

单词 cheek

Definition of cheek in English:


noun tʃiːktʃik
  • 1Either side of the face below the eye.

    tears rolled down her cheeks
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The blow swung his head around to the side; his cheek stung long afterwards.
    • Tears rolled down her cheeks, but her face remained calmed and her eyes were still fixed upon Alex's.
    • One of his hands traced up along the side of my tearstained cheek and through my hair.
    • I rolled onto my side and propped my cheek on one hand, watching him as he stretched languidly and opened the small drawer.
    • Her hair stuck to her cheeks, her face and eyes were red, her lip was bleeding because she bit down so hard.
    • His wheat colored hair appeared to have never been cut; reaching to his shoulders to cover up the hallow cheeks and stopping just below his jaw line.
    • He opened them again and looked into her caring eyes as he felt her hand moving from his cheek to the left side of his chest.
    • I took deep breaths of the cold wind in my face, letting it blow the hair back from my face and sting my cheeks and nose.
    • This time I sat up, raised my elbow next to my cheek and stretched the back of my arm behind my head.
    • He must have been studying the bruised lump on the right side of my forehead and long red cut on my cheek below.
    • I can see Casey kissing her cheeks, just below her eyes, and my own eyes start tearing up at that.
    • He steps forward and touches my cheek, his hand neither warm nor cold against my skin.
    • Tears are rolling down my cheeks and Dad's face is red.
    • I wipe away a tear that's somehow rolling down my cheek with the back of my hand.
    • When he smiled a dimple was visible just below his right cheek.
    • Some women also develop more hair on their chin, upper lip, cheeks, arms and legs during pregnancy.
    • He lifted his hand and gently brushed away the tears rolling down her cheek, with his thumb.
    • As it was, I felt a burning pain on my left cheek below my eye and all over my arm.
    • She put her arm round his neck, touching the side of his cheek and her fingertips stuck to its surface.
    • Tears began to roll down my cheeks as my stomach clenched again.
    1. 1.1 Either of the inner sides of the mouth.
      Gabriel had to bite his cheeks to keep from laughing
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The astringency of tannins is most perceptible on the inner cheeks; the heat of the alcohol burns in the back of the throat.
      • He had to bite his cheek inside his mouth, hard, to keep from laughing.
      • Participants use their kits to scrape some cells off of their inner cheek with a swab and mail it in.
      • Darien had to bite the side of his inner cheek to keep from saying something insulting and cruel to her.
    2. 1.2 Either of the buttocks.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Or, you know, cover it up with a skirt that actually reaches below the cheeks.
      • They slapped the cheeks of their buttocks and made facial parodies that I found embarrassing.
      • But as soon as my cheeks eased their way onto the firm, but well-cushioned seat, I was converted.
      • When they stood up for a hymn, he noticed that her dress was tucked into the cheeks of her posterior.
      buttocks, behind, backside, rear, rear end, seat, haunches, cheeks
    3. 1.3 Either of two side pieces or parts arranged in lateral pairs in a structure.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • You then slice off the fat cheeks on either side of the stone.
  • 2in singular Talk or behaviour regarded as rude or lacking in respect.

    he had the cheek to complain
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The English agent even had the cheek to send an e-mail saying he was doing a bunk and planned to emigrate to Italy.
    • He even had the cheek to object when I insisted that it had to be coloured in.
    • They even had the cheek to threaten sanctions against clubs that refused to release players.
    • It is surprising that she had the cheek to pursue her act to the highest court of appeal.
    • When we found out we went and they had the cheek to turn us away.
    • In the bar, punters were downing real ale or orange juice, and staring resentfully at the three people who'd had the cheek to light up a cigarette.
    • Even when things went wrong, they had enough cheek to get away with it.
    • They had the cheek to ask me if I could work tonight.
    • He had the cheek to tell workers their demand, which will mean a rise of as little as 30p an hour, was ‘exorbitant’.
    • Here I was telling him something that was quite major and he had the cheek to be sarcastic.
    • I can't believe someone had the cheek to write this letter.
    • They then had the cheek to complain that the recovery of costs against them was unfair and a hardship on them!
    • I am upset because they had the cheek to give me a ticket - although I can see the funny side.
    • She also had the cheek to question our lack of footpaths!
    • So I took great pleasure in showing her my student card - she had the cheek to wish me happy birthday!
    impudence, impertinence, insolence, cheekiness, audacity, temerity, brazenness, presumption, effrontery, nerve, gall, pertness, boldness, shamelessness, impoliteness, disrespect, bad manners, unmannerliness, overfamiliarity
    answering back, talking back
    informal brass, brass neck, neck, face, lip, mouth, cockiness
    British informal sauce
    Scottish informal snash
    North American informal sass, sassiness, nerviness, chutzpah, back talk
    informal, dated hide
    British informal, dated crust, backchat
    archaic malapertness, contumely
    rare procacity, assumption
verb tʃiːk
[with object]British informal
  • Speak impertinently to.

    Frankie always got away with cheeking his elders
    Example sentencesExamples
    • When I like someone I find I do that terrible thing of giving them a bit of cheek and I am sorry to say that I cheeked the great man himself this very day.
    • You would never have cheeked me before and I simply won't have it now.
    • He continues to cheek his betters, even after he has bested them.
    • She didn't like it at all and cheeked her coach, who ordered her out of the gym.
    • He was cheeking teachers for the first time since she had known him.
    • They cheeked us back and we told them it wasn't a playground and shouted get out.
    • But while the Queen had to act properly, it was Fleming who spoke of improper things, made crude jokes, and cheeked the governesses and tutors.
    • Without a second glance she cheeked the offending driver, forgetting her windows were too darkly tinted for the person to see, and then relaxed back in her comfortable driver's seat and flicked on the radio.
    answer back to, talk back to, be cheeky to, be impertinent to
    contradict, argue with, disagree with
    informal backchat
    North American informal sass, be sassy to


  • cheek by jowl

    • Close together.

      they lived cheek by jowl in a one-room flat
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Indeed, Prince Charles for many years championed ‘urban villages’ in which different types of people lived cheek by jowl.
      • Within the last few decades, massive land reclamation projects and astounding growth have created one of the most modern and efficient cities in the world, where shiny modern buildings stand cheek by jowl.
      • We have not had a problem with leopards in over 100 years in Mumbai, though the cats have lived cheek by jowl with us.
      • The people who live cheek by jowl in the slums next in the station include a fair share of criminals indulging in railway crimes like looting, pick-pocketing and stealing of goods of passengers and also railway property.
      • Above all, though, he was exhilarated by such a mass of people living cheek by jowl.
      • And as for the urban young, even parents and those who live cheek by jowl with them in our cities have difficulties motivating them.
      • It stands cheek by jowl with two other delights for the boys: the Model Ships Museum and the Sport Fishing Museum.
      • Agrarian societies had considerable disparities of status, but most people lived similar lives and they lived cheek by jowl.
      • My day-to-day life is largely lived cheek by jowl with Bulgarian colleagues and friends.
      • When landlord and tenant live cheek by jowl, it can all too easily wreck a holiday, says Rosie Millard
      with each other, in conjunction, jointly, conjointly, in cooperation, cooperatively, in collaboration, in partnership, in combination, as one, in unison, in concert, concertedly, with one accord, in league, in alliance, in collusion, side by side, hand in hand, hand in glove, shoulder to shoulder, cheek by jowl
  • cheek to cheek

    • (of two people dancing) with their heads close together in a romantic way.

      they were dancing cheek to cheek to a stereo in the apartment
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It doesn't go down well when you're dancing cheek to cheek.
      • The singer, his voice deep and husky, started singing mimicking that of Frank Sinatra, singing about us dancing cheek to cheek.
      • He then closes his eyes and we were cheek to cheek.
      • Dancers face in the same direction (the woman's right, the man's left) and so dance almost cheek to cheek.
      • He walks out onto the catwalk and pulls a woman from the audience up onstage, holds her and they dance cheek to cheek.
      • They danced cheek to cheek, and Jen saw his lips moving.
      • That's when I realized that we were dancing cheek to cheek.
      • He tactfully asked Lady Lucy to sit and talk to Rupert while I danced with him, cheek to cheek.
      • The music was slow, and the two other couples on the dance floor were slow dancing, their eyes closed, cheek to cheek.
      • If nothing else, the story affords us the pleasure of watching the two dancing cheek to cheek.
  • turn the other cheek

    • Refrain from retaliating when one has been attacked or insulted.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Tell them if they are really committed to a nonviolent approach to undeserved attacks, they will turn the other cheek and negotiate a solution.
      • Forgiveness, turning the other cheek, are, for me, signs of strength.
      • Are we reflecting an attitude that turns the other cheek, an attitude that goes the extra mile in the face of abuse?
      • I am done with taking the high road and turning the other cheek.
      • They may not care for the theology and rituals but they do understand the tenets of Christianity based, if nothing else, on the Ten Commandments, along with lessons of turning the other cheek, the Good Samaritan etc.
      • It is tough being tolerant and turning the other cheek sometimes.
      • And so this is not a pope who believes always in turning the other cheek.
      • Since then, I have cooled down and decided that was wrong and a sinful act of retaliation instead of turning the other cheek.
      • Good Christian values of compassion for one's enemies and turning the other cheek no longer apply.
      • Good people cannot stop a war merely by turning the other cheek.


  • cheeked

  • adjective
    • in combination rosy-cheeked


Old English cē(a)ce, cēoce 'cheek, jaw', of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch kaak.

  • The Old English word cheek, meaning both cheek and jaw, came to mean ‘rude or disrespectful behaviour’ in the mid 19th century. The sense probably comes from the idea of a person's cheeks moving as he rudely answers a superior back. Cheeky was first used around the same time. The affectionate reprimand you cheeky monkey! is particularly common in Lancashire, and is often used by the barmaid Betty Turpin in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street. A variation of the expression was popularized in the 1950s by the comedian Al Read, whose catchphrase was ‘Right, monkey!’ In cheek by jowl, meaning ‘very close together’, jowl (Old English) simply means ‘cheek’. In fact the original form of the phrase was cheek by cheek. To turn the other cheek is to make a deliberate decision to remain calm and not to retaliate when you have been attacked or insulted. The expression comes from the Gospel of Matthew: ‘But I say to ye, That ye resist not evil; but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other.’


antique, batik, beak, bespeak, bezique, bleak, boutique, cacique, caïque, chic, clique, creak, creek, critique, Dominique, eke, freak, geek, Greek, hide-and-seek, keek, Lalique, leak, leek, Martinique, meek, midweek, Mozambique, Mustique, mystique, oblique, opéra comique, ortanique, peak, Peake, peek, physique, pique, pratique, reek, seek, shriek, Sikh, sleek, sneak, speak, Speke, squeak, streak, teak, technique, tongue-in-cheek, tweak, unique, veronique, weak, week, wreak

Definition of cheek in US English:


  • 1Either side of the face below the eye.

    tears rolled down her cheeks
    Example sentencesExamples
    • As it was, I felt a burning pain on my left cheek below my eye and all over my arm.
    • I rolled onto my side and propped my cheek on one hand, watching him as he stretched languidly and opened the small drawer.
    • His wheat colored hair appeared to have never been cut; reaching to his shoulders to cover up the hallow cheeks and stopping just below his jaw line.
    • Some women also develop more hair on their chin, upper lip, cheeks, arms and legs during pregnancy.
    • Tears began to roll down my cheeks as my stomach clenched again.
    • I can see Casey kissing her cheeks, just below her eyes, and my own eyes start tearing up at that.
    • Her hair stuck to her cheeks, her face and eyes were red, her lip was bleeding because she bit down so hard.
    • One of his hands traced up along the side of my tearstained cheek and through my hair.
    • This time I sat up, raised my elbow next to my cheek and stretched the back of my arm behind my head.
    • He lifted his hand and gently brushed away the tears rolling down her cheek, with his thumb.
    • I took deep breaths of the cold wind in my face, letting it blow the hair back from my face and sting my cheeks and nose.
    • I wipe away a tear that's somehow rolling down my cheek with the back of my hand.
    • He must have been studying the bruised lump on the right side of my forehead and long red cut on my cheek below.
    • When he smiled a dimple was visible just below his right cheek.
    • Tears are rolling down my cheeks and Dad's face is red.
    • He steps forward and touches my cheek, his hand neither warm nor cold against my skin.
    • The blow swung his head around to the side; his cheek stung long afterwards.
    • He opened them again and looked into her caring eyes as he felt her hand moving from his cheek to the left side of his chest.
    • She put her arm round his neck, touching the side of his cheek and her fingertips stuck to its surface.
    • Tears rolled down her cheeks, but her face remained calmed and her eyes were still fixed upon Alex's.
    1. 1.1 Either of the inner sides of the mouth.
      Sam had to bite his cheeks to keep from laughing
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Darien had to bite the side of his inner cheek to keep from saying something insulting and cruel to her.
      • Participants use their kits to scrape some cells off of their inner cheek with a swab and mail it in.
      • The astringency of tannins is most perceptible on the inner cheeks; the heat of the alcohol burns in the back of the throat.
      • He had to bite his cheek inside his mouth, hard, to keep from laughing.
    2. 1.2 Either of the buttocks.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But as soon as my cheeks eased their way onto the firm, but well-cushioned seat, I was converted.
      • Or, you know, cover it up with a skirt that actually reaches below the cheeks.
      • They slapped the cheeks of their buttocks and made facial parodies that I found embarrassing.
      • When they stood up for a hymn, he noticed that her dress was tucked into the cheeks of her posterior.
      buttocks, behind, backside, rear, rear end, seat, haunches, cheeks
    3. 1.3 Either of two side pieces or parts in a structure.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • You then slice off the fat cheeks on either side of the stone.
  • 2in singular Impertinent talk or behavior.

    he had the cheek to complain
    that's enough of your cheek!
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I am upset because they had the cheek to give me a ticket - although I can see the funny side.
    • In the bar, punters were downing real ale or orange juice, and staring resentfully at the three people who'd had the cheek to light up a cigarette.
    • When we found out we went and they had the cheek to turn us away.
    • So I took great pleasure in showing her my student card - she had the cheek to wish me happy birthday!
    • They had the cheek to ask me if I could work tonight.
    • She also had the cheek to question our lack of footpaths!
    • It is surprising that she had the cheek to pursue her act to the highest court of appeal.
    • He even had the cheek to object when I insisted that it had to be coloured in.
    • They even had the cheek to threaten sanctions against clubs that refused to release players.
    • I can't believe someone had the cheek to write this letter.
    • The English agent even had the cheek to send an e-mail saying he was doing a bunk and planned to emigrate to Italy.
    • He had the cheek to tell workers their demand, which will mean a rise of as little as 30p an hour, was ‘exorbitant’.
    • Here I was telling him something that was quite major and he had the cheek to be sarcastic.
    • Even when things went wrong, they had enough cheek to get away with it.
    • They then had the cheek to complain that the recovery of costs against them was unfair and a hardship on them!
    impudence, impertinence, insolence, cheekiness, audacity, temerity, brazenness, presumption, effrontery, nerve, gall, pertness, boldness, shamelessness, impoliteness, disrespect, bad manners, unmannerliness, overfamiliarity


  • cheek by jowl

    • Close together; side by side.

      the houses were packed cheek by jowl along the coast
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Agrarian societies had considerable disparities of status, but most people lived similar lives and they lived cheek by jowl.
      • Above all, though, he was exhilarated by such a mass of people living cheek by jowl.
      • And as for the urban young, even parents and those who live cheek by jowl with them in our cities have difficulties motivating them.
      • Indeed, Prince Charles for many years championed ‘urban villages’ in which different types of people lived cheek by jowl.
      • It stands cheek by jowl with two other delights for the boys: the Model Ships Museum and the Sport Fishing Museum.
      • My day-to-day life is largely lived cheek by jowl with Bulgarian colleagues and friends.
      • When landlord and tenant live cheek by jowl, it can all too easily wreck a holiday, says Rosie Millard
      • We have not had a problem with leopards in over 100 years in Mumbai, though the cats have lived cheek by jowl with us.
      • The people who live cheek by jowl in the slums next in the station include a fair share of criminals indulging in railway crimes like looting, pick-pocketing and stealing of goods of passengers and also railway property.
      • Within the last few decades, massive land reclamation projects and astounding growth have created one of the most modern and efficient cities in the world, where shiny modern buildings stand cheek by jowl.
      with each other, in conjunction, jointly, conjointly, in cooperation, cooperatively, in collaboration, in partnership, in combination, as one, in unison, in concert, concertedly, with one accord, in league, in alliance, in collusion, side by side, hand in hand, hand in glove, shoulder to shoulder, cheek by jowl
  • cheek to cheek

    • (of two people dancing) with their heads close together in an intimate way.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • The singer, his voice deep and husky, started singing mimicking that of Frank Sinatra, singing about us dancing cheek to cheek.
      • They danced cheek to cheek, and Jen saw his lips moving.
      • It doesn't go down well when you're dancing cheek to cheek.
      • That's when I realized that we were dancing cheek to cheek.
      • He then closes his eyes and we were cheek to cheek.
      • Dancers face in the same direction (the woman's right, the man's left) and so dance almost cheek to cheek.
      • The music was slow, and the two other couples on the dance floor were slow dancing, their eyes closed, cheek to cheek.
      • He tactfully asked Lady Lucy to sit and talk to Rupert while I danced with him, cheek to cheek.
      • He walks out onto the catwalk and pulls a woman from the audience up onstage, holds her and they dance cheek to cheek.
      • If nothing else, the story affords us the pleasure of watching the two dancing cheek to cheek.
  • turn the other cheek

    • Refrain from retaliating when one has been attacked or insulted.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Since then, I have cooled down and decided that was wrong and a sinful act of retaliation instead of turning the other cheek.
      • I am done with taking the high road and turning the other cheek.
      • Good Christian values of compassion for one's enemies and turning the other cheek no longer apply.
      • Are we reflecting an attitude that turns the other cheek, an attitude that goes the extra mile in the face of abuse?
      • Good people cannot stop a war merely by turning the other cheek.
      • They may not care for the theology and rituals but they do understand the tenets of Christianity based, if nothing else, on the Ten Commandments, along with lessons of turning the other cheek, the Good Samaritan etc.
      • Forgiveness, turning the other cheek, are, for me, signs of strength.
      • And so this is not a pope who believes always in turning the other cheek.
      • Tell them if they are really committed to a nonviolent approach to undeserved attacks, they will turn the other cheek and negotiate a solution.
      • It is tough being tolerant and turning the other cheek sometimes.


Old English cē(a)ce, cēoce ‘cheek, jaw’, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch kaak.





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