worn out, worn, well worn, old
thin, holey, moth-eaten, mangy, ragged, frayed, tattered, battered, dog-eared
decrepit, shabby, scruffy, unkempt
having seen better days, falling apart at the seams, in shreds, in tatters, falling to pieces, broken-down, ruined, damaged
informal tatty, ratty, the worse for wear
North American informal raggedy, raggedy-ass
Australian informal warby
rare out at elbows
old, aged, ancient, weathered, lined, wrinkled, hoary
hackneyed, trite, banal, vapid, platitudinous, clichéd, cliché-ridden, stock, conventional, unoriginal, derivative, overused, overworked, worn out, threadbare, tired, stale, dull, pedestrian, run-of-the-mill, routine, humdrum, stereotyped
informal old hat, corny, played out, hacky
rare truistic, bromidic