

单词 rescript


/ˈriːskrɪpt /
1An official edict or announcement: the tsar published a rescript which brought the government’s reformist intentions into the public domain...
  • At noon, the recording of the rescript was broadcast, and the nation heard the emperor's voice announcing Japan's final capitulation.
  • At the Aug.14 supreme council meeting, the emperor asked the councilors to prepare the capitulation rescript, saying, ‘If we continue the war, Japan will be altogether annihilated.’
  • ‘If the broadcast of the surrender rescript had not been implemented, the Japanese military's fighting spirit would have been maintained, leading its armed forces to continue fighting on many battlefields,’ he said.
1.1 historical A Roman emperor’s written reply to an appeal for guidance, especially on a legal point.Honorius' rescript (written answer) told the Britons to undertake their own defence, which as we have seen they did with success....
  • The second Roman expedition leads directly to the Rescript of Honorius, the document with force of law with which the Western Roman emperor, Honorius, directed Britain's local authorities to take arms and defend themselves, in the course of the turmoil of 410AD.
  • But the most practically important direction in the Emperor's rescript referred to the anonymous informations. All proceedings founded on them were to be annulled.
1.2The Pope’s decision on a question of Roman Catholic doctrine or papal law.In October [Agnesi] received a papal rescript confirming her appointment....
  • It has already been explained that the Papal rescript condemning the plan of campaign and the practice of boycotting is not an utterance ex cathedra.
  • When the Papal Rescript was published in 1888, he publicly maintained that papal infallibility did not cover politics.


Late Middle English (denoting a papal decision): from Latin rescriptum, neuter past participle of rescribere 'write back', from re- 'back' + scribere 'write'.


/riːˈskrɪpt /
verb [with object]
Revise or rewrite: this move forced Forsyth to rescript the scene figurative I wish we could rescript the last two days...
  • Then they get to rescript events in a way that sees them in control, and to visualize the new version before bedtime.
  • Only decades later would singer Marian Anderson's Easter Sunday concert in 1939 and Martin Luther King Jr.'s final speech at the March on Washington in 1963 begin to "rescript the meaning of the Lincoln Memorial as an icon for civil rights."
  • "Sure, we can rescript a game if there's six figures at stake, but you always need to retain credibility," Barrett says.




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