

单词 crumple

Definition of crumple in English:


verb ˈkrʌmp(ə)lˈkrəmpəl
[with object]
  • 1Crush (something, typically paper or cloth) so that it becomes creased and wrinkled.

    he crumpled up the paper bag
    Example sentencesExamples
    • She moves cigarettes in her pack, then crumples the paper and puts it on the shelf with chocolate bars.
    • He crumpled the cloth in his hand and read the note again.
    • ‘All right, all right,’ she muttered grumpily, gathering her stuff and crumpling the empty paper bag in one hand.
    • I shook my head vigorously, crumpled the index card, and tossed it into the trash can.
    • For more insulation, put crumpled newspaper between the freezer cabinet and blankets.
    • He stared at the half-written sentence and then crumpled the paper in his hand, tossing it onto the dying fire in the fireplace.
    • He crumpled up the paper in his hands, only to unfold it again.
    • Rue finished off the snickers bar, crumpling the wrapper and sticking it into her bag.
    • I always stack the dishes and put the silverware in a glass and crumple the paper and sweep up the errant rice, because I bussed tables for many years.
    • He stood up brusquely, crumpling the paper and tossing it at my face.
    • Taking out her slightly crumpled test paper, she hurried to the living room.
    • She crumpled up the paper she'd been absently doodling on and threw it into the wastebasket.
    • He reached into his pack and pulled out two dirty crumpled sheets of paper.
    • As I shoved it into my bag, I had to be especially careful not to crumple the sheet of paper than had all my science notes on it.
    • Finn crumpled the paper and threw it into the garbage can five feet away from us.
    • The surface is suggestive: imagine crumpling a canvas, smoothing it out and then using the tracery of creases to define areas within the final work.
    • I threw the pen down in frustration and crumpled the paper in one swift motion.
    • I crumpled the empty paper bag and tossed it in the garbage next to the fridge.
    • Rual answered, crumpling the napkin into a ball.
    • I accepted it and crumpled the energy bar wrapper in my other hand.
    crush, scrunch up, screw up, squash, squeeze
    British scrumple
    crease, wrinkle, crinkle, rumple, ruck up, tumble
    British rare ruckle
    1. 1.1no object Become creased, bent, or crooked.
      the bumper crumpled as it glanced off the wall
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Five steps up the dirt path, my trachea crumpled, my vertebrae fused, and the small muscles in my back revolted and spasmed.
      • A concrete car park, several apartment buildings and part of a hospital unexpectedly crumpled despite their steel frames.
      • Four wrecked cars were artfully strewn along the roadway, doors buckled, windshields smashed, engines crumpled.
      • So I screwed up the picture as tightly as I could, twisting and folding and crumpling until my hands hurt and no one would see the scene again, especially not me.
      • He had heard leaves crumple under the pressure of feet, yet there were no leaves on the ground.
      • An empty can of beer crumpled underneath my foot as I sat down.
      • Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the pages crumpled against the blue tile, but I didn't care.
      • Life-saving lamp-posts which crumple if hit by a car are being tested in the Ribble Valley to see if they save lives.
      • As he constructs these hybrid works, he crumples, twists and tears at his canvases, using them more like building materials than works of fine art.
      • How many of them actually got used, I do not know - only that I found mine crumpled in my bag several days later.
      • These buildings may have crumpled under the pressure of the quake, but I know for sure that the people will not buckle that easily.
      • He clenched his fists tighter and the metal crumpled in his hands like paper.
      • I was sandwiched between two seats that had crumpled into each other.
      • An aide later found it crumpled in the general's shirt pocket.
      • There were torn posters lying crumpled up on the floor and dirty clothes strewn all around.
      • She looked at the wrinkled shirt, crumpled into a ball, lying on the floor.
      • The frame twisted and bent and the car crumpled like cardboard.
      • My retinas were crumpled up like a piece of rag, and I could see nothing.
      • In cases of severe growth inhibition, the wings appeared crumpled with strong structural deformation.
      warp, become warped, make warped, bend, bend out of shape, become bent, make bent, twist, become twisted, make twisted, curve, become curved, make curved, distort, become distorted, make distorted, contort, become contorted, make contorted, become crooked, make crooked, deform, become deformed, make deformed, malform, become malformed, make malformed, misshape, become misshapen, make misshapen, mangle, become mangled, make mangled, develop a fold, develop a kink, develop a wrinkle, bulge, arc, arch, wrinkle
    2. 1.2no object (of a person) suddenly flop down to the ground.
      she crumpled to the floor in a dead faint
      figurative her composure crumpled
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I went into the office to find the offender, and saw a worried woman crumpled in a chair in the corner, wearing a look of weariness and doubt.
      • He eventually left his victim crumpled and unconscious on the ground.
      • I inevitably ended up crumpled on the floor after receiving a dodgeball to the kidney.
      • The phone clicked back into place as Jackie crumpled onto the floor, her composure finally breaking.
      • It broke into a thousand tiny pieces, and my mother crumpled to the ground.
      • Then the young man crumpled to the ground, with his eyes opened in shock, and his mouth gaping.
      • His comrades had been studying the green leaves with interest but had jumped half a foot into the air when their companion crumpled to the ground.
      • He lay crumpled on a ruined street of a once high class district.
      • Erik shook his head in disgust as he looked at his brother crumpled on the floor and looking so pitiful.
      • I was expecting Stephen to lash out at her, but he just crumpled down to the floor, a single tear falling down his face.
      • Sarah crumpled into a heap of sobs against the door after he left.
      • There was a young woman lying crumpled on the floor beside the wall.
      • Thankfully, she didn't crumple to the ground when he released her.
      • My dad crumpled like a wet Kleenex, horrified at himself, and slunked away.
      • Tom crumpled to the ground, bleeding heavily from the right side of his face.
      • He yanked it free and tossed it aside, watching in satisfaction as she slowly crumpled into a heap on the floor.
      • No longer awash with big-boy bravado, they have crumpled into sobbing heaps.
      • I attacked and found myself either crumpled at his feet or piled in a corner.
      • I just crumpled to the floor in the hall and came round literally feeling like seconds had passed since I took the hit.
      collapse, give way, cave in, go to pieces, break down, crumble, be overcome
    3. 1.3no object (of a person's face) suddenly sag and show an expression of desolation.
      the child's face crumpled and he began to howl
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But ask her if she's ever been with a man who loved her and her face crumples before the question's even finished.
      • Her shock wore off and her face quickly crumpled into tears.
      • My voice must have broken his trance, because his face crumpled and he turned away from both the children and me.
      • At this, Darcy's face crumpled and she took the seat next to her daughters, dropping her head into her hands.
      • Her face crumpled as tears spilled over, running down her cheeks in a torrent.
      • The watery blue eyes, peeking at you under those bushy eyebrows, the face crumpled into resignation.
      • His right eyebrow shot up as his face crumpled up in disbelief.
      • Dian's face crumpled, tears welled up in her eyes and threatened to fall.
      • The thought of seeing 40 faces simultaneously crumple with disbelief was too much for us to bear.
      • She stared at me, her face crumpled by the expression of hurt upon her face.
      • Her face crumples at the memories of all the disappointments since.
      • When she saw me, her face crumpled and she slammed her window shut.
      • He handed over the receiver, watched as his boy's face crumpled, and didn't even have to ask why.
      • I could feel my face crumpling, and I tried to fight back the flood of emotion.
      • Her face crumpled and tears fell silently, as she clasped her husband's arm.
      • She sits heavily down and, after a moment of composure, her face crumples and she begins to sob.
      • At this, Sarah's face crumpled, and she stood up with arms stretched out to Annie as she used to in the past.
      • With her face crumpling in pain, she couldn't see past the tears that flooded down her face.
      • His shock registered immediately, but when he took in my tears and the letter in my hand, his face crumpled.
      • The young black doctor smiled - then, as the slur sank in, his face crumpled.
      pucker, screw up
      fall, sag, look sad, look miserable
noun ˈkrʌmp(ə)lˈkrəmpəl
  • A crushed fold, crease, or wrinkle.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • The slight hills and dips in the fields became the crumples of a quilt not completely smoothed down.
    • The initial sense of containment and propriety is reassuring but after 10 minutes the stains start to show and the crumples appear and I'm left craving that comfortable black jumper.
    • ‘The posture of a computer-user is that of head and neck stuck forward and face peering into the screen, with the thoracic part of the spine slumped into a deep crumple,’ she says.
    • In the outside lane is a silver Discovery, stopped, but looking fine. Behind it is a large white van with a spare-wheel shaped crumple in the bonnet.
    • I tend not to shave, and my clothes get crumples, and similar.
    crease, fold, pucker, gather, furrow, ridge, line, corrugation, groove, crinkle, crumple, rumple


  • crumply

  • adjective
    • Today his crumply white face has filled out again, his belly is back with a vengeance and his clothes sense has deserted him.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • To my horror, I was late, dressed in a mourning black crumply dress, and walked smack into a multitude of reporters and cameras.
      • ‘I'm so sorry I didn't mean to just start crying like that, wow I feel so stupid’ She reached behind her and snagged a tissue off the counter and dabbed at the corner of her eyes and sniffled delicately into the crumply tissue.
      • Anyway, wrestling with that was a lot like trying to figure out how to cut out this bag so it did that slouchy crumply thing I wanted.


Middle English: from obsolete crump 'make or become curved', from Old English crump 'bent, crooked', of West Germanic origin; related to German krumm.

  • This is from obsolete crump ‘make or become curved’, from Old English crump ‘bent, crooked’.


rumple, scrumple

Definition of crumple in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Crush (something, typically paper or cloth) so that it becomes creased and wrinkled.

    he crumpled up the paper bag
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The surface is suggestive: imagine crumpling a canvas, smoothing it out and then using the tracery of creases to define areas within the final work.
    • Finn crumpled the paper and threw it into the garbage can five feet away from us.
    • As I shoved it into my bag, I had to be especially careful not to crumple the sheet of paper than had all my science notes on it.
    • He crumpled up the paper in his hands, only to unfold it again.
    • I threw the pen down in frustration and crumpled the paper in one swift motion.
    • He stood up brusquely, crumpling the paper and tossing it at my face.
    • He crumpled the cloth in his hand and read the note again.
    • I accepted it and crumpled the energy bar wrapper in my other hand.
    • Taking out her slightly crumpled test paper, she hurried to the living room.
    • Rue finished off the snickers bar, crumpling the wrapper and sticking it into her bag.
    • He reached into his pack and pulled out two dirty crumpled sheets of paper.
    • She crumpled up the paper she'd been absently doodling on and threw it into the wastebasket.
    • She moves cigarettes in her pack, then crumples the paper and puts it on the shelf with chocolate bars.
    • I crumpled the empty paper bag and tossed it in the garbage next to the fridge.
    • For more insulation, put crumpled newspaper between the freezer cabinet and blankets.
    • ‘All right, all right,’ she muttered grumpily, gathering her stuff and crumpling the empty paper bag in one hand.
    • I always stack the dishes and put the silverware in a glass and crumple the paper and sweep up the errant rice, because I bussed tables for many years.
    • He stared at the half-written sentence and then crumpled the paper in his hand, tossing it onto the dying fire in the fireplace.
    • Rual answered, crumpling the napkin into a ball.
    • I shook my head vigorously, crumpled the index card, and tossed it into the trash can.
    crush, scrunch up, screw up, squash, squeeze
    crease, wrinkle, crinkle, rumple, ruck up, tumble
    1. 1.1no object Become bent, crooked, or creased.
      they heard the jetliner crumple moments before it crashed
      Example sentencesExamples
      • My retinas were crumpled up like a piece of rag, and I could see nothing.
      • An empty can of beer crumpled underneath my foot as I sat down.
      • Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the pages crumpled against the blue tile, but I didn't care.
      • As he constructs these hybrid works, he crumples, twists and tears at his canvases, using them more like building materials than works of fine art.
      • Five steps up the dirt path, my trachea crumpled, my vertebrae fused, and the small muscles in my back revolted and spasmed.
      • He clenched his fists tighter and the metal crumpled in his hands like paper.
      • Four wrecked cars were artfully strewn along the roadway, doors buckled, windshields smashed, engines crumpled.
      • He had heard leaves crumple under the pressure of feet, yet there were no leaves on the ground.
      • There were torn posters lying crumpled up on the floor and dirty clothes strewn all around.
      • She looked at the wrinkled shirt, crumpled into a ball, lying on the floor.
      • In cases of severe growth inhibition, the wings appeared crumpled with strong structural deformation.
      • A concrete car park, several apartment buildings and part of a hospital unexpectedly crumpled despite their steel frames.
      • These buildings may have crumpled under the pressure of the quake, but I know for sure that the people will not buckle that easily.
      • I was sandwiched between two seats that had crumpled into each other.
      • An aide later found it crumpled in the general's shirt pocket.
      • How many of them actually got used, I do not know - only that I found mine crumpled in my bag several days later.
      • Life-saving lamp-posts which crumple if hit by a car are being tested in the Ribble Valley to see if they save lives.
      • So I screwed up the picture as tightly as I could, twisting and folding and crumpling until my hands hurt and no one would see the scene again, especially not me.
      • The frame twisted and bent and the car crumpled like cardboard.
      warp, become warped, make warped, bend, bend out of shape, become bent, make bent, twist, become twisted, make twisted, curve, become curved, make curved, distort, become distorted, make distorted, contort, become contorted, make contorted, become crooked, make crooked, deform, become deformed, make deformed, malform, become malformed, make malformed, misshape, become misshapen, make misshapen, mangle, become mangled, make mangled, develop a fold, develop a kink, develop a wrinkle, bulge, arc, arch, wrinkle
    2. 1.2no object (of a person) suddenly flop down to the ground.
      she crumpled to the floor in a dead faint
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The phone clicked back into place as Jackie crumpled onto the floor, her composure finally breaking.
      • Erik shook his head in disgust as he looked at his brother crumpled on the floor and looking so pitiful.
      • Sarah crumpled into a heap of sobs against the door after he left.
      • I inevitably ended up crumpled on the floor after receiving a dodgeball to the kidney.
      • Tom crumpled to the ground, bleeding heavily from the right side of his face.
      • His comrades had been studying the green leaves with interest but had jumped half a foot into the air when their companion crumpled to the ground.
      • I just crumpled to the floor in the hall and came round literally feeling like seconds had passed since I took the hit.
      • No longer awash with big-boy bravado, they have crumpled into sobbing heaps.
      • It broke into a thousand tiny pieces, and my mother crumpled to the ground.
      • There was a young woman lying crumpled on the floor beside the wall.
      • I was expecting Stephen to lash out at her, but he just crumpled down to the floor, a single tear falling down his face.
      • My dad crumpled like a wet Kleenex, horrified at himself, and slunked away.
      • He lay crumpled on a ruined street of a once high class district.
      • I went into the office to find the offender, and saw a worried woman crumpled in a chair in the corner, wearing a look of weariness and doubt.
      • He eventually left his victim crumpled and unconscious on the ground.
      • I attacked and found myself either crumpled at his feet or piled in a corner.
      • Then the young man crumpled to the ground, with his eyes opened in shock, and his mouth gaping.
      • Thankfully, she didn't crumple to the ground when he released her.
      • He yanked it free and tossed it aside, watching in satisfaction as she slowly crumpled into a heap on the floor.
      collapse, give way, cave in, go to pieces, break down, crumble, be overcome
    3. 1.3no object (of a person's face) suddenly sag and show an expression of desolation.
      the child's face crumpled and he began to howl
      Example sentencesExamples
      • At this, Sarah's face crumpled, and she stood up with arms stretched out to Annie as she used to in the past.
      • He handed over the receiver, watched as his boy's face crumpled, and didn't even have to ask why.
      • With her face crumpling in pain, she couldn't see past the tears that flooded down her face.
      • My voice must have broken his trance, because his face crumpled and he turned away from both the children and me.
      • His right eyebrow shot up as his face crumpled up in disbelief.
      • But ask her if she's ever been with a man who loved her and her face crumples before the question's even finished.
      • Her shock wore off and her face quickly crumpled into tears.
      • She stared at me, her face crumpled by the expression of hurt upon her face.
      • Her face crumpled and tears fell silently, as she clasped her husband's arm.
      • I could feel my face crumpling, and I tried to fight back the flood of emotion.
      • Dian's face crumpled, tears welled up in her eyes and threatened to fall.
      • The watery blue eyes, peeking at you under those bushy eyebrows, the face crumpled into resignation.
      • Her face crumples at the memories of all the disappointments since.
      • The thought of seeing 40 faces simultaneously crumple with disbelief was too much for us to bear.
      • At this, Darcy's face crumpled and she took the seat next to her daughters, dropping her head into her hands.
      • Her face crumpled as tears spilled over, running down her cheeks in a torrent.
      • She sits heavily down and, after a moment of composure, her face crumples and she begins to sob.
      • When she saw me, her face crumpled and she slammed her window shut.
      • His shock registered immediately, but when he took in my tears and the letter in my hand, his face crumpled.
      • The young black doctor smiled - then, as the slur sank in, his face crumpled.
      pucker, screw up
  • A crushed fold, crease, or wrinkle.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • ‘The posture of a computer-user is that of head and neck stuck forward and face peering into the screen, with the thoracic part of the spine slumped into a deep crumple,’ she says.
    • The initial sense of containment and propriety is reassuring but after 10 minutes the stains start to show and the crumples appear and I'm left craving that comfortable black jumper.
    • In the outside lane is a silver Discovery, stopped, but looking fine. Behind it is a large white van with a spare-wheel shaped crumple in the bonnet.
    • I tend not to shave, and my clothes get crumples, and similar.
    • The slight hills and dips in the fields became the crumples of a quilt not completely smoothed down.
    crease, fold, pucker, gather, furrow, ridge, line, corrugation, groove, crinkle, crumple, rumple


Middle English: from obsolete crump ‘make or become curved’, from Old English crump ‘bent, crooked’, of West Germanic origin; related to German krumm.





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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:35:42