

单词 flick


/flɪk /
1A sudden quick movement: the flick of a switch a flick of the wrist...
  • The cop showed him the quarter in his left hand and then with a couple of quick flicks of the wrist, the quarter disappeared.
  • The paperboy rode by on a bike, flinging his papers with a quick flick of his wrist and amazing accuracy.
  • He bent down next to the safe bolted to the floor and - with a few quick flicks of his wrist on the combination knob - he opened it.


jerk, snap, flip, stroke, brush, sweep, swipe, whisk, dab, jab, click, touch
1.1The sudden release of a bent finger or thumb, especially to propel a small object: he sent his cigarette spinning away with a flick of his fingers...
  • Hamma sat beside me staring intently forward and indicating the direction that we should take with a flick of his finger.
  • He picked an unlighted torch off the wall and with a simple flick of his finger, ignited it.
  • Upon seeing the empty bag Jamie said ‘It's in your pocket’ but of course it wasn't and with a flick of a finger, the egg was back in the bag.
1.2A light, sharp, quickly retracted blow, especially with a whip.A few flicks of the brain whip might be enough to get the brown shirts back in line, but you never know....
  • The flick of a whip started the carriage rolling and bumping over the rough street.
  • A single flick of his whip brought out their legs from beneath them and a stronger strike killed over seven of them without being attacked effectively once.
1.3 (a flick through) A quick look through (a book, magazine, etc.): a quick flick through the family album
2 informal A cinema film: a Hollywood action flick...
  • With only a few different takes, this is still a classic film noir private eye flick.
  • The society will screen alternative and classic films every fortnight at the Star Court Theatre including classic French, B grade horror, Hong Kong action and film noir flicks.
  • I went through all the requisite phases - making gross-out gore films, gothic cemetery-based flicks and even dabbled in animation.
2.1 (the flicks) British The cinema: fancy a night at the flicks?...
  • Stuart Fermor settles on the swings for a night at the flicks.
  • It could be popcorn and chocolates or something a bit stronger on your average night out at the flicks.
  • She catches up with her friends, she shops, she goes to the flicks, she misses her family (her mum phones three times during our chat).
3 rare A group of hares or rabbits.
verb [with object]
1Strike or propel (something) with a sudden quick movement of the fingers: Max flicked his bow tie Ursula flicked some ash off her sleeve...
  • Shaking fingers flicked ashes off the end of a cigarette that had yet to touch his lips.
  • Players use their fingers to flick their players and the miniature ball simultaneously to move around the pitch.
  • She dipped her fingers in the glass flicking the liquid on Sally's face.


click, snap, flip, jerk;
pull, tug, tweak
informal yank
1.1Make or cause to make a sudden quick movement: [with object]: the horse flicked its tail [no object]: the tip of his tongue flicked out...
  • For non-horse people this is a long, thin whip with a tassel on the end which is meant to be flicked at the horse just behind the leg.
  • Now they had grouped together against the steep slopes of a lava ridge, tails flicking, necks craning, heads turning.
  • It would be fine, except that her pony tail keeps flicking in my face, and there's nowhere else for me to move.


swish, twitch, wave, wag, waggle, shake, whip, twirl, swing, brandish
1.2Turn (an electrical device) on or off: he flicked on the air conditioning Urquart flicked the switch and she blinked in the harsh light...
  • A torch was flicked on and Tam winced in the light, screwing up his eyes.
  • I went into the kitchen and flicked on the light switch, squinting as my eyes adjusted to the light.
  • When the projector was flicked on, the result was sublime: the cone shot out as far as anyone could see, and its vanishing point was invisible.
1.3 [with object] Move (an object) rapidly up and down so as to strike something or someone: the driver flicked his whip and the cab moved off


give someone the flick (or get the flick)

Phrasal verbs

flick through



adjective ...
  • Mark Smith, of John Frieda, says: ‘This is the older-person, short, flicky style.’
  • ‘I love Mondays,’ she says, sitting on a high stool while a make-up artist does flicky things with a huge brush.
  • If you like short men with flicky hair and foxy features, then this gorgeously bronzed tennis-player-in-your-pocket is your man.


Late Middle English: symbolic, fl- frequently beginning words denoting sudden movement.






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更新时间:2024/9/22 15:30:52