

单词 duffer


/ˈdʌfə /
noun informal
1An incompetent or stupid person: a complete duffer at languages...
  • For some reason, no matter which production I watch, I'm happy during the first three acts but the minute the old duffer stalks the moors in the storm, I'm lost.
  • It's very exciting even for an old duffer like me.
  • But to give the old duffer his due, he isn't the first to attempt such a blatantly bloodsucking sonic hook-up.


bungler, blunderer, incompetent, oaf, dunce, dolt, dunderhead, fool, idiot, booby, stupid person, moron, cretin, imbecile
informal chump, clot, clod, nitwit, dimwit, airhead, birdbrain, lamebrain, pea-brain, numbskull, thickhead, fathead, blockhead, bonehead, meathead, chucklehead, knucklehead, pinhead, wooden-head, dipstick, dumb-bell, dumbhead, dumbo, dum-dum, noodle, donkey, ass, nerd
British informal berk, divvy, wally, numpty, wazzock, nit, mug, prat, twerp, twonk, pillock, muppet
Scottish informal balloon, galoot, cuddy, nyaff
North American informal doofus, goofball, goof, putz, bozo, boob, lamer, chowderhead, meatball, lummox, dummy, turkey, clunk, ding-a-ling, palooka
Australian/New Zealand informal galah, drongo, alec, dingbat
British vulgar slang knobhead
North American vulgar slang asshat
2Australian /NZ An unproductive mine.


Mid 19th century: from Scots dowfart 'stupid person', from douf 'spiritless'.



/ˈdʌfə /
noun Australian informal
A person who steals and alters the brands on cattle.Hundreds have gone missing - but police stock squad troopers are not mounting their thoroughbreds to give chase to the duffers.


Mid 19th century: of unknown origin; in use earlier as thieves' slang for 'someone who sells trashy articles as if they were valuable'.





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