

单词 void

Definition of void in English:


adjective vɔɪdvɔɪd
  • 1Not valid or legally binding.

    the contract was void
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The authors argue that, despite the provision in Article 53 that inconsistent treaties are void, the doctrine has had little formal or practical consequence.
    • Is the liquidated damages provision valid or is it void for uncertainty or inoperable?
    • When a jurisdictional error by the body is deemed to have occurred, it means that the decision has always been legally void.
    • If such an agreement is always void, employers would be deterred from settling disputes.
    • As the jury found the agreement was a loan on the security of the car, the Court of Criminal Appeal quashed D's conviction as this agreement was void and thus the car was unencumbered.
    • Accordingly, whether or not I am right about the boundary shown by the conveyances, I hold that the boundary agreement is not void against the defendant for want of registration.
    • The parties are also agreed that my previous rulings are void as a result of the mistrial.
    • A brief review of the law indicates that a contract claimed to be entered under duress or undue influence is voidable, not void; it may be ratified by subsequent conduct.
    • Any agreements or decisions prohibited pursuant to this Article shall be automatically void.
    • The position is that the articles have legislated a particular set of sanctions, namely, that a transfer which does not comply with the article is void.
    • By its terms the eviction order would be void if the plaintiffs paid to the defendant a stipulated amount on or before January 28, 2003.
    • So Joe claimed the marriage between his father and J'Noel was void.
    • The effect then is that the discretion conferred by Parliament is exercised, at least in part, by the wrong authority, and the resulting decision is ultra vires and void.
    • The condition was therefore unenforceable or void for uncertainty and, even if the other grounds were to fail, the decision should be quashed to allow this matter to be corrected.
    • It was enticed by false representations, and if that agreement, the lease was void, then a legal lease could not grow out of that.
    • First he invoked the doctrine of non est factum and alleged that the charge was void.
    • In a nutshell, the important issue is whether the compromise of proceedings entered into by parties on the basis of a common mistake of law is void by reason of that mistake.
    • But there is nothing in this case which would warrant the grant of an injunction against the third respondent unless the decision of the Tribunal was void.
    • The former made void proceedings by way of levying execution against a company being wound up by the court.
    • Both parties accepted that the variation agreement was void.
    invalid, null and void, null, nullified, cancelled, revoked, rescinded, abolished, inoperative, ineffective, not binding, not in force, non-viable, useless, worthless, nugatory
    lapsed, expired, out of date, terminated, discontinued, unrenewed
    1. 1.1 (of speech or action) ineffectual; useless.
      all the stratagems you've worked out are rendered void
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Under that logic, the entire concept of obscenity has become abrogated and essentially null and void.
      • Are you saying that all the work that has been done so far is null and void and should not be viewed as having made some progress?
      • We've spoken with the rental car company, and because of your sister being an international visitor, her insurance is null and void here so she's going to have to pay for the damage out of hand.
      • If not, the cost and time spent on the 2004 elections could be null and void.
      • The precautions taken publicly are rendered null and void by the amount of negligence which goes on in private.
      • When a senator leaves their party to another, or to go independent, suddenly literally hundreds and thousands of voters preferences are rendered null and void.
      • Too bad the anti-war statement has become all but null and void.
      • Which means, someone needs to get fired over this, or all apologies and posturing about being responsible are null and void.
      • As part of the all-postal arrangements, each vote is null and void unless the elector has obtained the signature of a witness.
      • But if you don't think, that ability is null and void.
      • Until it becomes so, any conclusion linking the death penalty with the murder rate will be null and void.
      • It doesn't matter that I have a college degree, and if I don't go back and redo my senior year of high school, that college degree becomes null and void.
      • A ‘moot’ point is one the Indian wants to argue; but if it's moot, the American considers it null and void.
      • In Einstein's world, free will - our most precious attribute - would be meaningless, null and void.
      • But Mr Gall confirmed that the process, likely to cost £30,000, would be null and void if North Yorkshire council were abolished.
      • In fact, all comments become null and void after seven days.
      • It is very obvious if confessions were exerted under torture, then they are null and void.
      • Without this law, the entire purpose of campaign funding limits on parties would be null and void.
      • The old checks I had, had the wrong address printed along the top, making them absolutely void.
      • Even if you receive a notice through the post, the ticket is null and void.
  • 2Completely empty.

    void spaces surround the tanks
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In these valves, the valve seats are placed on opposite sides of the ball and axially pressed together to form a substantially void free axial seal.
    • He continued to sit, staring into the void space.
    • The presence of the cavities suggests that sufficient void space is provided for protein structural fluctuations to allow oxygen penetration.
    • His hope is that they will fill both large and small void spaces and be able to repel a wide range of both water- and oil-based stains.
    • The bed is a void space, a limbo where life's pause button can be pressed at will.
    • Ephrahim, Pastory's nephew and a clan member, filed a suit requesting the Primary Court to declare that the land was void since females had no power under Haya customary law to sell clan land.
    • The architect created a void space shielded with glass to allow sunlight to penetrate into the interior.
    • Monuments - or projects for monuments - began to espouse holes, void spaces and black surfaces, and inversions.
    • It is soluble in water, which means, before conducting atmosphere readings in tanks and void spaces, any residual water will need to be agitated or mopped up.
    • This ratio provides an indication of the available void space within the pore structure of the brick unit to accommodate freezing expansion.
    • When we deduct the void spaces and add the exterior staircases and temple, we arrive at a total of around 1.5 million stones.
    • From the difficulty of assigning a beginning of time, he argued the eternity of existing nature, of void space, and of motion.
    • In fact, it is the lipid tilt degree of freedom that allows a fusion stalk to exist without the formation of a void region inside.
    • It does not include all of the void space on mineral restoration works.
    • Porosity is defined as the ratio of the volume of pores, or void space, in a porous material to the bulk volume of the material, which includes both solids and voids.
    • It should be noted that the void spaces inside the load do not include those in sealed packages, where the pressure may be different from that of the headspace.
    • She decided to just transfer her mind into a blank and void world so that her thoughts did not overtake her and carry her to a place that she didn't want to go again.
    • In such configurations, the glucose ring fills the void space between adjacent headgroups.
    • These minerals are found in void spaces within and between pillows.
    • In 1965, he started stacking his metal boxes on the wall, encompassing the void spaces between the boxes as part of the single art object.
    • At first floor level this area is void, indicating perhaps why much of this accommodation at ground level has not been capable of sub-division.
    • The below-decks, where the void rooms, hold, cannon-deck, and pretty much everything else in the ship was located.
    • The atomists held that there are smallest indivisible bodies from which everything else is composed, and that these move about in an infinite void space.
    • Do we long for the filling up of every void place and gap in our hearts?
    • Instead they have found a home in the void zone between success and failure.
    • The boathouse was empty, and left a void space of sea water in the middle of the room.
    • Nevertheless, attraction across void space seemed a mystery, and some of his eminent contemporaries were unwilling to accept his physics.
    • The effectiveness of this compactional pump diminished over time as void space in the peat gradually collapsed.
    empty, emptied, vacant, without contents, containing nothing, blank, bare, clear, free, unfilled, unoccupied, uninhabited, desolate, barren
    1. 2.1void of Free from; lacking.
      what were once the masterpieces of literature are now void of meaning
      Example sentencesExamples
      • One more sense is revealed in this manner, as the viewer can hear what is present during the exposure, which in itself adds volume to the vacant, but not void, photograph.
      • Additional boardwalks on the site are arranged to form a central void space.
      devoid of, empty of, vacant of, bare of, destitute of, bereft of, denuded of, deficient in, free from
      lacking, wanting, without
    2. 2.2formal (of an office or position) vacant.
  • 3predicative (in bridge and whist) having been dealt no cards in a particular suit.

    there is a danger that one of the opponents will be void in that suit
    when West showed void he went into a huddle
    Example sentencesExamples
    • If you have a singleton or void suit, you take a big risk that the declarer will find lots of cards of this suit in the talon when he exchanges, and your partner's stop in the suit might not be enough to beat the contract.
    • This way you lose the lead and hope to trump with one of your small trumps when your void suit is led.
    • Each player must follow suit until he is void (note that you are not allowed to trump while you still have a card of the led suit - this is unlike Pitch).
    • For example if you try to bet after the following player has already played a card, your bet is void.
    • Instead the game is void (no score or payment) and the same dealer deals again.
    • A multiple lead may also win because an opponent, although void, does not have enough trumps to match the number of cards led.
    • The opponents should try to lead suits in which the declarer is void.
    • Having bid ulti, the declarer is obliged to keep the 7 of trumps as long as is legally possible, subject to the rules of following suit and trumping when void.
    • There are also only eleven spades available, however, so the opposing players may eventually become void in spades if the holder of the honour cards waits long enough before playing them.
    • East considers that it is best to trump with the QH and West, now void in the led suit of clubs, is allowed to over-trump with the AH
    • If the led card is the 6, you may play any card you wish, being void in the diamond suit and thus unable to follow it.
    • The principle is that if a second card of a suit that has been led is played at the earliest opportunity, this guarantees that one of the players will be made to be void in that suit.
    • If the trump suit is lead, and a player is void, but holds a rank trump card, that player must play the rank trump card.
    • If she is not void, she must either follow suit or play a higher trump.
noun vɔɪdvɔɪd
  • 1A completely empty space.

    the black void of space
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Hot spots would one day become hotbeds of galaxy formation; cold spots would one day become great, empty voids.
    • But she felt like she had a hole inside her: an empty space, a void, a little circle of darkness.
    • This basement was an empty void for a very long time and slowly became the museum in the 1980s.
    • It's too bad, I feel you miss a lot by conducting your maneuvers with hundreds of kilometers of empty void between your units.
    • What all atoms have in common is a large empty space, or void, which contains these quarks of energy, spinning around so fast as to provide the illusion of matter.
    • Valerie felt like she had just fallen into a void, empty of everything, a place which made no sense.
    • The galaxies then gathered in clusters, and the clusters gathered in long strings with humongous, almost empty, voids in between.
    • The division between atoms and void was significant in that it attributed existence to empty space for the first time.
    • The church seemed absolutely empty, the void being emphasized by its graceful coolness.
    • You can't imagine it as an empty black void, because you don't have eyes too see it, ears to hear it, or a brain to comprehend it.
    • But what is the earth itself but a small life-ship spinning through an endless space of unmapped voids?
    • The deep shades of blue, interspersed with voids of black seem to create vivid patterns of the creative dance of the mind.
    • At least out in space the void was far from empty with starlight in every direction,
    • The abyss is not an empty void, but full of nature's wonderful mysteries.
    • As Wallace rightfully notes, the observer outside of the hole sees it as a void, an empty place in space.
    • You can do barrel rolls, switch between targets with the control pad, and dive effortlessly about within the void of space.
    • There's a void, an empty space in my observations where the poor guy was which seems somehow to have failed to register properly.
    • Thus it is left open, unfinished: It can be a space of possibility or an empty void.
    • They are found in the great intergalactic voids - vast spaces between groupings of normal galaxies.
    • The maps show the clustering of galaxies into a variety of large-scale structures, including long filaments, empty voids, and dense groups and clusters.
    gap, empty space, space, blank space, blank, vacuum, lacuna, hole, cavity, chasm, abyss, gulf, pit, hiatus
    emptiness, nothingness, blankness, vacancy, vacuity, oblivion, nullity
    rare voidness, nihility
    1. 1.1 An unfilled space in a wall, building, or other structure.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The void is the public space that might have been.
      • Within the voids of the structure, ample cedar storage spaces have been inserted.
      • Because the buildings are fairly old there are no party walls in the roof void, which is why it spread quickly.
      • Thermography in combination with impulse radar was used to locate structural penetrations and voids within the walls of this masonry structure.
      • This comprises two double layers of glass - the outermost layer made of curved panels to produce a scalloped effect - with dramatic maintenance walkways in the interstitial voids.
      • The introduction of voids into the structure would lower its polarizability.
      • Additionally, all wall areas must be free of gaps or voids through which sound could travel.
      • In effect, it is a highly disciplined architecture, structured and animated by voids and contained within the limits of an urban block.
      • These beetles will spend the winter in attics, wall voids and around window frames.
      • The National Academies Building acknowledges its historic context through a rhythm of voids and projections in the facades.
      • The quicker we get to the voids, any type of voids that we might have, and there are plenty of voids underneath the building.
      • The building is a composition of solids and voids, making spaces at street level where students can sit and interact.
      • This central, multistory void separates distinct living spaces for the two owners, a mother and son.
      • At the same time, by dangling the art in an implied deep space, Bontecou conceives a void filled with anti-gravitational activity.
      • Clearly, for the Roman architects, three-dimensional space was more than a void between objects.
      • This pivotal courtyard is a mediating space, a void, and, at the same time, the plan's hub.
      • Koolhaas also designed the Guggenheim's own 6400 sq m exhibition space within a void just off the casino.
      • New windows will alter the careful composition of wall and void at various key points.
      • The wall is designed to eliminate the need for grouting the interior voids to provide structure strength.
      • On clear days, the void is filled with daylight that is transmitted down through the ceiling prism elements.
    2. 1.2 An emptiness caused by the loss of something.
      his loss leaves a void in the community
      Example sentencesExamples
      • His loss leaves a void in the community which will be difficult to replace and we tender our deepest sympathies to the bereaved.
      • Williams was clearly their best tackle and his loss will leave a major void.
      • In a press statement, the leaders have described Azad a poet par excellence and said his loss has created a void in literary circles.
      • He is coming off a good season, and his loss would create a void in the locker room.
      • But it had to come to an end, leaving me with a renewed feeling of void and emptiness.
      • In modern times, the town's main employers were coal mining and associated heavy engineering, the loss of which created a void in the economy.
      • She reached for her power and found nothing, just a void.
      • It is the emptiness, the void that swallows me for a moment, and I realize I am working, and far from my love.
      • However, perhaps the biggest void will be caused by the loss of on-loan Celtic forward, David Fernandez.
      • The never-ending flow of mental activity started as consciousness abruptly exploded from the void of nothingness.
      • After about four years of separation that was filled with this gigantic hidden void of emptiness and despair, why now?
      • Gwen felt as though half of her soul had been ripped away from her, leaving nothing but a gaping void.
      • Instead of the flood of emotions that I had been expecting, I felt nothing but a void in my heart.
      • The loss of Dad will leave a huge void in our lives.
      • Government regulations prohibiting the use of ephedra left a tremendous void in the energy/weight loss category.
      • Our approach in the changes we made was to augment his presence, and his loss left a void in the team and organization.
      • Nothing you do will be able to fill the void you fill towards the loss of doing what you love as a lawyer.
      • All that there was left was an emptiness, a void.
      • His presence helped to replace some of the emptiness inside, the void in her heart.
      • There's a giant void, an emptiness that will never, ever be filled.
  • 2(in bridge and whist) a suit in which a player is dealt no cards.

    a hand with a singleton club is more likely than one with a void
    Example sentencesExamples
    • A defender exchanging only a few cards usually is best off by trying to make himself void in a side suit.
    • You must follow suit, you are never forced to play trump (if void in the suit led, one may play any card).
    • In this way, the partner that plays second or third to the trick will know that the declarer is void in this suit.
    • The rules of play are as in Euchre - you must follow suit, and if void of the suit led you may trump or discard at will.
    • When passing cards and choosing a card for the bottle imp trick, I strongly prefer to give myself a red or blue void if possible.
    • If a player is void in such category any of the other cards in the hand can be played.
    • Tricks are played as in Whist, that is, suit must be followed if possible and a player void in the suit led may trump or discard as he chooses.
    • This is especially a good idea if the player is long in some non-trump suit because this may mean that his partner is void in that suit and can trump it.
    • This could be when you are void in the suit led or to a spade trick when the Ace or King of Spades has already been played.
    • For example, consider a hand which can guarantee taking no tricks, and has a heart void.
    • A game with Armut is easier to win than it sounds, because the poverty player can discard valuable cards on partner's tricks, and also because the accepting player gets the chance to create voids.
    • If you have the king with many cards of the same suit, someone is almost sure to be void of the suit.
    • The joker can only be played to a trick when the holder is void of the suit led, but it is not compulsory to play it then.
    • The second player to any lead must follow suit if able; must trump if able when void of a plain suit lead; and in any case must win the trick if he can.
    • You secretly place the bets, one to a suit, and if you're void in that suit at the end of the hand, you collect the appropriate number of points.
    • If a non-trump is led, and the second player plays a trump, the third player may only player a smaller trump if void in the suit led.
verb vɔɪdvɔɪd
[with object]
  • 1North American Declare that (something) is not valid or legally binding.

    the Supreme court voided the statute
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Before the mid-eighteenth century, courts were prepared to void a statute if it was deemed to clash with common law.
    • If baseball had a real commissioner, he would have stepped in - for the good of the game - and voided that contract.
    • By the terms of the tribunal's order the pending termination of the tenancy was voided when the eviction order was voided, namely on January 28, 2003.
    • The notice had been filed against a ruling by the Supreme Court of Appeal voiding the department's medicine pricing regulations.
    • The negative form of the section means that both substantial compliance with the law and no effect upon the result are required to save breaches of duty or the rules from voiding the election.
    • One might expect that a Member of Parliament whose election was voided by the High Court would be required to step down.
    • So, automatically, these licenses are voided because the supreme court rules that the mayor overstepped his bounds?
    • The vote was voided by the Supreme Court on fraud allegations.
    • The reason for this exception is to prevent the statute of limitations from voiding the taxpayer's ability to take this deduction.
    • Many of the legal consequences of marriage have now been applied even to void unions, and virtually all marriages are open to dissolution even if only one spouse wishes it.
    • For these reasons, the Supreme Court voided the visitation order.
    • Will judges invoke their own narrow, ideological readings of the Constitution to void progressive legislation?
    • Even if the state doesn't prosecute you for it, doing it voids your malpractice insurance which means you may lose your ability to practice anywhere.
    • At the time, North Carolina law voided marriages ‘between a white person and a person of Negro or Indian blood to the third generation inclusive.’
    • But the Supreme Court voided the civil damages award.
    • In 1972, the Supreme Court, in Furman v. Georgia, voided all existing state death penalty statutes, thus suspending the death penalty.
    • In the case of a criminal trial, that means that a defendant can void a conviction because of such discrimination.
    • The lower courts in Ohio voided the contracts on the grounds that they were usurious loans.
    • The country's highest court has voided the country's run-off election amid charges it was fixed for the candidate backed by Moscow.
    • It argued that the funds could be wasted if a court later voids the measure.
    invalidate, render invalid, annul, nullify
    negate, disallow, quash, cancel, countermand, repeal, revoke, rescind, retract, withdraw, reverse, abrogate, undo, abolish, obliterate, terminate, repudiate
    Law avoid, vacate
  • 2Discharge or drain away (water, gases, etc.)

    the gases are usually voided into the mechanism
    Example sentencesExamples
    • But to give you an idea, all these areas here, except for the lower Ninth Ward - most of these areas that I'm showing you right here were already voided of water; the water was gone.
    1. 2.1Medicine Excrete (waste matter)
      it cannot be metabolized and is voided in the urine
      Example sentencesExamples
      • All patients who had an indwelling Foley catheter were successfully voiding within 12 days after the procedure.
      • The initial determination of microscopic hematuria should be based on microscopic examination of urinary sediment from a freshly voided, clean-catch, midstream urine specimen.
      • Patients are discharged the day after surgery providing they are afebrile, voiding after Foley catheter removal, achieving pain management with oral medication, and ambulating without difficulty.
      • The nurse reviews postoperative teaching, discharge planning, and follow-up office visits with the patient and ensures that he or she has voided before discharge to physical therapy.
      • The normal adult bladder holds approximately 400 ml of urine and when more than this amount has entered the bladder the pressure starts to rise and the desire to void urine is felt.
      eject, expel, emit, discharge, pass, excrete, egest, let out, send out, release, exude, eliminate
      rare disembogue
    2. 2.2usually as adjective voided Empty or evacuate (a container or space)
      a fully voided core assembly
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This heating would melt the wax and allow it to be poured off or voided, leaving a hollow mould.
      evacuate, empty, empty out, drain, clear, unload, unburden, purge


  • voidable

  • adjective ˈvɔɪdəb(ə)lˈvɔɪdəb(ə)l
    • The deal, reportedly a six-year pact with a voidable seventh year, is worth roughly $35 million over the first six years and another $6 million if the seventh year kicks in.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Of course contracts induced by fraud or misrepresentation or contracts which are unconscionable bargains are voidable rather than void but, in the absence of third party reliance, that cannot constitute a difference of principle.
      • I think the narrow point really that we make is this, your Honours, and that is that there cannot be an advantage in circumstances where, if it be the case - and there was no finding as to that - that the contract of allotment was voidable.
      • The way in which the expression - the manner, is put, ‘judgment becomes voidable and may be set aside’, would convey, in our submission, an element of discretion as distinct from a matter of right.
      • A contract obtained by fraudulent misrepresentation is voidable, not void, even in equity.
  • voidness

  • nounˈvɔɪdnəsˈvɔɪdnəs
    • The solution of partial voidness for non-registration under section 395 of the Companies Act 1985 is an example.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Within voidness, form that gave way to a deeper void.
      • Here again, with the skill of a cinematic ‘Zen master’, Herzog isolates and dissolves his character with the utmost gentleness, this time by reducing Steiner to a blurred silhouette in the middle of an empty voidness.
      • Many poststructuralist commentators have noted that systems evoking or citing a ground of emptiness, negation, and voidness are not necessarily utopian, Jungian, or philosophically naive at all.
      • Some kind of voidness, the complete negation of everything-is that Buddhism?


Middle English (in the sense 'unoccupied'): from a dialect variant of Old French vuide; related to Latin vacare 'vacate'; the verb partly a shortening of avoid, reinforced by Old French voider.


avoid, Boyd, Coed, droid, Floyd, Freud, Lloyd, overjoyed, self-employed, unalloyed, underemployed, unemployed

Definition of void in US English:


  • 1Not valid or legally binding.

    the contract was void
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It was enticed by false representations, and if that agreement, the lease was void, then a legal lease could not grow out of that.
    • When a jurisdictional error by the body is deemed to have occurred, it means that the decision has always been legally void.
    • The former made void proceedings by way of levying execution against a company being wound up by the court.
    • First he invoked the doctrine of non est factum and alleged that the charge was void.
    • Is the liquidated damages provision valid or is it void for uncertainty or inoperable?
    • The effect then is that the discretion conferred by Parliament is exercised, at least in part, by the wrong authority, and the resulting decision is ultra vires and void.
    • Accordingly, whether or not I am right about the boundary shown by the conveyances, I hold that the boundary agreement is not void against the defendant for want of registration.
    • Both parties accepted that the variation agreement was void.
    • As the jury found the agreement was a loan on the security of the car, the Court of Criminal Appeal quashed D's conviction as this agreement was void and thus the car was unencumbered.
    • But there is nothing in this case which would warrant the grant of an injunction against the third respondent unless the decision of the Tribunal was void.
    • The parties are also agreed that my previous rulings are void as a result of the mistrial.
    • If such an agreement is always void, employers would be deterred from settling disputes.
    • In a nutshell, the important issue is whether the compromise of proceedings entered into by parties on the basis of a common mistake of law is void by reason of that mistake.
    • The position is that the articles have legislated a particular set of sanctions, namely, that a transfer which does not comply with the article is void.
    • The authors argue that, despite the provision in Article 53 that inconsistent treaties are void, the doctrine has had little formal or practical consequence.
    • So Joe claimed the marriage between his father and J'Noel was void.
    • By its terms the eviction order would be void if the plaintiffs paid to the defendant a stipulated amount on or before January 28, 2003.
    • The condition was therefore unenforceable or void for uncertainty and, even if the other grounds were to fail, the decision should be quashed to allow this matter to be corrected.
    • Any agreements or decisions prohibited pursuant to this Article shall be automatically void.
    • A brief review of the law indicates that a contract claimed to be entered under duress or undue influence is voidable, not void; it may be ratified by subsequent conduct.
    invalid, null and void, null, nullified, cancelled, revoked, rescinded, abolished, inoperative, ineffective, not binding, not in force, non-viable, useless, worthless, nugatory
    1. 1.1 (of speech or action) ineffectual; useless.
      all the stratagems you've worked out are rendered void
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Without this law, the entire purpose of campaign funding limits on parties would be null and void.
      • But Mr Gall confirmed that the process, likely to cost £30,000, would be null and void if North Yorkshire council were abolished.
      • If not, the cost and time spent on the 2004 elections could be null and void.
      • Under that logic, the entire concept of obscenity has become abrogated and essentially null and void.
      • We've spoken with the rental car company, and because of your sister being an international visitor, her insurance is null and void here so she's going to have to pay for the damage out of hand.
      • A ‘moot’ point is one the Indian wants to argue; but if it's moot, the American considers it null and void.
      • Which means, someone needs to get fired over this, or all apologies and posturing about being responsible are null and void.
      • It doesn't matter that I have a college degree, and if I don't go back and redo my senior year of high school, that college degree becomes null and void.
      • It is very obvious if confessions were exerted under torture, then they are null and void.
      • Too bad the anti-war statement has become all but null and void.
      • The old checks I had, had the wrong address printed along the top, making them absolutely void.
      • Even if you receive a notice through the post, the ticket is null and void.
      • As part of the all-postal arrangements, each vote is null and void unless the elector has obtained the signature of a witness.
      • When a senator leaves their party to another, or to go independent, suddenly literally hundreds and thousands of voters preferences are rendered null and void.
      • The precautions taken publicly are rendered null and void by the amount of negligence which goes on in private.
      • Until it becomes so, any conclusion linking the death penalty with the murder rate will be null and void.
      • But if you don't think, that ability is null and void.
      • In fact, all comments become null and void after seven days.
      • Are you saying that all the work that has been done so far is null and void and should not be viewed as having made some progress?
      • In Einstein's world, free will - our most precious attribute - would be meaningless, null and void.
  • 2Completely empty.

    void spaces surround the tanks
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is soluble in water, which means, before conducting atmosphere readings in tanks and void spaces, any residual water will need to be agitated or mopped up.
    • In these valves, the valve seats are placed on opposite sides of the ball and axially pressed together to form a substantially void free axial seal.
    • These minerals are found in void spaces within and between pillows.
    • The atomists held that there are smallest indivisible bodies from which everything else is composed, and that these move about in an infinite void space.
    • He continued to sit, staring into the void space.
    • In fact, it is the lipid tilt degree of freedom that allows a fusion stalk to exist without the formation of a void region inside.
    • Monuments - or projects for monuments - began to espouse holes, void spaces and black surfaces, and inversions.
    • At first floor level this area is void, indicating perhaps why much of this accommodation at ground level has not been capable of sub-division.
    • In such configurations, the glucose ring fills the void space between adjacent headgroups.
    • His hope is that they will fill both large and small void spaces and be able to repel a wide range of both water- and oil-based stains.
    • Porosity is defined as the ratio of the volume of pores, or void space, in a porous material to the bulk volume of the material, which includes both solids and voids.
    • The architect created a void space shielded with glass to allow sunlight to penetrate into the interior.
    • The below-decks, where the void rooms, hold, cannon-deck, and pretty much everything else in the ship was located.
    • Ephrahim, Pastory's nephew and a clan member, filed a suit requesting the Primary Court to declare that the land was void since females had no power under Haya customary law to sell clan land.
    • Do we long for the filling up of every void place and gap in our hearts?
    • The presence of the cavities suggests that sufficient void space is provided for protein structural fluctuations to allow oxygen penetration.
    • It should be noted that the void spaces inside the load do not include those in sealed packages, where the pressure may be different from that of the headspace.
    • The bed is a void space, a limbo where life's pause button can be pressed at will.
    • Instead they have found a home in the void zone between success and failure.
    • The effectiveness of this compactional pump diminished over time as void space in the peat gradually collapsed.
    • When we deduct the void spaces and add the exterior staircases and temple, we arrive at a total of around 1.5 million stones.
    • Nevertheless, attraction across void space seemed a mystery, and some of his eminent contemporaries were unwilling to accept his physics.
    • The boathouse was empty, and left a void space of sea water in the middle of the room.
    • This ratio provides an indication of the available void space within the pore structure of the brick unit to accommodate freezing expansion.
    • In 1965, he started stacking his metal boxes on the wall, encompassing the void spaces between the boxes as part of the single art object.
    • From the difficulty of assigning a beginning of time, he argued the eternity of existing nature, of void space, and of motion.
    • She decided to just transfer her mind into a blank and void world so that her thoughts did not overtake her and carry her to a place that she didn't want to go again.
    • It does not include all of the void space on mineral restoration works.
    empty, emptied, vacant, without contents, containing nothing, blank, bare, clear, free, unfilled, unoccupied, uninhabited, desolate, barren
    1. 2.1void ofpredicative Free from; lacking.
      what were once the masterpieces of literature are now void of meaning
      Example sentencesExamples
      • One more sense is revealed in this manner, as the viewer can hear what is present during the exposure, which in itself adds volume to the vacant, but not void, photograph.
      • Additional boardwalks on the site are arranged to form a central void space.
      devoid of, empty of, vacant of, bare of, destitute of, bereft of, denuded of, deficient in, free from
    2. 2.2formal (of an office or position) vacant.
  • 3predicative (in bridge and whist) having been dealt no cards in a particular suit.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • The principle is that if a second card of a suit that has been led is played at the earliest opportunity, this guarantees that one of the players will be made to be void in that suit.
    • The opponents should try to lead suits in which the declarer is void.
    • If the led card is the 6, you may play any card you wish, being void in the diamond suit and thus unable to follow it.
    • A multiple lead may also win because an opponent, although void, does not have enough trumps to match the number of cards led.
    • Instead the game is void (no score or payment) and the same dealer deals again.
    • If you have a singleton or void suit, you take a big risk that the declarer will find lots of cards of this suit in the talon when he exchanges, and your partner's stop in the suit might not be enough to beat the contract.
    • There are also only eleven spades available, however, so the opposing players may eventually become void in spades if the holder of the honour cards waits long enough before playing them.
    • If the trump suit is lead, and a player is void, but holds a rank trump card, that player must play the rank trump card.
    • East considers that it is best to trump with the QH and West, now void in the led suit of clubs, is allowed to over-trump with the AH
    • Having bid ulti, the declarer is obliged to keep the 7 of trumps as long as is legally possible, subject to the rules of following suit and trumping when void.
    • Each player must follow suit until he is void (note that you are not allowed to trump while you still have a card of the led suit - this is unlike Pitch).
    • This way you lose the lead and hope to trump with one of your small trumps when your void suit is led.
    • For example if you try to bet after the following player has already played a card, your bet is void.
    • If she is not void, she must either follow suit or play a higher trump.
  • 1A completely empty space.

    the black void of space
    Example sentencesExamples
    • At least out in space the void was far from empty with starlight in every direction,
    • Valerie felt like she had just fallen into a void, empty of everything, a place which made no sense.
    • There's a void, an empty space in my observations where the poor guy was which seems somehow to have failed to register properly.
    • The abyss is not an empty void, but full of nature's wonderful mysteries.
    • But what is the earth itself but a small life-ship spinning through an endless space of unmapped voids?
    • What all atoms have in common is a large empty space, or void, which contains these quarks of energy, spinning around so fast as to provide the illusion of matter.
    • The division between atoms and void was significant in that it attributed existence to empty space for the first time.
    • But she felt like she had a hole inside her: an empty space, a void, a little circle of darkness.
    • The galaxies then gathered in clusters, and the clusters gathered in long strings with humongous, almost empty, voids in between.
    • Hot spots would one day become hotbeds of galaxy formation; cold spots would one day become great, empty voids.
    • You can't imagine it as an empty black void, because you don't have eyes too see it, ears to hear it, or a brain to comprehend it.
    • It's too bad, I feel you miss a lot by conducting your maneuvers with hundreds of kilometers of empty void between your units.
    • As Wallace rightfully notes, the observer outside of the hole sees it as a void, an empty place in space.
    • This basement was an empty void for a very long time and slowly became the museum in the 1980s.
    • The maps show the clustering of galaxies into a variety of large-scale structures, including long filaments, empty voids, and dense groups and clusters.
    • They are found in the great intergalactic voids - vast spaces between groupings of normal galaxies.
    • The church seemed absolutely empty, the void being emphasized by its graceful coolness.
    • The deep shades of blue, interspersed with voids of black seem to create vivid patterns of the creative dance of the mind.
    • You can do barrel rolls, switch between targets with the control pad, and dive effortlessly about within the void of space.
    • Thus it is left open, unfinished: It can be a space of possibility or an empty void.
    gap, empty space, space, blank space, blank, vacuum, lacuna, hole, cavity, chasm, abyss, gulf, pit, hiatus
    1. 1.1 An unfilled space in a wall, building, or other structure.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The National Academies Building acknowledges its historic context through a rhythm of voids and projections in the facades.
      • Additionally, all wall areas must be free of gaps or voids through which sound could travel.
      • New windows will alter the careful composition of wall and void at various key points.
      • The introduction of voids into the structure would lower its polarizability.
      • The building is a composition of solids and voids, making spaces at street level where students can sit and interact.
      • The void is the public space that might have been.
      • On clear days, the void is filled with daylight that is transmitted down through the ceiling prism elements.
      • This comprises two double layers of glass - the outermost layer made of curved panels to produce a scalloped effect - with dramatic maintenance walkways in the interstitial voids.
      • Within the voids of the structure, ample cedar storage spaces have been inserted.
      • Thermography in combination with impulse radar was used to locate structural penetrations and voids within the walls of this masonry structure.
      • This central, multistory void separates distinct living spaces for the two owners, a mother and son.
      • The wall is designed to eliminate the need for grouting the interior voids to provide structure strength.
      • This pivotal courtyard is a mediating space, a void, and, at the same time, the plan's hub.
      • At the same time, by dangling the art in an implied deep space, Bontecou conceives a void filled with anti-gravitational activity.
      • Clearly, for the Roman architects, three-dimensional space was more than a void between objects.
      • Because the buildings are fairly old there are no party walls in the roof void, which is why it spread quickly.
      • The quicker we get to the voids, any type of voids that we might have, and there are plenty of voids underneath the building.
      • In effect, it is a highly disciplined architecture, structured and animated by voids and contained within the limits of an urban block.
      • These beetles will spend the winter in attics, wall voids and around window frames.
      • Koolhaas also designed the Guggenheim's own 6400 sq m exhibition space within a void just off the casino.
    2. 1.2 An emptiness caused by the loss of something.
      the void left by the death of his wife
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Nothing you do will be able to fill the void you fill towards the loss of doing what you love as a lawyer.
      • Instead of the flood of emotions that I had been expecting, I felt nothing but a void in my heart.
      • His presence helped to replace some of the emptiness inside, the void in her heart.
      • All that there was left was an emptiness, a void.
      • Williams was clearly their best tackle and his loss will leave a major void.
      • But it had to come to an end, leaving me with a renewed feeling of void and emptiness.
      • His loss leaves a void in the community which will be difficult to replace and we tender our deepest sympathies to the bereaved.
      • Gwen felt as though half of her soul had been ripped away from her, leaving nothing but a gaping void.
      • The loss of Dad will leave a huge void in our lives.
      • Government regulations prohibiting the use of ephedra left a tremendous void in the energy/weight loss category.
      • Our approach in the changes we made was to augment his presence, and his loss left a void in the team and organization.
      • In modern times, the town's main employers were coal mining and associated heavy engineering, the loss of which created a void in the economy.
      • It is the emptiness, the void that swallows me for a moment, and I realize I am working, and far from my love.
      • There's a giant void, an emptiness that will never, ever be filled.
      • After about four years of separation that was filled with this gigantic hidden void of emptiness and despair, why now?
      • He is coming off a good season, and his loss would create a void in the locker room.
      • In a press statement, the leaders have described Azad a poet par excellence and said his loss has created a void in literary circles.
      • However, perhaps the biggest void will be caused by the loss of on-loan Celtic forward, David Fernandez.
      • The never-ending flow of mental activity started as consciousness abruptly exploded from the void of nothingness.
      • She reached for her power and found nothing, just a void.
  • 2(in bridge and whist) a suit in which a player is dealt no cards.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • When passing cards and choosing a card for the bottle imp trick, I strongly prefer to give myself a red or blue void if possible.
    • The rules of play are as in Euchre - you must follow suit, and if void of the suit led you may trump or discard at will.
    • If you have the king with many cards of the same suit, someone is almost sure to be void of the suit.
    • If a non-trump is led, and the second player plays a trump, the third player may only player a smaller trump if void in the suit led.
    • The second player to any lead must follow suit if able; must trump if able when void of a plain suit lead; and in any case must win the trick if he can.
    • The joker can only be played to a trick when the holder is void of the suit led, but it is not compulsory to play it then.
    • This is especially a good idea if the player is long in some non-trump suit because this may mean that his partner is void in that suit and can trump it.
    • If a player is void in such category any of the other cards in the hand can be played.
    • A defender exchanging only a few cards usually is best off by trying to make himself void in a side suit.
    • You must follow suit, you are never forced to play trump (if void in the suit led, one may play any card).
    • You secretly place the bets, one to a suit, and if you're void in that suit at the end of the hand, you collect the appropriate number of points.
    • In this way, the partner that plays second or third to the trick will know that the declarer is void in this suit.
    • A game with Armut is easier to win than it sounds, because the poverty player can discard valuable cards on partner's tricks, and also because the accepting player gets the chance to create voids.
    • For example, consider a hand which can guarantee taking no tricks, and has a heart void.
    • This could be when you are void in the suit led or to a spade trick when the Ace or King of Spades has already been played.
    • Tricks are played as in Whist, that is, suit must be followed if possible and a player void in the suit led may trump or discard as he chooses.
[with object]
  • 1North American Declare that (something) is not valid or legally binding.

    the Supreme court voided the statute
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The reason for this exception is to prevent the statute of limitations from voiding the taxpayer's ability to take this deduction.
    • For these reasons, the Supreme Court voided the visitation order.
    • By the terms of the tribunal's order the pending termination of the tenancy was voided when the eviction order was voided, namely on January 28, 2003.
    • Even if the state doesn't prosecute you for it, doing it voids your malpractice insurance which means you may lose your ability to practice anywhere.
    • The notice had been filed against a ruling by the Supreme Court of Appeal voiding the department's medicine pricing regulations.
    • So, automatically, these licenses are voided because the supreme court rules that the mayor overstepped his bounds?
    • It argued that the funds could be wasted if a court later voids the measure.
    • At the time, North Carolina law voided marriages ‘between a white person and a person of Negro or Indian blood to the third generation inclusive.’
    • The lower courts in Ohio voided the contracts on the grounds that they were usurious loans.
    • But the Supreme Court voided the civil damages award.
    • Will judges invoke their own narrow, ideological readings of the Constitution to void progressive legislation?
    • Many of the legal consequences of marriage have now been applied even to void unions, and virtually all marriages are open to dissolution even if only one spouse wishes it.
    • The negative form of the section means that both substantial compliance with the law and no effect upon the result are required to save breaches of duty or the rules from voiding the election.
    • If baseball had a real commissioner, he would have stepped in - for the good of the game - and voided that contract.
    • The country's highest court has voided the country's run-off election amid charges it was fixed for the candidate backed by Moscow.
    • In the case of a criminal trial, that means that a defendant can void a conviction because of such discrimination.
    • The vote was voided by the Supreme Court on fraud allegations.
    • Before the mid-eighteenth century, courts were prepared to void a statute if it was deemed to clash with common law.
    • In 1972, the Supreme Court, in Furman v. Georgia, voided all existing state death penalty statutes, thus suspending the death penalty.
    • One might expect that a Member of Parliament whose election was voided by the High Court would be required to step down.
    invalidate, render invalid, annul, nullify
  • 2Discharge or drain away (water, gases, etc.).

    Example sentencesExamples
    • But to give you an idea, all these areas here, except for the lower Ninth Ward - most of these areas that I'm showing you right here were already voided of water; the water was gone.
    1. 2.1Medicine Excrete (waste matter).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Patients are discharged the day after surgery providing they are afebrile, voiding after Foley catheter removal, achieving pain management with oral medication, and ambulating without difficulty.
      • The initial determination of microscopic hematuria should be based on microscopic examination of urinary sediment from a freshly voided, clean-catch, midstream urine specimen.
      • All patients who had an indwelling Foley catheter were successfully voiding within 12 days after the procedure.
      • The normal adult bladder holds approximately 400 ml of urine and when more than this amount has entered the bladder the pressure starts to rise and the desire to void urine is felt.
      • The nurse reviews postoperative teaching, discharge planning, and follow-up office visits with the patient and ensures that he or she has voided before discharge to physical therapy.
      eject, expel, emit, discharge, pass, excrete, egest, let out, send out, release, exude, eliminate
    2. 2.2usually as adjective voided Empty or evacuate (a container or space).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This heating would melt the wax and allow it to be poured off or voided, leaving a hollow mould.
      evacuate, empty, empty out, drain, clear, unload, unburden, purge


Middle English (in the sense ‘unoccupied’): from a dialect variant of Old French vuide; related to Latin vacare ‘vacate’; the verb partly a shortening of avoid, reinforced by Old French voider.





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