

单词 slippery

Definition of slippery in English:


adjectiveslipperier, slipperiest ˈslɪp(ə)riˈslɪp(ə)ri
  • 1(of a surface or object) difficult to hold firmly or stand on because it is smooth, wet, or slimy.

    slippery ice
    her hand was slippery with sweat
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It's unwise to charge up a hill at full speed but conserving momentum is crucial to avoid getting caught out by the slippery surface.
    • There are also gearbox modes for slippery surfaces or for faster gear changes.
    • A heavy shower before the game made for a slippery surface and much sliding and difficulty in gaining possession.
    • Poor weather conditions and an extremely slippery surface greatly hindered the playing of good football.
    • As it was, the two sides struggled to adapt to the slippery surface and the game progressed, strewn with errors.
    • Again McLean was involved when he latched on to Andy Smith's misplaced header and sent in a vicious shot which skidded goalward off the slippery surface.
    • The trapped bees try to escape from the flowers by climbing the sepals, but escape is made even more difficult by the slippery waxy sepal surface.
    • Part of the work involved the application of a plastic lining which subsequently proved to be a safety risk due to its slippery surface.
    • Loss of balance on a slippery surface, especially ice or snow, is also common.
    • On slippery surfaces, a very smooth traction and skid control system will cut in to ensure that things never get out of hand.
    • Its purpose is to provide a smooth, almost slippery, surface for later burnishing, but the red and yellow boles also enrich the colour of the gilding.
    • Wear low-heeled shoes with non-slip soles and check your house for slippery surfaces that might cause you to trip or fall.
    • These are for general driving and slippery surfaces on-road, plus three off road settings: mud, sand and rocks.
    • Mr Clayton claimed that too little sand was used in the resin compound, so instead of giving extra grip, the surface became smooth and slippery.
    • My tennis shoes slipped over the slippery surface of the rock.
    • The match, which was put into severe doubt the previous day with a covering of snow and slush on the pitch, inevitably turned out to be quite scrappy due to the slippery surface.
    • All that torque causes some problems on slippery surfaces.
    • But it was still difficult for the cars to stop on slippery surfaces when something unexpected occurred.
    • On slippery surfaces, the car takes over and automatically controls steering torque to prevent a spin-out.
    • It creaked beneath his feet and he ignored the slippery surface.
    slithery, greasy, oily, icy, glassy, smooth, slick
    slimy, wet
    informal slippy, skiddy
    rare lubricious
    1. 1.1 (of a person) evasive and unpredictable; not to be relied on.
      Martin's a slippery customer
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Only a fool would claim otherwise - a fool, or a slippery lawyer.
      • Then Richard had become an asset, someone she wanted to be able to move around, but he was slippery.
      • These money men are as practised in the art of the ‘spin’ as the most slippery politician.
      • He's a slippery character whose public statements remind you of certain other politicians.
      • But you are still slippery when it comes to actually fixing that date to meet up.
      • These days it's impossible to avoid the plethora of slippery politicians all over our TV screens, PC monitors and radio airwaves.
      • This eternally slippery character then keeps cropping up throughout the story to pass judgment on pivotal events.
      • He's being a slippery character who fails to show any sign of remorse or even responsibility for his work.
      • The Right will see how political spin and slippery personalities can sell questionable character to the voters.
      • They are a bunch of desperate slippery folks, and re-election and banishment is coming upon them soon.
      • No slippery politician was going to give me the kind of straight talk I was looking for, but only politicians and platitudes were on offer.
      • And a nice change from forceful journalists shouting at slippery politicians.
      • In this hour, a general talks strategy against a slippery enemy.
      • It was much harder to tackle him down, partly because he was so slippery.
      • Father Jack, as we're now calling him, is on a moral crusade, after all the polling showed that everyone thinks he's too slippery.
      • But last night he proved he could also turn on the power in the latter stages after initially being frustrated by his slippery opponent.
      • A policeman has told how he bravely apprehended a slippery customer.
      • Jolly and devious, she is an appealingly slippery figure.
      • Have I been taken in, or is she just a slippery customer?
      • Having interrogated endless politicians, business leaders and other slippery characters, he knows exactly how to keep control.
      evasive, unreliable, unpredictable, hard to pin down
      devious, crafty, cunning, wily, tricky, artful, guileful, slick, sly, sneaky, scheming, contriving, untrustworthy, deceitful, deceptive, duplicitous, dishonest, treacherous, false, two-faced, Janus-faced
      North American snide
      informal shady, shifty, foxy, iffy
      British informal dodgy
      Australian/New Zealand informal shonky
    2. 1.2 (of a word or concept) elusive in meaning because changing according to one's point of view.
      the word ‘intended’ is a decidedly slippery one
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But the slippery term keeps expanding to encompass more and more groups.
      • But existential is a slippery word, in politics as well as philosophy.
      • But all you are doing is demonstrating what an absolutely slippery concept tax avoidance is.
      • Party allegiance itself has become a more slippery concept, as political cross-dressing blurs the lines between the parties.
      • ART is a slippery, infinitely subjective concept, and maybe the hardest word to define, but plenty of people have given it a shot.
      • Clarifying this slippery concept, however, suggests that the most important changes pointed to by postmodernism are political.
      • In that context the election packages, dignified artificially by the term manifesto, were based on very slippery assumptions.
      • Bias in the context of this case is a slippery term.
      • Police effectiveness is a notoriously slippery concept to define or measure.
      • I firmly believe the answer is no, if one wants to retain any meaningful working definition of the slippery concept of consciousness.
      • The slippery concept of postmodernism is sometimes applied to all the above ideologies.
      • It's a nuanced world we live in, and responsibility is such a slippery concept.
      • The fabricated nature of a dispute as a precondition for the admissibility of a referral is a slippery concept, not without dangerous pitfalls.
      • Aristotle was a thoroughgoing ‘empiricist’ in two senses of that slippery term.
      • Governments of course always claim to be acting in the national interest, but it's a very slippery term.
      • I was not concerned with the noise, or the ‘nuisance’ - a very slippery concept - but with safety.
      • But ideas turn around, they are as slippery as eels, and it's easy to lose control of them.
      • Simplicity is a slippery concept, but the best technologies can be learned by looking at the input device, not by studying a manual.
      • All this may be true, but these are slippery words.
      • I have found the point, as I say, finely balanced. ‘Facility’ is a slippery word.


  • slippery slope

    • A course of action likely to lead to something bad or disastrous.

      he is on the slippery slope towards a life of crime
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Once you start putting police all over the place, including private businesses, it become a slippery slope.
      • Critics say the law would be a slippery slope leading to anti-abortion laws in Canada.
      • Let me a bit more explicit, by identifying three particular ways that the slippery slope can work here.
      • The concern, of course, is that ID cards could lead the country down a slippery slope.
      • And would changes along these lines be a slippery slope or a maturing process within the framework of the United Kingdom?
      • Not me, evidently: and so my first step was taken on that slippery slope leading down to a kind of gentle madness.
      • They're offering an argument that, should you accept it, drops you on a slippery slope leading down to veganism.
      • The idea that a decision cannot be judged at the moment but only retrospectively opens a slippery slope of justification.
      • This leads them down a slippery slope until, at the end of the play, they ‘tear each other's throats out’.
      • In the very least, it is part of the slippery slope that has led to dislocation, desperation and even despair.


  • slipperily

  • adverb
    • Cameron was surprised to be invited to join the Bullingdon, and slipperily avoided most of the most disgraceful antics.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • An even bigger mistake is the dialogue, which slipperily shuttles between the farcical and the portentous, inducing gales of laughter in the most inappropriate places.
      • Are we starting to see the mythic thread itself into the main river ever so slipperily ever so innocuously?
      • While Adam's responsibility for naming the animals derived from what we slipperily term ‘the cultural mandate,’ it soon led to a system of categorization that deemed impure the messy results of human variation.
      • Your machine will move slowly and slipperily to a fate that you can't avoid.


Late 15th century: from dialect slipper 'slippery', probably suggested by Luther's schlipfferig.



Definition of slippery in US English:


  • 1(of a surface or object) difficult to hold firmly or stand on because it is smooth, wet, or slimy.

    slippery ice
    her hand was slippery with sweat
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The match, which was put into severe doubt the previous day with a covering of snow and slush on the pitch, inevitably turned out to be quite scrappy due to the slippery surface.
    • My tennis shoes slipped over the slippery surface of the rock.
    • As it was, the two sides struggled to adapt to the slippery surface and the game progressed, strewn with errors.
    • Poor weather conditions and an extremely slippery surface greatly hindered the playing of good football.
    • The trapped bees try to escape from the flowers by climbing the sepals, but escape is made even more difficult by the slippery waxy sepal surface.
    • Part of the work involved the application of a plastic lining which subsequently proved to be a safety risk due to its slippery surface.
    • But it was still difficult for the cars to stop on slippery surfaces when something unexpected occurred.
    • There are also gearbox modes for slippery surfaces or for faster gear changes.
    • Loss of balance on a slippery surface, especially ice or snow, is also common.
    • Mr Clayton claimed that too little sand was used in the resin compound, so instead of giving extra grip, the surface became smooth and slippery.
    • Wear low-heeled shoes with non-slip soles and check your house for slippery surfaces that might cause you to trip or fall.
    • These are for general driving and slippery surfaces on-road, plus three off road settings: mud, sand and rocks.
    • It's unwise to charge up a hill at full speed but conserving momentum is crucial to avoid getting caught out by the slippery surface.
    • Its purpose is to provide a smooth, almost slippery, surface for later burnishing, but the red and yellow boles also enrich the colour of the gilding.
    • All that torque causes some problems on slippery surfaces.
    • It creaked beneath his feet and he ignored the slippery surface.
    • A heavy shower before the game made for a slippery surface and much sliding and difficulty in gaining possession.
    • Again McLean was involved when he latched on to Andy Smith's misplaced header and sent in a vicious shot which skidded goalward off the slippery surface.
    • On slippery surfaces, a very smooth traction and skid control system will cut in to ensure that things never get out of hand.
    • On slippery surfaces, the car takes over and automatically controls steering torque to prevent a spin-out.
    slithery, greasy, oily, icy, glassy, smooth, slick
    1. 1.1 (of a person) evasive and unpredictable; not to be relied on.
      Martin's a slippery customer
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Having interrogated endless politicians, business leaders and other slippery characters, he knows exactly how to keep control.
      • But you are still slippery when it comes to actually fixing that date to meet up.
      • Jolly and devious, she is an appealingly slippery figure.
      • Then Richard had become an asset, someone she wanted to be able to move around, but he was slippery.
      • These days it's impossible to avoid the plethora of slippery politicians all over our TV screens, PC monitors and radio airwaves.
      • In this hour, a general talks strategy against a slippery enemy.
      • Have I been taken in, or is she just a slippery customer?
      • But last night he proved he could also turn on the power in the latter stages after initially being frustrated by his slippery opponent.
      • These money men are as practised in the art of the ‘spin’ as the most slippery politician.
      • No slippery politician was going to give me the kind of straight talk I was looking for, but only politicians and platitudes were on offer.
      • A policeman has told how he bravely apprehended a slippery customer.
      • And a nice change from forceful journalists shouting at slippery politicians.
      • Father Jack, as we're now calling him, is on a moral crusade, after all the polling showed that everyone thinks he's too slippery.
      • He's a slippery character whose public statements remind you of certain other politicians.
      • This eternally slippery character then keeps cropping up throughout the story to pass judgment on pivotal events.
      • Only a fool would claim otherwise - a fool, or a slippery lawyer.
      • The Right will see how political spin and slippery personalities can sell questionable character to the voters.
      • He's being a slippery character who fails to show any sign of remorse or even responsibility for his work.
      • They are a bunch of desperate slippery folks, and re-election and banishment is coming upon them soon.
      • It was much harder to tackle him down, partly because he was so slippery.
      evasive, unreliable, unpredictable, hard to pin down
    2. 1.2 (of a word or concept) elusive in meaning because changing according to one's point of view.
      the word “intended” is a decidedly slippery one
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In that context the election packages, dignified artificially by the term manifesto, were based on very slippery assumptions.
      • The slippery concept of postmodernism is sometimes applied to all the above ideologies.
      • ART is a slippery, infinitely subjective concept, and maybe the hardest word to define, but plenty of people have given it a shot.
      • I was not concerned with the noise, or the ‘nuisance’ - a very slippery concept - but with safety.
      • Simplicity is a slippery concept, but the best technologies can be learned by looking at the input device, not by studying a manual.
      • But all you are doing is demonstrating what an absolutely slippery concept tax avoidance is.
      • But the slippery term keeps expanding to encompass more and more groups.
      • Governments of course always claim to be acting in the national interest, but it's a very slippery term.
      • But existential is a slippery word, in politics as well as philosophy.
      • Clarifying this slippery concept, however, suggests that the most important changes pointed to by postmodernism are political.
      • But ideas turn around, they are as slippery as eels, and it's easy to lose control of them.
      • I firmly believe the answer is no, if one wants to retain any meaningful working definition of the slippery concept of consciousness.
      • The fabricated nature of a dispute as a precondition for the admissibility of a referral is a slippery concept, not without dangerous pitfalls.
      • Bias in the context of this case is a slippery term.
      • Police effectiveness is a notoriously slippery concept to define or measure.
      • Party allegiance itself has become a more slippery concept, as political cross-dressing blurs the lines between the parties.
      • Aristotle was a thoroughgoing ‘empiricist’ in two senses of that slippery term.
      • All this may be true, but these are slippery words.
      • I have found the point, as I say, finely balanced. ‘Facility’ is a slippery word.
      • It's a nuanced world we live in, and responsibility is such a slippery concept.


  • slippery slope

    • An idea or course of action which will lead to something unacceptable, wrong, or disastrous.

      he is on the slippery slope toward a life of crime
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This leads them down a slippery slope until, at the end of the play, they ‘tear each other's throats out’.
      • The concern, of course, is that ID cards could lead the country down a slippery slope.
      • Let me a bit more explicit, by identifying three particular ways that the slippery slope can work here.
      • In the very least, it is part of the slippery slope that has led to dislocation, desperation and even despair.
      • And would changes along these lines be a slippery slope or a maturing process within the framework of the United Kingdom?
      • They're offering an argument that, should you accept it, drops you on a slippery slope leading down to veganism.
      • Once you start putting police all over the place, including private businesses, it become a slippery slope.
      • Critics say the law would be a slippery slope leading to anti-abortion laws in Canada.
      • The idea that a decision cannot be judged at the moment but only retrospectively opens a slippery slope of justification.
      • Not me, evidently: and so my first step was taken on that slippery slope leading down to a kind of gentle madness.


Late 15th century: from dialect slipper ‘slippery’, probably suggested by Luther's schlipfferig.





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