or outside power has inspired you; and perspire (mid 17th century) ‘to breath through’; and transpire (Late Middle English) ‘breath across. In English spirit was shortened to sprite (Middle English) which in turn developed sprightly (late 16th century).






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