

单词 soporific

Definition of soporific in English:


adjective ˌsɒpəˈrɪfɪkˌsɑpəˈrɪfɪk
  • 1Tending to induce drowsiness or sleep.

    the motion of the train had a somewhat soporific effect
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I shook my head and looked down at Shadow, now resting peacefully, the soporific noises of the waterfall lulling him to sleep.
    • Fortunately, the orchestra was not so soporific.
    • Black Nielson overshadowed them, with drowsy, soporific vocals, and unexpected twists and turns within each song.
    • Apart from these obvious attractions, I have always found it difficult to understand the appeal of this leisurely, some might say, soporific sport.
    • Its concrete surface is the most soporific in the UK, and has been blamed for lulling drivers to sleep.
    • His voice is hypnotic, soporific - the kind of voice that could mesmerise you into taking all your clothes off and biting into an onion.
    • When treated with skill, though, it can be sensational, and small quantities added to a soporific bed of Merlot can turn a snooze into a dance.
    • Inactivity is soporific while exercise revives a sleepy brain.
    • If you've been to Fiji, you've probably been talked into a bowl of kava, a soporific drink made out of the crushed roots of a local shrub and traditionally drunk with coconut cups.
    • It was the air-con going off that disturbed my slumber once that soporific hum stopped.
    • Police Beat has a dreamlike quality; the strange crimes, quiet voice-over and soporific music meld together into a fascinating - and often comic experience.
    • As regards the insomnia I've had lately, I can heartily recommend Somnus, a soporific combination of Lettuce extract and Valerian.
    • The soporific sound of creaking pine is usually enjoyed naked, with a chilled bottle of beer in one hand and, for authenticity, a leafy birch whisk in the other.
    • Fort's colourful and amusing prose meanders through picturesque towns and sleepy villages where soporific suppers are served.
    • Instead, I stood mesmerised by his soporific chanting.
    • Or that certain rock records (hello, late seventies?) aren't among the most soporific music ever devised.
    • My nerves, still shredded from the bruising motorway journey North, gradually soothed as I lay back in the warm, soporific waters of the outdoor whirlpool, staring at the inky black night sky.
    • We are sitting through a multitude of soporific briefings.
    • Regretfully, I know no soporific agent to make it all painless so that later on there is only a tiny scar on the skin that would remind one of the process.
    • And, while coffee prompted psychosis and sleeplessness, cocktails were soporific.
    1. 1.1 Sleepy or drowsy.
      some medicine made her soporific
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Those intrusions of the world outside awaken me from my soporific slumber, as I dwell in drowsy numbness, as though of hemlock I have drunk.
      • In our sleepy little town where things moved with the soporific gait of undersea vegetation, high fashion made its startling appearance all of a sudden!
      • The combined talents of Larsson and his English foil were responsible for earning Celtic an early lead, but soporific defending also helped the home cause.
    2. 1.2 Tediously boring or monotonous.
      a libel trial is in large parts intensely soporific
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I certainly wouldn't read books if they were boring, irrelevant and soporific - which is how most high school kids regard the classics of world literature.
      • Perelman's slow, reverent approach to the material borders on the soporific at times and perhaps a more experienced director might have been able to find the light and shade in the story.
      • Not sure why Penguin are reissuing Toujours Provence, other than it's 10 years since this soporific fluff was first published.
      • The Chancellor has overseen low interest rates, high employment and financial stability for several years, a soporific success story.
      • In February, a radio reading of Ulysses began with 20 45-minute, perplexing, soporific episodes running through to June.
      • I become overwhelmed by waves of ‘couldn't care less-ness’ every time I hear their soporific goo.
      • But when she read and when she lectured, it sounded like some soporific narration from the Discovery Channel.
      • No matter what your allegiances - we need a contest of ideas at the next election - and we look like we will get a contest of the soporific, idea-less and boring.
      • Between each petition was the soporific chorus, ‘Remember, remember.’
      • ‘I have seen far too many soporific PowerPoint presentations that have a lot of power, but no point,’ Brewer has been heard to say, more than once.
      • The pros and cons of this fanciful idea are hard to assess, since he talks in a soporific monotone that renders half of what he says inaudible.
      • In this it resembles a political speech, written to lull, and, by its soporific cadence and vocabulary, to allow the listener to intuit whatever the hell she wants.
      • His butler bosses him, and he spends all day dictating boring letters to other bankers and presiding at soporific board meetings.
      sleep-inducing, somnolent, sedative, calmative, tranquillizing, narcotic, opiate, drowsy, sleepy, somniferous
      boring, dull, deadly dull, monotonous
      Medicine hypnotic
      rare somnific
noun ˌsɒpəˈrɪfɪkˌsɑpəˈrɪfɪk
  • A drug or other substance that induces drowsiness or sleep.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • When Walter was courting India, he spoke to her one night of Ruskin (she was impressed), but by middle age he reads only mystery novels, ‘as soporifics.’
    • Even if you do baulk at some of the more outlandish examples of soporifics cited or quibble with a theory or two, Martin's message is strangely comforting.
    • The options menu spared me the torment of the looped piano soporific that they have passed off as background music.
    • That makes it interesting to observers of American culture, but to Americans themselves it is a delightful soporific.
    • However, it seems that during the Middle Ages it was the wild L. perennis, perennial lettuce, which was eaten in salads by peasants; while the ancestral prickly lettuce continued to be used medicinally, and as a soporific.
    • It was used not just for their edification, but also - at least until not too long ago - as a soporific.
    • Prayer was always something of a soporific for her; she prayed at night in bed but was usually asleep long before she said ‘Amen.’
    • For all the pain and suffering I believe his papacy brought to the world, I hoped his passing was eased with some soporific.
    • Like an insomniac passing the time, she stares blindly into the artificial luminescence, as though hoping for either a diversion or a soporific.
    • The rally acted not as a spur to opposition sentiment, but as a soporific.
    • Its direction is so unpredictable, you shouldn't expect a general soporific.
    • The meal was light - perhaps eggs and a posset (hot milk fortified with sugar, spices, eggs, and wine, brandy, or ale, and on one notable occasion with additional soporifics by Lady Macbeth).
    • A local Burmese solidarity group wants you to think twice about the country of origin of your favourite soporific.
    • The combination of marriage and motor vehicles is the most potent soporific of them all.
    • The Benzos are not directly soporifics.
    • But the All Saints and Enya, although scientifically sound, can be dangerously strong soporifics to many.
    • Cucumber vines might be trained on the fence, or hopvines, the dried flowers of which were used in making bread and beer, as well as for a pillow filling that was highly regarded as a soporific for insomniacs.
    • My plan is to reserve soporifics for the bathroom and put all the invigorating stuff in the kitchen.
    • Thinking of a love spell in terms of a chemical or mechanical soporific is missing the point, from my perspective.
    • Having once driven a Volvo - although not the admirable, if underpowered, 1800 - the Professor has little faith in the Swede's ability to produce anything but soporifics.
    sleeping pill, sleeping potion, sedative, calmative, tranquillizer, narcotic, opiate
    Medicine hypnotic


  • soporifically

  • adverb
    • The album is also a loose musing on life itself: things begins blissfully if slightly soporifically before getting very interesting in the middle.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The quality and conviction of her performance almost rescued even that most soporifically self-important of police dramas Inspector Morse.
      • On that first day I lay in the netting slung under the bowsprit with some of the 281 metres of sail flapping softly overhead, and the bow wave lapping soporifically below.
      • It begins with a shadow-play featuring a man about to be crushed by a giant boot, then ambles soporifically to its mid-point.
      • I presume now is appropriate to listen to Rachmaninov with eyes closed slumping soporifically into its orbit.


Mid 17th century: from Latin sopor ‘sleep’ + -fic.


anaglyphic, beatific, calorific, colorific, hieroglyphic, honorific, horrific, Indo-Pacific, pacific, prolific, scientific, specific, terrific, transpacific, triglyphic

Definition of soporific in US English:


  • 1Tending to induce drowsiness or sleep.

    the motion of the train had a somewhat soporific effect
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Police Beat has a dreamlike quality; the strange crimes, quiet voice-over and soporific music meld together into a fascinating - and often comic experience.
    • Black Nielson overshadowed them, with drowsy, soporific vocals, and unexpected twists and turns within each song.
    • Its concrete surface is the most soporific in the UK, and has been blamed for lulling drivers to sleep.
    • Fortunately, the orchestra was not so soporific.
    • My nerves, still shredded from the bruising motorway journey North, gradually soothed as I lay back in the warm, soporific waters of the outdoor whirlpool, staring at the inky black night sky.
    • The soporific sound of creaking pine is usually enjoyed naked, with a chilled bottle of beer in one hand and, for authenticity, a leafy birch whisk in the other.
    • If you've been to Fiji, you've probably been talked into a bowl of kava, a soporific drink made out of the crushed roots of a local shrub and traditionally drunk with coconut cups.
    • His voice is hypnotic, soporific - the kind of voice that could mesmerise you into taking all your clothes off and biting into an onion.
    • And, while coffee prompted psychosis and sleeplessness, cocktails were soporific.
    • Fort's colourful and amusing prose meanders through picturesque towns and sleepy villages where soporific suppers are served.
    • I shook my head and looked down at Shadow, now resting peacefully, the soporific noises of the waterfall lulling him to sleep.
    • When treated with skill, though, it can be sensational, and small quantities added to a soporific bed of Merlot can turn a snooze into a dance.
    • Instead, I stood mesmerised by his soporific chanting.
    • Regretfully, I know no soporific agent to make it all painless so that later on there is only a tiny scar on the skin that would remind one of the process.
    • Apart from these obvious attractions, I have always found it difficult to understand the appeal of this leisurely, some might say, soporific sport.
    • Inactivity is soporific while exercise revives a sleepy brain.
    • As regards the insomnia I've had lately, I can heartily recommend Somnus, a soporific combination of Lettuce extract and Valerian.
    • It was the air-con going off that disturbed my slumber once that soporific hum stopped.
    • Or that certain rock records (hello, late seventies?) aren't among the most soporific music ever devised.
    • We are sitting through a multitude of soporific briefings.
    1. 1.1 Sleepy or drowsy.
      some medicine made her soporific
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The combined talents of Larsson and his English foil were responsible for earning Celtic an early lead, but soporific defending also helped the home cause.
      • In our sleepy little town where things moved with the soporific gait of undersea vegetation, high fashion made its startling appearance all of a sudden!
      • Those intrusions of the world outside awaken me from my soporific slumber, as I dwell in drowsy numbness, as though of hemlock I have drunk.
    2. 1.2 Tediously boring or monotonous.
      a libel trial is in large parts intensely soporific
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In this it resembles a political speech, written to lull, and, by its soporific cadence and vocabulary, to allow the listener to intuit whatever the hell she wants.
      • Perelman's slow, reverent approach to the material borders on the soporific at times and perhaps a more experienced director might have been able to find the light and shade in the story.
      • Between each petition was the soporific chorus, ‘Remember, remember.’
      • In February, a radio reading of Ulysses began with 20 45-minute, perplexing, soporific episodes running through to June.
      • I become overwhelmed by waves of ‘couldn't care less-ness’ every time I hear their soporific goo.
      • The Chancellor has overseen low interest rates, high employment and financial stability for several years, a soporific success story.
      • But when she read and when she lectured, it sounded like some soporific narration from the Discovery Channel.
      • The pros and cons of this fanciful idea are hard to assess, since he talks in a soporific monotone that renders half of what he says inaudible.
      • His butler bosses him, and he spends all day dictating boring letters to other bankers and presiding at soporific board meetings.
      • I certainly wouldn't read books if they were boring, irrelevant and soporific - which is how most high school kids regard the classics of world literature.
      • No matter what your allegiances - we need a contest of ideas at the next election - and we look like we will get a contest of the soporific, idea-less and boring.
      • Not sure why Penguin are reissuing Toujours Provence, other than it's 10 years since this soporific fluff was first published.
      • ‘I have seen far too many soporific PowerPoint presentations that have a lot of power, but no point,’ Brewer has been heard to say, more than once.
      sleep-inducing, somnolent, sedative, calmative, tranquillizing, narcotic, opiate, drowsy, sleepy, somniferous
  • A drug or other agent that induces sleep.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Even if you do baulk at some of the more outlandish examples of soporifics cited or quibble with a theory or two, Martin's message is strangely comforting.
    • Having once driven a Volvo - although not the admirable, if underpowered, 1800 - the Professor has little faith in the Swede's ability to produce anything but soporifics.
    • The meal was light - perhaps eggs and a posset (hot milk fortified with sugar, spices, eggs, and wine, brandy, or ale, and on one notable occasion with additional soporifics by Lady Macbeth).
    • However, it seems that during the Middle Ages it was the wild L. perennis, perennial lettuce, which was eaten in salads by peasants; while the ancestral prickly lettuce continued to be used medicinally, and as a soporific.
    • For all the pain and suffering I believe his papacy brought to the world, I hoped his passing was eased with some soporific.
    • The combination of marriage and motor vehicles is the most potent soporific of them all.
    • Its direction is so unpredictable, you shouldn't expect a general soporific.
    • The rally acted not as a spur to opposition sentiment, but as a soporific.
    • My plan is to reserve soporifics for the bathroom and put all the invigorating stuff in the kitchen.
    • The Benzos are not directly soporifics.
    • But the All Saints and Enya, although scientifically sound, can be dangerously strong soporifics to many.
    • Cucumber vines might be trained on the fence, or hopvines, the dried flowers of which were used in making bread and beer, as well as for a pillow filling that was highly regarded as a soporific for insomniacs.
    • Like an insomniac passing the time, she stares blindly into the artificial luminescence, as though hoping for either a diversion or a soporific.
    • When Walter was courting India, he spoke to her one night of Ruskin (she was impressed), but by middle age he reads only mystery novels, ‘as soporifics.’
    • The options menu spared me the torment of the looped piano soporific that they have passed off as background music.
    • That makes it interesting to observers of American culture, but to Americans themselves it is a delightful soporific.
    • Prayer was always something of a soporific for her; she prayed at night in bed but was usually asleep long before she said ‘Amen.’
    • A local Burmese solidarity group wants you to think twice about the country of origin of your favourite soporific.
    • Thinking of a love spell in terms of a chemical or mechanical soporific is missing the point, from my perspective.
    • It was used not just for their edification, but also - at least until not too long ago - as a soporific.
    sleeping pill, sleeping potion, sedative, calmative, tranquillizer, narcotic, opiate


Mid 17th century: from Latin sopor ‘sleep’ + -fic.





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