

单词 keypunch


/ˈkiːpʌn(t)ʃ /
A device for transferring data by means of punched holes or notches on a series of cards or paper tape.I first learned to type on a keypunch machine in my father's office....
  • It turns out that this was an error, apparently an entry mistake by a keypunch operator.
  • When the library was started, the Stanford University computing center was a little building with keypunch machines and a line printer.
verb [with object]
Put (data) into the form of punched cards or paper tape with a keypunch: there have been thousands of lines of poetry keypunched in order to produce concordances...
  • With this in mind, think of all the time logisticians have spent over the years looking up codes, determining addresses, handwriting or keypunching data, or supervising those who perform these tasks.
  • ‘Tickets went into a bucket at the top of the jetway and were boxed and keypunched in Juarez, Mexico,’ says Kellner.
  • Gloria's first job, fresh out of high school, was to keypunch data secured from dairy barns around the state.



noun ...
  • She was married right after high school and went to work as a receptionist and keypuncher at a brokerage house.
  • A job of about 2,000 postcards is divided and assigned to 10 external keypunchers to finish in about four hours.
  • I was employed as a keypuncher, and would return home in the evenings and work on the book.




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