

单词 gloomy


/ˈɡluːmi /
adjective (gloomier, gloomiest)
1Dark or poorly lit, especially so as to appear depressing or frightening: a gloomy corridor badly lit by oil lamps...
  • The limo windows were tinted, making it appear dark and gloomy outside.
  • She thought of Mae to grant her some more confidence, as she approached the last door in the dark and gloomy corridor.
  • The supernatural thriller takes place in the gloomy, dark dismal backwoods outside New Orleans.


dark, ill-lit, poorly lit, shadowy, sunless, dim, sombre, dingy, frowzy, drab, dismal, dreary, murky, depressing, unwelcoming, uninviting, cheerless, joyless, comfortless, funereal;
grey, leaden, overcast, cloudy
literary crepuscular, tenebrous
rare Stygian, Tartarean, caliginous, subfusc
2Causing or feeling depression or despondency: gloomy forecasts about the economy...
  • It cast a gloomy atmosphere around the station, which did not enhance her mood.
  • Yet fewer still are - in private - able to hide their sense of gloomy despondency.
  • So it is with the man himself: an essential sweetness of nature pickled in a brine of gloomy despondency.


despondent, downcast, downhearted, dejected, disconsolate, dispirited, crestfallen, cast down, depressed, disappointed, disheartened, discouraged, demoralized, desolate, heavy-hearted, in low spirits, low-spirited, sad, unhappy, glum, full of gloom, doleful, melancholy, miserable, woebegone, mournful, sorrowful, forlorn, long-faced, fed up, in the doldrums, subdued, wretched, lugubrious, Eeyorish, morose, sepulchral, saturnine, dour, mirthless, woeful
informal blue, down, down in the mouth, down in the dumps
British informal brassed off, cheesed off, looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny
literary dolorous
archaic chap-fallen, adust
pessimistic, depressing, downbeat, looking on the black side, disheartening, disappointing, dispiriting, unpromising, unfavourable, bleak, bad, dark, black, sombre, melancholy, saddening, distressing, grim, cheerless, comfortless, hopeless



/ˈɡluːmɪli / adverb ...
  • And once it had become clear that her every question about my school would be answered gloomily, she stopped asking.
  • Publishers mutter gloomily that while there are a huge number of children's books out there, there hasn't actually been a rise in the number of authors selling books.
  • So how disappointing, how gloomily predictable, that the proposed new footbridge is being greeted with the usual grumbling hostility.


/ˈɡluːmɪnəs / noun ...
  • It's easy to make a movie that looks dark without having any darkness to it, but this is a film with a core gloominess and sadness and danger that feels real.
  • These past days I had felt fine - despite the gloominess and pessimism - and hadn't felt sorry for anyone but myself.
  • Aerobic exercise can ease the gloominess of depression and the tension associated with anxiety.






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