

单词 buoy

Definition of buoy in English:


noun bɔɪ
  • An anchored float serving as a navigation mark, to show reefs or other hazards, or for mooring.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • According to the plan, white buoys would designate coral reefs and sea preservative areas.
    • The mooring buoy grid itself will be safer and far more compact than the present anchoring arrangements and will leave plenty of space for other boats to anchor.
    • Your July cover caption reflects that the Star Flyer is ‘gliding peacefully through the Aegean Sea’ when she actually rests at anchor, tied between two mooring buoys.
    • At the same time, a mooring buoy design competition, with cash awards, was held in the villages of the park.
    • Having achieved this, the fishermen then returned to the marker buoy to retrieve the anchor.
    • It's encouraging to see that there are only two other dive boats on the wall and the mooring buoys are well spaced out.
    • First, two experienced divers armed with buoys marked the reef and the area which needed to be cleaned.
    • The association is in the planning stages of setting up mooring buoys at the more visited sites like Pantai Merah, Padar Island, and Cannibal Rock.
    • Permanent mooring buoys are provided at all diving sites, and these are colour-coded to denote whether they are for use by local dive schools or by private boats.
    • Modern, well-equipped dive boats leave every day for different sites, all 60 of which have mooring buoys.
    • The thief had apparently let the stern anchor go and had marked it with a buoy, giving the impression that the boat would be back shortly.
    • Two new navigation buoys will be provided in the channel and alterations are to be carried out on existing navigation lights.
    • Offshore, there are a host of marine navigation aids such as floating and fixed buoys and lighthouses - each with special icons so you can identify them easily.
    • Newry and Mourne Council are providing necessary navigation buoys in the Clanrye River estuary from Narrow Water to the Victoria.
    • Nine fixed navigation aids and five buoys are scheduled to replace them by mid 2004.
    • The dive site is marked by mooring buoys in the bay before Cabo Cope.
    • The wreck is marked by a buoy attached to a big concrete mooring block off the stern.
    • At Carval Rock we tie off to a mooring buoy bolted into the reef at 15m.
    • Accumulations of zebra mussels clog municipal water systems, and have even been known to sink navigational buoys by their combined weight alone.
    • To safely navigate a boat, one has to be able to see and identify day marks, buoys and the occasional sign for the restaurant we want to visit.
    marker, anchored float, navigation mark, guide, beacon, signal
verb bɔɪ
[with object]
  • 1often be buoyed upKeep (someone or something) afloat.

    the creatures could swim, both buoyed up and cooled by the water
    Example sentencesExamples
    • We suddenly noticed he was missing and ran around looking for him, before looking out to sea and seeing him floating, buoyed up by the air in his nappy.
    • Inflatable dive jackets marked with Tom and Eileen's names were later washed ashore north of Port Douglas, along with their tanks - still buoyed up by a few remnants of air - and one of Eileen's fins.
    • They all watch in fear and fascination as Cal soars for a miraculous moment more, buoyed on the wind's strong shoulder.
    • Instead he presented them as wallowers, being buoyed up by water, feeding on soft marsh vegetation.
    • Spaced almost evenly a foot or so from one another, dozens upon dozens of the three-inch-long frogs float with their legs extended, hind legs buoyed apart, and snouts above water.
    • Owls hooted in the trees as the tide on Boston Harbor buoyed a fleet of small rowboats toward Cambridge Shore.
    • It floated really well (I imagine all the hairs trap air and buoy it up), and was making what looked to be good progress by padding with all eight legs.
    • They are then put on boats and rowed out on to the lake, anchored with rocks and buoyed up by plastic pop bottles, which act as floats.
    • Above me I could see the colorful silken envelopes, ballooning and buoyed upward by the hot air of the hundred fires that were continually stoked by the slaves of the formidable skyship.
    buoyant, floating, buoyed up, non-submerged, suspended, drifting, above the surface, on the surface, above water, keeping one's head above water
    1. 1.1 Make (someone) cheerful and confident.
      she was buoyed up by his praise
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Then, buoyed up by the thought that I had actually done something, I went out to do some gentle gardening, trimming the grassy edges along the back fence.
      • Reynaud himself seemed buoyed up with hope on hearing the proposal.
      • Some described false confidence as the ultimate fair-weather friend, buoying you when times are good and deserting you when they're bad.
      • Twenty-four hours ago, I was buoyed by the confidence of having three plates fiercely spinning.
      • But he warmed to his subject, and was clearly buoyed up by the crowd's enthusiasm.
      • They said they felt so buoyed up as they were such a great bunch of students.
      • The United States won a significant victory and, buoyed up by a public opinion that seems to hear no evil and see no evil, looks determined to press on and try and score others.
      • It still took a last gasp goal to save Erin's Own, but the certainty is they'll return to the fray on Saturday all buoyed up.
      • Grateful that I'd been allowed into this space, I finally moved on, returning to my mundane tasks of the day, but buoyed up by this close encounter.
      • But then, for vast periods of this game, their opponents were irresistibly confident, buoyed by their clear superiority.
      • She thinks they must be restaurant reviews and this buoys her spirits since she imagines it must mean the food is good.
      • We were flying and we came ashore jubilant and buoyed up.
      • Despite the increased friction between the two sides, morale among IT staff remains high, with striking workers buoyed by messages of support from council colleagues and members of the public.
      • The tidal wave of marchers which swept through the streets in a never-ending flow, whistled, drummed and chanted its way around the city, buoyed up by a seemingly endless supply of good humour.
      • That said, he is in an exceptionally sweet mood today, buoyed up by Friday's release of his new film, Angela's Ashes, and, I'd say, not exactly dismayed by the controversy it has generated.
      • Feeling part of a larger community of like-minded nonviolent protestors, I felt buoyed up by the possibility of triumph over injustice.
      • She is raring to go at the moment, buoyed up by her unexpected win in the Snack-a-Jacks sponsored competition, but admits that maintaining her interest could be a problem.
      • Jestine, who was a teacher herself long ago, was all buoyed up on seeing the kids.
      • For today's leaders buoyed up by the passing cloud of rhetoric, its literary strength makes it likely its findings will be quoted for many years to come.
      • Peter swelled with pride at her assessment of his manners, buoyed up by the thought of her approval and happiness.
      cheer, cheer up, brighten up, ginger up, hearten, rally, animate, invigorate, comfort, uplift, lift, encourage, stimulate, raise someone's spirits, give a lift to
      support, sustain, give strength to, be a source of strength to, be a tower of strength to, keep someone going, see someone through
      informal pep up, perk up, buck up
      rare inspirit
    2. 1.2 Cause (a price) to rise to or remain at a high level.
      shares were up 4p, buoyed by his cut-and-thrust management style
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Much of the bond rally now is built on exaggerated fears of deflation and unrealistic hopes that the Fed will buoy the market by buying bonds.
      • Stocks spent most of the day in positive territory, buoyed in part by the University of Michigan's report showing consumer confidence rose in March to 95.8 from 94.4 in February.
      • Reports earlier this week showed jobless claims dropped and manufacturing rose, buoying the dollar.
      • Overseas, bull runs in Asia have buoyed foreign stock funds.
      • It claims that increased custom from the ‘once a week’ pub-goer - the largest group of pub patrons - would buoy profits.
      • The Shenzhen-based company, China's second biggest life insurer, said a rate increase in the mainland should in fact buoy its investment returns.
      • Sales of new higher-margin models, including the $128,000 Turbo convertible and $93,000 Carrera 4S convertible, are buoying sales and profits.
      • But the real estate market is always quite cyclical, and a catalyst will usually come along to buoy markets again.
      • Heavyweights such as insurers, banks and telecoms had helped buoy the market.
      • This obviously buoys the market in good times and smooths its falls in recessions.
      • Shares in the bank have been buoyed up by the news, which has sparked speculation of a takeover.
      • When the economy began the descent into recession in the late 1980s, property prices continued to rise, buoyed by an interest rate cut designed to revive the economy in the wake of the 1987 stock market plunge.
      • With equity withdrawal accounting for 50% of the growth in consumption, these flows have helped significantly to buoy the economy.
      • On the one hand, a stock that is moving up can gather momentum, as ‘success breeds success’ and popularity buoys the stock higher.
      • The ‘survivalists’ are certainly doing their share to buoy the gold market.
      • A slightly revised model has just gone on sale, which should help to buoy sales as the year progresses.
      • Also buoying the market were strong gains in the heavyweight financial and oil sectors and by London's close the FTSE 100 had pulled past the 3900 level, up 47.0 points at 3936.9.
      • It is a fact that Zambia has the potential to develop its tourism sector fully so that it can quickly buoy the economy because of the vast natural resources.
      • Some claim the government's transport policy is still in disarray and that this is also helping to buoy sales.
      • A&L's share price anyway seems to have been buoyed up by the prospect of predators in the wings, when it becomes prey at the end of the month.
  • 2usually as adjective buoyedMark with an anchored float.

    a buoyed channel
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Skipper Dave dryly remarks that he isn't so sure about this one, as it lies on a flat sandy seabed close to a small reef and he doesn't have it buoyed.
    • The mine was towed some two miles off Methil and lowered to the sea bed and buoyed off.
    • The area was heavily netted, buoyed and mined and constantly being patrolled.
    • You'll never see more than one dive boat on any site and they're all buoyed.
    • One of the most striking scenes portrays various fishing vessels buoyed to the wharf in the harbor with the lighthouse in the background.
    • The harbour authority incurred expense in lighting and buoying the wreck which it sought to recover from the defendants.


  • buoyage

  • noun ˈbɔɪədʒ
    • It is also useful to remember that buoyage must be related to an up to date chart.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Take time to study a chart as well as study the buoyage to familiarise yourself with their meaning.
      • Since Australian buoyage follows the IALA ‘A’ system, it's perhaps just as well that navigation is eyeball style.
      • Ask at local marinas, yacht clubs, or bait stores as to the type of buoyage system in use in the area.
      • Second, buoyage and charting are limited - and there's no Coast Guard or TowBoatU.S. to save your bacon if you skewer your yacht on a reef.


Middle English: probably from Middle Dutch boye, boeie, from a Germanic base meaning 'signal'. The verb is from Spanish boyar 'to float', from boya 'buoy'.


ahoy, alloy, Amoy, annoy, boy, cloy, coy, destroy, employ, enjoy, Hanoi, hoi polloi, hoy, Illinois, joy, koi, oi, ploy, poi, Roy, savoy, soy, tatsoi, toy, trompe l'œil, troy

Definition of buoy in US English:


  • An anchored float serving as a navigation mark, to show reefs or other hazards, or for mooring.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Offshore, there are a host of marine navigation aids such as floating and fixed buoys and lighthouses - each with special icons so you can identify them easily.
    • At Carval Rock we tie off to a mooring buoy bolted into the reef at 15m.
    • To safely navigate a boat, one has to be able to see and identify day marks, buoys and the occasional sign for the restaurant we want to visit.
    • Two new navigation buoys will be provided in the channel and alterations are to be carried out on existing navigation lights.
    • The wreck is marked by a buoy attached to a big concrete mooring block off the stern.
    • Nine fixed navigation aids and five buoys are scheduled to replace them by mid 2004.
    • Modern, well-equipped dive boats leave every day for different sites, all 60 of which have mooring buoys.
    • First, two experienced divers armed with buoys marked the reef and the area which needed to be cleaned.
    • Permanent mooring buoys are provided at all diving sites, and these are colour-coded to denote whether they are for use by local dive schools or by private boats.
    • It's encouraging to see that there are only two other dive boats on the wall and the mooring buoys are well spaced out.
    • At the same time, a mooring buoy design competition, with cash awards, was held in the villages of the park.
    • The thief had apparently let the stern anchor go and had marked it with a buoy, giving the impression that the boat would be back shortly.
    • The dive site is marked by mooring buoys in the bay before Cabo Cope.
    • Having achieved this, the fishermen then returned to the marker buoy to retrieve the anchor.
    • The mooring buoy grid itself will be safer and far more compact than the present anchoring arrangements and will leave plenty of space for other boats to anchor.
    • According to the plan, white buoys would designate coral reefs and sea preservative areas.
    • Your July cover caption reflects that the Star Flyer is ‘gliding peacefully through the Aegean Sea’ when she actually rests at anchor, tied between two mooring buoys.
    • Newry and Mourne Council are providing necessary navigation buoys in the Clanrye River estuary from Narrow Water to the Victoria.
    • Accumulations of zebra mussels clog municipal water systems, and have even been known to sink navigational buoys by their combined weight alone.
    • The association is in the planning stages of setting up mooring buoys at the more visited sites like Pantai Merah, Padar Island, and Cannibal Rock.
    marker, anchored float, navigation mark, guide, beacon, signal
[with object]
  • 1Keep (someone or something) afloat.

    I let the water buoy up my weight
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Spaced almost evenly a foot or so from one another, dozens upon dozens of the three-inch-long frogs float with their legs extended, hind legs buoyed apart, and snouts above water.
    • Inflatable dive jackets marked with Tom and Eileen's names were later washed ashore north of Port Douglas, along with their tanks - still buoyed up by a few remnants of air - and one of Eileen's fins.
    • It floated really well (I imagine all the hairs trap air and buoy it up), and was making what looked to be good progress by padding with all eight legs.
    • Instead he presented them as wallowers, being buoyed up by water, feeding on soft marsh vegetation.
    • They all watch in fear and fascination as Cal soars for a miraculous moment more, buoyed on the wind's strong shoulder.
    • They are then put on boats and rowed out on to the lake, anchored with rocks and buoyed up by plastic pop bottles, which act as floats.
    • Owls hooted in the trees as the tide on Boston Harbor buoyed a fleet of small rowboats toward Cambridge Shore.
    • We suddenly noticed he was missing and ran around looking for him, before looking out to sea and seeing him floating, buoyed up by the air in his nappy.
    • Above me I could see the colorful silken envelopes, ballooning and buoyed upward by the hot air of the hundred fires that were continually stoked by the slaves of the formidable skyship.
    buoyant, floating, buoyed up, non-submerged, suspended, drifting, above the surface, on the surface, above water, keeping one's head above water
    1. 1.1 Cause to become cheerful or confident.
      the party was buoyed by an election victory
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Feeling part of a larger community of like-minded nonviolent protestors, I felt buoyed up by the possibility of triumph over injustice.
      • Jestine, who was a teacher herself long ago, was all buoyed up on seeing the kids.
      • The tidal wave of marchers which swept through the streets in a never-ending flow, whistled, drummed and chanted its way around the city, buoyed up by a seemingly endless supply of good humour.
      • For today's leaders buoyed up by the passing cloud of rhetoric, its literary strength makes it likely its findings will be quoted for many years to come.
      • Some described false confidence as the ultimate fair-weather friend, buoying you when times are good and deserting you when they're bad.
      • Twenty-four hours ago, I was buoyed by the confidence of having three plates fiercely spinning.
      • But he warmed to his subject, and was clearly buoyed up by the crowd's enthusiasm.
      • She thinks they must be restaurant reviews and this buoys her spirits since she imagines it must mean the food is good.
      • Grateful that I'd been allowed into this space, I finally moved on, returning to my mundane tasks of the day, but buoyed up by this close encounter.
      • She is raring to go at the moment, buoyed up by her unexpected win in the Snack-a-Jacks sponsored competition, but admits that maintaining her interest could be a problem.
      • The United States won a significant victory and, buoyed up by a public opinion that seems to hear no evil and see no evil, looks determined to press on and try and score others.
      • It still took a last gasp goal to save Erin's Own, but the certainty is they'll return to the fray on Saturday all buoyed up.
      • But then, for vast periods of this game, their opponents were irresistibly confident, buoyed by their clear superiority.
      • Peter swelled with pride at her assessment of his manners, buoyed up by the thought of her approval and happiness.
      • Reynaud himself seemed buoyed up with hope on hearing the proposal.
      • They said they felt so buoyed up as they were such a great bunch of students.
      • Then, buoyed up by the thought that I had actually done something, I went out to do some gentle gardening, trimming the grassy edges along the back fence.
      • That said, he is in an exceptionally sweet mood today, buoyed up by Friday's release of his new film, Angela's Ashes, and, I'd say, not exactly dismayed by the controversy it has generated.
      • Despite the increased friction between the two sides, morale among IT staff remains high, with striking workers buoyed by messages of support from council colleagues and members of the public.
      • We were flying and we came ashore jubilant and buoyed up.
      cheer, cheer up, brighten up, ginger up, hearten, rally, animate, invigorate, comfort, uplift, lift, encourage, stimulate, raise someone's spirits, give a lift to
    2. 1.2 Cause (a price) to rise to or remain at a high level.
      the price is buoyed up by investors
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Shares in the bank have been buoyed up by the news, which has sparked speculation of a takeover.
      • It claims that increased custom from the ‘once a week’ pub-goer - the largest group of pub patrons - would buoy profits.
      • A slightly revised model has just gone on sale, which should help to buoy sales as the year progresses.
      • Stocks spent most of the day in positive territory, buoyed in part by the University of Michigan's report showing consumer confidence rose in March to 95.8 from 94.4 in February.
      • When the economy began the descent into recession in the late 1980s, property prices continued to rise, buoyed by an interest rate cut designed to revive the economy in the wake of the 1987 stock market plunge.
      • On the one hand, a stock that is moving up can gather momentum, as ‘success breeds success’ and popularity buoys the stock higher.
      • The ‘survivalists’ are certainly doing their share to buoy the gold market.
      • Some claim the government's transport policy is still in disarray and that this is also helping to buoy sales.
      • This obviously buoys the market in good times and smooths its falls in recessions.
      • Much of the bond rally now is built on exaggerated fears of deflation and unrealistic hopes that the Fed will buoy the market by buying bonds.
      • Sales of new higher-margin models, including the $128,000 Turbo convertible and $93,000 Carrera 4S convertible, are buoying sales and profits.
      • Also buoying the market were strong gains in the heavyweight financial and oil sectors and by London's close the FTSE 100 had pulled past the 3900 level, up 47.0 points at 3936.9.
      • With equity withdrawal accounting for 50% of the growth in consumption, these flows have helped significantly to buoy the economy.
      • Reports earlier this week showed jobless claims dropped and manufacturing rose, buoying the dollar.
      • The Shenzhen-based company, China's second biggest life insurer, said a rate increase in the mainland should in fact buoy its investment returns.
      • Heavyweights such as insurers, banks and telecoms had helped buoy the market.
      • A&L's share price anyway seems to have been buoyed up by the prospect of predators in the wings, when it becomes prey at the end of the month.
      • But the real estate market is always quite cyclical, and a catalyst will usually come along to buoy markets again.
      • It is a fact that Zambia has the potential to develop its tourism sector fully so that it can quickly buoy the economy because of the vast natural resources.
      • Overseas, bull runs in Asia have buoyed foreign stock funds.
  • 2Mark with a buoy.

    a buoyed channel
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The area was heavily netted, buoyed and mined and constantly being patrolled.
    • You'll never see more than one dive boat on any site and they're all buoyed.
    • Skipper Dave dryly remarks that he isn't so sure about this one, as it lies on a flat sandy seabed close to a small reef and he doesn't have it buoyed.
    • One of the most striking scenes portrays various fishing vessels buoyed to the wharf in the harbor with the lighthouse in the background.
    • The harbour authority incurred expense in lighting and buoying the wreck which it sought to recover from the defendants.
    • The mine was towed some two miles off Methil and lowered to the sea bed and buoyed off.


Middle English: probably from Middle Dutch boye, boeie, from a Germanic base meaning ‘signal’. The verb is from Spanish boyar ‘to float’, from boya ‘buoy’.





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更新时间:2024/9/21 13:41:21