

单词 terrible

Definition of terrible in English:


adjective ˈtɛrɪb(ə)lˈtɛrəb(ə)l
  • 1Extremely bad or serious.

    a terrible crime
    the terrible conditions in which the ordinary people lived
    Example sentencesExamples
    • We have been sick for nearly three months - headaches, severe neck stiffness and pain, rashes and terrible fatigue.
    • Everyone, especially the poor, felt the terrible effects of the famine of 1846 and 1847 with its suffering, death and destruction.
    • All her friends pray every day that the British government will bring the perpetrator of this terrible crime to justice.
    • A spokesman said: ‘This was a truly terrible and tragic accident, at a time when they were supposed to be the happiest of their lives.’
    • That work was made for a hospital run by an order of monks whose mission was to serve people who were in terrible pain, especially those who had lost limbs.
    • In those first, terrible days after the storm and catastrophic flood, the poorest citizens were locked in a desperate struggle for survival.
    • I am, therefore, aware of the terrible effect that serious lung disease can have on an individual and their family.
    • All I can remember is the constant terrible pain.
    • Rarely does television so sensitively and thoughtfully depict the terrible grief and pain of loss, with all its far-reaching and long-lived repercussions.
    • We can see a poor man in terrible trouble yet fail to help him.
    • He was in terrible pain and I rang for the ambulance.
    • There, amid the danger and terrible conditions, he found a new sense of purpose.
    • In the 1950s, chemical weapons, like hydrogen bombs, became symbols of terror that could bring terrible destruction.
    • Some people with terrible disabilities reveal extraordinary qualities, which enrich their own lives and those of people around them.
    • We learned, as too many other families learned, of the terrible pain and loneliness that must be endured as each day brings another reminder of this very long goodbye.
    • Those against capital punishment argue that it is brutal and degrading, while supporters regard it as an essential way of achieving vengeance/revenge for terrible crimes.
    • It is a terrible reality that poor children in the South can get guns but not a decent meal.
    • I mean, people say the trial is itself proof that things have changed, that there is a consensus that these were terrible crimes and that someone must answer for them.
    • Instead, he thought about Whitney, worried that she was in pain or that terrible things were happening to her.
    • This terrible tragedy has serious repercussions for animals, too.
    dreadful, awful, appalling, horrific, horrifying, horrible, horrendous, atrocious, abominable, abhorrent, frightful, fearful, shocking, hideous, ghastly, grim, dire, hateful, unspeakable, gruesome, monstrous, sickening, heinous, vile
    serious, grave, acute, desperate, grievous, distressing, lamentable
    rare egregious
    severe, extreme, intense, excruciating, agonizing, unbearable, intolerable, unendurable, insufferable
    very bad, dreadful, awful, frightful, atrocious, hopeless, poor, inadequate, inferior, unsatisfactory, laughable, substandard
    informal crummy, pathetic, pitiful, useless, lousy, appalling, abysmal, dire
    British informal duff, chronic, poxy, rubbish, pants, a load of pants
    North American vulgar slang chickenshit
    1. 1.1 Extremely unpleasant or disagreeable.
      the weather was terrible
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The voice work on the dub is terrible and obnoxious, but the action scenes fare better, with great use of the sub and surrounds.
      • I had a terrible time finding stores that stocked a selection of good quality flannel sheets in California.
      • Poor conditions cause injuries, as do the terrible shoes they wear until they are in shreds.
      • They plonk on roads and mess up the already terrible traffic system.
      • Do you fear that this is now going to - this terrible, poor taste is going to spread?
      • ‘A debacle of poor grammar and terrible jokes’ would probably be more accurate and soon you will realize this.
      • In return, Jamie shuddered that it had been a ‘horrible, terrible film!’
      • ‘This film features the character as a terrible and unpleasant person,’ Roth said adding that he regards himself as an angry man.
      • These poor are living under terrible conditions.
      • This is also not to say that Hollywood films - especially when homogenized into one general category - are terrible and worthless, either.
      • You'll likely get terrible work - or they'll ask for more money and threaten to walk out if you don't pay up.
      • The already terrible condition of Barcelona's poor had been augmented by a fierce downturn for the textile industry.
      • It's not terrible, but there are two annoying qualities about it.
      • With a terrible script and poor design and direction, The Hunchback of Notre Dame has rapidly become known as the worst in the Stratford Festival's history.
      • Rosé expected the smell to be ghastly and terrible, but it wasn't.
      • Life at the bottom of society was always difficult in the late medieval and early modern periods: but around 1600 conditions for many of the poor were terrible.
      • Here, despite the long and terrible years of the troubles, was a community rising on the economic and cultural tides, self-made and self-possessed.
      • Jose Macias has had a terrible time offensively and defensively at second this year, and rookie Oscar Salazar is short on experience.
      • She's got this truly terrible habit of emphasising random syllables in news reports.
      • Both of these scenes look terrible, with very poor video quality, but they are nice to have and were a treat to find.
      • Most restaurants have terrible food for us poor veggies!
      • Soon the wealthy will look at the poor and notice how terrible their teeth are.
      • And so that's what I hope can be available for people in these troubled times, these terrible situations.
      • Then the most terrible and sickening thought struck Tori.
      • They're not embodying their characters and talking; they're actors poorly reciting their terrible lines.
      • We understand the terrible effects such nasty behaviours can create, and we don't want it here.
      • No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't manage to wake himself from the dreams, stuck in the terrible hell that was his own mind.
      • Pre-season training is really terrible, sheer hell basically, but you always come back with fresh optimism and we have got to look forward now.
      • Drinks were very poor and the service was terrible.
      • If you do spot a moose or two, remember that they are large, wild creatures with terrible eyesight and a nasty disposition.
      • Furthermore, most new houses for relocated families are undesirable because of their distant location, poor facilities or terrible environment.
      • I bit back the urge to scream, as the wind whistled past my face and I braced myself for a sickening thud and terrible landing.
      • While rats may not seem like a huge menace, they have a terrible effect on neighborhood morale and the quality of everyday life.
      • It's terrible being unemployed, poor and temporarily car-less.
      • It's been a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad year for journalism.
      • It plays poorly, looks terrible and sounds even worse.
      • It's a real mess and creates a terrible impression when millions of pounds are being spent to improve the main gateways to the city.
      • The rather poor line-up and the terrible conditions dissuaded me from returning Sunday.
      • Do you fear it getting to the administration at all, or do you think this is just a horrible, terrible business scandal?
      • Just looking at that terrible green and blue colour scheme is enough to make me shudder.
      nasty, disgusting, very unpleasant, awful, dreadful, ghastly, horrid, horrible, vile, foul, abominable, frightful, loathsome, revolting, repulsive, odious, sickening, nauseating, nauseous, repellent, repugnant, horrendous, hideous, appalling, offensive, objectionable, obnoxious
      noxious, evil-smelling, foul-smelling, smelly, stinking, rank, rancid, fetid, malodorous, acrid
      informal gruesome, putrid, diabolical, yucky, sick-making, God-awful, gross, from hell, icky, stinky
      British informal beastly, grotty, whiffy, pongy, niffy
      Northern Irish informal bogging
      North American informal hellacious, lousy, skanky, funky
      Australian informal on the nose
      literary noisome, mephitic
      archaic disgustful, loathly
      rare miasmal, olid
      unkind, nasty, unpleasant, foul, obnoxious, vile, contemptible, despicable, wretched, shabby
      spiteful, mean, malicious, poisonous, mean-spirited, cruel, hateful, hurtful
      unfair, uncharitable, uncalled for, below the belt, unacceptable, unwarranted
      informal dirty, filthy, dirty rotten, low-down, beastly, off
      British informal out of order
      vulgar slang shitty
    2. 1.2 Very unskilful.
      despite passing my driving test first time, I'm a terrible driver
      I was terrible at basketball
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Ruth himself used to hand out nicknames to teammates, mainly because he was terrible at remembering people's real names.
      • The tests are pretty boring, and usually easy (except for math, but that's just because I'm terrible at math).
      • Most of them are terrible at graphic design, and often see its deployment as an unwelcome imposition on their aesthetic vision.
      • Most people who work in kitchens are terrible at verbalizing what they need.
      • I think it probably has an okay plot, but I'm just terrible at writing it!
      • I'm terrible at writing stories, but I'm really trying to put in an effort.
      • I pretended to be concerned with my own affairs but it was hard considering the fact I was terrible at keeping to myself.
      • The only problem was that Jonah wasn't very important at all, at least in his humble opinion, and he was terrible at making plans of any sort.
      • I am terrible at knowing how or when to take the step to move a relationship toward more intimacy.
      • I looked over at her; she mouthed something to me, but I'm terrible at reading lips so I just shook my head and shrugged.
      • It turned out Curtis was terrible at basketball.
      • Most hair loss treatments are pretty terrible at growing new hair, but aren't bad when it comes to keeping existing hair.
      • Tash had danced with Richard, who was surprisingly adept at a waltz, Sean, who wasn't, and David, who was terrible at everything.
      • I love singing but I'm terrible at it, but that won't stop me!
      • One of the difficulties in filming animals is that they are terrible at taking direction.
      • I am terrible at answering the phone and calling people back.
      • Let's face it, they are a terrible, terrible offensive team.
      • I was never athletic, and I'm terrible at managing anger.
      • This is a good time to mention that the Core Team is terrible at identifying birds.
      • We are terrible at deciding not to do something.
    3. 1.3informal attributive Used to emphasize the extent of something unpleasant or bad.
      what a terrible mess
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We got up the next morning to find this room a terrible mess - dead leaves and branches, chips of bark and shards of glass everywhere.
      • The commission of inquiry exposed the terrible poverty, poor housing conditions and lack of social services that had led to the tragedy.
      • ‘He seemed to be filled with terrible hopelessness,’ she writes.
      • On one hand, the film is a terrible mess of plot holes, ridiculous premises, and overacting.
      • I also had a couple of ciders and that together with the bright sunlight most likely brought on the terrible headache that incapacitated me in the evening.
      • For it was only when that shocked medics were able to examine the X-Rays that they were able to judge the full extent of his terrible injury.
      • The grief of the parents of this poor girl has been terrible.
      • It can be a particularly painful and unpleasant disease with serious side-effects which can take a terrible toll on quality of life.
      • I am really looking forward to working on the games, but like many I'm worried I'll make a terrible mess of things.
      • By disguising himself as a mentally retarded person, he was able to experience and expose the terrible discrimination these poor souls must everyday endure.
      • This actually may be happening to some extent with the terrible AIDS pandemic that's occurring in Africa.
      • Last night I put the sauce in the microwave and didn't watch it - it boiled over and made a terrible mess.
      • Mr. and Mrs. Beaver are amateurishly done, with terrible costumes including pathetic-looking tails.
      • I swallowed hard, trying to take in the sight of my home in such a terrible mess.
      • Why would he be selfish enough to kill himself and leave poor Delia with this terrible burden?
      • The closure of the Webb's chicken factory was a terrible blow to the town's economy, but presented civic leaders with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
      • His fiancée was accidentally drowned on the very eve of their wedding and Joseph Scriven was plunged into terrible sorrow.
      • When I moved into my new house, the garden was a terrible mess.
      • The poor girl looked so beaten, with a terrible black eye.
      • Alladi Jayasri writes about Gurudev, who reminds us of the terrible calamities waiting to punish us for our cruelty to Nature.
      incorrigible, outrageous, great, extreme
      real, awful, dreadful, frightful, shocking
      informal impossible, fearful
      British informal right, proper
    4. 1.4 Very unwell or troubled.
      I was sick all night and felt terrible for two days
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I paused before answering, feeling terrible and sick to my stomach.
      • Only it was, and now you feel terrible, downright sick to the bottom of your stomach, and the look on Noah's face makes you instantly regret your decision to tell him.
      • If you feel that terrible about it, try comparing yourself to yourself.
      • His face went white, he clutched his chest and the poor guy looked terrible.
      • When someone approached and joked that he looked terrible, he smiled.
      • One always feels sort of terrible disagreeing with people who have clearly endured horrors that you have no handle on.
      • I feel pretty terrible; you don't blame it on some poor videographer.
      • The options were overpriced, unattractive and could make a super model look terrible.
      • "You must have made her feel terrible, " he said.
      • And despite feeling much better I also feel terrible for being so nasty.
      • I feel terrible at the disappointed tone in his voice… whatever it is he wants me to see, it's got to be something really good.
      • I looked at Gabriela Szabo after four laps and she looked absolutely terrible.
      ill, unwell, poorly, bad, indisposed, sick, queasy, nauseous, nauseated, peaky, liverish, out of sorts, green about the gills
      faint, dizzy, giddy, light-headed
      British off, off colour
      informal under the weather, rough, lousy, awful, dreadful, crummy
      British informal grotty, ropy
      Scottish informal wabbit, peely-wally
      Australian/New Zealand informal crook
      vulgar slang crappy
      dated queer, seedy
      rare peaked, peakish
      guilty, conscience-stricken, remorseful, guilt-ridden, ashamed, chastened, contrite, sorry, full of regret, regretful, repentant, penitent, shamefaced, self-reproachful, apologetic
  • 2Causing or likely to cause terror; sinister.

    the stranger gave a terrible smile
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Somewhere in the darkness, the faint echo of a terrible drawn out scream was carried on the breeze from the mountains and the three adventurers froze in place.
    • ‘Time to cut the cake,’ said Elaine's father with a terrible forced smile.
    • She brought the knife to Abby's throat, smiling in terrible triumph, and Chris screamed.
    • But he protested his innocence, and as he rambled on, Hera all the while smiled her terrible smile and stroked my flanks.
    • The woman stumbled back, a terrible smile on her pretty face, swallowing in the drink in her mouth before she allowed herself a grin, and then a laugh.
    • The sky was a lullaby of blue light and ice, but looking beyond that, near the edge of sight, there was a fire, something soothing and terrible at once.
    • That terrible smile of his returned slyly, as if he knew precisely what he was doing.
    • Yet we knew a terrible secret far more sinister than Ray Martin's wig or the little green men at Roswell.
    • I was on my knees, my vision clouded in a haze of pain, and then I shook it off and stood up, a terrible smile on my face.
    • A spooky black lady smiles, nursing something terrible in a parcel.
    • Heathcliff was lying on his back, and he met Nelly with a terrible smile!
    • He smiled a terrible smile and immediately left the room.
    • She turned to Wolf with a terrible little smile.
    • The dungeon of hell is a terrible but mysterious place.
    • He said the arson gang were ‘sick and truly terrible individuals’ and condemned them and their families for laughing and joking during the trial, and when it concluded.
    • Ramirez smiled then, a terrible rictus with more than a hint of malice.
    • Shuto screamed an ancient battle cry and charged into the night, the only light in the dark the sinister eyes of his terrible adversaries.
    • In a world with only one remaining superpower, even small and materially poor states and groups can pose terrible threats.
    • It emphasises how terrible the villain is: the woman's warning that the hero's life is in danger conveys to the audience how powerful the villain is, and thus makes the tale more exciting.
    • They both have terrible teeth, and consequently terrible, close-lipped smiles.


  • terrible twos

    • informal A period in a child's social development (typically around the age of two years) which is associated with very defiant or unruly behaviour.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • She never went through the "terrible twos."
      • Like toddlers going through the terrible twos their only response to anything with which they disagree is childish destruction.
      • All parents who have had young children have gone through what is euphemistically known as the "terrible twos".
      • Parents ' most challenging times may occur during their child's "terrible twos."
      • Additionally, the "terrible twos" present an opportunity for parents to establish their discipline approach.
      • Thank God you are finally out of those terrible twos.
      • Initially, the couple put his behaviour down to the "terrible twos" syndrome.
      • Toddlers get much bad press, with talk of tantrums, whining and the terrible twos.
      • This year's programmes explore the world of the " terrible twos ".
      • I am hopeful that she has just hit the doggy equivalent of the " terrible twos "!


  • terribleness

  • noun ˈtɛrɪb(ə)lnəsˈtɛrəb(ə)lnəs
    • We have to see the reason behind the coercion, to experience the terribleness in the threat, before we, too, feel its presence.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • His family knew what we had gone through and wanted to avoid the terribleness of a similar graveside experience.
      • It isn't rare for people suddenly to feel responsible for the terribleness of things.
      • The harsh, methodical thrash of '80s-style death-metal, and annoying and heavy vocal stylings, do nothing to save this album from total terribleness.
      • The terribleness of The Night Larry Kramer Kissed Me as a film is kind of too bad, because the biography here, the story, the real wit and spirit of the writing, deserves a wide audience.


Late Middle English (in the sense 'causing terror'): via French from Latin terribilis, from terrere 'frighten'.

  • terror from Late Middle English:

    Like terrible (Late Middle English), terror comes from Latin terrere ‘to frighten’ and goes back to medieval times. The Terror was the period of the French Revolution, from about March 1793 to July 1794, marked by extreme repression and bloodshed. The expression reign of terror, which may now be applied to any brutal exercise of power, was originally coined to describe this time. Terrorist also has links with this period, as the word was originally used to describe the Jacobins, the revolutionary group who were responsible for the repression and executions of the Terror. Terrible once meant ‘causing terror or awe’, a meaning reflected in the name of the feared 16th-century tsar of Russia Ivan the Terrible. The weakened sense ‘very bad, appalling’ gradually evolved from the start of the 17th century. Today parents talk of the terrible twos, a period in a child's development around the age of two that often involves defiant or challenging behaviour. The term is first found in the title of a film produced in 1950 for the Department of National Health and Welfare in Canada, called The Terrible Twos and the Trusting Threes.


Definition of terrible in US English:


  • 1Extremely or distressingly bad or serious.

    a terrible crime
    the terrible conditions in which the ordinary people lived
    terrible pain
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Rarely does television so sensitively and thoughtfully depict the terrible grief and pain of loss, with all its far-reaching and long-lived repercussions.
    • That work was made for a hospital run by an order of monks whose mission was to serve people who were in terrible pain, especially those who had lost limbs.
    • This terrible tragedy has serious repercussions for animals, too.
    • He was in terrible pain and I rang for the ambulance.
    • All I can remember is the constant terrible pain.
    • Those against capital punishment argue that it is brutal and degrading, while supporters regard it as an essential way of achieving vengeance/revenge for terrible crimes.
    • In the 1950s, chemical weapons, like hydrogen bombs, became symbols of terror that could bring terrible destruction.
    • All her friends pray every day that the British government will bring the perpetrator of this terrible crime to justice.
    • There, amid the danger and terrible conditions, he found a new sense of purpose.
    • It is a terrible reality that poor children in the South can get guns but not a decent meal.
    • I am, therefore, aware of the terrible effect that serious lung disease can have on an individual and their family.
    • Everyone, especially the poor, felt the terrible effects of the famine of 1846 and 1847 with its suffering, death and destruction.
    • We learned, as too many other families learned, of the terrible pain and loneliness that must be endured as each day brings another reminder of this very long goodbye.
    • Instead, he thought about Whitney, worried that she was in pain or that terrible things were happening to her.
    • Some people with terrible disabilities reveal extraordinary qualities, which enrich their own lives and those of people around them.
    • We have been sick for nearly three months - headaches, severe neck stiffness and pain, rashes and terrible fatigue.
    • I mean, people say the trial is itself proof that things have changed, that there is a consensus that these were terrible crimes and that someone must answer for them.
    • In those first, terrible days after the storm and catastrophic flood, the poorest citizens were locked in a desperate struggle for survival.
    • We can see a poor man in terrible trouble yet fail to help him.
    • A spokesman said: ‘This was a truly terrible and tragic accident, at a time when they were supposed to be the happiest of their lives.’
    dreadful, awful, appalling, horrific, horrifying, horrible, horrendous, atrocious, abominable, abhorrent, frightful, fearful, shocking, hideous, ghastly, grim, dire, hateful, unspeakable, gruesome, monstrous, sickening, heinous, vile
    severe, extreme, intense, excruciating, agonizing, unbearable, intolerable, unendurable, insufferable
    very bad, dreadful, awful, frightful, atrocious, hopeless, poor, inadequate, inferior, unsatisfactory, laughable, substandard
    1. 1.1 Extremely unpleasant or disagreeable.
      the weather was terrible
      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘This film features the character as a terrible and unpleasant person,’ Roth said adding that he regards himself as an angry man.
      • The voice work on the dub is terrible and obnoxious, but the action scenes fare better, with great use of the sub and surrounds.
      • Life at the bottom of society was always difficult in the late medieval and early modern periods: but around 1600 conditions for many of the poor were terrible.
      • Here, despite the long and terrible years of the troubles, was a community rising on the economic and cultural tides, self-made and self-possessed.
      • I bit back the urge to scream, as the wind whistled past my face and I braced myself for a sickening thud and terrible landing.
      • Furthermore, most new houses for relocated families are undesirable because of their distant location, poor facilities or terrible environment.
      • Do you fear it getting to the administration at all, or do you think this is just a horrible, terrible business scandal?
      • She's got this truly terrible habit of emphasising random syllables in news reports.
      • While rats may not seem like a huge menace, they have a terrible effect on neighborhood morale and the quality of everyday life.
      • You'll likely get terrible work - or they'll ask for more money and threaten to walk out if you don't pay up.
      • And so that's what I hope can be available for people in these troubled times, these terrible situations.
      • The already terrible condition of Barcelona's poor had been augmented by a fierce downturn for the textile industry.
      • ‘A debacle of poor grammar and terrible jokes’ would probably be more accurate and soon you will realize this.
      • Then the most terrible and sickening thought struck Tori.
      • The rather poor line-up and the terrible conditions dissuaded me from returning Sunday.
      • It's terrible being unemployed, poor and temporarily car-less.
      • This is also not to say that Hollywood films - especially when homogenized into one general category - are terrible and worthless, either.
      • I had a terrible time finding stores that stocked a selection of good quality flannel sheets in California.
      • Drinks were very poor and the service was terrible.
      • Both of these scenes look terrible, with very poor video quality, but they are nice to have and were a treat to find.
      • They plonk on roads and mess up the already terrible traffic system.
      • Jose Macias has had a terrible time offensively and defensively at second this year, and rookie Oscar Salazar is short on experience.
      • Just looking at that terrible green and blue colour scheme is enough to make me shudder.
      • Most restaurants have terrible food for us poor veggies!
      • If you do spot a moose or two, remember that they are large, wild creatures with terrible eyesight and a nasty disposition.
      • They're not embodying their characters and talking; they're actors poorly reciting their terrible lines.
      • With a terrible script and poor design and direction, The Hunchback of Notre Dame has rapidly become known as the worst in the Stratford Festival's history.
      • No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't manage to wake himself from the dreams, stuck in the terrible hell that was his own mind.
      • It plays poorly, looks terrible and sounds even worse.
      • It's not terrible, but there are two annoying qualities about it.
      • These poor are living under terrible conditions.
      • We understand the terrible effects such nasty behaviours can create, and we don't want it here.
      • Do you fear that this is now going to - this terrible, poor taste is going to spread?
      • Soon the wealthy will look at the poor and notice how terrible their teeth are.
      • Poor conditions cause injuries, as do the terrible shoes they wear until they are in shreds.
      • Rosé expected the smell to be ghastly and terrible, but it wasn't.
      • It's been a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad year for journalism.
      • Pre-season training is really terrible, sheer hell basically, but you always come back with fresh optimism and we have got to look forward now.
      • It's a real mess and creates a terrible impression when millions of pounds are being spent to improve the main gateways to the city.
      • In return, Jamie shuddered that it had been a ‘horrible, terrible film!’
      nasty, disgusting, very unpleasant, awful, dreadful, ghastly, horrid, horrible, vile, foul, abominable, frightful, loathsome, revolting, repulsive, odious, sickening, nauseating, nauseous, repellent, repugnant, horrendous, hideous, appalling, offensive, objectionable, obnoxious
      unkind, nasty, unpleasant, foul, obnoxious, vile, contemptible, despicable, wretched, shabby
    2. 1.2 Extremely incompetent or unskillful.
      she is terrible at managing her money
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This is a good time to mention that the Core Team is terrible at identifying birds.
      • Most people who work in kitchens are terrible at verbalizing what they need.
      • One of the difficulties in filming animals is that they are terrible at taking direction.
      • I looked over at her; she mouthed something to me, but I'm terrible at reading lips so I just shook my head and shrugged.
      • Tash had danced with Richard, who was surprisingly adept at a waltz, Sean, who wasn't, and David, who was terrible at everything.
      • It turned out Curtis was terrible at basketball.
      • Most hair loss treatments are pretty terrible at growing new hair, but aren't bad when it comes to keeping existing hair.
      • Ruth himself used to hand out nicknames to teammates, mainly because he was terrible at remembering people's real names.
      • I pretended to be concerned with my own affairs but it was hard considering the fact I was terrible at keeping to myself.
      • I'm terrible at writing stories, but I'm really trying to put in an effort.
      • I think it probably has an okay plot, but I'm just terrible at writing it!
      • I am terrible at knowing how or when to take the step to move a relationship toward more intimacy.
      • I am terrible at answering the phone and calling people back.
      • The only problem was that Jonah wasn't very important at all, at least in his humble opinion, and he was terrible at making plans of any sort.
      • We are terrible at deciding not to do something.
      • Most of them are terrible at graphic design, and often see its deployment as an unwelcome imposition on their aesthetic vision.
      • The tests are pretty boring, and usually easy (except for math, but that's just because I'm terrible at math).
      • Let's face it, they are a terrible, terrible offensive team.
      • I love singing but I'm terrible at it, but that won't stop me!
      • I was never athletic, and I'm terrible at managing anger.
    3. 1.3informal attributive Used to emphasize the extent of something unpleasant or bad.
      what a terrible mess
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The commission of inquiry exposed the terrible poverty, poor housing conditions and lack of social services that had led to the tragedy.
      • The grief of the parents of this poor girl has been terrible.
      • The closure of the Webb's chicken factory was a terrible blow to the town's economy, but presented civic leaders with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
      • Mr. and Mrs. Beaver are amateurishly done, with terrible costumes including pathetic-looking tails.
      • The poor girl looked so beaten, with a terrible black eye.
      • When I moved into my new house, the garden was a terrible mess.
      • I also had a couple of ciders and that together with the bright sunlight most likely brought on the terrible headache that incapacitated me in the evening.
      • By disguising himself as a mentally retarded person, he was able to experience and expose the terrible discrimination these poor souls must everyday endure.
      • I swallowed hard, trying to take in the sight of my home in such a terrible mess.
      • Why would he be selfish enough to kill himself and leave poor Delia with this terrible burden?
      • For it was only when that shocked medics were able to examine the X-Rays that they were able to judge the full extent of his terrible injury.
      • We got up the next morning to find this room a terrible mess - dead leaves and branches, chips of bark and shards of glass everywhere.
      • This actually may be happening to some extent with the terrible AIDS pandemic that's occurring in Africa.
      • Last night I put the sauce in the microwave and didn't watch it - it boiled over and made a terrible mess.
      • I am really looking forward to working on the games, but like many I'm worried I'll make a terrible mess of things.
      • ‘He seemed to be filled with terrible hopelessness,’ she writes.
      • It can be a particularly painful and unpleasant disease with serious side-effects which can take a terrible toll on quality of life.
      • His fiancée was accidentally drowned on the very eve of their wedding and Joseph Scriven was plunged into terrible sorrow.
      • On one hand, the film is a terrible mess of plot holes, ridiculous premises, and overacting.
      • Alladi Jayasri writes about Gurudev, who reminds us of the terrible calamities waiting to punish us for our cruelty to Nature.
      incorrigible, outrageous, great, extreme
    4. 1.4as complement Extremely unwell or troubled.
      I was sick all night and felt terrible for two solid days
      Maria felt terrible because she had forgotten the woman's name
      Example sentencesExamples
      • If you feel that terrible about it, try comparing yourself to yourself.
      • His face went white, he clutched his chest and the poor guy looked terrible.
      • I looked at Gabriela Szabo after four laps and she looked absolutely terrible.
      • When someone approached and joked that he looked terrible, he smiled.
      • And despite feeling much better I also feel terrible for being so nasty.
      • I feel pretty terrible; you don't blame it on some poor videographer.
      • I paused before answering, feeling terrible and sick to my stomach.
      • The options were overpriced, unattractive and could make a super model look terrible.
      • Only it was, and now you feel terrible, downright sick to the bottom of your stomach, and the look on Noah's face makes you instantly regret your decision to tell him.
      • "You must have made her feel terrible, " he said.
      • I feel terrible at the disappointed tone in his voice… whatever it is he wants me to see, it's got to be something really good.
      • One always feels sort of terrible disagreeing with people who have clearly endured horrors that you have no handle on.
      ill, unwell, poorly, bad, indisposed, sick, queasy, nauseous, nauseated, peaky, liverish, out of sorts, green about the gills
      guilty, conscience-stricken, remorseful, guilt-ridden, ashamed, chastened, contrite, sorry, full of regret, regretful, repentant, penitent, shamefaced, self-reproachful, apologetic
  • 2Causing or likely to cause terror; sinister.

    the stranger gave a terrible smile
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The sky was a lullaby of blue light and ice, but looking beyond that, near the edge of sight, there was a fire, something soothing and terrible at once.
    • But he protested his innocence, and as he rambled on, Hera all the while smiled her terrible smile and stroked my flanks.
    • In a world with only one remaining superpower, even small and materially poor states and groups can pose terrible threats.
    • ‘Time to cut the cake,’ said Elaine's father with a terrible forced smile.
    • She turned to Wolf with a terrible little smile.
    • They both have terrible teeth, and consequently terrible, close-lipped smiles.
    • Heathcliff was lying on his back, and he met Nelly with a terrible smile!
    • The dungeon of hell is a terrible but mysterious place.
    • It emphasises how terrible the villain is: the woman's warning that the hero's life is in danger conveys to the audience how powerful the villain is, and thus makes the tale more exciting.
    • Somewhere in the darkness, the faint echo of a terrible drawn out scream was carried on the breeze from the mountains and the three adventurers froze in place.
    • Yet we knew a terrible secret far more sinister than Ray Martin's wig or the little green men at Roswell.
    • The woman stumbled back, a terrible smile on her pretty face, swallowing in the drink in her mouth before she allowed herself a grin, and then a laugh.
    • I was on my knees, my vision clouded in a haze of pain, and then I shook it off and stood up, a terrible smile on my face.
    • That terrible smile of his returned slyly, as if he knew precisely what he was doing.
    • She brought the knife to Abby's throat, smiling in terrible triumph, and Chris screamed.
    • A spooky black lady smiles, nursing something terrible in a parcel.
    • Ramirez smiled then, a terrible rictus with more than a hint of malice.
    • He said the arson gang were ‘sick and truly terrible individuals’ and condemned them and their families for laughing and joking during the trial, and when it concluded.
    • He smiled a terrible smile and immediately left the room.
    • Shuto screamed an ancient battle cry and charged into the night, the only light in the dark the sinister eyes of his terrible adversaries.


  • terrible twos

    • informal A period in a child's early social development (typically around the age of two years) that is associated with defiant or unruly behavior.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Initially, the couple put his behaviour down to the "terrible twos" syndrome.
      • Parents ' most challenging times may occur during their child's "terrible twos."
      • She never went through the "terrible twos."
      • Thank God you are finally out of those terrible twos.
      • Like toddlers going through the terrible twos their only response to anything with which they disagree is childish destruction.
      • Additionally, the "terrible twos" present an opportunity for parents to establish their discipline approach.
      • I am hopeful that she has just hit the doggy equivalent of the " terrible twos "!
      • Toddlers get much bad press, with talk of tantrums, whining and the terrible twos.
      • This year's programmes explore the world of the " terrible twos ".
      • All parents who have had young children have gone through what is euphemistically known as the "terrible twos".


Late Middle English (in the sense ‘causing terror’): via French from Latin terribilis, from terrere ‘frighten’.





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