Standish had brought them to a stop outside a dimly lit café that appeared to be closed, except that a burly drunk in a dark reefer jacket had just wandered in unopposed.
Snug reefer jackets with raised collars were paired with thigh-high black leather boots.
The navy single-breasted reefer jacket continues to be fashionable when a formal look is wanted.
Definition of reefer jacket in US English:
reefer jacket
A thick close-fitting double-breasted jacket.
Example sentencesExamples
Standish had brought them to a stop outside a dimly lit café that appeared to be closed, except that a burly drunk in a dark reefer jacket had just wandered in unopposed.
Snug reefer jackets with raised collars were paired with thigh-high black leather boots.
The navy single-breasted reefer jacket continues to be fashionable when a formal look is wanted.