

单词 coast guard

Definition of coast guard in US English:

coast guard

(also coastguard)
nounˈkōst ˌɡärdˈkoʊst ˌɡɑrdˈkoʊst ˌɡɑrd
Coast Guard
  • 1A branch of the US armed forces, under the Department of Transportation since 1967, responsible for the enforcement of maritime law and for the protection of life and property at sea. In time of war, or at the direction of the president, the Coast Guard serves as part of the US Navy.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • She came to the White House from the U.S. Coast Guard.
    • Then the Coast Guard closed down the ports of Wilmington, North Carolina, and Hampton Roads, Virginia.
    • The Act also established Coast Guard Captains of the Port as Federal Maritime Security Coordinators.
    • Personnel from the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard were involved.
    • There was a Coast Guard helicopter in the area on a law enforcement assignment, but it was low on fuel and had no rescue swimmer on board to get the victim into the rescue basket.
    • The new law held boatbuilders responsible for the boats they built and gave the U.S. Coast Guard the authority to recall defective vessels.
    • The Air Force is here, the Marines, the Navy, Coast Guard.
    • They have a Coast Guard unit here in San Francisco.
    • The Navy and Coast Guard are patrolling Boston Harbor.
    • The Coast Guard Academy is in his home base in New York.
    • The Coast Guard has core values of Honor, Respect and Devotion to Duty.
    • Dozens of police and fire department officers were deployed, and a Coast Guard vessel waited offshore in case the visit had to be quickly cut short.
    • As well, a committee of concerned citizens and Coast Guard personnel has been working together to try to find alternative uses for many of the lighthouses that dot our coast.
    • The Marine Corps and Coast Guard have joined with the Navy to form the United Services Military Apprenticeship Program.
    • After that disaster, a Coast Guard officer was appointed captain of the port of New York.
    • They are likely to encounter a boarding party if a Coast Guard or other law enforcement vessel is patrolling the area.
    • The Air and Coast Guard Unit was expanded to form the Air and Coastal Defense Command on August 13, 1990.
    • Once aboard, the rescued mariners received fresh water, food, blankets and medical attention and then were transferred to a Coast Guard unit for transportation back to shore.
    • He is currently a Lecturer in the Humanities at the United States Coast Guard Academy.
    • This includes Active and Reserve Components and the Coast Guard.
    1. 1.1the coastguard A civilian or volunteer organization keeping watch on the sea near a coast in order to assist people or ships in danger and to prevent smuggling.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Constructed in 1874, it was used as a coastguard station until 1922 and was subsequently occupied by the Gardai until ten years ago.
      • At the seaside, the coastguard reported a number of false alarms when ships mistook fireworks for distress flares.
      • He called police who launched a full-scale rescue operation involving the coastguard, fire brigade, local boats and a jet ski.
      • The crew's lack of English added to the difficulties to the rescue and an interpreter was brought in at Stornoway coastguard station to assist.
      • The cabin cruiser has been detained in dry dock as police and coastguard officials continue their investigation.
      • All Yorkshire coastguard stations were on bad weather watch and gusts of over 60 mph had been recorded at Flamborough Head.
      • If a distress flare is inadvertently set off, please let the emergency services know by informing the coastguard and so avoiding an unnecessary lifeboat launch.
      • He said they were lucky because the coastguard response had been immediate and its co-ordination of the rescue outstanding.
      • On the way to the scene, they were briefed on the emergency by Malin coastguard radio.
      • It is unclear how the man got into the water but the coastguard were alerted by Essex Police, who had been called by members of the public.
      • When I went up to the coastguard station I found out they were starting a search.
      • The vessels escaped as coastguard ships redirected their efforts to rescuing Choe.
      • The coastguard emergency tug, Anglian Princess, accompanied the ship as far as Cape Wrath.
      • But 19 coastguard stations around the UK were affected.
      • The operation was scaled down at noon but throughout the afternoon the coastguard continued to broadcast alerts to shipping about the missing man, who was alone on the vessel.
      • The coastguard assisted a Russian cargo vessel in trouble in gale force winds to the west of Orkney on Thursday night.
      • The helicopter landed and they were wrapped in blankets and given sandwiches and cups of tea at the coastguard station.
      • A Lancashire police helicopter and the coastguard began a search at about 2.30 am.
      • Then they got in touch with the coastguard and even the police turned up!
      • Two men said to have a ‘history of hijacking’ were arrested when the coastguard boarded a cruise ship 20 miles off Miami.
      • Local police have been alerted and the coastguard rescue team are at the shoreside.
      • Lifeboat teams and a coastguard helicopter were yesterday continuing to search the waters of the bay for him.
    2. 1.2 A member of a federal or civilian coast guard organization.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A winchman was lowered from the helicopter and along with paramedics and coastguards assessed her condition before moving her onto a stretcher and airlifting her to hospital in Scarborough.
      • We would ask anyone who is going fishing or walking in areas which are prone to be cut off to check details of high tides with their local coastguards.
      • French coastguards scrambled a search party, including helicopters, and local fishing boats joined in, but the search failed to find the woman.
      • Crew members contacted Shetland coastguards to alert them and the trawler's sister vessel, the MFV Falcon was called to assist.
      • Police, who are using sonar equipment and specialist diving teams, and coastguards are continuing to search the river and nearby areas of coastline.
      • However, the British Navy ship Anglesey was due to arrive at the scene last night to help warn other vessels, said French coastguards.
      • However, there was an oil slick, life rings and life rafts visible when coastguards reached the site.
      • Aberdeen coastguards broadcast a Mayday relay message to all vessels in the area and the vessel Dea Mariner responded and steamed to the area.
      • Police officers, Clacton and Walton coastguards and the Clacton lifeboat all joined in the hunt along the town's seafront but were unable to find her.
      • Specialist police search teams joined uniformed officers, police divers, dog handlers, volunteers, coastguards and a Royal National Lifeboat Institution hovercraft in the hunt for the child.
      • No, it's the fishermen, seamen, coastguards and the like, those trained to scan the surface of the water, who spot these peculiar apparitions.
      • A spokeswoman for the coastguards said the three crew members on board made a call for immediate assistance on VHF Channel 16.
      • He was rescued and taken ashore to Guatemala by coastguards last year.
      • They are all reported as being unharmed by their ordeal despite one of the Llandudno coastguards describing the flooding as the worst he has seen in the area.
      • Yesterday coastguards renewed warnings to walkers to check tide times, wear proper clothing and shoes, and tell someone where they are going.
      • Teams of coastguards, paramedics and firemen had walked for two-and-half hours over the sands to get to the casualty, who had already spent a night trapped in torrential rain.
      • But we have the utmost admiration for the coastguards and what they do.
      • The lifeboat was launched after Fife coastguards received a distress call from the grounded vessel.
      • Lifeboatmen and coastguards in Essex have been kept busy over the Easter bank holiday.
      • The police launch boat was also there as well as the coastguards and lifeboat crew.
      • They alerted the coastguards and an area around the slipway of the pier was cordoned off.

Definition of coast guard in US English:

coast guard

(also coastguard)
nounˈkōst ˌɡärdˈkoʊst ˌɡɑrd
Coast Guard
  • 1A branch of the US armed forces, under the Department of Transportation since 1967, responsible for the enforcement of maritime law and for the protection of life and property at sea. In time of war, or at the direction of the president, the Coast Guard serves as part of the US Navy.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • She came to the White House from the U.S. Coast Guard.
    • Then the Coast Guard closed down the ports of Wilmington, North Carolina, and Hampton Roads, Virginia.
    • The Act also established Coast Guard Captains of the Port as Federal Maritime Security Coordinators.
    • Personnel from the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard were involved.
    • There was a Coast Guard helicopter in the area on a law enforcement assignment, but it was low on fuel and had no rescue swimmer on board to get the victim into the rescue basket.
    • The new law held boatbuilders responsible for the boats they built and gave the U.S. Coast Guard the authority to recall defective vessels.
    • The Air Force is here, the Marines, the Navy, Coast Guard.
    • They have a Coast Guard unit here in San Francisco.
    • The Navy and Coast Guard are patrolling Boston Harbor.
    • The Coast Guard Academy is in his home base in New York.
    • The Coast Guard has core values of Honor, Respect and Devotion to Duty.
    • Dozens of police and fire department officers were deployed, and a Coast Guard vessel waited offshore in case the visit had to be quickly cut short.
    • As well, a committee of concerned citizens and Coast Guard personnel has been working together to try to find alternative uses for many of the lighthouses that dot our coast.
    • The Marine Corps and Coast Guard have joined with the Navy to form the United Services Military Apprenticeship Program.
    • After that disaster, a Coast Guard officer was appointed captain of the port of New York.
    • They are likely to encounter a boarding party if a Coast Guard or other law enforcement vessel is patrolling the area.
    • The Air and Coast Guard Unit was expanded to form the Air and Coastal Defense Command on August 13, 1990.
    • Once aboard, the rescued mariners received fresh water, food, blankets and medical attention and then were transferred to a Coast Guard unit for transportation back to shore.
    • He is currently a Lecturer in the Humanities at the United States Coast Guard Academy.
    • This includes Active and Reserve Components and the Coast Guard.
    1. 1.1the coastguard A civilian or volunteer organization keeping watch on the sea near a coast in order to assist people or ships in danger and to prevent smuggling.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Constructed in 1874, it was used as a coastguard station until 1922 and was subsequently occupied by the Gardai until ten years ago.
      • At the seaside, the coastguard reported a number of false alarms when ships mistook fireworks for distress flares.
      • He called police who launched a full-scale rescue operation involving the coastguard, fire brigade, local boats and a jet ski.
      • The crew's lack of English added to the difficulties to the rescue and an interpreter was brought in at Stornoway coastguard station to assist.
      • The cabin cruiser has been detained in dry dock as police and coastguard officials continue their investigation.
      • All Yorkshire coastguard stations were on bad weather watch and gusts of over 60 mph had been recorded at Flamborough Head.
      • If a distress flare is inadvertently set off, please let the emergency services know by informing the coastguard and so avoiding an unnecessary lifeboat launch.
      • He said they were lucky because the coastguard response had been immediate and its co-ordination of the rescue outstanding.
      • On the way to the scene, they were briefed on the emergency by Malin coastguard radio.
      • It is unclear how the man got into the water but the coastguard were alerted by Essex Police, who had been called by members of the public.
      • When I went up to the coastguard station I found out they were starting a search.
      • The vessels escaped as coastguard ships redirected their efforts to rescuing Choe.
      • The coastguard emergency tug, Anglian Princess, accompanied the ship as far as Cape Wrath.
      • But 19 coastguard stations around the UK were affected.
      • The operation was scaled down at noon but throughout the afternoon the coastguard continued to broadcast alerts to shipping about the missing man, who was alone on the vessel.
      • The coastguard assisted a Russian cargo vessel in trouble in gale force winds to the west of Orkney on Thursday night.
      • The helicopter landed and they were wrapped in blankets and given sandwiches and cups of tea at the coastguard station.
      • A Lancashire police helicopter and the coastguard began a search at about 2.30 am.
      • Then they got in touch with the coastguard and even the police turned up!
      • Two men said to have a ‘history of hijacking’ were arrested when the coastguard boarded a cruise ship 20 miles off Miami.
      • Local police have been alerted and the coastguard rescue team are at the shoreside.
      • Lifeboat teams and a coastguard helicopter were yesterday continuing to search the waters of the bay for him.
    2. 1.2 A member of a federal or civilian coast guard organization.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A winchman was lowered from the helicopter and along with paramedics and coastguards assessed her condition before moving her onto a stretcher and airlifting her to hospital in Scarborough.
      • We would ask anyone who is going fishing or walking in areas which are prone to be cut off to check details of high tides with their local coastguards.
      • French coastguards scrambled a search party, including helicopters, and local fishing boats joined in, but the search failed to find the woman.
      • Crew members contacted Shetland coastguards to alert them and the trawler's sister vessel, the MFV Falcon was called to assist.
      • Police, who are using sonar equipment and specialist diving teams, and coastguards are continuing to search the river and nearby areas of coastline.
      • However, the British Navy ship Anglesey was due to arrive at the scene last night to help warn other vessels, said French coastguards.
      • However, there was an oil slick, life rings and life rafts visible when coastguards reached the site.
      • Aberdeen coastguards broadcast a Mayday relay message to all vessels in the area and the vessel Dea Mariner responded and steamed to the area.
      • Police officers, Clacton and Walton coastguards and the Clacton lifeboat all joined in the hunt along the town's seafront but were unable to find her.
      • Specialist police search teams joined uniformed officers, police divers, dog handlers, volunteers, coastguards and a Royal National Lifeboat Institution hovercraft in the hunt for the child.
      • No, it's the fishermen, seamen, coastguards and the like, those trained to scan the surface of the water, who spot these peculiar apparitions.
      • A spokeswoman for the coastguards said the three crew members on board made a call for immediate assistance on VHF Channel 16.
      • He was rescued and taken ashore to Guatemala by coastguards last year.
      • They are all reported as being unharmed by their ordeal despite one of the Llandudno coastguards describing the flooding as the worst he has seen in the area.
      • Yesterday coastguards renewed warnings to walkers to check tide times, wear proper clothing and shoes, and tell someone where they are going.
      • Teams of coastguards, paramedics and firemen had walked for two-and-half hours over the sands to get to the casualty, who had already spent a night trapped in torrential rain.
      • But we have the utmost admiration for the coastguards and what they do.
      • The lifeboat was launched after Fife coastguards received a distress call from the grounded vessel.
      • Lifeboatmen and coastguards in Essex have been kept busy over the Easter bank holiday.
      • The police launch boat was also there as well as the coastguards and lifeboat crew.
      • They alerted the coastguards and an area around the slipway of the pier was cordoned off.




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