

单词 ride


/rʌɪd /
verb (past rode /rəʊd/; past participle ridden /ˈrɪd(ə)n/) [with object]
1Sit on and control the movement of (an animal, typically a horse): Jane and Rory were riding their ponies [no object]: I haven’t ridden much since the accident...
  • Why else would they risk injury to ride a bull or horse for eight seconds?
  • As a young girl, she lived on a farm and first rode sheep, then ponies and then horses which she loved.
  • The holidays will also offer the children, many of whom are from urban areas, the chance to look after animals and even ride horses and ponies.


sit on, mount, be mounted on, bestride;
manage, handle, control, steer
1.1 [no object, with adverbial] Travel on a horse or other animal: we rode on horseback some of the officers were riding back...
  • The cavalry rode on special saddles that effectively locked them in place as they rode and all but allowed them to keep their arms free to fight with.
  • Then with that black face showing through the thin veneer of white he turned his horse toward camp and rode off at full gallop.
  • He heeled the horse forward, riding at a slow gallop until they were almost upon the others.


travel, go, move, progress, proceed, make one's way;
drive, cycle;
trot, canter, gallop
1.2Sit on and control (a bicycle or motorcycle): he rode a Harley Davidson across the United States...
  • It is, for example, a great deal easier to demonstrate how to ride a bicycle than to verbalize it.
  • Alan noticed the bike a couple of weeks after he first rode his own bicycle to Tracy's weekly appointment.
  • Another allegation was that he rode a motorbike and quad bike erratically.
1.3 [no object] (ride in/on) Travel in or on (a vehicle) as a passenger: I started riding on the buses...
  • He is also forbidden to ride in or on any vehicle without the consent of the owner or to drive without a licence.
  • As he rode in the vehicle half of his heart was overjoyed that he would be returning home so quickly.
  • He refuses to wear a seat belt when he's riding in the passenger side of a car.
1.4chiefly North American Travel in (a vehicle or lift): she rides the bus across 42nd Street...
  • Passengers would fly to the space dock in a reusable launch vehicle, then ride a space elevator up to the hotel.
  • If you drive a sports utility vehicle, you'll use more sky than if you ride a bus; hence you'll pay more scarcity rent.
  • We rode buses, trolley cars, trains, trams, ferries and took a cab to make our way there and back.
1.5Go through or over (an area) on a horse, bicycle, etc. ride the full length of the Ridgeway...
  • He rides the area around Bachelor nowadays.
  • They are not against country folk or anyone else riding the fields and meadows on horseback.
  • Maybe it takes riding the landscape with a native or old-timer who can point something out, to let you know how the geography has changed.
1.6Compete in (a race) on a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle: I rode a good race...
  • I felt like I was riding so well, and the team rode a great race.
  • He rode a hard race in 2003 for victory but had to make do with third place this time around.
  • What's the most appalling weather you've ridden a race in?
1.7 [no object, with adverbial or complement] (Of a vehicle, animal, racetrack, etc.) be of a particular character for riding on or in: the Metro rode as well as some cars of twice the price...
  • The Satellite rides like a bike that costs twice as much.
  • This car rides like the granite-wheeled sedans on The Flintstones.
  • On the highway the big truck rides like a large sedan, firm, quiet and comfortable.
1.8 informal Transport (someone) in a vehicle: the taxi driver who rode Kale into the airport not long ago...
  • There'll be no taxi riding people back to their houses.
  • He used to tell me that he used to ride my grandmother to Amritsar to see a movie on his bicycle and then go back to Lahore.
  • I was ridden for five days to my destination, so that the farmer that currently owned me could collect the money.
1.9South African Transport (goods): neighbours rode loads of prickly pear to feed their animals
2Be carried or supported by (something moving with great momentum): a stream of young surfers fighting the elements to ride the waves figurative the fund rode the growth boom in the 1980s...
  • Megawati took over the national leadership in July riding a wave of support from a rainbow coalition united against former president Abdurrahman Wahid.
  • They knew they just had to ride this wave of support and make sure that they put down the kind of roots that will attract ongoing support.
  • The Bulldogs rode their wave of momentum to win by 71 points, giving the club its first premiership since 1975.
2.1 [no object] Move so as to project or overlap: when two lithospheric plates collide, one tends to ride over the other...
  • Higher yet, and the cue stick will ride over the ball, probably causing it to go nowhere.
  • Breaking waves ride over each other reddened by the lividity of a fulminous sky, mount and collapse, as they wrest down a tall toppling ship not far out of landfall.
  • Rebated rims are considered less reliable by some shooters who are concerned that the rifle bolt might ride over the rim rather than push it forward.
2.2 [no object] (Of a vessel) sail or float: a large cedar barque rode at anchor figurative the moon was riding high in the sky...
  • From their front veranda we could look through a small grove of oaks to a quiet bay where sailing boats rode at anchor.
  • The chotts were the remnants of the Sea of Triton, claimed Roudaire, where ancient ships once rode at anchor.
  • In a fishing harbour near Bari in southern Italy, a flotilla of small boats rides low in the sea, weighed down by festival-goers.
3 (be ridden) Be full of or dominated by: you must not think him ridden with angst (as adjective, in combination -ridden) the crime-ridden streets...
  • The province has been ridden by a sectarian conflict that has claimed more than 2,000 lives and displaced more than 750,000 people.
  • Police said that a bullet-ridden body was recovered from Krankshivan area of Sopore in Baramulla district.
  • A man who claimed to love animals allowed a pony to suffer neglect in a field where it became ridden with lice and worms, with little food or water.
4Yield to (a blow) so as to reduce its impact: Harrison drew back his jaw as if riding the blow...
  • Jay-jay Okocha supplied the attacking inspiration as Wanderers rode the early blows to pose some serious first half problems of their own.
  • Leger favourite Enchanting Hero gave his supporters reason to sweat in the early stages of Heat 9 when forced to ride a few hefty bumps.
5 vulgar slang Have sexual intercourse with.
6North American Annoy, pester, or tease: if you don’t give all the kids a chance to play, the parents ride you...
  • At the end of the day, I am just a player, and it's not something that has been riding me too hard.
  • What's more, when Baltimore is on the road, opposing fans will ride him like he's never been ridden.
1A journey made on a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle, or in a vehicle: I took them for a ride in the van figurative investors have had a bumpy ride...
  • Her Fridays usually didn't consist of power walks and bicycle rides, she says.
  • The pair, who used their two-week summer holiday for the journey, finished on time, despite a bumpy ride.
  • The trips listed here are typical of dinner sleigh rides you can find throughout the Rockies.


trip, journey, drive, run, expedition, excursion, outing, jaunt, tour, airing, turn, sally;
informal junket, spin, tootle, joyride, tool
Scottish informal hurl
1.1North American A person giving someone a lift in a vehicle: their ride into town had dropped them off near the bridge...
  • After cleaning up and finding a ride into town, Seth and I didn't hesitate with spending most of the money on Tomas' credit card.
  • And, well, after Mysti talked to me, I kind of needed a ride to town so I could help.
  • If you stay here the night I can get you a ride into one of the border towns tomorrow morning.
1.2US informal A motor vehicle.Still, for those with the means and the need for SUV speed with Porsche image, this might be the ride....
  • And nowadays, the marketplace wants dubs and shiny bling bling to spruce up otherwise unbearably ordinary rides.
  • For young consumers intent on immediately customizing their new rides, that extra money might turn into the most powerful incentive of all.
1.3The quality of comfort or smoothness offered by a vehicle while it is being driven: the ride is comfortable, though there is a slight roll when cornering...
  • For a relatively affordable price, this vehicle offers a smooth ride and easy comfort.
  • Scenic II combines the spaciousness of an MPV with the ride and handling of a sedan.
  • The ride is made sportier by the combination of the bigger tires and slightly stiffer bushings, and steering is tightened up via a different steering gear.
1.4A path, typically one through woods, for horse riding.On Sunday, the first evening of the ride, a Nez Perce chief will bless the trail ride....
  • Land formations and sightings of land, water and air creatures from 12 actual trail rides are documented in great detail.
1.5Canadian A demonstration of horse riding as an entertainment.
2A roller coaster, roundabout, or other amusement ridden at a fair or amusement park.His effort with a toupee was equally unsuccessful when a ride at the local amusement park caused his wig to come undone - hair-raising experience indeed!...
  • When I was a kid I loved the rides at amusements parks - the Zipper, the Swings, the Polar Express and even those cheesy haunted houses.
  • The 30-second ad has become so popular that there is serious talk of creating just such a ride at an amusement park in Florida.
3 vulgar slang An act of sexual intercourse.
3.1A sexual partner of a specified ability.
4 (also ride cymbal) A cymbal used for keeping up a continuous rhythm.It suddenly takes an aggressive post-rock turn with the addition of a ride cymbal, drums, and scratching noises until poignant melody lines appear, played by what sounds like strings paired with woodwinds....
  • The producer ran 414s on the ride cymbal and hi-hat.
  • Soon after, a swing groove on the ride cymbal signals the starting point, with a Rhodes piano comping gently on top, followed quickly by angular horns and a vocal ensemble that sounds every bit the modern day Fifth Dimension.


be riding for a fall

for the ride

let something ride

ride the clutch

ride herd on

ride high

ride the pine (or bench)

ride the rods (or rails)

ride roughshod over

—— rides again

ride shotgun

ride to hounds

a rough (or easy) ride

take someone for a ride

Phrasal verbs

ride someone down

ride on

ride something out

ride up



(also ridable) adjective ...
  • There are some good tracks around the impressive dams of the Elan Valley (built in the 19th and 20th centuries to provide Birmingham with water) and over the surrounding moorlands, and most routes are rideable year-round.
  • And on those long-ago training runs, all of which were of more than 100 miles, his strict rule was that ‘all rideable hills will not be walked.’
  • Has anyone in the known or unknown universe bought one of these supremely useless, blisteringly overhyped, rideable vacuum cleaners?


Old English rīdan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch rijden and German reiten.

  • A word related to road, from a time when horses were the usual means of transport. When people in Yorkshire refer to the East Riding, North Riding, or West Riding they are not making any reference to horses. The word for each of the county's three former administrative divisions goes back to Old Norse thrithjungr ‘third part’, from thrithi ‘third’. Over the years the initial ‘th’ was lost, so that the east, north or west ‘third part’ of the county became a riding. A person who behaves in a reckless or arrogant way that invites defeat or failure is sometimes said to ride for a fall. The phrase comes from 19th-century descriptions of hunters riding in a way likely to lead to an accident. To ride herd on someone is to keep watch over them. This North American expression comes from the idea of cowboys guarding or controlling a herd of cattle by riding round its edge. People who achieve a happy conclusion may be said to ride off into the sunset, a reference to the traditional closing scene of a Western, when the main characters ride off towards the setting sun after everything has been satisfactorily resolved. The proverb he who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount, meaning that once a dangerous or troublesome venture is begun the safest course is to carry it through to the end, is recorded from the 19th century. Winston Churchill used it with ominous effect in 1937: ‘Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry.’






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