

单词 reader


/ˈriːdə /
1A person who reads or who is fond of reading: she’s an avid reader...
  • It should also appeal to younger readers who seldom read Tamil books.
  • If it is partly the aim of a literary festival to enthuse new, young readers, these two readings don't look like setting them on fire.
  • Quiet and serious, he was an avid reader whose choice of reading material revealed fundamentalist tendencies which made him easily fall prey to a terrorist cell.
1.1A person who reads a particular newspaper, magazine, or text: Guardian readers...
  • Newspapers are not succeeding in getting the children of the current older generation of readers to read newspapers.
  • Following complaints from readers, the newspaper's faith in its columnist plummeted and he was sacked.
  • I am grateful to your newspaper and readers for their strong support for this vital new rail link for London.
1.2A person entitled to use a particular library.This year, the AWIC is giving award to 30 children who have been regular readers in their respective libraries....
  • Mr Coates said libraries must treble their spending on books, increase opening hours and redecorate and redesign libraries to attract readers.
  • Curious readers have started browsing libraries for anything that can enlighten them on the enigma.
1.3A person who reads and reports to a publisher or producer on the merits of manuscripts submitted for publication or production, or who provides critical comments on the text.Our FREE market update service `Readers Wanted', sent to you by e-mail monthly for twelve months.
1.4A proofreader.
1.5 short for lay reader.Deacons, subdeacons, and readers assist the priests during services....
  • Women now have the right to be ministers of the Eucharist and readers of the Word, but not priests.
  • It is too bad that we often put readers, ordained and lay, in costumes that shackle the creative reading of texts.
2A person who inspects and records the figure indicated on a measuring instrument: a meter reader...
  • 50 years ago: Columnist John Blunt asked if readers' gas or electricity meter reader doffed his hat politely when he called.
  • Three days later she was found dead at her home by a visiting electricity meter reader.
  • And you said no one ever recognizes you, that you're a meter reader.
3A book containing extracts of a text or texts, designed to give learners of a language practice in reading.You can, however, fit a few dozen large textbooks into a book reader the size of one paperback-a boon for medical students, for instance....
  • Not the latest book in the early readers series, but another example of the mysterious culture of local television comedy.
  • For Grade 1, readers were selected as they are in many cases the first books that children encounter.
4 (Reader) British A university lecturer of the highest grade below professor: Dr Gardiner is Reader in Mathematics...
  • He was a Visiting Fellow with the Centre for Development Studies at Thiruvanathapuram, before moving over to the Postgraduate Centre of the University of Madras in Tiruchi as a Reader in Economics.
  • Formerly a Reader in the Chemistry Department at the University of Dundee, he died suddenly in 1998 while. on holiday in Bavaria.
  • In March 2002 I was promoted to the position of Reader in the Faculty of Music.
5A device that produces on a screen a magnified, readable image of a microfiche or microfilm.In the recorder's office, members of the public were studying computer screens and microfiche readers....
  • The magic lantern and the cinema spawned the microfilm reader.
  • Even on a miserable late summer afternoon it is humming - quite literally, because of its bank of microfiche readers which are all occupied.
5.1 Computing A device or piece of software used for reading or obtaining data stored on tape, cards, or other media.A system consists of an input or reader device, stored biometric data on known users and software that performs matches....
  • The infrastructure is all there to do that: software on the reader and a communications system between the readers and some central point.
  • Cardholders will simply swipe their card through a reader to gain access to the relevant forms of transport.


Old English rǣdere 'interpreter of dreams, reader'.






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