

单词 view

Definition of view in English:


noun vjuːvju
  • 1mass noun The ability to see something or to be seen from a particular place.

    the end of the tunnel came into view
    count noun they stood on the bar to get a better view
    Example sentencesExamples
    • At times they vanished from view behind trees, to reappear, smaller still, in the distance.
    • The type of tree will be chosen so as not to obstruct one's view or cause overcrowding.
    • Looking over the oval, the entrance to the tunnel is shielded from view by a large green shed.
    • A small wood shingled A frame, it was solidly encased by trees, hidden from view.
    • The other woman sighed; Vicky's view of her was obstructed by a circle of three guards that surrounded her.
    • The water slides show no signs of abating and regularly obstruct one's view of the sun.
    • All of this is in open view of the street through big glass windows where the camera crew happen to be.
    • No sooner was Doherty back in the team than the mercurial ability of Graham Geraghty hoved into view.
    • So I head back on to the hillside where all that is hidden from view by trees, and have a last few minutes in wilderness.
    • At the moment, trees obscure the existing camera's view of some parts of the street.
    • Tarmac insists the quarry will be hidden from view by a screen of more than 20,000 trees and a mile and a half of hedgerow.
    • It sneaks into view from the narrow streets, and one is drawn to it like a Magnet for the Spirit.
    • Just before touchdown he became aware of a pylon coming into view from behind a tree.
    • I ducked as more bandits stalked into view between the trees on my side of the river.
    • A big bald man with a brown mustache ordered, stepping into view from behind the trees.
    • Which means that I have a particularly good view of that Guard Tower in the garden beyond Lucy Smooth's.
    • I couldn't see the trail very well anymore, some thick trees obstructing my view of it.
    • As it came into view, I noticed all the homes, restaurants and hotels that had been lost.
    • James sat near the shaft entrance up on the hill, hidden from view by trees and bushes.
    • I kept her hidden from view with a spell, and told her to stay put until I whistled for her.
    sight, perspective, field of vision, range of vision, vision, visibility, eyeshot
    1. 1.1count noun An inspection of things for sale by prospective purchasers, especially of works of art at an exhibition.
      examination, check, check-up, survey, scrutiny, look-over, probe, exploration, perusal, scan, observation, investigation, assessment, appraisal, review, evaluation
  • 2A sight or prospect, typically of attractive natural scenery, that can be taken in by the eye from a particular place.

    a fine view of the castle
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The actual dinner was fine and the views worthy of all the gushings generated by the copywriter in the brochure we'd picked up earlier that week.
    • It sleeps four comfortably and every room has panoramic views of stunning sea and mountain vistas.
    • The manor also boasts fine views of the local hospital, a stunning former garrison building.
    • From the summit the panorama encompasses fine views of the Great Glen in general and Loch Ness in particular.
    • From £820 per person, you get a week's bed and breakfast at Hotel Thalassa, which has stunning views across Coral Bay.
    • Fine views of the coast are an added bonus for the golfer.
    • Bay windows also offer opportunities for built-in seats, maximising space and often exploiting attractive views.
    • Great river views attract Bristol's finest to drink and dine al fresco on the terrace.
    • Although there's not much to see inside the castle itself, the views from it are spectacular.
    • Climbing up onto the walls provides you with an amazing panoramic view of the area.
    • So anyone who finds such views attractive will think that the account is a hard one to swallow.
    • The truth is that, at present, I only have to lift my eyes by ten degrees and I have a sumptuous panoramic view of a building site.
    • They have stunning sea views, pristine beaches and pools, and lush landscaped gardens.
    • Which historic Shanghai building boasts gourmet restaurants, world-class boutiques and stunning views?
    • From its Look Out Level it offers a stunning view of the city, especially at sunset.
    • This circular walk up a little hill offers fine views of the Ken Valley and the higher peaks of Galloway, followed by a walk along a tree-filled valley.
    • This panoramic view of Times Square on New Year's Eve includes ambient noise.
    • From the living area, a stair rises to the long thin private sitting room/study that looks out over stunning views.
    • The lodge comprises two reception rooms and five bedrooms and with its southerly aspect, enjoys fine views down the River Naver.
    • Depending on design, they can mask undesirable sights or highlight attractive views.
    • Return to the main track and look out for views of Blackness Castle and the Trossachs to the west.
    • The presence of cameras staring at the terrace and into the street below does not belittle the stunning view from the roof.
    • The Faithlegg estate itself offers Moire a wealth of stunning views for landscape painting.
    • It is also in a prime location, with panoramic views of the stunning Peak District, visible from every window in the home.
    • This walk which covers a distance of eleven miles will pass through some magnificent scenery with panoramic views.
    • The idea was to open and frame attractive views of the historic buildings.
    • To the left and right two sets of French doors lead out to two small balconies offering attractive views up and down river.
    • There are three further bedrooms on the second floor, one of which has attractive views north over to Fife.
    outlook, prospect, panorama, vista, scene, aspect, perspective, spectacle, sight
    scenery, landscape, seascape, riverscape, cityscape, townscape, snowscape
    archaic lookout
    1. 2.1 A work of art depicting a sight of natural scenery.
      Matisse's view of Collioure
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Stephen paints with his impressionistic views of vast, cool mathematical landscapes.
      • Some, the view of Warsaw to the Ordynacki Palace and that towards the Royal Palace, merit the attentions of a restorer.
      • The view is supposed to depict the landscape as seen through the asylum windows.
      • Van Dyck, Canaletto's views of Venice, da Vinci sketches, Holbeins, Rubens and Rembrandts.
    2. 2.2count noun The visual appearance or an image of something when looked at in a particular way.
      an aerial view of the military earthworks
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In the upper corner appears a camera view from combats occurring around the board.
      • It is an accidental bonus if the framed views, or the visual exchanges, also invoke the spatial experience of a classic Chinese garden.
      • On the beach are the watercourses of small rivulets that formed in the rain and are left behind like aerial views of the world's great river deltas.
      • Anyone else have better sources of aerial views looking down for viewing the effect of the damage on coastlines and rivers?
      • A full 3D view allows the ability to zoom in to see the action close up for full immersion.
      • Google Earth is designed to make it easy to ‘fly’ to aerial views of many locations on the planet.
      • The graphics are cartoony with two viewpoints, an aerial view and a ground-level view.
      • The exhibition catalogue makes dizzy reading as one flicks through the highly animated drawings of buildings, aerial views of cityscapes.
      • The glass color and clarity will influence the entire building appearance and affect interior views.
      • But I want to take you to some live pictures, aerial views of the city of New Orleans.
      • I'm a complete sucker for aerial views, and this sucked big time.
      • Anyway, when I got back home I turned on the telly to see lots of pictures of a train station and aerial views of a shinkansen bullet train.
      • Commentary bus tours run through it and there's a Skyfari chair lift that offers you aerial views of the menagerie.
  • 3A particular way of considering or regarding something; an attitude or opinion.

    strong political views
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Everyone at the gym seemed to have different opinions and views on how to train.
    • I considered writing about it, throwing in my own heavily opinionated political and religious views, but I won't.
    • But her husband, Bob, will not be acting as her consort - because he holds different political views to his wife.
    • She is strong in her political views and religious beliefs.
    • We have our own opinions and views on political developments.
    • The gain is that all kinds of minorities with different views are now represented.
    • He was different to many other lawyers who held strong political views.
    • Do you think you could ever be married to, or in a long-term relationship with, someone with radically different political views from your own?
    • Do you support his vision for Iran, or are you just giving a forum to dissidents of different political views?
    • Mom will get carried away too, caught up in the strong opinions and harsh views.
    • Although they may not agree at all times and obviously have many different views and opinions, the boat has not been rocked.
    • This is the only internet survey of political views based on real opinion poll data.
    • How well do we take on board, consider and reflect the views of minorities in reaching decisions?
    • Clearly, since this is a matter of opinion, different views are tenable.
    • Astonishingly, the senator was giving strong political views.
    • They have divergent political views, from each other, from their unions, and definitely from the Labour Party.
    • That does not, however, prevent us from taking a different view with regard to the costs of the appeal before us.
    • Well, I'm sure that the president of the United States has some very strong views with regards to the recall effort.
    • Sibyl was never in a mood to compete with her, for they each had different opinions and views on how things should come to pass.
    • I have also considered carefully the views expressed with regard to the quality of the stained glass on the stairs.
    opinion, point of view, viewpoint, belief, judgement, reckoning, way of thinking, thinking, thought, notion, idea, conviction, persuasion, attitude, feeling, sentiment, impression, concept, conception, hypothesis, theory, thesis, estimate, estimation, conclusion, verdict
    statement, observation, remark, point
    angle, slant, stance, posture, standpoint, approach
verb vjuːvju
  • 1with object Look at or inspect.

    the public can view the famous hall with its unique staircase
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In many cases of heel pain located about 3cm above the heel bone, there is no inflammation present when the tendon is scanned or viewed by microscopic analysis.
    • Before it could be viewed by the public, his art was taken down without his knowledge.
    • A small horizontal slit in the center of the door allowed me to view some of the darkened room beyond.
    • People were also allowed to view some of the game, which was kept in bomas on the reserve.
    • The draft bye-laws can be viewed at county hall and the last date for observations and submissions to be made to the council, is July 10.
    • This offers the artist the chance to display their work and allow it to be viewed by the public.
    • The carving was to the front, and was viewed from the main hall.
    • The plans and a model of the building can be viewed by the public at Chadwell Library, Brentwood Road.
    • The proposals are now on show at the council's offices in Basildon town centre and can be viewed by the public until the middle of February.
    • The report can also be viewed at County Hall and at district and borough council offices.
    • Several key spots for viewing the lesser kestrel are at ancient monasteries built into cliffs along narrow dry streambeds that wind down to the Jordan River.
    • It may be viewed by the public free of charge at participating galleries throughout the country.
    • From this perspective, the game is simply beautiful and it allows the player to view everything they need to.
    • The exhibition is open to the public and can be viewed over the next couple of weeks during normal opening hours for free admission.
    • She surreptitiously wiped the tears from her cheeks before she gave up and allowed herself to be viewed.
    • Members of the public can view these and other documents at the National Archive.
    • Further north Muriwai beach is a favourite spot for viewing New Zealand's northernmost breeding colony of gannets.
    • Flavonoid spots were detected by viewing the 2D-PCs in visible and UV light.
    • All the players lurched around and stared at Jess, viewing her from head to toes.
    • The plans have now been submitted by Asda Stores, of Leeds, and can be viewed at Shipley Town Hall's planning department.
    look at, gaze at, stare at, peer at, eye, observe, ogle, contemplate, regard, scan, survey, watch
    look over, see over, be shown over, examine, inspect, scrutinize
    catch sight of, glimpse, lay eyes on, spy, spot
    North American check something out
    informal get a load of, gawp at, rubberneck at, give something a/the once-over, have a look-see at, have/take a gander at, have a squint at, clap eyes on
    British informal have/take a dekko at, have/take a butcher's at, take a shufti at, clock
    North American informal eyeball
    literary espy, behold, descry
    1. 1.1 Inspect (a house or other property) with the intention of possibly buying or renting it.
      prospective buyers are requested to make an appointment to view the house
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She must be one of those people who can view a ghastly house and see its potential.
      • The guy viewed the house on the first Sunday in December, signed contracts on the 9th or 10th and got the keys on the 21st.
      • We have to move out in two weeks and so the landlord is letting people view the property.
      • Ophidiophobes thinking of viewing the property will be reassured to learn that there have been no snakes on the premises for a number of years now.
      • Sadly, the people who came to view the house the other day seem to have decided against proceeding.
      • They only charged minimal per cent and spent hours driving me around, viewing properties.
      • The bids are then processed and people with the highest priority are invited to view the property and become the new tenant.
      • When you're viewing someone else's house, don't snigger at the decor or produce a tape measure to start sizing up the windows for curtains.
      • He was joined by his wife Bridget as the first party turned up at Bute House in Edinburgh to view the property.
      • But when his wife later viewed a completed house she noticed two of the bedrooms ‘looked short’.
      • I asked the house owner the oddest question ever asked by someone viewing a house.
      • Giving your home a makeover before prospective buyers come to view can vastly increase your chances of a quick sale.
      • Nice couple, early to mid-thirties I'd say, viewing the house on behalf of parents who live in Wales.
      • Mr King said he warned Mr Pemberton of the noisy neighbour when he came to view his £59,000 house.
      • They moved out before I even viewed the property.
      • Although I haven't yet found somewhere worthy of an offer, I did manage to view a few promising properties.
      • Alan was able to walk through the house with his mobile phone, answering questions and describing the flat to his partner who was viewing the property from her computer in Sheffield.
      • This is reinforced by the fact that the property has already been viewed by a number of city-based businessmen.
      • In The World According to Garp, TS Garp is viewing a house that he wants to buy when an aeroplane crashes into it.
      • Mary Ryan, from Property Vision, has viewed the house and believes it is in desperate need of a makeover.
      inspect, see round, look around, look round, look through, have a look around, have a look round, have a tour of, go on a tour of, tour, survey, scrutinize
    2. 1.2 Watch (something) on television.
      some people record the programme and view it later on their VCR
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Television viewing information is collected by the Broadcasters Audience Research Board.
      • MTV's viewing audience would be similar to that of this teen drama.
      • There were also far too many ‘supervisors’ at the scene, leading to a tangled chain of command that was evident even to those viewing the scene on television.
      • First, in viewing the taped segments afterward, the board picked up details about candidates that they'd missed during the live interview.
      • Anyone who's never seen La Strada is advised to wait until after viewing the film to watch Scorsese's discussion.
      • Thus, televised sport was viewed first as programming and then as sport.
      • Italian television viewing figures went through the roof with 5,200,000 people watching the decisive stage on Saturday.
      • Today I experienced the profound horror of both viewing this ad on television and hearing it on the radio.
      • That was the extent of my television viewing last night.
      • Even when we switch off these allegedly offending channels here, those with satellite television will continue viewing them.
      • In personal interviews, the researchers also asked study participants about their television viewing habits.
      • An interesting test of this for television commercials is to view it with the sound off and see what the visuals alone communicate.
      • Even the Broadcasting Standards Tribunal has concluded that parents cannot be solely responsible for regulating and monitoring the content of television viewed by children.
      • These ads can piggyback on the televisions station's viewing audience.
      • Now, the rest of these shows are populated by people who choose to make fools of themselves in front of a national television viewing audience.
      • It is viewed weekly on television and played by men and boys throughout the country.
      • Producers spend much of the time out of their offices - in the studio, at the location, viewing the raw rushes and, later, the rough edited film or tape.
      • What is the cultural statement to be made by the fact that the most widely viewed event on television in this country is going to be dominated by commercials for sexual enhancement?
      • Log your television viewing habits for one week in a notebook.
      • While viewing ice hockey on television is fun, seeing world class NHL stars perform live is an unforgettable experience.
      watch, look at, observe, catch
    3. 1.3Hunting See (a fox) break cover.
  • 2with object and adverbial Regard in a particular light or with a particular attitude.

    farmers are viewing the rise in rabbit numbers with concern
    Example sentencesExamples
    • To suggest that people employed in breeding dogs and so forth can be viewed in the same light is contemptible.
    • But if everything that passes in front of the eyes is supposed to be entertaining, and is viewed in that light, then the simulation would be condemned as appalling taste.
    • The reliability of Miss Stadden's evidence and of her second statement might have been viewed differently in light of the full knowledge of the array of misconduct.
    • When we think about the Middle Ages, it is easy to view Europe in light of what it became rather than what it was.
    • The results presented in this article need to be viewed in light of several limitations.
    • This belief should be viewed in light of the basis of pleas entered above.
    • The gender differences found in this study need to be viewed in light of two methodological limitations.
    • So you suddenly had a few million farmers beginning to view themselves as consumers.
    • That account has to be viewed in the light of the contemporary documents.
    • The varying reactions to the women's health initiative findings can be viewed in many lights.
    • Circumcision, I can tell you, is not a prospect to be viewed lightly in later life.
    • The good Professor's lament for the old days reminds me of the habit many senior citizens have of viewing the past through rose tinted glasses.
    • If Nick wants to go down this path, some of his comments may well have to be viewed in the same light.
    • However, his memory of the events on March 15, 1996 must be viewed in light of the following exchange between him and his counsel.
    • The difficulties and importance of schooling during childhood have come to be viewed in a new light in the social sciences.
    • The coincidence needs to be viewed in the light of the fact that the world's temperature has always gone up and down like a yo-yo on all sorts of time scales.
    • Any conclusions to be drawn from the survey need to be viewed in the light of changing political circumstances in the academic research domain.
    • The high cholesterol content of eggs causes them to be viewed in a dim light, although studies suggest that their intake has relatively little bearing on our risk of death.
    • Technological progress has always been viewed with fear and regarded with distrust.
    • Autologous bone marrow transplantation was being viewed in a different light.
    consider, regard, look on, see, perceive, judge, adjudge, estimate, deem, reckon, think of, treat


  • in full view

    • Clearly visible.

      Oswald was shot in full view of millions of TV viewers
      the whisky bottle was in full view
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It wasn't the capital punishment the judge favoured, but the idea of justice being conducted in full view of the public.
      • The ‘improvements’ will then be made in full view of the television cameras over a nine-month period.
      • Faber's first novel tears away protective layers of propriety, leaving the flesh and bone of society quivering and in full view.
      • Police are urging people not to leave shopping bags full of gifts on view in their cars and once those gifts are wrapped, not to leave them in full view in their house.
      • Even more regrettable was the fact that this happened in full view of people standing at a bus stop, who didn't lift a finger to help.
  • in view

    • 1Visible.

      the youth was keeping him in view
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The new Woolworths just off Glengariff road in Sea Point was in view as we noticed a Brazilian goddess walking over the road.
      • The way ahead needs to be clearly signposted, the destination obvious and in view.
      • The see-through tent with the bridge in view, the Andes range always visible and the great river surging ahead completed our tableau.
      • When fish were not in view for the entire observation period, sampling was abandoned and restarted when the fish reappeared.
      • The driver, a man in late forties, early fifties, slowly rose in view, obviously knocked to the side as the truck was hit from behind.
      perceptible, perceivable, seeable, observable, noticeable, easily seen, detectable, discernible, recognizable, in view, in sight, on view, on display
    • 2As one's aim or in one's mind.

      the operation they had in view
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The titles of some of Mr Walsh's papers will serve to throw light on the particular objects which he had in view.
      • Today what people have in view is eliminating suffering from the world.
      • This giving of the law had in view the ultimate purpose of God, that we might be righteoused by faith.
      • There is a third possibility: that he courted a struggle to see what came of it, determined to manipulate that struggle to gain certain ends which he had in view.
      • They ought to stand aside for someone without sentiment and with a fair and open mind with the club's honour in view.
  • in view of

    • Because or as a result of.

      the poor condition of libraries is of concern in view of the increased emphasis on reference work
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The regime of freebies has to be considered in view of the fiscal health of society.
      • Strange as it may seem in view of all the damage that was done, Ireland did not get the full force of the storm.
      • This will involve some considerable expense in view of the building work already completed.
      • Perhaps that is a good thing in view of what awaits them in the next fortnight.
      • An agreement is also necessary in view of the upcoming considerable foreign debt payments.
      considering, taking into consideration, bearing in mind, keeping in mind, mindful of, taking into account, on account of, taking note of, in the light of, owing to, because of, as a result of
  • on view

    • 1Being shown or exhibited to the public.

      a collection of old-master drawings is currently on view
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The exhibits went on view yesterday afternoon in advance of the auction at 7.30 pm.
      • A very impressive photographic exhibition is currently on view at Tubbercurry Community Library.
      • This long-overlooked painter is the subject of an exhibition currently on view in New York.
      • Two exhibitions currently on view in London are devoted to Madame de Pompadour.
      • The latest model from that range was put on view to the public.
      on display, on exhibition, on show
      1. 1.1Easily visible.
        it is advisable not to leave handbags on view
        Example sentencesExamples
        • For example, at the moment, the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn are well on view, and they're splendid sights.
        • James Hopkins lay on a hospital bed, with only the knife's handle on view, waiting for doctors to perform a delicate operation.
        • There were lots of appealing, smiling faces on view and the children's plain happiness was a delight.
        • Some of the sights on view will amaze your eyes and all around are the voices of hawkers battling to catch your attention.
        • In close-ups you could barely distinguish which body parts were on view.
        perceptible, perceivable, seeable, observable, noticeable, easily seen, detectable, discernible, recognizable, in view, in sight, on display
  • with a view to

    • With the hope, aim, or intention of.

      strips of rainforest were purchased with a view to creating protected areas
      transactions were conducted on a cash basis with a view to illegal evasion of tax
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The respondents purchased a cinema with a view to demolishing it and replacing it with a supermarket.
      • She is here on an extended stay with a view to maybe moving in with him.
      • It is hoped to hold an open meeting for parishioners in the near future with a view to setting up a branch in the town.
      • The more progressive way would be to continue discussions with a view to finding a solution.
      • In the workshop the children will be creating a piece of art work, with a view to making a piece of music from it.
      • And talks are again taking place with a view to extending the contract further.
      • I have written this article with a view to hopefully helping other people cope with Mud Fever when it strikes.
      • It is hoped to meet the County Manager with a view to furthering the project in the near future.


Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French vieue, feminine past participle of veoir 'see', from Latin videre. The verb dates from the early 16th century.

  • View goes back to Latin videre ‘to see’. Review (Late Middle English), first recorded as a noun denoting a formal inspection of military or naval forces, is literally a re-viewing. Video [1930s] is the Latin for ‘I see’ just as audio is the Latin for ‘I hear’. Visa (mid 19th century), evidence that your right to enter a country has been checked, is a shortening of Latin charta visa literally ‘seen paper’.


accrue, adieu, ado, anew, Anjou, aperçu, askew, ballyhoo, bamboo, bedew, bestrew, billet-doux, blew, blue, boo, boohoo, brew, buckaroo, canoe, chew, clew, clou, clue, cock-a-doodle-doo, cockatoo, construe, coo, Corfu, coup, crew, Crewe, cru, cue, déjà vu, derring-do, dew, didgeridoo, do, drew, due, endue, ensue, eschew, feu, few, flew, flu, flue, foreknew, glue, gnu, goo, grew, halloo, hereto, hew, Hindu, hitherto, how-do-you-do, hue, Hugh, hullabaloo, imbrue, imbue, jackaroo, Jew, kangaroo, Karroo, Kathmandu, kazoo, Kiangsu, knew, Kru, K2, kung fu, Lahu, Lanzhou, Lao-tzu, lasso, lieu, loo, Lou, Manchu, mangetout, mew, misconstrue, miscue, moo, moue, mu, nardoo, new, non-U, nu, ooh, outdo, outflew, outgrew, peekaboo, Peru, pew, plew, Poitou, pooh, pooh-pooh, potoroo, pursue, queue, revue, roo, roux, rue, Selous, set-to, shampoo, shih-tzu, shoe, shoo, shrew, Sioux, skean dhu, skew, skidoo, slew, smew, snafu, sou, spew, sprue, stew, strew, subdue, sue, switcheroo, taboo, tattoo, thereto, thew, threw, thro, through, thru, tickety-boo, Timbuktu, tiramisu, to, to-do, too, toodle-oo, true, true-blue, tu-whit tu-whoo, two, vendue, vindaloo, virtu, wahoo, wallaroo, Waterloo, well-to-do, whereto, whew, who, withdrew, woo, Wu, yew, you, zoo

Definition of view in US English:


  • 1The ability to see something or to be seen from a particular place.

    the end of the tunnel came into view
    they stood on the bar to get a better view
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It sneaks into view from the narrow streets, and one is drawn to it like a Magnet for the Spirit.
    • The other woman sighed; Vicky's view of her was obstructed by a circle of three guards that surrounded her.
    • Looking over the oval, the entrance to the tunnel is shielded from view by a large green shed.
    • I couldn't see the trail very well anymore, some thick trees obstructing my view of it.
    • All of this is in open view of the street through big glass windows where the camera crew happen to be.
    • James sat near the shaft entrance up on the hill, hidden from view by trees and bushes.
    • A small wood shingled A frame, it was solidly encased by trees, hidden from view.
    • The type of tree will be chosen so as not to obstruct one's view or cause overcrowding.
    • As it came into view, I noticed all the homes, restaurants and hotels that had been lost.
    • Which means that I have a particularly good view of that Guard Tower in the garden beyond Lucy Smooth's.
    • So I head back on to the hillside where all that is hidden from view by trees, and have a last few minutes in wilderness.
    • Tarmac insists the quarry will be hidden from view by a screen of more than 20,000 trees and a mile and a half of hedgerow.
    • No sooner was Doherty back in the team than the mercurial ability of Graham Geraghty hoved into view.
    • Just before touchdown he became aware of a pylon coming into view from behind a tree.
    • The water slides show no signs of abating and regularly obstruct one's view of the sun.
    • At the moment, trees obscure the existing camera's view of some parts of the street.
    • I ducked as more bandits stalked into view between the trees on my side of the river.
    • I kept her hidden from view with a spell, and told her to stay put until I whistled for her.
    • At times they vanished from view behind trees, to reappear, smaller still, in the distance.
    • A big bald man with a brown mustache ordered, stepping into view from behind the trees.
    sight, perspective, field of vision, range of vision, vision, visibility, eyeshot
    1. 1.1 An inspection of things for sale by prospective purchasers, especially of works of art at an exhibition.
      examination, check, check-up, survey, scrutiny, look-over, probe, exploration, perusal, scan, observation, investigation, assessment, appraisal, review, evaluation
    2. 1.2Law (in court proceedings) a formal inspection by the judge and jury of the scene of a crime or property mentioned in evidence.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I proceed today to reach a decision on the basis that no view of the scene by the jury could take place.
  • 2A sight or prospect, typically of attractive natural scenery, that can be taken in by the eye from a particular place.

    a fine view of the castle
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Which historic Shanghai building boasts gourmet restaurants, world-class boutiques and stunning views?
    • The actual dinner was fine and the views worthy of all the gushings generated by the copywriter in the brochure we'd picked up earlier that week.
    • The Faithlegg estate itself offers Moire a wealth of stunning views for landscape painting.
    • Great river views attract Bristol's finest to drink and dine al fresco on the terrace.
    • It is also in a prime location, with panoramic views of the stunning Peak District, visible from every window in the home.
    • They have stunning sea views, pristine beaches and pools, and lush landscaped gardens.
    • This walk which covers a distance of eleven miles will pass through some magnificent scenery with panoramic views.
    • The lodge comprises two reception rooms and five bedrooms and with its southerly aspect, enjoys fine views down the River Naver.
    • From £820 per person, you get a week's bed and breakfast at Hotel Thalassa, which has stunning views across Coral Bay.
    • The presence of cameras staring at the terrace and into the street below does not belittle the stunning view from the roof.
    • It sleeps four comfortably and every room has panoramic views of stunning sea and mountain vistas.
    • This panoramic view of Times Square on New Year's Eve includes ambient noise.
    • From its Look Out Level it offers a stunning view of the city, especially at sunset.
    • So anyone who finds such views attractive will think that the account is a hard one to swallow.
    • The idea was to open and frame attractive views of the historic buildings.
    • The truth is that, at present, I only have to lift my eyes by ten degrees and I have a sumptuous panoramic view of a building site.
    • Bay windows also offer opportunities for built-in seats, maximising space and often exploiting attractive views.
    • To the left and right two sets of French doors lead out to two small balconies offering attractive views up and down river.
    • There are three further bedrooms on the second floor, one of which has attractive views north over to Fife.
    • From the summit the panorama encompasses fine views of the Great Glen in general and Loch Ness in particular.
    • Return to the main track and look out for views of Blackness Castle and the Trossachs to the west.
    • The manor also boasts fine views of the local hospital, a stunning former garrison building.
    • Climbing up onto the walls provides you with an amazing panoramic view of the area.
    • Depending on design, they can mask undesirable sights or highlight attractive views.
    • Although there's not much to see inside the castle itself, the views from it are spectacular.
    • This circular walk up a little hill offers fine views of the Ken Valley and the higher peaks of Galloway, followed by a walk along a tree-filled valley.
    • Fine views of the coast are an added bonus for the golfer.
    • From the living area, a stair rises to the long thin private sitting room/study that looks out over stunning views.
    outlook, prospect, panorama, vista, scene, aspect, perspective, spectacle, sight
    1. 2.1 A work of art depicting a sight of natural scenery.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Van Dyck, Canaletto's views of Venice, da Vinci sketches, Holbeins, Rubens and Rembrandts.
      • Stephen paints with his impressionistic views of vast, cool mathematical landscapes.
      • Some, the view of Warsaw to the Ordynacki Palace and that towards the Royal Palace, merit the attentions of a restorer.
      • The view is supposed to depict the landscape as seen through the asylum windows.
    2. 2.2 The visual appearance or an image of something when looked at in a particular way.
      an aerial view of the military earthworks
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Anyway, when I got back home I turned on the telly to see lots of pictures of a train station and aerial views of a shinkansen bullet train.
      • The exhibition catalogue makes dizzy reading as one flicks through the highly animated drawings of buildings, aerial views of cityscapes.
      • The graphics are cartoony with two viewpoints, an aerial view and a ground-level view.
      • Commentary bus tours run through it and there's a Skyfari chair lift that offers you aerial views of the menagerie.
      • But I want to take you to some live pictures, aerial views of the city of New Orleans.
      • I'm a complete sucker for aerial views, and this sucked big time.
      • The glass color and clarity will influence the entire building appearance and affect interior views.
      • Google Earth is designed to make it easy to ‘fly’ to aerial views of many locations on the planet.
      • A full 3D view allows the ability to zoom in to see the action close up for full immersion.
      • It is an accidental bonus if the framed views, or the visual exchanges, also invoke the spatial experience of a classic Chinese garden.
      • In the upper corner appears a camera view from combats occurring around the board.
      • On the beach are the watercourses of small rivulets that formed in the rain and are left behind like aerial views of the world's great river deltas.
      • Anyone else have better sources of aerial views looking down for viewing the effect of the damage on coastlines and rivers?
  • 3A particular way of considering or regarding something; an attitude or opinion.

    strong political views
    Example sentencesExamples
    • How well do we take on board, consider and reflect the views of minorities in reaching decisions?
    • Astonishingly, the senator was giving strong political views.
    • We have our own opinions and views on political developments.
    • Clearly, since this is a matter of opinion, different views are tenable.
    • That does not, however, prevent us from taking a different view with regard to the costs of the appeal before us.
    • Everyone at the gym seemed to have different opinions and views on how to train.
    • She is strong in her political views and religious beliefs.
    • The gain is that all kinds of minorities with different views are now represented.
    • But her husband, Bob, will not be acting as her consort - because he holds different political views to his wife.
    • They have divergent political views, from each other, from their unions, and definitely from the Labour Party.
    • He was different to many other lawyers who held strong political views.
    • I have also considered carefully the views expressed with regard to the quality of the stained glass on the stairs.
    • Do you think you could ever be married to, or in a long-term relationship with, someone with radically different political views from your own?
    • Sibyl was never in a mood to compete with her, for they each had different opinions and views on how things should come to pass.
    • Do you support his vision for Iran, or are you just giving a forum to dissidents of different political views?
    • Well, I'm sure that the president of the United States has some very strong views with regards to the recall effort.
    • I considered writing about it, throwing in my own heavily opinionated political and religious views, but I won't.
    • This is the only internet survey of political views based on real opinion poll data.
    • Although they may not agree at all times and obviously have many different views and opinions, the boat has not been rocked.
    • Mom will get carried away too, caught up in the strong opinions and harsh views.
    opinion, point of view, viewpoint, belief, judgement, reckoning, way of thinking, thinking, thought, notion, idea, conviction, persuasion, attitude, feeling, sentiment, impression, concept, conception, hypothesis, theory, thesis, estimate, estimation, conclusion, verdict
  • 1with object Look at or inspect (something)

    the public can view the famous hall with its unique staircase
    Example sentencesExamples
    • All the players lurched around and stared at Jess, viewing her from head to toes.
    • Flavonoid spots were detected by viewing the 2D-PCs in visible and UV light.
    • The plans have now been submitted by Asda Stores, of Leeds, and can be viewed at Shipley Town Hall's planning department.
    • From this perspective, the game is simply beautiful and it allows the player to view everything they need to.
    • The report can also be viewed at County Hall and at district and borough council offices.
    • It may be viewed by the public free of charge at participating galleries throughout the country.
    • Before it could be viewed by the public, his art was taken down without his knowledge.
    • In many cases of heel pain located about 3cm above the heel bone, there is no inflammation present when the tendon is scanned or viewed by microscopic analysis.
    • The plans and a model of the building can be viewed by the public at Chadwell Library, Brentwood Road.
    • The carving was to the front, and was viewed from the main hall.
    • The exhibition is open to the public and can be viewed over the next couple of weeks during normal opening hours for free admission.
    • Members of the public can view these and other documents at the National Archive.
    • Further north Muriwai beach is a favourite spot for viewing New Zealand's northernmost breeding colony of gannets.
    • The proposals are now on show at the council's offices in Basildon town centre and can be viewed by the public until the middle of February.
    • A small horizontal slit in the center of the door allowed me to view some of the darkened room beyond.
    • Several key spots for viewing the lesser kestrel are at ancient monasteries built into cliffs along narrow dry streambeds that wind down to the Jordan River.
    • This offers the artist the chance to display their work and allow it to be viewed by the public.
    • The draft bye-laws can be viewed at county hall and the last date for observations and submissions to be made to the council, is July 10.
    • She surreptitiously wiped the tears from her cheeks before she gave up and allowed herself to be viewed.
    • People were also allowed to view some of the game, which was kept in bomas on the reserve.
    look at, gaze at, stare at, peer at, eye, observe, ogle, contemplate, regard, scan, survey, watch
    1. 1.1 Watch (something) on television.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Television viewing information is collected by the Broadcasters Audience Research Board.
      • Producers spend much of the time out of their offices - in the studio, at the location, viewing the raw rushes and, later, the rough edited film or tape.
      • There were also far too many ‘supervisors’ at the scene, leading to a tangled chain of command that was evident even to those viewing the scene on television.
      • Thus, televised sport was viewed first as programming and then as sport.
      • Italian television viewing figures went through the roof with 5,200,000 people watching the decisive stage on Saturday.
      • Log your television viewing habits for one week in a notebook.
      • MTV's viewing audience would be similar to that of this teen drama.
      • While viewing ice hockey on television is fun, seeing world class NHL stars perform live is an unforgettable experience.
      • First, in viewing the taped segments afterward, the board picked up details about candidates that they'd missed during the live interview.
      • It is viewed weekly on television and played by men and boys throughout the country.
      • These ads can piggyback on the televisions station's viewing audience.
      • Today I experienced the profound horror of both viewing this ad on television and hearing it on the radio.
      • In personal interviews, the researchers also asked study participants about their television viewing habits.
      • An interesting test of this for television commercials is to view it with the sound off and see what the visuals alone communicate.
      • Even when we switch off these allegedly offending channels here, those with satellite television will continue viewing them.
      • That was the extent of my television viewing last night.
      • Even the Broadcasting Standards Tribunal has concluded that parents cannot be solely responsible for regulating and monitoring the content of television viewed by children.
      • Now, the rest of these shows are populated by people who choose to make fools of themselves in front of a national television viewing audience.
      • Anyone who's never seen La Strada is advised to wait until after viewing the film to watch Scorsese's discussion.
      • What is the cultural statement to be made by the fact that the most widely viewed event on television in this country is going to be dominated by commercials for sexual enhancement?
      watch, look at, observe, catch
    2. 1.2Hunting See (a fox) break cover.
  • 2with object and adverbial Regard in a particular light or with a particular attitude.

    farmers are viewing the rise in rabbit numbers with concern
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The good Professor's lament for the old days reminds me of the habit many senior citizens have of viewing the past through rose tinted glasses.
    • The varying reactions to the women's health initiative findings can be viewed in many lights.
    • This belief should be viewed in light of the basis of pleas entered above.
    • But if everything that passes in front of the eyes is supposed to be entertaining, and is viewed in that light, then the simulation would be condemned as appalling taste.
    • If Nick wants to go down this path, some of his comments may well have to be viewed in the same light.
    • Autologous bone marrow transplantation was being viewed in a different light.
    • Technological progress has always been viewed with fear and regarded with distrust.
    • The gender differences found in this study need to be viewed in light of two methodological limitations.
    • The high cholesterol content of eggs causes them to be viewed in a dim light, although studies suggest that their intake has relatively little bearing on our risk of death.
    • The coincidence needs to be viewed in the light of the fact that the world's temperature has always gone up and down like a yo-yo on all sorts of time scales.
    • Any conclusions to be drawn from the survey need to be viewed in the light of changing political circumstances in the academic research domain.
    • That account has to be viewed in the light of the contemporary documents.
    • However, his memory of the events on March 15, 1996 must be viewed in light of the following exchange between him and his counsel.
    • The difficulties and importance of schooling during childhood have come to be viewed in a new light in the social sciences.
    • Circumcision, I can tell you, is not a prospect to be viewed lightly in later life.
    • When we think about the Middle Ages, it is easy to view Europe in light of what it became rather than what it was.
    • The results presented in this article need to be viewed in light of several limitations.
    • So you suddenly had a few million farmers beginning to view themselves as consumers.
    • To suggest that people employed in breeding dogs and so forth can be viewed in the same light is contemptible.
    • The reliability of Miss Stadden's evidence and of her second statement might have been viewed differently in light of the full knowledge of the array of misconduct.
    consider, regard, look on, see, perceive, judge, adjudge, estimate, deem, reckon, think of, treat


  • in full view

    • Clearly visible.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • It wasn't the capital punishment the judge favoured, but the idea of justice being conducted in full view of the public.
      • Police are urging people not to leave shopping bags full of gifts on view in their cars and once those gifts are wrapped, not to leave them in full view in their house.
      • The ‘improvements’ will then be made in full view of the television cameras over a nine-month period.
      • Even more regrettable was the fact that this happened in full view of people standing at a bus stop, who didn't lift a finger to help.
      • Faber's first novel tears away protective layers of propriety, leaving the flesh and bone of society quivering and in full view.
  • in view

    • 1Visible to someone.

      the youth was keeping him in view
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The see-through tent with the bridge in view, the Andes range always visible and the great river surging ahead completed our tableau.
      • The way ahead needs to be clearly signposted, the destination obvious and in view.
      • The driver, a man in late forties, early fifties, slowly rose in view, obviously knocked to the side as the truck was hit from behind.
      • The new Woolworths just off Glengariff road in Sea Point was in view as we noticed a Brazilian goddess walking over the road.
      • When fish were not in view for the entire observation period, sampling was abandoned and restarted when the fish reappeared.
      perceptible, perceivable, seeable, observable, noticeable, easily seen, detectable, discernible, recognizable, in view, in sight, on view, on display
      1. 1.1As one's aim or objective.
        his arrest is the principal object I have in view
        Example sentencesExamples
        • The Western strategist always keeps the objective firmly in view, sees the path to the top, and focuses all efforts on reaching the summit.
        • Those words direct the reader to construe what comes afterwards with that object in view.
        • The croquet player has one single object to keep in view - namely, to win the game; and in the following ‘Hints’ we shall endeavour to give him the means.
        • The fact is that, carried out strategically, and with clear objectives in view, exporting products or services can provide an important route to business growth.
        • With this object in view, it is my pleasure to provide a reference for my children's further education and sincerely wish them good luck in the future.
        • Think, speak and act with clearly defined objectives in view.
        • Our Lord had this great objective firmly in view all along.
        • With this object in view, all but the very latest arrivals from England contrive to make their houses as little oriental and as much like an English home as possible.
        • A pool player is always to be single-minded with one object in view, to play!
        • Mol has a second object in view: she also observes her own multiple practices of scholarly research and writing, which are explicitly implicated in this account of a disease.
        • I can find nothing to suggest that they had a different objective in view which their words failed properly to express.
      2. 1.2In one's mind when forming a judgment.
        it is important to have in view the position reached at the beginning of the 1970s
        Example sentencesExamples
        • There is a third possibility: that he courted a struggle to see what came of it, determined to manipulate that struggle to gain certain ends which he had in view.
        • The titles of some of Mr Walsh's papers will serve to throw light on the particular objects which he had in view.
        • Today what people have in view is eliminating suffering from the world.
        • They ought to stand aside for someone without sentiment and with a fair and open mind with the club's honour in view.
        • This giving of the law had in view the ultimate purpose of God, that we might be righteoused by faith.
  • in view of

    • Because or as a result of.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Strange as it may seem in view of all the damage that was done, Ireland did not get the full force of the storm.
      • The regime of freebies has to be considered in view of the fiscal health of society.
      • Perhaps that is a good thing in view of what awaits them in the next fortnight.
      • An agreement is also necessary in view of the upcoming considerable foreign debt payments.
      • This will involve some considerable expense in view of the building work already completed.
      considering, taking into consideration, bearing in mind, keeping in mind, mindful of, taking into account, on account of, taking note of, in the light of, owing to, because of, as a result of
  • on view

    • (especially of a work of art) being shown or exhibited to the public.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • The exhibits went on view yesterday afternoon in advance of the auction at 7.30 pm.
      • The latest model from that range was put on view to the public.
      • A very impressive photographic exhibition is currently on view at Tubbercurry Community Library.
      • This long-overlooked painter is the subject of an exhibition currently on view in New York.
      • Two exhibitions currently on view in London are devoted to Madame de Pompadour.
      on display, on exhibition, on show
  • with a view to

    • With the hope, aim, or intention of.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • I have written this article with a view to hopefully helping other people cope with Mud Fever when it strikes.
      • It is hoped to meet the County Manager with a view to furthering the project in the near future.
      • The respondents purchased a cinema with a view to demolishing it and replacing it with a supermarket.
      • And talks are again taking place with a view to extending the contract further.
      • She is here on an extended stay with a view to maybe moving in with him.
      • In the workshop the children will be creating a piece of art work, with a view to making a piece of music from it.
      • The more progressive way would be to continue discussions with a view to finding a solution.
      • It is hoped to hold an open meeting for parishioners in the near future with a view to setting up a branch in the town.


Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French vieue, feminine past participle of veoir ‘see’, from Latin videre. The verb dates from the early 16th century.





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