

单词 proudly


/ˈpraʊdli /
1With a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction in one’s own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated: she proudly displayed her newest creations Ray watched proudly from the sidelines as his son won the singles title...
  • Family photos are proudly displayed where we work.
  • He took fifth place which earned him a Diploma which he displayed proudly.
  • I'm sure all of us know someone who proudly proclaims "We don't even own a TV".
2In an imposing manner; splendidly: pristine new office buildings stood proudly beside a large car park...
  • The Stars and Stripes were flying proudly from government buildings, businesses, homes and vehicles wherever you looked.
  • Welsh flags fly proudly everywhere, and Welsh as an official language is commonly spoken.
  • Suburban houses proudly sported the Star-Spangled Banner.




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