释义 |
divine1 /dɪˈvʌɪn /adjective (diviner, divinest)1Of or like God or a god: heroes with divine powers paintings of shipwrecks being prevented by divine intervention...- Evidently this was the limit imposed by divine providence upon that sort of folly.
- I wandered about in my swimming costume for a bit hoping for divine intervention.
- York City's push for back to back wins was unhinged by divine intervention.
Synonyms godly, godlike, angelic, seraphic, saintly, beatific; spiritual, heavenly, celestial, holy rare empyrean, deiform, deific 1.1Devoted to God; sacred: divine liturgy...- Any authority will do, any divine mission, any sacred fatherland or revolution.
- Doni insists, nonetheless, that Michelangelo's voluptuous simulations of sacred bodies are potentially divine in origin.
- Strokes of the script gain a rhythmic and ritualistic hue as Raju creates divine and sacred forms with them.
Synonyms religious, holy, sacred, sanctified, consecrated, blessed, devotional, devoted to God, dedicated to God 2 informal Very pleasing; delightful: he had the most divine smile...- In the wings, the divine Edwina smiled on serenely.
- They weren't laws that came from some fair or divine place.
- Evidently, his divine brilliance is too great for mere mortals.
Synonyms lovely, handsome, beautiful, good-looking, prepossessing, charming, delightful, appealing, engaging, winsome, ravishing, gorgeous, bewitching, beguiling; wonderful, glorious, marvellous, excellent, superlative, perfect; delicious, mouth-watering, delectable; Scottish & Northern English bonny informal heavenly, sublime, dreamy, sensational, knockout, stunning, super, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, great, tasty, fanciable, easy on the eye, a sight for sore eyes, as nice as pie British informal brilliant, brill, smashing North American informal cute Australian/New Zealand informal beaut formal beauteous dated taking archaic comely, fair rare sightly noun1 dated A cleric or theologian.There are also many references to contemporary natural sciences and a healthy smattering of Anglican divines, including Hooker, Andrewes, and Herbert....- Bishops, in classical Anglicanism, have often been divines themselves-thoughtful scholars as well as administrative functionaries.
- Even the 5 percent of the nation who made up the Catholic recusants succumbed to an intellectual onslaught led by Anglican divines.
Synonyms theologian, clergyman, member of the clergy, churchman, churchwoman, cleric, ecclesiastic, man of the cloth, man of God, holy man, holy woman, preacher, priest; Scottish kirkman informal reverend, Holy Joe, sky pilot Australian informal josser 2 (the Divine) Providence or God.After all, the Divine is an all-encompassing entity....- This is how we are made in the image of the Divine.
- After all, the Divine made you the way that They wanted.
Derivatives divineness noun ...- This is what gives the relationship, the shape of enduring divineness.
- It makes room for some of that divineness to enter.
- A blue mist swept through the room, but in the blink of an eye, it was gone, leaving nothing in its wake but a feeling of divineness.
Origin Late Middle English: via Old French from Latin divinus, from divus 'godlike' (related to deus 'god'). Divine ‘godlike’ came via Old French from Latin divinus, from divus ‘godlike’ (related to deus ‘god’, source of Middle English deify). The gradual weakening of the word to a general term of praise, which started in the late 15th century, can be compared with ‘heavenly’. The phrase the divine right of kings stating that legitimate kings derive their power from God alone, came into specific use in the 17th century under the Stuart kings.
Rhymes align, assign, benign, brine, chine, cline, combine, condign, confine, consign, dine, dyne, enshrine, entwine, fine, frontline, hardline, interline, intertwine, kine, Klein, line, Main, malign, mine, moline, nine, on-line, opine, outshine, pine, Rhein, Rhine, shine, shrine, sign, sine, spine, spline, stein, Strine, swine, syne, thine, tine, trine, twine, Tyne, underline, undermine, vine, whine, wine divine2 /dɪˈvʌɪn /verb [with object]1Discover (something) by guesswork or intuition: mum had divined my state of mind [with clause]: they had divined that he was a fake...- The reader is not supposed to have to divine the meaning that lies behind the ramblings and jottings of the writer.
- Chen, the temple's caretaker, spent months divining what images, scenes and poems should canopy worshippers.
- I hadn't correctly divined your attitude towards your tenants.
Synonyms guess, surmise, conjecture, suspect, suppose, assume, presume, deduce, infer, work out, theorize, hypothesize; discern, intuit, perceive, recognize, see, realize, appreciate, understand, grasp, apprehend, comprehend; North American figure informal figure out, latch on to, cotton on to, catch on to, tumble to, get, get the picture British informal twig, suss North American informal savvy rare cognize 2Have supernatural or magical insight into (future events): frauds who claimed to divine the future in chickens' entrails...- Once this meaning or purpose has been divined, then the past, present, and future can be seen as conforming to some kind of structure or shape.
- Do Warren and Pearson suggest that lenders are clairvoyants who can divine what direction prices will take in future years?
- And from this alleged mutter, trained exegetes in the press are now divining the entire political infrastructure of the Vatican.
Synonyms foretell, predict, prophesy, forecast, foresee, prognosticate; forewarn, forebode archaic previse, presage, foreshow, croak Scottish archaic spae rare vaticinate, auspicate 2.1Discover (water) by dowsing: he showed him how to divine water...- Dowsing and divining water is the subject of the club's talk today.
- Talking of which, I discovered a talent yesterday I didn't know I had… water divining!
- The only way to get a really good signal is to wander around with the antenna stretched out, as if you're divining for water.
Synonyms Derivatives diviner /dɪˈvʌɪnə / noun ...- Every decision surrounding the production was made after Norbu carefully consulted with yogis, oracles and diviners.
- A number of people are recognized as clairvoyants and diviners, working sometimes within and sometimes outside the Christian churches.
- They ask soothsayers and diviners to find out the cause of problems and to suggest remedies.
Synonyms fortune teller, clairvoyant, crystal gazer, visionary, psychic, seer, soothsayer, prognosticator, prophesier, prophet, prophetess, oracle, sibyl, sage, wise man, wise woman; Scottish spaewife, spaeman rare oracler, vaticinator, haruspex Origin Late Middle English: from Old French deviner 'predict', from Latin divinare, from divinus (see divine1). |