

单词 cadence

Definition of cadence in English:


noun ˈkeɪd(ə)nsˈkeɪdns
  • 1A modulation or inflection of the voice.

    the measured cadences that he employed in the Senate
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I liked the cadence of speech - the compelling tone.
    • Talking normally, even to a very young child, helped it to gradually gain understanding of the cadence of normal speech.
    • Her voice was the same, but the cadence and inflection of speech was entirely Karen's.
    • They cluster in the short midday shadows of the coconut grove, where the steamy air softens even the icy cadences of their accents.
    • The opportunity to observe the witnesses, hear the inflections in voice, the cadence of speech, possible delays in answer, impart a great advantage to the trier who is on the scene.
    • There's something about the guitars and the cadences of the voice that evoke the mystery and sadness of the ocean.
    • We all spoke German, too, at the table - except when talking to the waitress, when we settled into sibilant cadences and sharp vowels.
    • He asks short questions but gives long answers, and there's something vaguely patrician about the cadence of his speech.
    • Samoan oratory is delivered in a cadence and clarity of voice that is clear and ringing.
    • But mostly, the words were solemn, the cadences measured.
    • Although her English has improved over the years, she still speaks in Spanish cadences, and her consonants are so soft that every word sounds whispered.
    • He also should constantly be developing an ear for the cadence and inflection of the languages.
    • The timbre and cadence of his drawling voice startle at first and the listener becomes absorbed by his speech rhythms, pauses, and inflections.
    • In the typically measured cadences of a diplomat, he hailed the arrest as a ‘major step’.
    • My voice cadence changed, my speech began to race, and I was virtually incomprehensible to everyone around me.
    • His voice lacks the distinctive cadence for which he would become known, but there's no denying the presence he brings to the part.
    • Its syllables roll out with a fine cadence, its vowels and consonants harmonize happily.
    • He found actors whose faces, most of them, boast Semitic heritage; whose voices hold the raspy, urgent cadences of Brooklyn, Appalachia and other frontier outposts of working-class America.
    • But read it aloud and you start to hear the music, the cadences of Scottish speech.
    • She was now familiar with his mannerisms such as the way he drawled in that deep voice, the cadence of his speech.
    rhythm, tempo, metre, measure, rise and fall, beat, pulse, rhythmical flow/pattern, swing, lilt, cadency
    intonation, modulation, inflection, speech pattern
    1. 1.1 A rhythmical effect in written text.
      the dry cadences of the essay
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Its cadences follow the rhythms of machines, and pull the reader into its moments of repetition, into its pauses.
      • Chapter 8 is developed in prose that is remarkable for its oracular cadence, one that temporarily arrests the flow of the narrative.
      • Leaving the reading, the technically sound aspects of her poetry - including a penchant for patient cadences and lengthy stanzas reminiscent of prose - were not the resounding aspects of the reading.
      • He taught us that the Bible will have its authoritative, noncoercive way with us if we but attend with educated alertness to the cadences and sounds of the text in all its detail.
      • The text is laced with an ironic cadence of the oral tradition.
      • But he read their blank verse cadences as cadences, and as poets writing within a Protestant tradition who were trying to also revive a mystical tradition.
      • Supplication, of course, also carries a religious overtone; his plea to Poetry may be secular in name, but it has the cadence of a prayer.
      • Whenever I read that text, his cadences, his eloquence and his zeal come readily to mind.
      • Carl is also very sensitive to the syllabic pulse of a poem, and writes in a subtle music that correlates meaning with cadence.
      • Page was familiar with verse - especially the cadence and rhythm of the nursery rhyme - and with the idea of creating one's own books.
      • The author constructs a narrative that closely resembles poetry in its cadence, verse structure and imagery.
      • The themes live through a language buzzing with resonance and cadence, a hallucinatory, burlesque fusion that demands to be read aloud.
      • The emerging, densely evocative cadences easily eschew the tangible elements of the novel like story or plot in which events move in some kind of linear progression towards a climax.
      • The rhythmic cadence of the poetry was not the iambic pentameter or other such metrical patterns but free verse with words scattered randomly across the printed page.
      • The authors write in a clear, straightforward style, but the strength of their books lies with pacey dialogue that echoes cadences with which children will be familiar from TV and film.
      • The permissions I give and am given by the interruptions of my thought in the corner of my room contrive my cadences, showing the line breaks to the onrush of my words.
      • The poems acknowledge semi-articulate intimacies, their interrupted cadence, a shrewd tenderness, a tang.
      • It may seem that way, but their dialogue is not written for a particular cadence.
      • Similarly, in our writing, cadences are stress points, moments where syntax and substance team up to convey special meaning.
      • Where they strove manfully for their effects, he wrote poems whose cadence leads one to believe that they had just floated out.
    2. 1.2 A fall in pitch of the voice at the end of a phrase or sentence.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • All of which is to say that he has arrived at something of senior statesman status in the field (which is not to sound the cadence of either his retirement or his demise).
      • Waiting for the closing cadence, a harbinger of your distraction, is like waiting for the poppy buds to split open and spill their compressed warmth, their inevitable defeat.
      • ‘Of course, you know, you lose a little square footage in commercial space,’ the man assured me with a sort of trailing off cadence.
    3. 1.3mass noun Rhythm.
      the thumping cadence of the engines
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He might have missed it, for, even beneath the powerful eye of the scope, steadily beating in slow cadence, it was no larger than a speck.
      • It's common for offensive tackles to time the quarterback's cadence with the snap so they quickly can get into their protection stances.
      • Neither too fast nor too slow, in an even one-two cadence, swing the shih-tzu puppy in an arc from slightly below the level of your shoulders.
      • Gotta head to work with my beloved bike. I have adjusted my saddle and it's about 1.5CM higher than before, it is feeling good, the current position seems to facilitate better cadence.
      • They have cadence and a rhythm together, moving together easily, even in tight spaces.
      • To his credit, the director establishes a consistent, measured cadence early and sticks to it, while eschewing the most obvious sentimental tricks.
      • The shooting hand grips it at the balance point and the arm swings in natural cadence.
      • ‘The most efficient cadence is between 90 and 110 RPMs,’ she says.
      • The gear should allow you to hit 150 rpm (bike computers that measure cadence can help).
      • Self-carriage, cadence, rhythm, and hock engagement at all three gaits with the same speed and frame were the standards on which to judge.
      • While some ministers complained that most employees tried to do as little work as possible, others stressed that the type and cadence of industrial work made it much less interesting and intrinsically meaningful.
      • He rode, his legs firing out the familiar high cadence.
      • At that point, Timmy got up and started clapping in a slow rhythmic cadence.
      • As the wind kicked up, the plates and lids began rattling against the stone, beating out a mournful, otherworldly cadence.
      • Gait characteristics of step length, cadence, stride width, toe out angle were measured at both usual and maximal walking speed on a 6-meter course.
      • During the test, the rider can change gear, and vary their cadence to suit the effort required.
      • After a training ride, the group analyzes his power output, average speed, distance, heart rate, cadence, and time, then adjusts the champ's workouts accordingly.
      • Her heart beat hard within her chest cavity; each beat in syncopation with the drummers' cadence.
      • ‘When she came past me she was definitely pedalling a much bigger gear with a much slower cadence,’ she said.
      • She walks the earth with a heavy confidence, an irrepressible swagger and cadence, due to those nighttime reflections.
  • 2A sequence of notes or chords comprising the close of a musical phrase.

    the final cadences of the Prelude
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Still others, believing they are in C, will dutifully ‘tweak’ the final phrase of the piece to return to the note C at the cadence, making for a somewhat jarring ending.
    • The full force of the chromatic harmony was thrilling, as in such details as the cellos' dissonant flattened 6th just before the final cadence.
    • But due to the brevity of the arrangements, within a few bars the music takes a sharp and often abrupt turn to the final cadence in ways that are disruptive to a listener or a pianist familiar with the original themes.
    • By phrase two these pitches have become the descending third G-E, and the later phrases of section one also have thirds at their cadences, whether major or minor.
    • Imitation, sequences, alberti bass and the typical V-I final cadence make this piece a classic.


  • cadenced

  • adjective ˈkeɪd(ə)nstˈkeɪdnst
    • For all their - almost - excess of expression, the lines are cadenced and paid out in a sort of listening rhythm, a very personal, measured gather and tumble of polysyllables, after the unhearing jack-hammer blast of the early poems.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The lines, broken off of the conventional blues verse, are clipped, colloquial, and cadenced.
      • One's admiration for this haunting and beautifully cadenced lament is likely to increase when we submit it to metrical analysis.
      • Moreover he writes like a dream, in sentences cadenced like poetry.
      • We could almost hear the cadenced tread of feet.


Late Middle English (in the sense 'rhythm or metrical beat'): via Old French from Italian cadenza, based on Latin cadere 'to fall'.

  • This has come via Old French from Italian cadenza, based on Latin cadere ‘to fall’. Cadenza (mid 18th century) is used as a musical term for a virtuoso solo passage usually inserted near the end of a movement in a concerto or other work. The phrase have a cadenza is used informally in South African English to mean ‘be extremely agitated’: this is said to be from Danny Kaye's The Little Fiddle, a humorous recording made in the 1940s.


Definition of cadence in US English:


  • 1A modulation or inflection of the voice.

    the measured cadences that he employed in the Senate
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Although her English has improved over the years, she still speaks in Spanish cadences, and her consonants are so soft that every word sounds whispered.
    • We all spoke German, too, at the table - except when talking to the waitress, when we settled into sibilant cadences and sharp vowels.
    • They cluster in the short midday shadows of the coconut grove, where the steamy air softens even the icy cadences of their accents.
    • She was now familiar with his mannerisms such as the way he drawled in that deep voice, the cadence of his speech.
    • Samoan oratory is delivered in a cadence and clarity of voice that is clear and ringing.
    • My voice cadence changed, my speech began to race, and I was virtually incomprehensible to everyone around me.
    • In the typically measured cadences of a diplomat, he hailed the arrest as a ‘major step’.
    • His voice lacks the distinctive cadence for which he would become known, but there's no denying the presence he brings to the part.
    • Talking normally, even to a very young child, helped it to gradually gain understanding of the cadence of normal speech.
    • The opportunity to observe the witnesses, hear the inflections in voice, the cadence of speech, possible delays in answer, impart a great advantage to the trier who is on the scene.
    • I liked the cadence of speech - the compelling tone.
    • Her voice was the same, but the cadence and inflection of speech was entirely Karen's.
    • But read it aloud and you start to hear the music, the cadences of Scottish speech.
    • He asks short questions but gives long answers, and there's something vaguely patrician about the cadence of his speech.
    • But mostly, the words were solemn, the cadences measured.
    • There's something about the guitars and the cadences of the voice that evoke the mystery and sadness of the ocean.
    • He found actors whose faces, most of them, boast Semitic heritage; whose voices hold the raspy, urgent cadences of Brooklyn, Appalachia and other frontier outposts of working-class America.
    • The timbre and cadence of his drawling voice startle at first and the listener becomes absorbed by his speech rhythms, pauses, and inflections.
    • Its syllables roll out with a fine cadence, its vowels and consonants harmonize happily.
    • He also should constantly be developing an ear for the cadence and inflection of the languages.
    rhythm, tempo, metre, measure, rise and fall, beat, pulse, rhythmical flow, rhythmical pattern, swing, lilt, cadency
    1. 1.1 A modulation in reading aloud as implied by the structure and ordering of words and phrases in written text.
      the dry cadences of the essay
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Where they strove manfully for their effects, he wrote poems whose cadence leads one to believe that they had just floated out.
      • Similarly, in our writing, cadences are stress points, moments where syntax and substance team up to convey special meaning.
      • The text is laced with an ironic cadence of the oral tradition.
      • Leaving the reading, the technically sound aspects of her poetry - including a penchant for patient cadences and lengthy stanzas reminiscent of prose - were not the resounding aspects of the reading.
      • Chapter 8 is developed in prose that is remarkable for its oracular cadence, one that temporarily arrests the flow of the narrative.
      • Supplication, of course, also carries a religious overtone; his plea to Poetry may be secular in name, but it has the cadence of a prayer.
      • He taught us that the Bible will have its authoritative, noncoercive way with us if we but attend with educated alertness to the cadences and sounds of the text in all its detail.
      • It may seem that way, but their dialogue is not written for a particular cadence.
      • The rhythmic cadence of the poetry was not the iambic pentameter or other such metrical patterns but free verse with words scattered randomly across the printed page.
      • The emerging, densely evocative cadences easily eschew the tangible elements of the novel like story or plot in which events move in some kind of linear progression towards a climax.
      • Carl is also very sensitive to the syllabic pulse of a poem, and writes in a subtle music that correlates meaning with cadence.
      • The themes live through a language buzzing with resonance and cadence, a hallucinatory, burlesque fusion that demands to be read aloud.
      • Whenever I read that text, his cadences, his eloquence and his zeal come readily to mind.
      • The permissions I give and am given by the interruptions of my thought in the corner of my room contrive my cadences, showing the line breaks to the onrush of my words.
      • Page was familiar with verse - especially the cadence and rhythm of the nursery rhyme - and with the idea of creating one's own books.
      • The author constructs a narrative that closely resembles poetry in its cadence, verse structure and imagery.
      • The poems acknowledge semi-articulate intimacies, their interrupted cadence, a shrewd tenderness, a tang.
      • Its cadences follow the rhythms of machines, and pull the reader into its moments of repetition, into its pauses.
      • But he read their blank verse cadences as cadences, and as poets writing within a Protestant tradition who were trying to also revive a mystical tradition.
      • The authors write in a clear, straightforward style, but the strength of their books lies with pacey dialogue that echoes cadences with which children will be familiar from TV and film.
    2. 1.2 A fall in pitch of the voice at the end of a phrase or sentence.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Waiting for the closing cadence, a harbinger of your distraction, is like waiting for the poppy buds to split open and spill their compressed warmth, their inevitable defeat.
      • ‘Of course, you know, you lose a little square footage in commercial space,’ the man assured me with a sort of trailing off cadence.
      • All of which is to say that he has arrived at something of senior statesman status in the field (which is not to sound the cadence of either his retirement or his demise).
    3. 1.3 Rhythm.
      the thumping cadence of the engines
      try to vary your cadence during a run
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He rode, his legs firing out the familiar high cadence.
      • He might have missed it, for, even beneath the powerful eye of the scope, steadily beating in slow cadence, it was no larger than a speck.
      • The shooting hand grips it at the balance point and the arm swings in natural cadence.
      • It's common for offensive tackles to time the quarterback's cadence with the snap so they quickly can get into their protection stances.
      • She walks the earth with a heavy confidence, an irrepressible swagger and cadence, due to those nighttime reflections.
      • During the test, the rider can change gear, and vary their cadence to suit the effort required.
      • Her heart beat hard within her chest cavity; each beat in syncopation with the drummers' cadence.
      • To his credit, the director establishes a consistent, measured cadence early and sticks to it, while eschewing the most obvious sentimental tricks.
      • ‘When she came past me she was definitely pedalling a much bigger gear with a much slower cadence,’ she said.
      • They have cadence and a rhythm together, moving together easily, even in tight spaces.
      • As the wind kicked up, the plates and lids began rattling against the stone, beating out a mournful, otherworldly cadence.
      • Gait characteristics of step length, cadence, stride width, toe out angle were measured at both usual and maximal walking speed on a 6-meter course.
      • Self-carriage, cadence, rhythm, and hock engagement at all three gaits with the same speed and frame were the standards on which to judge.
      • At that point, Timmy got up and started clapping in a slow rhythmic cadence.
      • The gear should allow you to hit 150 rpm (bike computers that measure cadence can help).
      • Neither too fast nor too slow, in an even one-two cadence, swing the shih-tzu puppy in an arc from slightly below the level of your shoulders.
      • After a training ride, the group analyzes his power output, average speed, distance, heart rate, cadence, and time, then adjusts the champ's workouts accordingly.
      • Gotta head to work with my beloved bike. I have adjusted my saddle and it's about 1.5CM higher than before, it is feeling good, the current position seems to facilitate better cadence.
      • While some ministers complained that most employees tried to do as little work as possible, others stressed that the type and cadence of industrial work made it much less interesting and intrinsically meaningful.
      • ‘The most efficient cadence is between 90 and 110 RPMs,’ she says.
  • 2A sequence of notes or chords comprising the close of a musical phrase.

    the final cadences of the Prelude
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Imitation, sequences, alberti bass and the typical V-I final cadence make this piece a classic.
    • The full force of the chromatic harmony was thrilling, as in such details as the cellos' dissonant flattened 6th just before the final cadence.
    • By phrase two these pitches have become the descending third G-E, and the later phrases of section one also have thirds at their cadences, whether major or minor.
    • But due to the brevity of the arrangements, within a few bars the music takes a sharp and often abrupt turn to the final cadence in ways that are disruptive to a listener or a pianist familiar with the original themes.
    • Still others, believing they are in C, will dutifully ‘tweak’ the final phrase of the piece to return to the note C at the cadence, making for a somewhat jarring ending.


Late Middle English (in the sense ‘rhythm or metrical beat’): via Old French from Italian cadenza, based on Latin cadere ‘to fall’.





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