Definition of wing chair in US English:
wing chair
nounˈwɪŋ ˌtʃɛ(ə)rˈwiNG ˌCHe(ə)r
A high-backed armchair with side pieces projecting from the back, originally in order to protect the sitter from drafts.
Example sentencesExamples
- The next week he was an old man, sitting in his blue wing chair in grandma's living room - frustrated, angry, and somehow… broken.
- A chintz wing chair with salmon in the pattern will play nicely off the wall color, and drapes in a slightly darker salmon will pull the look together.
- The formality can be seen in the coffee table, in the pink chair, in the settee by the window, and in the striped wing chair.
- I should have mentioned I am wearing a smoking jacket and sitting in a leather wing chair as I dictate this.
- Just the name conjures up images of leather-bound books, mahogany desks and some old chap mulling over life in the comfort of his wing chair.