

单词 geomancy


/ˈdʒiːə(ʊ)mansi /
noun [mass noun]
1The art of placing or arranging buildings or other sites auspiciously.China has witnessed an explosion of activities commonly called religious, including church attendance, pilgrimage, geomancy, temple building and qi gong practice....
  • Make the table in the shape of a key, one entry advised, noting that such a shape is ‘auspicious’ in oriental geomancy and would bring harmony.
  • Even though Americans don't normally practice geomancy, even a geomancer would have to marvel at this campus' ideal location with its fine views of the gently rolling countryside.
2Divination from the configuration of a handful of earth or random dots.



/ˈdʒiːə(ʊ)mansə / noun ...
  • These are unlucky spots recognized by geomancers.
  • At the beginning of the Choson Dynasty, geomancers were consulted in order to find the ideal site for a new capital.
  • Even though Americans don't normally practice geomancy, even a geomancer would have to marvel at this campus' ideal location with its fine views of the gently rolling countryside.


/dʒiːə(ʊ)ˈmantɪk / adjective ...
  • From that time on, Chinese kanyu masters became geomantic advisers in the Tibetan court, and Tibetan lamas became spiritual advisers in the Chinese court.
  • Selecting good grave sites according to geomantic principles is regarded as important for both the ancestral spirit and the descendants
  • Much of the hostility to the missionaries was based on superstitious fears, such as concern that the building of churches and mission stations was interfering with the geomantic influences of the landscape.




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