

单词 void


/vɔɪd /
1Not valid or legally binding: the contract was void...
  • By its terms the eviction order would be void if the plaintiffs paid to the defendant a stipulated amount on or before January 28, 2003.
  • When a jurisdictional error by the body is deemed to have occurred, it means that the decision has always been legally void.
  • Is the liquidated damages provision valid or is it void for uncertainty or inoperable?


invalid, null and void, null, nullified, cancelled, revoked, rescinded, abolished, inoperative, ineffective, not binding, not in force, non-viable, useless, worthless, nugatory;
lapsed, expired, out of date, terminated, discontinued, unrenewed
1.1(Of speech or action) ineffectual; useless: all the stratagems you’ve worked out are rendered void...
  • But Mr Gall confirmed that the process, likely to cost £30,000, would be null and void if North Yorkshire council were abolished.
  • It doesn't matter that I have a college degree, and if I don't go back and redo my senior year of high school, that college degree becomes null and void.
  • When a senator leaves their party to another, or to go independent, suddenly literally hundreds and thousands of voters preferences are rendered null and void.
2Completely empty: void spaces surround the tanks...
  • In these valves, the valve seats are placed on opposite sides of the ball and axially pressed together to form a substantially void free axial seal.
  • Instead they have found a home in the void zone between success and failure.
  • The below-decks, where the void rooms, hold, cannon-deck, and pretty much everything else in the ship was located.


empty, emptied, vacant, without contents, containing nothing, blank, bare, clear, free, unfilled, unoccupied, uninhabited, desolate, barren
2.1 (void of) Free from; lacking: what were once the masterpieces of literature are now void of meaning...
  • Additional boardwalks on the site are arranged to form a central void space.
  • One more sense is revealed in this manner, as the viewer can hear what is present during the exposure, which in itself adds volume to the vacant, but not void, photograph.


devoid of, empty of, vacant of, bare of, destitute of, bereft of, denuded of, deficient in, free from;
lacking, wanting, without
2.2 formal (Of an office or position) vacant.
3 [predicative] (In bridge and whist) having been dealt no cards in a particular suit: there is a danger that one of the opponents will be void in that suit when West showed void he went into a huddle...
  • If the led card is the 6, you may play any card you wish, being void in the diamond suit and thus unable to follow it.
  • If you have a singleton or void suit, you take a big risk that the declarer will find lots of cards of this suit in the talon when he exchanges, and your partner's stop in the suit might not be enough to beat the contract.
  • East considers that it is best to trump with the QH and West, now void in the led suit of clubs, is allowed to over-trump with the AH
1A completely empty space: the black void of space...
  • Thus it is left open, unfinished: It can be a space of possibility or an empty void.
  • You can't imagine it as an empty black void, because you don't have eyes too see it, ears to hear it, or a brain to comprehend it.
  • The galaxies then gathered in clusters, and the clusters gathered in long strings with humongous, almost empty, voids in between.


gap, empty space, space, blank space, blank, vacuum, lacuna, hole, cavity, chasm, abyss, gulf, pit, hiatus;
emptiness, nothingness, blankness, vacancy, vacuity, oblivion, nullity
rare voidness, nihility
1.1An unfilled space in a wall, building, or other structure.Thermography in combination with impulse radar was used to locate structural penetrations and voids within the walls of this masonry structure....
  • Within the voids of the structure, ample cedar storage spaces have been inserted.
  • In effect, it is a highly disciplined architecture, structured and animated by voids and contained within the limits of an urban block.
1.2An emptiness caused by the loss of something: his loss leaves a void in the community...
  • There's a giant void, an emptiness that will never, ever be filled.
  • In a press statement, the leaders have described Azad a poet par excellence and said his loss has created a void in literary circles.
  • His loss leaves a void in the community which will be difficult to replace and we tender our deepest sympathies to the bereaved.
2(In bridge and whist) a suit in which a player is dealt no cards: a hand with a singleton club is more likely than one with a void...
  • Tricks are played as in Whist, that is, suit must be followed if possible and a player void in the suit led may trump or discard as he chooses.
  • A defender exchanging only a few cards usually is best off by trying to make himself void in a side suit.
  • The second player to any lead must follow suit if able; must trump if able when void of a plain suit lead; and in any case must win the trick if he can.
verb [with object]
1chiefly North American Declare that (something) is not valid or legally binding: the Supreme court voided the statute...
  • The lower courts in Ohio voided the contracts on the grounds that they were usurious loans.
  • But the Supreme Court voided the civil damages award.
  • For these reasons, the Supreme Court voided the visitation order.


invalidate, render invalid, annul, nullify;
negate, disallow, quash, cancel, countermand, repeal, revoke, rescind, retract, withdraw, reverse, abrogate, undo, abolish, obliterate, terminate, repudiate;
Law avoid, vacate
2Discharge or drain away (water, gases, etc.): the gases are usually voided into the mechanism...
  • But to give you an idea, all these areas here, except for the lower Ninth Ward - most of these areas that I'm showing you right here were already voided of water; the water was gone.
2.1chiefly Medicine Excrete (waste matter): it cannot be metabolized and is voided in the urine...
  • Patients are discharged the day after surgery providing they are afebrile, voiding after Foley catheter removal, achieving pain management with oral medication, and ambulating without difficulty.
  • The normal adult bladder holds approximately 400 ml of urine and when more than this amount has entered the bladder the pressure starts to rise and the desire to void urine is felt.
  • All patients who had an indwelling Foley catheter were successfully voiding within 12 days after the procedure.


eject, expel, emit, discharge, pass, excrete, egest, let out, send out, release, exude, eliminate
rare disembogue
2.2 (usually as adjective voided) Empty or evacuate (a container or space): a fully voided core assembly...
  • This heating would melt the wax and allow it to be poured off or voided, leaving a hollow mould.


evacuate, empty, empty out, drain, clear, unload, unburden, purge
3 (as adjective voided) Heraldry (Of a bearing) having the central area cut away so as to show the field.



/ˈvɔɪdəb(ə)l/ adjective ...
  • The deal, reportedly a six-year pact with a voidable seventh year, is worth roughly $35 million over the first six years and another $6 million if the seventh year kicks in.
  • The way in which the expression - the manner, is put, ‘judgment becomes voidable and may be set aside’, would convey, in our submission, an element of discretion as distinct from a matter of right.
  • I think the narrow point really that we make is this, your Honours, and that is that there cannot be an advantage in circumstances where, if it be the case - and there was no finding as to that - that the contract of allotment was voidable.


/ˈvɔɪdnəs/ noun ...
  • Within voidness, form that gave way to a deeper void.
  • Many poststructuralist commentators have noted that systems evoking or citing a ground of emptiness, negation, and voidness are not necessarily utopian, Jungian, or philosophically naive at all.
  • Here again, with the skill of a cinematic ‘Zen master’, Herzog isolates and dissolves his character with the utmost gentleness, this time by reducing Steiner to a blurred silhouette in the middle of an empty voidness.


Middle English (in the sense 'unoccupied'): from a dialect variant of Old French vuide; related to Latin vacare 'vacate'; the verb partly a shortening of avoid, reinforced by Old French voider.






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