

单词 virgin

Definition of virgin in English:


noun ˈvəːdʒɪnˈvərdʒən
  • 1A person who has never had sexual intercourse.

    she's still a virgin
    Example sentencesExamples
    • While many virgins and singles reported unhappiness about the lack of sexual contact, some expressed a greater sadness about not having love or a relationship.
    • Feldman et al. found that high school students who considered themselves virgins were nonetheless sexually active in ways that put them at risk for sexually transmitted disease.
    • In the Aztec culture avocados were considered so sexually powerful that virgins weren't allowed to have contact with them.
    • Now, 40 years since we were freed from sexual repression, a small but determined tide of virgins suggests that such liberation is beginning to lose its appeal.
    • It is an important confirmation of HPV sexual transmission that virgins are seronegative.
    • Your situation is not unlike the girl who permits everything but the textbook definition of sexual congress so she can say she's a virgin.
    • If they are found not to be virgins, the commune will give them nothing.
    • Europeans will be astonished to learn that in 2000 about a fifth of American 18-to 24-year-olds claimed to be virgins on their wedding day.
    • The survey indicates that three in four parents of sexually active 13-year-old girls do not know their daughters are no longer virgins and that one in five young teenagers lost their virginity when they were drunk.
    • The disorder of the Hundred Years War had encouraged a widespread prophecy that a virgin would come to save France during this time of uncertain leadership.
    • The situation is quite a bit different from being just a sexual virgin.
    • But I guess they are still virgins if they did not perform sexual intercourse.
    • You are a virgin if you have not had sexual intercourse.
    • At eclosion, adults were maintained in single sex populations for a further 10 days prior to experiments to ensure they were sexually mature virgins.
    • Living arrangements, work arrangements, and lack of transportation all probably contributed to the self-perpetuating nature of celibacy for virgins and singles.
    • It seems that it is adults who are skittish about abstinence, not kids: almost half of the parents interviewed believe it is embarrassing for teens to admit they are virgins, yet only a quarter of teenagers think so.
    • But when it came to sexuality, I was the only virgin in high school.
    • This annoys me no end, especially considering the piles of people I know who are perfectly desirable but single or celibate or virgins because of random situations.
    • It's not just anoraked berks and 40 year-old virgins who live with their mums that buy these things you know!
    • A myth in South Africa holds that sexual intercourse with a virgin can heal a man from HIV infection.
    • Singles were similar to partnered persons in terms of first sexual experiences, while the majority of virgins reported first sexual experiences that did not include another person.
    maiden, unmarried girl, maid, vestal virgin, chaste woman, celibate
    Latin virgo intacta
    literary vestal
    1. 1.1the Virgin The mother of Jesus; the Virgin Mary.
    2. 1.2the Virgin The zodiacal sign or constellation Virgo.
    3. 1.3archaic A young unmarried woman.
      the parable of the wise and foolish virgins
  • 2A person who is naive, innocent, or inexperienced in a particular context.

    he's a political virgin
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the cold dark days before the dawn of the Kinky, its creator (we shall call him Andrew, as that is his name) was but a virgin in the fertile slopes of web design.
    • But this does not entitle the party to pose as political and ethical virgins.
    • Generously redolent of extra earthy truffle oil, the dish would make a perfect maiden voyage for truffle virgins.
    • I am no longer a virgin: I lost my couture innocence at a fashion show.
    • Many of you who flirted with The Velvet Underground in your late teens/early twenties, along with Velvet virgins, may shudder at the thought of yet another a Very Best Of.
    • They are ordinary people who have never got involved in campaigns or protests, so in this sense they are political virgins.
    • Political virgins coming together and finding a voice - I am already feeling more empowered and confident.
  • 3Entomology
    A female insect that produces eggs without being fertilized.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • This is not surprising because females were virgins and may have been predisposed to accept any mate because they required sperm.
    • Misexpression screen for spontaneous ovulation level in virgins.
    • Female F 1 offspring of this cross were allowed to oviposit as virgins to produce the F 2 males for mapping.
adjective ˈvəːdʒɪnˈvərdʒən
  • 1attributive Being, relating to, or appropriate for a virgin.

    his virgin bride
    Example sentencesExamples
    • This time she was dressed in white: a virgin princess lying caught among the cobwebs of the stars.
    • The desert around Llano has been prepared like a virgin bride for its eventual union with the metropolis.
    • The finder himself was rewarded with a pale-skinned virgin bride.
    • Do you feel that rockets bursting to impregnate the virgin sky are gender appropriate?
    • The chill in the air nipped at my flesh as the Temple Elder draped a clock of virgin white over my shoulders and led me to Her altar.
    • One by one, they toss their flowers in, virgin white upon the black dirt.
    • The corrupt judge who convicted her has tired of the usual monetary bribes that generally facilitate a quick release and demands a more elusive prize - a virgin maiden.
    • We both wanted to have high school sweet hearts and be young virgin brides.
    • Yet, the countryside looked most magnificent blanketed in a coat of virgin white rarely witnessed.
    • She wanted to be a virgin bride but that, she claims, was not an option in Margate.
    • A mild-mannered virgin businessman turned into a ‘deranged sex maniac’ under the influence of prescribed drugs, the High Court was told yesterday.
    • Jeff is such a busy man, I'm impressed he made time to go all the way down to southwestern Nigeria to report on one of its most famous virgin festivals.
    • She was the virgin poetess dressed in white, the tremulous daughter who never left her father's house, the maiden who turned to art because she was thwarted in love.
    • In the case of a virgin bride the party went on for seven days.
    • It was then that Liesel noticed the long, virgin white robes, and the cross around his neck.
    • Those who know Van Eyck's whole oeuvre well tend to believe otherwise - that it was simply the fashion to wear this style of clothing and that her attire should hot preclude her from being seen as a virgin bride.
    • So thank you, Tessa, I shall order a virgin cocktail and drink to you.
    • It was an era of virgin brides and saucy postcards, when society was hungry for sexual freedom - but was too embarrassed to admit it.
    • I recognise that sometimes children can come along before the marriage but to prance about in a white dress playing the virgin bride is a bit much.
    • And people don't understand why I'm standing here in a virgin white race suit unable to answer whether I'm going to be racing for Jaguar next year?
    chaste, virginal, celibate, abstinent, self-restrained, self-denying
    unmarried, unwed, maiden, maidenly
    pure, pure as the driven snow, virtuous, uncorrupted, incorrupt, undefiled, unblemished, unsullied, innocent, sinless, moral, decent, demure
    literary vestal
  • 2Not yet used, exploited, or processed.

    acres of virgin forests
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Replacing used water bottles with new containers made from virgin resources consumes energy and pollutes the air, land and water.
    • The throwers at the airport will destroy the virgin surface of your case on its maiden voyage with special clawed scratching tools they reserve solely for this purpose - or at least, that's how it feels when you get it back.
    • Whitsunday Island is perhaps most notable for Whitehaven Beach, three miles of virgin white sand.
    • European businessmen quick to exploit the virgin market, made their passage to India sailing around the Cape.
    • At night, lying awake in a room never dark enough, I dream of bare walls; the virgin walls of a big white misshapen room.
    • One of his claims is that the fragment of circuit board could not be responsible for the explosion as it was a virgin piece of equipment that had never been used.
    • To check it out I did a clean install of XP and verified the exploit on a virgin image.
    • It also means that the hair in the braid remains virgin and when you eventually have the extensions off your own hair is in brilliant condition.
    • It takes 60 percent less energy to make paper from recycled materials than it does to manufacture it from virgin wood pulp.
    • We landed five miles off our targeted landing site, with a daring, smooth landing by our pilot who brought us down, kissing the virgin snow.
    • The station was 500,000 acres of almost virgin bush set astride the magnificent Culvert River, and abandoned for 15 years.
    • The rapidograph doesn't merely apply ink to paper: it claws it in, scratching black lines onto the virgin white page.
    • Recycling glass saves one-quarter to one-third the energy used for virgin materials.
    • Both hemp and kenaf offer a sound alternative to virgin fiber, leaving the world's fast-disappearing forests intact.
    • Every now and then, one would hear people talk in mysterious tones about log cabins or geodesic domes on virgin land in Vermont or Montana, and the growing of organic vegetables.
    • Because of the rapid consumption of virgin forests in places as far apart as Canada and Southeast Asia, forest restoration has not been able to keep pace with the demand for wood products.
    • Count Alan saw Yorkshire as virgin land he could exploit.
    • Wlsea then moved into real offices on Municipal Pier, hired its first employee and secured six virgin white pines for the ship's masts and spars.
    • Large tracts of virgin forest play a role in global ecology comparable to rain forests.
    • Carl and Lowell Skoog are blazing virgin trails in the backcountry's wild white yonder
    untouched, unspoilt, untainted, untarnished, unadulterated, pure, immaculate, pristine, flawless
    unmarked, unblemished, spotless, stainless, unsullied, unpolluted, undefiled, unaffected, unchanged, intact, inviolate, preserved
    unused, in mint condition, perfect, in perfect condition
    unexplored, uncharted, unmapped
    1. 2.1 (of clay) not yet fired.
    2. 2.2 (of wool) not yet, or only once, spun or woven.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Crafted from a blend of virgin wool, angora and polyamide, this classic pullover features a crew neckline and ribbed hemline.
      • The Uplander is non-insulated while the Highlander uses 24-ounce Mackinaw 100 percent virgin wool for insulation.
      • It must be woven by hand in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, in the home of the weaver, using Scottish virgin wool that has been spun and dyed also in the Hebrides.
      • This gray and beige pinstriped suit is crafted from 100% virgin wool.
      • It's 85 percent virgin wool, 15 percent nylon blend, with front and back yoke.
      • This heavy, 100% virgin wool, practically waterproof icon could warm even the coldest trapper for a lifetime.
      • This was done by mixing materials, namely high-tech fabrics (not specified) and virgin wool.
      • The All Season Blanket is a mid-weight 100% virgin wool blanket woven in basket weave to add texture.
    3. 2.3 (of olive oil) obtained from the first pressing of olives.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He advised consumers to buy virgin olive oil which has significantly higher levels of vitamin E than refined olive oil.
      • It is sheltered effectively by blue gums and golden wattle broken by a palm tree and a peppercorn and it overlooks an olive grove, which yields a steady supply of virgin oil.
      • It begins with champagne and mini pizzettes, and also features Yamba prawns, Bangalow pork and local virgin olive oil and coffee.
      • The Brazilian had a salad of rocket, shrimp, celery and virgin olive oil for €10.90.
      • This dish was worth it just for the theatre alone - the waiter pouring on the virgin olive oil with great aplomb.
      • Lovers of good food are in for a treat, with fine virgin olive oils, black and white truffles and excellent wines featuring on every menu.
      • A good choice is virgin olive oil, because it has not been heated, refined or bleached.
      • Finally, all oils which are not first pressed virgin olive oils have been treated by a number of chemical processes which leave them not only with a different colour and consistency but containing toxins.
      • To make it palatable, he has used tomatoes, tamarind sauce, onions, chillies and a drop of virgin Olive oil.
      • We Yanks, on the other hand, are relegated to our local grocery store where we must decide between extra virgin, virgin, pure, light and pomace olive oil.
      • Before our food arrived we were treated to an ‘Amuse Bouche’ of cherry tomato with mozzarella and basil with Balsamic vinegar and virgin olive oil.
      • Lemons, garlic, virgin olive oil, and the African potato have all at some time been implicated as being able to alter the course of disease.
      • They also own a 15-acre olive grove and have just completed their first harvest with which they produced and bottled virgin olive oil.
      • Olive oil (I always use the very best single estate, first pressing, virgin kind but, really, any good olive oil will do)
      • He went for the plum tomato, buffalo mozzarella and rocket salad with Parmesan shavings, basil and virgin olive oil.
      • We shared 40 litres of our very own virgin olive oil.
      • When the vegetables have cooled, mix into a large serving bowl with the herbs, olive, a drizzle of virgin olive oil, some Maldon sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.
      • Polyphenolic compounds present in virgin olive oil also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects in cardiovascular disease.
      • Pour white wine vinegar and virgin olive oil into bowl and stir with whisk.
      • Put all the veggie bits (except for about a third of the onions) in a large frying pan with a dash of virgin olive oil and a couple of teaspoons of the herbs and fry over a medium heat
    4. 2.4 (of metal) made from ore by smelting.
      virgin aluminium
      Example sentencesExamples
      • When the composition limits restrict the use of scrap, the product is designated as primary or virgin casting alloy ingot.
      • I peeled back the cover and exposed the glistening nakedness of the virgin steel.
      • Its hollowness depicts in the theme itself. the trend mostly confines to physical attributes of women particularly virgins and a phantom of their beauty that, unfortunately, should not be the only approach of literature.
      • The casting had gone perfectly and the virgin silver, until now untouched by corroding air or water, gleamed like moonlight.


Middle English: from Old French virgine, from Latin virgo, virgin-.


Definition of virgin in US English:


  • 1A person who has never had sexual intercourse.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • If they are found not to be virgins, the commune will give them nothing.
    • It seems that it is adults who are skittish about abstinence, not kids: almost half of the parents interviewed believe it is embarrassing for teens to admit they are virgins, yet only a quarter of teenagers think so.
    • It is an important confirmation of HPV sexual transmission that virgins are seronegative.
    • Now, 40 years since we were freed from sexual repression, a small but determined tide of virgins suggests that such liberation is beginning to lose its appeal.
    • The disorder of the Hundred Years War had encouraged a widespread prophecy that a virgin would come to save France during this time of uncertain leadership.
    • This annoys me no end, especially considering the piles of people I know who are perfectly desirable but single or celibate or virgins because of random situations.
    • Living arrangements, work arrangements, and lack of transportation all probably contributed to the self-perpetuating nature of celibacy for virgins and singles.
    • While many virgins and singles reported unhappiness about the lack of sexual contact, some expressed a greater sadness about not having love or a relationship.
    • But when it came to sexuality, I was the only virgin in high school.
    • But I guess they are still virgins if they did not perform sexual intercourse.
    • At eclosion, adults were maintained in single sex populations for a further 10 days prior to experiments to ensure they were sexually mature virgins.
    • A myth in South Africa holds that sexual intercourse with a virgin can heal a man from HIV infection.
    • Europeans will be astonished to learn that in 2000 about a fifth of American 18-to 24-year-olds claimed to be virgins on their wedding day.
    • You are a virgin if you have not had sexual intercourse.
    • Feldman et al. found that high school students who considered themselves virgins were nonetheless sexually active in ways that put them at risk for sexually transmitted disease.
    • In the Aztec culture avocados were considered so sexually powerful that virgins weren't allowed to have contact with them.
    • Your situation is not unlike the girl who permits everything but the textbook definition of sexual congress so she can say she's a virgin.
    • Singles were similar to partnered persons in terms of first sexual experiences, while the majority of virgins reported first sexual experiences that did not include another person.
    • The situation is quite a bit different from being just a sexual virgin.
    • It's not just anoraked berks and 40 year-old virgins who live with their mums that buy these things you know!
    • The survey indicates that three in four parents of sexually active 13-year-old girls do not know their daughters are no longer virgins and that one in five young teenagers lost their virginity when they were drunk.
    maiden, unmarried girl, maid, vestal virgin, chaste woman, celibate
    1. 1.1the Virgin The mother of Jesus; the Virgin Mary.
    2. 1.2the Virgin The zodiacal sign or constellation Virgo.
    3. 1.3archaic A young unmarried woman.
      the parable of the wise and foolish virgins
  • 2A person who is naive, innocent, or inexperienced in a particular context.

    a political virgin
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the cold dark days before the dawn of the Kinky, its creator (we shall call him Andrew, as that is his name) was but a virgin in the fertile slopes of web design.
    • I am no longer a virgin: I lost my couture innocence at a fashion show.
    • Generously redolent of extra earthy truffle oil, the dish would make a perfect maiden voyage for truffle virgins.
    • They are ordinary people who have never got involved in campaigns or protests, so in this sense they are political virgins.
    • But this does not entitle the party to pose as political and ethical virgins.
    • Political virgins coming together and finding a voice - I am already feeling more empowered and confident.
    • Many of you who flirted with The Velvet Underground in your late teens/early twenties, along with Velvet virgins, may shudder at the thought of yet another a Very Best Of.
  • 3Entomology
    A female insect that produces eggs without being fertilized.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Female F 1 offspring of this cross were allowed to oviposit as virgins to produce the F 2 males for mapping.
    • This is not surprising because females were virgins and may have been predisposed to accept any mate because they required sperm.
    • Misexpression screen for spontaneous ovulation level in virgins.
  • 1attributive Being, relating to, or appropriate for a virgin.

    his virgin bride
    Example sentencesExamples
    • This time she was dressed in white: a virgin princess lying caught among the cobwebs of the stars.
    • And people don't understand why I'm standing here in a virgin white race suit unable to answer whether I'm going to be racing for Jaguar next year?
    • The corrupt judge who convicted her has tired of the usual monetary bribes that generally facilitate a quick release and demands a more elusive prize - a virgin maiden.
    • We both wanted to have high school sweet hearts and be young virgin brides.
    • A mild-mannered virgin businessman turned into a ‘deranged sex maniac’ under the influence of prescribed drugs, the High Court was told yesterday.
    • The chill in the air nipped at my flesh as the Temple Elder draped a clock of virgin white over my shoulders and led me to Her altar.
    • She was the virgin poetess dressed in white, the tremulous daughter who never left her father's house, the maiden who turned to art because she was thwarted in love.
    • The desert around Llano has been prepared like a virgin bride for its eventual union with the metropolis.
    • It was an era of virgin brides and saucy postcards, when society was hungry for sexual freedom - but was too embarrassed to admit it.
    • In the case of a virgin bride the party went on for seven days.
    • Those who know Van Eyck's whole oeuvre well tend to believe otherwise - that it was simply the fashion to wear this style of clothing and that her attire should hot preclude her from being seen as a virgin bride.
    • It was then that Liesel noticed the long, virgin white robes, and the cross around his neck.
    • One by one, they toss their flowers in, virgin white upon the black dirt.
    • Yet, the countryside looked most magnificent blanketed in a coat of virgin white rarely witnessed.
    • So thank you, Tessa, I shall order a virgin cocktail and drink to you.
    • The finder himself was rewarded with a pale-skinned virgin bride.
    • I recognise that sometimes children can come along before the marriage but to prance about in a white dress playing the virgin bride is a bit much.
    • Do you feel that rockets bursting to impregnate the virgin sky are gender appropriate?
    • Jeff is such a busy man, I'm impressed he made time to go all the way down to southwestern Nigeria to report on one of its most famous virgin festivals.
    • She wanted to be a virgin bride but that, she claims, was not an option in Margate.
    chaste, virginal, celibate, abstinent, self-restrained, self-denying
  • 2Not yet touched, used, or exploited.

    acres of virgin forests
    virgin snow
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The rapidograph doesn't merely apply ink to paper: it claws it in, scratching black lines onto the virgin white page.
    • The station was 500,000 acres of almost virgin bush set astride the magnificent Culvert River, and abandoned for 15 years.
    • Count Alan saw Yorkshire as virgin land he could exploit.
    • The throwers at the airport will destroy the virgin surface of your case on its maiden voyage with special clawed scratching tools they reserve solely for this purpose - or at least, that's how it feels when you get it back.
    • Large tracts of virgin forest play a role in global ecology comparable to rain forests.
    • Carl and Lowell Skoog are blazing virgin trails in the backcountry's wild white yonder
    • Both hemp and kenaf offer a sound alternative to virgin fiber, leaving the world's fast-disappearing forests intact.
    • We landed five miles off our targeted landing site, with a daring, smooth landing by our pilot who brought us down, kissing the virgin snow.
    • It takes 60 percent less energy to make paper from recycled materials than it does to manufacture it from virgin wood pulp.
    • Wlsea then moved into real offices on Municipal Pier, hired its first employee and secured six virgin white pines for the ship's masts and spars.
    • Every now and then, one would hear people talk in mysterious tones about log cabins or geodesic domes on virgin land in Vermont or Montana, and the growing of organic vegetables.
    • Whitsunday Island is perhaps most notable for Whitehaven Beach, three miles of virgin white sand.
    • Recycling glass saves one-quarter to one-third the energy used for virgin materials.
    • One of his claims is that the fragment of circuit board could not be responsible for the explosion as it was a virgin piece of equipment that had never been used.
    • Because of the rapid consumption of virgin forests in places as far apart as Canada and Southeast Asia, forest restoration has not been able to keep pace with the demand for wood products.
    • It also means that the hair in the braid remains virgin and when you eventually have the extensions off your own hair is in brilliant condition.
    • European businessmen quick to exploit the virgin market, made their passage to India sailing around the Cape.
    • Replacing used water bottles with new containers made from virgin resources consumes energy and pollutes the air, land and water.
    • To check it out I did a clean install of XP and verified the exploit on a virgin image.
    • At night, lying awake in a room never dark enough, I dream of bare walls; the virgin walls of a big white misshapen room.
    untouched, unspoilt, untainted, untarnished, unadulterated, pure, immaculate, pristine, flawless
    1. 2.1 (of clay) not yet fired.
    2. 2.2 (of wool) not yet, or only once, spun or woven.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Crafted from a blend of virgin wool, angora and polyamide, this classic pullover features a crew neckline and ribbed hemline.
      • The Uplander is non-insulated while the Highlander uses 24-ounce Mackinaw 100 percent virgin wool for insulation.
      • This heavy, 100% virgin wool, practically waterproof icon could warm even the coldest trapper for a lifetime.
      • The All Season Blanket is a mid-weight 100% virgin wool blanket woven in basket weave to add texture.
      • It must be woven by hand in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, in the home of the weaver, using Scottish virgin wool that has been spun and dyed also in the Hebrides.
      • It's 85 percent virgin wool, 15 percent nylon blend, with front and back yoke.
      • This was done by mixing materials, namely high-tech fabrics (not specified) and virgin wool.
      • This gray and beige pinstriped suit is crafted from 100% virgin wool.
    3. 2.3 (of olive oil) obtained from the first pressing of olives.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It begins with champagne and mini pizzettes, and also features Yamba prawns, Bangalow pork and local virgin olive oil and coffee.
      • When the vegetables have cooled, mix into a large serving bowl with the herbs, olive, a drizzle of virgin olive oil, some Maldon sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.
      • They also own a 15-acre olive grove and have just completed their first harvest with which they produced and bottled virgin olive oil.
      • A good choice is virgin olive oil, because it has not been heated, refined or bleached.
      • Lemons, garlic, virgin olive oil, and the African potato have all at some time been implicated as being able to alter the course of disease.
      • The Brazilian had a salad of rocket, shrimp, celery and virgin olive oil for €10.90.
      • Polyphenolic compounds present in virgin olive oil also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects in cardiovascular disease.
      • To make it palatable, he has used tomatoes, tamarind sauce, onions, chillies and a drop of virgin Olive oil.
      • Put all the veggie bits (except for about a third of the onions) in a large frying pan with a dash of virgin olive oil and a couple of teaspoons of the herbs and fry over a medium heat
      • Finally, all oils which are not first pressed virgin olive oils have been treated by a number of chemical processes which leave them not only with a different colour and consistency but containing toxins.
      • Lovers of good food are in for a treat, with fine virgin olive oils, black and white truffles and excellent wines featuring on every menu.
      • He advised consumers to buy virgin olive oil which has significantly higher levels of vitamin E than refined olive oil.
      • This dish was worth it just for the theatre alone - the waiter pouring on the virgin olive oil with great aplomb.
      • We Yanks, on the other hand, are relegated to our local grocery store where we must decide between extra virgin, virgin, pure, light and pomace olive oil.
      • Before our food arrived we were treated to an ‘Amuse Bouche’ of cherry tomato with mozzarella and basil with Balsamic vinegar and virgin olive oil.
      • He went for the plum tomato, buffalo mozzarella and rocket salad with Parmesan shavings, basil and virgin olive oil.
      • It is sheltered effectively by blue gums and golden wattle broken by a palm tree and a peppercorn and it overlooks an olive grove, which yields a steady supply of virgin oil.
      • Pour white wine vinegar and virgin olive oil into bowl and stir with whisk.
      • Olive oil (I always use the very best single estate, first pressing, virgin kind but, really, any good olive oil will do)
      • We shared 40 litres of our very own virgin olive oil.
    4. 2.4 (of metal) made from ore by smelting.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The casting had gone perfectly and the virgin silver, until now untouched by corroding air or water, gleamed like moonlight.
      • I peeled back the cover and exposed the glistening nakedness of the virgin steel.
      • When the composition limits restrict the use of scrap, the product is designated as primary or virgin casting alloy ingot.
      • Its hollowness depicts in the theme itself. the trend mostly confines to physical attributes of women particularly virgins and a phantom of their beauty that, unfortunately, should not be the only approach of literature.


Middle English: from Old French virgine, from Latin virgo, virgin-.





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