释义 |
askew /əˈskjuː /adverb & adjective1Not in a straight or level position: [as predicative adjective]: her hat was slightly askew...- Brent turned to me, rolling his eyes, his tri-corner hat slightly askew.
- At the door two glassy-eyed guards slowly tilt their heads slightly askew in opposite directions, and then towards each other.
- Objects that would normally hug the wall were positioned askew.
Synonyms crooked(ly), lopsided(ly), tilted, angled, at an angle, oblique(ly), at an oblique angle, skew, skewed, slanted, aslant, awry, out of true, out of line, to one side, on one side, uneven(ly), off balance, off centre, asymmetrical(ly), unsymmetrical(ly); Scottish agley, squint, thrawn informal cock-eyed British informal skew-whiff, wonky, wonkily, squiffy, squiffily 1.1Wrong; awry: [as adverb]: the plan went sadly askew...- Don't punish the press just because the publishers' plans have gone askew.
- A few of the facts are slightly askew but the enthusiasm of the article is interesting.
- One slip and the entire story would go slightly askew.
Origin Mid 16th century: from a-2 'on' + skew. Rhymes accrue, adieu, ado, anew, Anjou, aperçu, ballyhoo, bamboo, bedew, bestrew, billet-doux, blew, blue, boo, boohoo, brew, buckaroo, canoe, chew, clew, clou, clue, cock-a-doodle-doo, cockatoo, construe, coo, Corfu, coup, crew, Crewe, cru, cue, déjà vu, derring-do, dew, didgeridoo, do, drew, due, endue, ensue, eschew, feu, few, flew, flu, flue, foreknew, glue, gnu, goo, grew, halloo, hereto, hew, Hindu, hitherto, how-do-you-do, hue, Hugh, hullabaloo, imbrue, imbue, jackaroo, Jew, kangaroo, Karroo, Kathmandu, kazoo, Kiangsu, knew, Kru, K2, kung fu, Lahu, Lanzhou, Lao-tzu, lasso, lieu, loo, Lou, Manchu, mangetout, mew, misconstrue, miscue, moo, moue, mu, nardoo, new, non-U, nu, ooh, outdo, outflew, outgrew, peekaboo, Peru, pew, plew, Poitou, pooh, pooh-pooh, potoroo, pursue, queue, revue, roo, roux, rue, Selous, set-to, shampoo, shih-tzu, shoe, shoo, shrew, Sioux, skean dhu, skew, skidoo, slew, smew, snafu, sou, spew, sprue, stew, strew, subdue, sue, switcheroo, taboo, tattoo, thereto, thew, threw, thro, through, thru, tickety-boo, Timbuktu, tiramisu, to, to-do, too, toodle-oo, true, true-blue, tu-whit tu-whoo, two, vendue, view, vindaloo, virtu, wahoo, wallaroo, Waterloo, well-to-do, whereto, whew, who, withdrew, woo, Wu, yew, you, zoo |