

单词 terrify

Definition of terrify in English:


verbterrifies, terrifying, terrified ˈtɛrɪfʌɪˈtɛrəˌfaɪ
[with object]
  • Cause to feel extreme fear.

    the thought terrifies me
    he is terrified of spiders
    with clause she was terrified he would drop her
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The sight of these illuminated beasts, belching out fire and smoke on a dark night was intended to terrify would-be intruders.
    • I remember the music to Doctor Who used to terrify me.
    • He increasingly tries to terrify them rather than reassure them.
    • Liz said witnessing Jacob's stroke was the most terrifying thing she had ever seen.
    • It was terrifying making such a big commitment, particularly with planning it for so long.
    • One reason for the shortage is road rage, which is terrifying the life out of some crossing wardens.
    • Violent crime here is mercifully rare, despite some terrifying recent incidents.
    • A robber who used a fake gun to terrify a shop assistant, sparking an armed police hunt, has been jailed for six years.
    • "We are terrified to go out at night because it is absolutely pitch black.
    • I've raced motorcycles and cars, so machinery and speed don't terrify me.
    • Think back a moment, if you will, to the last seriously terrifying nightmare you had.
    • The assertion that the noise of the parachutes opening can be terrifying puzzles me somewhat.
    • Since that terrifying night she has been afraid to open her front door or go out among strangers.
    • Some parts of the job I could do with my eyes closed, other parts baffle and terrify me.
    • The parents are terrified, their fears not at all eased by being referred to a brain surgeon.
    • Funny how I can watch all sorts of horror movies for hours and not get scared while that movie and its sequel terrify me!
    • To me, the more terrifying thing is when you find out that an actor that you admire is in the audience.
    • Her terrifying ordeal came just months after her car was stolen and her home torched by arsonists.
    • While fireworks can cause injury to animals, the noise they make can also terrify household pets.
    • Junior high and high school can terrify the wits out of those who are just entering.
    petrified, scared stiff, frightened/scared out of one's wits, scared witless, frightened/scared to death, terror-stricken, terror-struck, horror-stricken, horror-struck, paralysed with fear, horrified, panic-stricken, with one's heart in one's mouth, shaking in one's shoes, shaking like a leaf, frantic, hysterical, beside oneself
    scared, frightened, afraid
    Scottish feart
    informal in a cold sweat, in a (blue) funk
    British informal funky, windy
    North American informal spooked
    vulgar slang scared shitless, shit scared, shitting bricks, bricking oneself
    dialect frit
    archaic afeared, affrighted
    petrify, scare stiff, scare/frighten someone out of their wits, scare witless, scare/frighten to death, scare/frighten the living daylights out of, scare/frighten the life out of, scare the hell out of, strike terror into, fill with fear, put the fear of God into, make someone's blood run cold, chill someone's blood, paralyse with fear, make someone's flesh creep, give someone goose pimples, make someone's hair stand on end, send into a cold sweat, make someone shake in their shoes
    horrify, alarm, appal, panic, throw into a panic
    frighten, scare
    informal scare the pants off, make someone's hair curl, scarify
    British informal throw into a blue funk
    Irish informal scare the bejesus out of
    North American informal spook
    vulgar slang scare shitless, scare the shit out of
    archaic affright


  • terrifier

  • noun
    • More ‘Twilight Zone’ than terrifier, the film pushes along in a quietly outlandish journey into the bizarre that leaves you delving deeper for more.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Squirt taught Pippi everything he knew about wrestling, and she'd probably make a good terrifier of rodents if given a chance.
      • So again we ask, how can it be said that Saturn, the supreme terrifier among the planets, can be your greatest friend?


Late 16th century: from Latin terrificare, from terrificus 'frightening' (see terrific).



Definition of terrify in US English:


[with object]
  • Cause to feel extreme fear.

    the thought terrifies me
    he is terrified of spiders
    with clause she was terrified he would drop her
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Violent crime here is mercifully rare, despite some terrifying recent incidents.
    • Funny how I can watch all sorts of horror movies for hours and not get scared while that movie and its sequel terrify me!
    • Since that terrifying night she has been afraid to open her front door or go out among strangers.
    • The parents are terrified, their fears not at all eased by being referred to a brain surgeon.
    • Junior high and high school can terrify the wits out of those who are just entering.
    • One reason for the shortage is road rage, which is terrifying the life out of some crossing wardens.
    • Think back a moment, if you will, to the last seriously terrifying nightmare you had.
    • Liz said witnessing Jacob's stroke was the most terrifying thing she had ever seen.
    • While fireworks can cause injury to animals, the noise they make can also terrify household pets.
    • The sight of these illuminated beasts, belching out fire and smoke on a dark night was intended to terrify would-be intruders.
    • "We are terrified to go out at night because it is absolutely pitch black.
    • It was terrifying making such a big commitment, particularly with planning it for so long.
    • To me, the more terrifying thing is when you find out that an actor that you admire is in the audience.
    • The assertion that the noise of the parachutes opening can be terrifying puzzles me somewhat.
    • Her terrifying ordeal came just months after her car was stolen and her home torched by arsonists.
    • A robber who used a fake gun to terrify a shop assistant, sparking an armed police hunt, has been jailed for six years.
    • He increasingly tries to terrify them rather than reassure them.
    • I remember the music to Doctor Who used to terrify me.
    • Some parts of the job I could do with my eyes closed, other parts baffle and terrify me.
    • I've raced motorcycles and cars, so machinery and speed don't terrify me.
    petrify, scare stiff, frighten someone out of their wits, scare someone out of their wits, scare witless, frighten to death, scare to death, frighten the living daylights out of, scare the living daylights out of, frighten the life out of, scare the life out of, scare the hell out of, strike terror into, fill with fear, put the fear of god into, make someone's blood run cold, chill someone's blood, paralyse with fear, make someone's flesh creep, give someone goose pimples, make someone's hair stand on end, send into a cold sweat, make someone shake in their shoes
    petrified, scared stiff, frightened out of one's wits, scared out of one's wits, scared witless, frightened to death, scared to death, terror-stricken, terror-struck, horror-stricken, horror-struck, paralysed with fear, horrified, panic-stricken, with one's heart in one's mouth, shaking in one's shoes, shaking like a leaf, frantic, hysterical, beside oneself


Late 16th century: from Latin terrificare, from terrificus ‘frightening’ (see terrific).





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