

单词 raise

Definition of raise in English:


verb reɪzreɪz
[with object]
  • 1Lift or move to a higher position or level.

    she raised both arms above her head
    his flag was raised over the city
    Example sentencesExamples
    • An equally well worked move resulted in Duffy raising the green flag at the other end.
    • Grasp a dumbbell in each hand, and raise your arms straight above your head, keeping elbows slightly bent.
    • When the stadium plan was put to a vote in the audience, not one hand was raised in support.
    • Some suggested that the road could be raised above normal flood levels.
    • Some people stood with their arms raised, as if in blessing, and they swayed slightly as they prayed.
    • Holding your left arm steady, raise your right arm above your head.
    • I didn't notice that the easel was on a platform raised seven inches above the ground.
    • The feeling of suspicion faded as soon as she breathed the cool air of the night, the cigar smoke fading into a memory as she moved forward, raising her hood over her curls.
    • Kim yelled from the platform as she raised her arms and closed her eyes.
    • Have the trains been raised or the platforms lowered since the Alice to Darwin leg was built?
    • The soldiers swept into a police station in the compound and raised a flag above it.
    • The cargo worker had raised the loader platform level with the luggage hold and stepped into the hold to check everything before the flight.
    • Lee tried to throw a punch at his nemesis, but couldn't raise his arm above the level of his belt.
    • However carried away you get, don't raise your arms above your head.
    • This pain usually is worse when you raise your arm or lift something above your head.
    • To this day, he cannot raise his arms above his shoulders.
    • His injuries are still with him; he cannot raise his arms above his shoulders; he still has a slight limp.
    • Sit or stand with one arm raised to shoulder height in front of your body, elbow bent.
    • He only stood still, fists raised in a defensive stance as he tried to relocate his opponent.
    • They suggest raising the proposed buildings on the site and demolishing and remodelling the existing stone flood barrier on the banks of the Aire to ease the flow in times of flooding.
    lift, lift up, raise aloft, elevate
    uplift, upraise, hoist, haul up, heave up, lever up, hitch up, take up
    British informal hoick up
    rare upheave, uprear, upthrust
    1. 1.1 Lift or move to a vertical position; set upright.
      Melody managed to raise him to his feet
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The other two guards were stunned to see their partner raised from the ground, but their shock lasted only a heartbeat.
      • He wept and lay face down on the ground until the emperor sent his servants over to raise him up and bring him.
      • It is slowly raised upright, a careful job made more arduous by high heat and humidity.
      • In 1990 the tree on which they grow was blown over by a cyclone - or the fringes of one - but we managed to raise it up again.
      • Squeeze with your glutes and hamstrings to push your hips forward and raise your torso back to the upright position.
      set upright, place vertical, set up, put up, stand (up), upend, stand on end
    2. 1.2 Construct or build (a structure)
      a fence was being raised around the property
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But when the slums are burnt down to raise high rise buildings, they are completely quiet, they don't protest.
      • After the barn was raised, I built a cowshed and horse stall on the east side.
      • In April we built propagation tables and raised the frame for the greenhouse.
      • But what distinguishes the worst architect from the best of bees is this, that the architect raises his structure in imagination before he erects it in reality.
      • Basically, it appeared it would be easier to get permission to build a nuclear reactor in downtown Toronto then raise a wind turbine.
      • By raising the mill structure, the work caused the River Sow to back up upstream leading to flooding in the southern part of the town.
      build, construct, erect, assemble, put up
    3. 1.3 Cause to rise or form.
      the galloping horse raised a cloud of dust
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It collided with the ground, raising up a good deal of dirt and dust.
    4. 1.4 Bring to the surface (a ship that has sunk)
      divers have located and hope to raise the submarine
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I think at the time they probably salvaged the shell that was on board and they were hoping to perhaps raise the vessel and restore it and get it going again.
      • The submarine could not be raised for six weeks, at which time the bodies on board were recovered
      • He said an attempt would be made to raise the submarine from the seabed and that financial assistance will be offered to the families of the dead.
      • The Manx government spent more than £1 million on the recovery operation, using divers to retrieve the bodies in February and finally raising the boat in June.
      • He was part of a diving group that were using inflatable equipment to raise a boat which had gone down earlier.
      • We'll do whatever it takes to recover the bodies and to raise the submarine and to figure it out.
      • Attached were the steel cables that would allow the Kursk to be raised to the surface.
      • The Japan Coast Guard filmed the body of the ship last week using an underwater camera, and plans to conduct a further probe in late April using divers and submersible vessels before raising it.
      • Last month experts began the tricky task of raising the first section, the range finder - the first move in what is expected to be at least a three-year operation.
      • Earlier this year another group found and raised the ship's bell and the name was confirmed.
      • In stark contrast to the days in which this unseen force served, the boats have now been raised as monuments for all to see.
      • Nobody is suggesting that munitions be raised to the surface.
      • One thing that fascinated me on hearing that the Russians were bent on raising the crippled sub was exactly how one goes about lifting it, with live torpedoes still aboard?
      • It was not until the middle of March that the submarine was raised properly and the bodies of the dead could be recovered.
      • Cousteau raised the vessel and had it transported to France to await restoration.
      • He thinks that if he can raise the boat he can refloat his dad, but he needs $5,000.
      • In December the Council raised the vessel, with the use of airbags, then towed it to a slipway before pumping it out.
      • He even turned his hand to inventing, designing, among other things, a device for raising sunken vessels and a smoke helmet for firemen.
      • It is up to them to decide whether to raise the ship.
      • Divers have been visiting the wreck for the first time since the main part of the ship was raised in 1982.
    5. 1.5 Cause (bread) to rise, especially by the action of yeast.
      a strain of yeast that would create enough gas to raise the thick bread dough
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Added to selective breeding is another step, another human act, that of using yeast to raise the bread or ferment the wine.
      • French pastrycooks make beignets - yeast raised jam-filled doughnuts.
      cause to rise, make rise, leaven, ferment
      puff up, dilate, inflate
    6. 1.6 Make (a nap) on cloth.
      the gig mills raised the nap on the cloth prior to shearing
  • 2Increase the amount, level, or strength of.

    the bank raised interest rates
    the need to raise the quality of education
    he had to raise his voice to make himself heard
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The Bank of England has raised interest rates four times since last November.
    • The bizarre sight of two snorkellers in wetsuits and extreme wet weather gear at the crossroads in Regent Street was aimed at raising awareness of how climate change is increasing the risk of flooding.
    • The rankings reflect how education systems manage to raise the achievement of less able pupils.
    • The central bank is likely to raise interest rates in the next two months in response to domestic inflation topping 5%.
    • His role will be to raise awareness and increase the political will to tackle the disease.
    • The children and young people of our area are taking the lead in raising awareness of the amount of litter and vandalism on our streets and parks.
    • We have worked hard over the last few months to raise the awareness and interest for broadband and had a meeting on Monday evening to collate all the forms.
    • It is the fourth time the Bank has raised interest rates since November.
    • The institute found that an increase in credit provision raises the rate of insolvencies.
    • Read has been active for 23 years and aims to raise the quality of education and increase the literacy rate in South Africa.
    • That nod-and-wink style of governing needlessly raises business risk.
    • It is one of my aims to try to raise the level of awareness of the charity in the area and to encourage recruitment.
    • Until now, health officials have had to work hard to raise awareness and increase demand for the flu shots among these groups.
    • Voices raised now stand an excellent chance of being heard.
    • The increase comes amidst reports that all banks are set to raise interest rates after years of offering cheap credit.
    • Besides, she thought, a little excitement would help raise her spirits.
    • But there are some advantages in taking direct action: it certainly raises public awareness.
    • And part of his brief includes managing the facility and raising its profile within the local community.
    • Last week, both the United States Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank raised interest rates.
    • The night is being organised by World Snooker as part of their initiative aimed at increasing participation levels and raising playing standards within snooker.
    increase, put up, push up, up, mark up, step up, lift, augment, escalate, inflate, swell, add to
    informal hike (up), jack up, bump up
    increase, heighten, make higher, lift, augment, amplify, magnify, intensify, boost, step up, turn up, add to
    make louder, louden
    1. 2.1 Promote (someone) to a higher rank.
      the king raised him to the title of Count Torre Bella
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Thus by virtue of her humility she was raised to a higher rank.
      • Auchinleck's successful career in the Indian Army had, by 1939, raised him to the rank of maj-general.
      • In September 1945 he was raised to the peerage, and retired the following March.
      • Thomson was knighted in 1866 and raised to the peerage as Lord Kelvin of Largs in 1892.
      • He deftly sidestepped the falls of Anne Boleyn and Thomas Cromwell and was raised to the peerage.
      promote, advance, upgrade, elevate, prefer, ennoble, aggrandize, exalt, give a higher rank to, give advancement to
      informal kick upstairs
    2. 2.2usually as noun raisingLinguistics (in transformational grammar) move (a noun phrase) out of a subordinate clause and into a main clause under certain conditions.
    3. 2.3raise something toMathematics Multiply a quantity to (a specified power)
      3 raised to the 7th power is 2,187
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The recipe in this case is to take each prime p from 2 to infinity, raise it to the power s, then after some further arithmetic multiply together the terms for all p.
      • You need only know about raising a number to a power -- multiplying it by itself a certain number of times: for example, 2³ (2 raised to the power of 3) = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8.
      • Evaluate phi and raise it to the power 4 on your calculator.
    4. 2.4with two objects (in poker or brag) bet (a specified amount) more than (another player)
      I'll raise you another hundred dollars
    5. 2.5Bridge Make a higher bid in the same suit as that bid by (one's partner)
      with support for partner's bid suit you raise him to game in it
      no object North raises to three no trumps
  • 3Cause to occur or to be considered.

    the alarm was raised when he failed to return home
    universities are meant to raise doubts about every axiom
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Workers claim that they have been harassed and intimidated after complaining about working conditions and raising the issue of unionization.
    • There is nothing to forgive anyone for; no one need feel guilty about raising any doubts about the proposal.
    • Nowhere during the campaign did I hear or see the question of support for poorer students raised with candidates or in the media.
    • A point of order was raised earlier concerning the lodging of written questions.
    • Another issue raised by submitters was the extension to the criminal limitation period.
    • We were just in the process of proceeding to a party vote when points of order were raised about the calling of the voice vote.
    • Reasonable doubt has been raised about the accuracy of the survey.
    • These findings necessarily raise disturbing questions about the validity of the opinions expressed by medical experts in the courts.
    • The group use the hand waves to signal their agreement or disagreement, and a minute-taker speaks only to clarify points raised.
    • He instantly raised the alarm and neighbours entered the smoke filled kitchen and pulled her from the dwelling.
    • They raise serious doubts about her past and present conduct, and whether she should have been allowed to settle in Australia.
    • More broadly, this raises not just a practical point but a moral one.
    • New public management, with its heavy emphasis on networks and partnerships, raises new questions about record keeping.
    • The ease with which electronic content can be copied and reproduced raises a multitude of copyright, trademark, database and passing off issues.
    • The decision to build a centre was first raised at a local meeting in 2000.
    • I hope I clarified some of the questions without raising too many others.
    • Other stories in this issue also raise what might be called legacy questions.
    • It was only in response to the application that the issue of retroactive child support was raised.
    • He raises some doubts about some of this information.
    • The committee also raised doubts about the Ministry's ability to learn the lessons from previous conflicts.
    bring up, introduce, advance, broach, mention, allude to, touch on, suggest, moot, put forward, bring forward, pose, present, table, propose, submit
    air, ventilate
    give rise to, occasion, cause, bring into being, bring about, produce, engender, draw forth, elicit, create, set going, set afoot, result in, lead to, prompt, awaken, arouse, excite, summon up, activate, evoke, induce, kindle, incite, stir up, trigger, spark off, provoke, instigate, foment, whip up
    literary beget, enkindle
    cause to appear, call up, call forth, invoke, summon (up), conjure up
    1. 3.1 Generate (an invoice or other document)
      I have raised an invoice for the tape
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Although the computer was used to raise invoices it did not print a sales day book.
      • I explained that the only way to do this with the speed they required was to raise a purchase order.
      • They raised two petitions and sent 64 letters of objection.
      • We are raising a petition, organising meetings and we are going to write to the Pope.
      • We would then raise an invoice for £75k with standard payment terms.
      • Invoice discounting provides a company with cash against invoices raised to trade debtors.
      • A petition was raised condemning the council's actions and Smith was voted out of office in that year's elections.
      • He also agreed the false invoice raised to cover the donation was unorthodox.
      • They will raise an interim invoice in respect of the work that the claims manager will carry out on the case.
      • Emma campaigned for years, raising a petition and badgering councillors.
      • Residents insisted a petition be raised to ensure that all villagers could support the council's position.
      • Workers at the factory are raising a petition protesting against the move.
      • The campaign is being led by a teacher who has raised a petition calling on highway chiefs to take action.
      • Any further delay in raising a purchase order will make it more likely that this critical phase in the project will not be delivered within your desired time-scales.
      • She has not been allowed to see documents to prove a travel warrant was raised.
  • 4Collect, levy, or bring together (money or resources)

    it is hoped that the event will raise £50,000
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Clark hopes to raise up to $50 million from investors in the first year.
    • The royal bodyguard and a navy were maintained and the revenue to support them raised.
    • The funding to purchase these properties was raised from individual investors who purchased shares in the companies.
    • There is little prospect of raising the required amount.
    • A bring and buy sale at the library on Saturday attracted a lot of support and raised £400.
    • He had to sell part of the stamp collection to raise funds.
    • She pledged to raise cash to buy play equipment so that residents could build a new play park.
    • Trustees who run the facility are trying to raise £800,000 to build a roof so it can be used all year and generate more cash.
    • The school raised £50,000 in support of its bid, which will mean a massive funding boost if it succeeds.
    • The club flourished and became a limited company in 1894 and capital was raised to build a new super stadium at Burnden Park.
    • The money raised provides ongoing support for AIDS orphaned children in Zambia.
    • The money raised by this collection was used to paint the corridors of the school.
    • He was finally appointed lieutenant colonel and authorized to raise a regiment.
    • They had built Fort St. David in Cuddalore and they raised an army here and began their ascent to power.
    • Supporters have raised more than £100,000 towards the planned takeover deal.
    • The raffle raised £80 to support an orphanage for street children in Romania.
    • Put another way, the government cannot raise large amounts of revenue from a tax that can easily be avoided.
    • They raised a force of 6,000 to join the army - raw recruits, including many London apprentices.
    • Different student clubs within the community are planning events to raise funds and provide resources for the relief effort.
    • The campaign helped the company raise money and generate partnership interest.
    get, obtain, acquire
    accumulate, amass, scrape together, collect
    fetch, realize, yield, net, make
    recruit, enlist, sign up, conscript, call to arms, call up, muster, mobilize, levy, rally, press, get/gather together, collect, assemble, call together
    North American draft
    levy, impose, exact, demand, charge
  • 5Bring up (a child)

    he was born and raised in San Francisco
    Example sentencesExamples
    • My dad was the only one raising us and he became seriously ill.
    • What's really annoying about this is that it's quite easy to raise a healthy infant on a vegan diet.
    • Born in Hunan and raised by his grandparents while his parents worked in another region, Tan had a carefree childhood.
    • Born in Indiana, raised by the 1960s, he has never retreated from the fight against the squares.
    • One of the strangest things that happens to you when you are raising a toddler is how the normally mundane things get you incredibly excited.
    • Born in Canberra and raised by an adoptive Spanish mother and Paraguayan father, he has no doubt about his loyalty.
    • Traditionally, the mother was the primary caregiver, but recently the father and other family members have been recognized as equally important in raising infants.
    • This will reduce the number of latch-key kids, reduce loitering and crime on the streets and decrease the stress on mothers who try valiantly to juggle jobs, while at the same time looking after and raising a family.
    • We must ensure that the debate begins, and not ends, on how we protect children born and being raised in households blighted by drugs.
    • You know it's a shame to be raised up in a world where there's nothing but fighting.
    • He was born in Auckland but raised by his aunt and uncle in Tonga from the age of 1 until he was 7.
    • It's because women drop out of the workforce, raise children, prefer jobs where they can work at home.
    • A divorced woman raising a youngster is nearly three times more likely to file for bankruptcy than her single friend who never had children.
    • Moses was saved and raised up as an Egyptian; later he set the remaining Israelites free.
    • Born and raised Mormon, he comes to all his shows dressed as a missionary.
    • An infant is raised by one or two parents and acquires an attachment, usually a strong one, to these people.
    • King wrote new rules for raising infants - strict four-hourly feeding, no night feeds, potty training from an early age and fresh air day and night.
    • They settled in Brooklyn and all of the children were raised and other generations born here.
    • Stay-at-home pops like me enthusiastically welcome this affirmation; it validates the decision to let our salaried lives fall by the wayside in favor of raising our kids.
    • Infants are raised principally by the mother with the help of extended kin.
    bring up, rear, nurture, look after, care for, take care of, provide for, mother, parent, tend, protect, cherish
    educate, train, foster
    1. 5.1 Breed or grow (animals or plants)
      they raised pigs and kept a pony
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Once they have achieved that goal, they raise a cash crop.
      • The research should also benefit those who raise sheep, since the genetic makeup of sheep is very similar to that of cattle.
      • The workers raise chickens, grow their own vegetables, have a fish tank and rent out space for horses.
      • They raised crops and pastured their flocks in Morocco's mountainous inland regions.
      • She explains that she raises beef cattle and grows grain, potatoes, hay, and also tends a small vegetable garden.
      • In the wild, fruit trees are raised from seed, but when they are domesticated they need to be propagated by taking cuttings and grafting.
      • A project in the Himalayas diverts 6 million litres of sewage per day that would otherwise be dumped into the Ganges and uses it to raise fodder crops.
      • He didn't grow any crops or raise any animals but still he always seemed to prosper.
      • Being a farm girl, I felt certain I could raise crops, tend livestock, and hunt game to feed my family.
      • He raised cattle and later added pigs and sheep to gain a steadier income to support his family.
      • Manure gives him enough nitrogen, and more than enough phosphorous and potassium, to raise his crop.
      • To raise the best crop, growers have to find that delicate balance between the two extremes.
      • If you don't live where citrus grows outdoors, you can raise plants in containers in greenhouses or solariums.
      • Danish agriculture is so different, even though we raise the same crops and face the same challenges as the States.
      • Furthermore, how many of us really know that we can raise crops without using pesticides and chemicals, and the benefits of using herbs in cooking?
      • Livestock and sheep are raised, and the principal crops are cereals, fruits, citrus, and tobacco.
      • He now has no land to grow crops or raise cattle.
      • Many farms also raise poultry and livestock, and almost all farm families have at least one or two pigs.
      • He comes from Bulgaria, where his family has a small farm and raises a few goats.
      • A few years ago, the Hills began selling pork, and they're raising beef cattle for the first time this year.
      breed, rear, nurture, keep, tend
      grow, farm, cultivate, produce, propagate, bring on
  • 6Bring (someone) back from death.

    God raised Jesus from the dead
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Jesus claimed to be God and God rewarded him by raising him from the dead - because he was telling the truth.
    • Dozens of miracles and curses will allow you to wreak havoc on your enemies or even raise them from the dead to fight for you.
    • So when he was raised from death, his friends remembered this, and they believed it.
    1. 6.1 Cause (a ghost or spirit) to appear.
      the piece raises the ghosts of a number of twentieth-century ideas
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The idea of an expanding U.S. commitment, however, is precisely what raises the specter of quagmire for critics, raising ghosts of Vietnam.
      • Joan is captured by York while raising demonic spirits.
      • Witches are thought to have the power to raise angry spirits, and the anger of a spirit may or may not be justified in the view of the affected family.
      • Even our closest allies in the US and UK were shocked and mortified, raising the ghost of the White Australia policy.
  • 7Abandon or force an enemy to abandon (a siege, blockade, or embargo)

    in late April Henry decided to raise the siege
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The Jeanne D'Arc of this film is no longer the heroic leader who raised the siege of Orleans.
    • In May 1645 Prince Rupert captured Leicester, forcing the parliamentarians to raise the siege of Oxford.
    • On the approach of the Frankish army he again raised the siege, but this time the Franks gave battle.
    • In 244 he seized Eryx in Sicily but was unable to raise the siege of Drepana.
    • In 1836 the British Legion helped raise the siege of San Sebastián, and regular Royal Marines arrived to garrison a nearby port.
    end, stop, bring to an end, put an end to, terminate, abandon, lift
    1. 7.1 Drive (an animal) from its lair.
      the rabbit was only 250 yards from where he first raised it
  • 8(of someone at sea) come in sight of (land or another ship)

    they raised the low coast by evening
    1. 8.1British informal Establish contact with (someone) by telephone or radio.
      I raised him on the open line
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She figured she was safe enough to try raising the prison, so she configured the radio and transmitted a hailing.
      • Later that afternoon, I heard another climber raising his partners farther down the mountain on his two-way radio.
      • He raised the U.S. Coast Guard on VHF radio but was unable to provide his coordinates.
      contact, get in touch with, get hold of, reach, communicate with
      phone, radio, call
      British get on to
  • 9Medicine
    Stimulate production of (an antiserum, antibody, or other biologically active substance) against the appropriate target cell or substance.

    monoclonal antibodies raised against human lymphocytes
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Fucose was complexed with bovine serum albumin to raise antibodies against fucose.
    • Fucose was ligated to bovine serum albumin and antibodies were raised against the conjugate.
    • It had become a laboratory standard or reference strain for raising antibodies and for challenge in virus neutralization test to detect and assay antibody in serum.
    • Transverse taproot sections were treated with antibodies raised against the 23 kDa protein.
    • The filter is then probed with antibodies raised against a particular protein.
noun reɪzreɪz
  • 1North American An increase in salary.

    he wants a raise and some perks
    Example sentencesExamples
    • And employers, faced with falling demand and dwindling margins, cut back on salaries, raises, benefits, and other perks.
    • I'm sure he was making a really long list of good things to say about me, and adding up a really long row of numbers that will be the raise in my salary.
    • Conversely, if workers want a raise, they're going to have to fight for it.
    • Rudd says salary was not the issue but admits he wanted a raise.
    • And the teachers unions are out mostly for pay raises.
    • With pension promises basically free, companies were also offering pension increases in lieu of salary raises, increasing their obligations.
    • Second, when salary raises were distributed, excellence in teaching would be weighed just as heavily as excellence in research.
    • Yearly raises in our profession range from infinitesimal to nonexistent.
    • Far more than in the past, companies are using their paltry salary pools to reward stars with relatively meaty raises.
    • Academics may fancy themselves ‘above’ the sordid world of commerce, but they fight mightily for raises, time off, perks.
    • His managers have taken 30-percent pay cuts, his workers haven't had a raise in three years.
    • We gave up six years' worth of salary raises in exchange for stock in the employee stock ownership plan formed in 1994.
    • In that last salary review, the judges had asked for a raise of $47,000 or 26 per cent.
    • And police officers get raises because they have a union.
    • Our raises are not keeping pace with inflation.
    • Over the next four years, he held more responsible jobs at the company, but these promotions weren't accompanied by raises.
    • The rising cost of health benefits could more than cancel out proposed raises.
    • Companies stepped up hiring and gave workers bigger raises in July.
    • He kept Baker, but Baker, when refused a raise in salary, sat out the 1915 season.
    • This means it will be difficult for the salary raise to go through without some departments having to make other cutbacks.
    rise, pay/wage/salary increase, increment
  • 2(in poker or brag) an increase in a stake.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Then betting commences with raises, calls and folds as usual.
    • I need you to recommend a beginners' poker book, one that explains checking, raises, and the different games.
    • Routinely calling each raise from the blind may cost you quite a bit of money.
    • It is usual to agree, before the start of the game, a limit for bets and raises in the poker stage.
    • You want to limp and fold, while they limp and call your raises when you are in position.
    • Second, he must not be sophisticated enough to read right through your semi-bluff raise.
    • Calling a bet, then digging back into your chip pile and declaring a raise is called a string-raise.
    • Since you owed the pot 15 cents for calling and 25 for your raise, you would put 40 cents into the pot.
    • I had nothing invested so far but jacks were a fair hand, worth calling a raise; or so I thought.
    • In your example, player B did not have enough table stakes to cover future raises, so he went all-in.
    • I could have stayed alive in the tournament by making a small raise on the flop rather than going all-in.
    • After all bets and raises are called, hands are shown, and the winner collects or splits the pot.
    • If someone raises your big blind and everyone folds, you're getting 3.5 to 1 on calling the raise.
    • Although there is a limit on bets and the number of raises per round, there is no limit on the number of rounds.
    1. 2.1Bridge A higher bid in the suit that one's partner has bid.
  • 3Weightlifting
    usually with adjective or noun modifier An act of lifting or raising a part of the body while holding a weight.

    bent-over raises
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Precede this exercise with overhead presses and follow it with side laterals and bent-over lateral raises.
    • The overhead press and overhead lateral raise are good movements to make your shoulders wider.
    • He finishes with either bent-over lateral raises or dumbbell shrugs, alternating weekly between the two.
    • For example, the more you bend your elbows on a flye or lateral raise, the easier it will be to lift the weight.
    • When doing front raises, lift the dumbbells no higher than eye level.


  • raise the devil

    • informal Make a noisy disturbance.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • There are twenty-four tracks where she'll scream and shout and raise the devil.
      drink and make merry, go on a drinking bout, go on a binge, binge, binge-drink, overindulge, drink freely, drink heavily, go on a pub crawl, go on a spree
  • raise one's glass

    • Drink a toast.

      I raised my glass to Susan
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She, the toughest of critics, raised her glass in praise.
      • We raise our glasses and sing victory songs to Paul.
      • ‘To birthdays,’ Roberto said, raising his glass.
      • ‘To the new factory,’ he said jubilantly, raising his glass.
      • Hopefully we'll all be able to raise our glass in celebration on Sunday evening.
      • He glances at the portrait of Heinrich, and raises his glass.
      • To them I raise my glass: working and looking after children is the hardest combination there is.
      • Congratulations,’ he said, raising his glass.
  • raise one's hand

    • Strike or seem to be about to strike someone.

      she raised her hand to me
  • raise one's hat

    • Briefly remove one's hat as a gesture of courtesy or respect to someone.

      he raised his hat to a passing lady
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The famous physician, Boerhaave, had such a high regard for its manifold curative properties that it is said that he never passed an Elder without raising his hat.
      • I remember when I was first appointed a judge, a senior but disappointed member of the Bar raised his hat to me, saying: ‘I raise my hat, if not to you, at any rate to the office’.
      • But I have also known a huntsman call off hounds that seemed certain to kill, and raise his hat in tribute to the stag that had given us a run to remember.
  • raise hell

    • 1informal Make a noisy disturbance.

      lager louts raising hell in the Home Counties
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He spent his nights drinking, gambling, womanising, playing jazz and generally raising hell in dance halls and pubs.
      • On another similar occasion they rode their bikes, all seven of them, into the Big Yard of St Mary's College hooting and tooting, waving their blue and blue ensigns, raising hell, so to speak, until they were chased out.
      • People would come from the suburbs into Old Strathcona to party and raise hell.
      • But you get the drift, it was party time and the Haywood hellraisers were raising hell.
      • He wasn't even too keen on their socialist agenda, but he joined them because they let him do what he enjoyed best - raising hell.
      • It's not all that quiet, but it's nice, if you don't mind the drunks raising hell and throwing up on your doorstep.
      • I hear that there are now kids coming to the party meetings and raising hell.
      • The shop owner was later to testify that Bill was drunk and crazy - that we raised hell and stayed there a long time, making sure we were remembered.
      • Those three were raising hell on the coast here before you were born and they don't seem to be slowing down any as they get older.
      • It was really just an excuse for the teachers to drink coffee and complain about the morning so far, while the students raised hell across school.
      cause a disturbance, cause a commotion, be loud and noisy, run riot, run wild, behave wildly, go on the rampage, get out of control
      1. 1.1Complain vociferously.
        he raised hell with polluters
        Example sentencesExamples
        • We have a history of being cantankerous - shouting objections, raising hell and generally making life miserable for those in power.
        • So, now I must go make phone calls and raise hell.
        • The Democrats have even started raising hell about the problems.
        • Conservative students are rightly raising hell over his rallies on campuses nationwide - which are being subsidized in many cases with student fees and taxpayer funds.
        • I don't understand why the railway company doesn't raise hell about this.
        • Aussies raise hell when they feel the umpire has given a bad decision.
        • There's not necessarily anything wrong with raising hell about the other party.
        • Once they agree to 90 percent of what you want, it's very difficult for you to continue to raise hell.
        • In practice, it does not look as if any party is inclined to raise hell.
        • I know for political reasons they want to sort of raise hell and show that they're out there fighting for American workers.
        remonstrate, expostulate, be very angry, be furious, be enraged, argue, protest loudly to, object noisily to, complain vociferously to
  • raise a laugh

    • Make people laugh.

      I raised a laugh by pointing out that chapter 15 had been printed first
      Example sentencesExamples
      • On the other hand, all you've got to do to raise a laugh this month is to walk down the street.
      • But the theatre studies course Joseph took at school paid off and he even managed to raise a laugh.
      • It's not particularly groundbreaking, but it's a good hour of fun that raises a laugh or two each week, which is as much as I expect these days.
      • I don't vouch for the suitability of all the stories, of course, but quite a few of them have raised a laugh.
      • It was certainly getting harder to raise a laugh from the audience, who were hot, sweaty and lethargic.
      • I assumed that the author wrote them in that way in order to raise a laugh.
      • The are few people in the world with whom I feel pretty sure I can say anything - anything - and neither shock nor fail to raise a laugh.
      • Others may well be shocked or slightly sickened by the film's determination to be as filthy rude as possible on the way to raising a laugh.
      • Even in death, the comic genius has raised a laugh among his adoring fans.
      • It's a pleasantly light-hearted affair that's guaranteed to raise a laugh.
  • raise the roof

    • Make a great deal of noise, especially through cheering.

      when I finally scored the fans raised the roof
      Example sentencesExamples
      • When they start singing the Marseillaise, they can raise the roof - and that is enough to put the fear of God into any opposition.
      • A big Manchester crowd raised the roof as the Grantown-on-Spey rider clocked an impressive time, just a tenth of a second slower than his best.
      • It was just fantastic; there were 4000 voices raising the roof - shivers down the spine stuff.
      • The arrival of both teams was greeted by a huge ovation as the small crowd of only 32,187 supporters raised the roof and made their presence felt.
      • The team grew in confidence after that goal and, with the home supporters raising the roof, Azerbaijan looked shaken.
      • He is urging fans to raise the roof and roar Burnley to safety.
      • The New Zealand Barbarians received polite applause and the England team, not surprisingly, were met with a standing ovation that raised the roof.
      • At the time you complained that your laughs disappeared into the cavernous sky-high ceiling, but two of the Canuck comics preceding you had no problem firing up the crowd and raising the roof.
      • I sincerely hope that the next time Paula sets foot in a British stadium, the crowd absolutely raise the roof for her.
      • More than 100 people, including his friends and family, packed out the pub on Saturday night, and raised the roof when the results were announced.


  • raisable

  • adjective
    • Immediately facing the external deck is a louvreless section of wall where light is modulated by raisable venetian blinds to provide visual continuity between external and internal play areas.


Middle English: from Old Norse reisa; related to the verb rear2.

  • retro from [1960s]:

    The fashion term retro is from French rétro, an abbreviation of rétrograderetrograde’ (Late Middle English). This was originally a term in astronomy referring to planets appearing to move in a direction from east to west. It comes from Latin retrogradus, from retro ‘backwards’ and gradus ‘step’. Retro- is also the source of words such as retrospect (early 17th century) from Latin retrospicere ‘look back’ and rear ‘back part’. This was first used as a military term from French arrière ‘behind’, which came from retro. The phrase th'arrear ‘the back’ was mis-analysed as ‘the rear’ and the ‘a’ at the beginning of the word dropped. It was used colloquially to mean ‘buttocks’ from the late 18th century. The other rear,’ to raise up’ and its close relative rise, both Old English, come from an Germanic root, with raise, a Middle English introduction from Old Norse coming from the same source.


ablaze, amaze, appraise, baize, Blaise, blaze, braise, broderie anglaise, chaise, craze, daze, écossaise, erase, faze, gaze, glaze, graze, Hayes, Hays, haze, laze, liaise, lyonnaise, maize, malaise, Marseillaise, mayonnaise, Mays, maze, phase, phrase, polonaise, praise, prase, raze, upraise

Definition of raise in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Lift or move to a higher position or level.

    she raised both arms above her head
    his flag was raised over the city
    Example sentencesExamples
    • An equally well worked move resulted in Duffy raising the green flag at the other end.
    • Some suggested that the road could be raised above normal flood levels.
    • The cargo worker had raised the loader platform level with the luggage hold and stepped into the hold to check everything before the flight.
    • To this day, he cannot raise his arms above his shoulders.
    • Sit or stand with one arm raised to shoulder height in front of your body, elbow bent.
    • The soldiers swept into a police station in the compound and raised a flag above it.
    • Grasp a dumbbell in each hand, and raise your arms straight above your head, keeping elbows slightly bent.
    • His injuries are still with him; he cannot raise his arms above his shoulders; he still has a slight limp.
    • I didn't notice that the easel was on a platform raised seven inches above the ground.
    • They suggest raising the proposed buildings on the site and demolishing and remodelling the existing stone flood barrier on the banks of the Aire to ease the flow in times of flooding.
    • Have the trains been raised or the platforms lowered since the Alice to Darwin leg was built?
    • Some people stood with their arms raised, as if in blessing, and they swayed slightly as they prayed.
    • Kim yelled from the platform as she raised her arms and closed her eyes.
    • Lee tried to throw a punch at his nemesis, but couldn't raise his arm above the level of his belt.
    • However carried away you get, don't raise your arms above your head.
    • The feeling of suspicion faded as soon as she breathed the cool air of the night, the cigar smoke fading into a memory as she moved forward, raising her hood over her curls.
    • This pain usually is worse when you raise your arm or lift something above your head.
    • He only stood still, fists raised in a defensive stance as he tried to relocate his opponent.
    • Holding your left arm steady, raise your right arm above your head.
    • When the stadium plan was put to a vote in the audience, not one hand was raised in support.
    lift, lift up, raise aloft, elevate
    1. 1.1 Lift or move to a vertical position; set upright.
      Melody managed to raise him to his feet
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The other two guards were stunned to see their partner raised from the ground, but their shock lasted only a heartbeat.
      • In 1990 the tree on which they grow was blown over by a cyclone - or the fringes of one - but we managed to raise it up again.
      • He wept and lay face down on the ground until the emperor sent his servants over to raise him up and bring him.
      • Squeeze with your glutes and hamstrings to push your hips forward and raise your torso back to the upright position.
      • It is slowly raised upright, a careful job made more arduous by high heat and humidity.
      set upright, place vertical, set up, put up, stand, stand up, upend, stand on end
    2. 1.2 Construct or build (a structure)
      a fence was being raised around the property
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But when the slums are burnt down to raise high rise buildings, they are completely quiet, they don't protest.
      • But what distinguishes the worst architect from the best of bees is this, that the architect raises his structure in imagination before he erects it in reality.
      • After the barn was raised, I built a cowshed and horse stall on the east side.
      • Basically, it appeared it would be easier to get permission to build a nuclear reactor in downtown Toronto then raise a wind turbine.
      • By raising the mill structure, the work caused the River Sow to back up upstream leading to flooding in the southern part of the town.
      • In April we built propagation tables and raised the frame for the greenhouse.
      build, construct, erect, assemble, put up
    3. 1.3 Cause to rise or form.
      the galloping horse raised a cloud of dust
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It collided with the ground, raising up a good deal of dirt and dust.
    4. 1.4 Bring to the surface (something that has sunk).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I think at the time they probably salvaged the shell that was on board and they were hoping to perhaps raise the vessel and restore it and get it going again.
      • Nobody is suggesting that munitions be raised to the surface.
      • The Manx government spent more than £1 million on the recovery operation, using divers to retrieve the bodies in February and finally raising the boat in June.
      • He even turned his hand to inventing, designing, among other things, a device for raising sunken vessels and a smoke helmet for firemen.
      • The submarine could not be raised for six weeks, at which time the bodies on board were recovered
      • Last month experts began the tricky task of raising the first section, the range finder - the first move in what is expected to be at least a three-year operation.
      • One thing that fascinated me on hearing that the Russians were bent on raising the crippled sub was exactly how one goes about lifting it, with live torpedoes still aboard?
      • He said an attempt would be made to raise the submarine from the seabed and that financial assistance will be offered to the families of the dead.
      • It was not until the middle of March that the submarine was raised properly and the bodies of the dead could be recovered.
      • In December the Council raised the vessel, with the use of airbags, then towed it to a slipway before pumping it out.
      • We'll do whatever it takes to recover the bodies and to raise the submarine and to figure it out.
      • Earlier this year another group found and raised the ship's bell and the name was confirmed.
      • He thinks that if he can raise the boat he can refloat his dad, but he needs $5,000.
      • It is up to them to decide whether to raise the ship.
      • Divers have been visiting the wreck for the first time since the main part of the ship was raised in 1982.
      • Attached were the steel cables that would allow the Kursk to be raised to the surface.
      • Cousteau raised the vessel and had it transported to France to await restoration.
      • In stark contrast to the days in which this unseen force served, the boats have now been raised as monuments for all to see.
      • The Japan Coast Guard filmed the body of the ship last week using an underwater camera, and plans to conduct a further probe in late April using divers and submersible vessels before raising it.
      • He was part of a diving group that were using inflatable equipment to raise a boat which had gone down earlier.
    5. 1.5 Cause (bread) to rise, especially by the action of yeast.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • French pastrycooks make beignets - yeast raised jam-filled doughnuts.
      • Added to selective breeding is another step, another human act, that of using yeast to raise the bread or ferment the wine.
      cause to rise, make rise, leaven, ferment
    6. 1.6 Make (a nap) on cloth.
  • 2Increase the amount, level, or strength of.

    the bank raised interest rates
    the aim was to raise awareness of the plight of the homeless
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Last week, both the United States Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank raised interest rates.
    • Voices raised now stand an excellent chance of being heard.
    • The Bank of England has raised interest rates four times since last November.
    • Read has been active for 23 years and aims to raise the quality of education and increase the literacy rate in South Africa.
    • The increase comes amidst reports that all banks are set to raise interest rates after years of offering cheap credit.
    • That nod-and-wink style of governing needlessly raises business risk.
    • But there are some advantages in taking direct action: it certainly raises public awareness.
    • The bizarre sight of two snorkellers in wetsuits and extreme wet weather gear at the crossroads in Regent Street was aimed at raising awareness of how climate change is increasing the risk of flooding.
    • It is one of my aims to try to raise the level of awareness of the charity in the area and to encourage recruitment.
    • It is the fourth time the Bank has raised interest rates since November.
    • We have worked hard over the last few months to raise the awareness and interest for broadband and had a meeting on Monday evening to collate all the forms.
    • The children and young people of our area are taking the lead in raising awareness of the amount of litter and vandalism on our streets and parks.
    • His role will be to raise awareness and increase the political will to tackle the disease.
    • The institute found that an increase in credit provision raises the rate of insolvencies.
    • Besides, she thought, a little excitement would help raise her spirits.
    • Until now, health officials have had to work hard to raise awareness and increase demand for the flu shots among these groups.
    • The rankings reflect how education systems manage to raise the achievement of less able pupils.
    • And part of his brief includes managing the facility and raising its profile within the local community.
    • The central bank is likely to raise interest rates in the next two months in response to domestic inflation topping 5%.
    • The night is being organised by World Snooker as part of their initiative aimed at increasing participation levels and raising playing standards within snooker.
    increase, put up, push up, up, mark up, step up, lift, augment, escalate, inflate, swell, add to
    increase, heighten, make higher, lift, augment, amplify, magnify, intensify, boost, step up, turn up, add to
    1. 2.1 Promote (someone) to a higher rank.
      the king raised him to the title of Count Torre Bella
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Thomson was knighted in 1866 and raised to the peerage as Lord Kelvin of Largs in 1892.
      • In September 1945 he was raised to the peerage, and retired the following March.
      • Thus by virtue of her humility she was raised to a higher rank.
      • He deftly sidestepped the falls of Anne Boleyn and Thomas Cromwell and was raised to the peerage.
      • Auchinleck's successful career in the Indian Army had, by 1939, raised him to the rank of maj-general.
      promote, advance, upgrade, elevate, prefer, ennoble, aggrandize, exalt, give a higher rank to, give advancement to
    2. 2.2usually as noun raisingLinguistics (in transformational grammar) move (a noun phrase) out of a subordinate clause and into a main clause under certain conditions.
    3. 2.3raise something toMathematics Multiply a quantity by itself to (a specified power)
      3 raised to the 7th power is 2,187
      Example sentencesExamples
      • You need only know about raising a number to a power -- multiplying it by itself a certain number of times: for example, 2³ (2 raised to the power of 3) = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8.
      • The recipe in this case is to take each prime p from 2 to infinity, raise it to the power s, then after some further arithmetic multiply together the terms for all p.
      • Evaluate phi and raise it to the power 4 on your calculator.
    4. 2.4with two objects (in poker or brag) bet (a specified amount) more than (another player)
      I'll raise you another hundred dollars
    5. 2.5Bridge with object Make a higher bid in the same suit as that bid by (one's partner).
  • 3Cause to occur or to be considered.

    the alarm was raised when he failed to return home
    doubts have been raised about the future of the reprocessing plant
    Example sentencesExamples
    • A point of order was raised earlier concerning the lodging of written questions.
    • We were just in the process of proceeding to a party vote when points of order were raised about the calling of the voice vote.
    • He instantly raised the alarm and neighbours entered the smoke filled kitchen and pulled her from the dwelling.
    • The committee also raised doubts about the Ministry's ability to learn the lessons from previous conflicts.
    • New public management, with its heavy emphasis on networks and partnerships, raises new questions about record keeping.
    • Workers claim that they have been harassed and intimidated after complaining about working conditions and raising the issue of unionization.
    • The group use the hand waves to signal their agreement or disagreement, and a minute-taker speaks only to clarify points raised.
    • The ease with which electronic content can be copied and reproduced raises a multitude of copyright, trademark, database and passing off issues.
    • More broadly, this raises not just a practical point but a moral one.
    • Other stories in this issue also raise what might be called legacy questions.
    • Another issue raised by submitters was the extension to the criminal limitation period.
    • Nowhere during the campaign did I hear or see the question of support for poorer students raised with candidates or in the media.
    • It was only in response to the application that the issue of retroactive child support was raised.
    • These findings necessarily raise disturbing questions about the validity of the opinions expressed by medical experts in the courts.
    • The decision to build a centre was first raised at a local meeting in 2000.
    • He raises some doubts about some of this information.
    • They raise serious doubts about her past and present conduct, and whether she should have been allowed to settle in Australia.
    • There is nothing to forgive anyone for; no one need feel guilty about raising any doubts about the proposal.
    • I hope I clarified some of the questions without raising too many others.
    • Reasonable doubt has been raised about the accuracy of the survey.
    bring up, introduce, advance, broach, mention, allude to, touch on, suggest, moot, put forward, bring forward, pose, present, table, propose, submit
    give rise to, occasion, cause, bring into being, bring about, produce, engender, draw forth, elicit, create, set going, set afoot, result in, lead to, prompt, awaken, arouse, excite, summon up, activate, evoke, induce, kindle, incite, stir up, trigger, spark off, provoke, instigate, foment, whip up
    cause to appear, call up, call forth, invoke, summon, summon up, conjure up
    1. 3.1 Generate (an invoice or other document).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Any further delay in raising a purchase order will make it more likely that this critical phase in the project will not be delivered within your desired time-scales.
      • Invoice discounting provides a company with cash against invoices raised to trade debtors.
      • The campaign is being led by a teacher who has raised a petition calling on highway chiefs to take action.
      • They will raise an interim invoice in respect of the work that the claims manager will carry out on the case.
      • Although the computer was used to raise invoices it did not print a sales day book.
      • Emma campaigned for years, raising a petition and badgering councillors.
      • We would then raise an invoice for £75k with standard payment terms.
      • We are raising a petition, organising meetings and we are going to write to the Pope.
      • A petition was raised condemning the council's actions and Smith was voted out of office in that year's elections.
      • Workers at the factory are raising a petition protesting against the move.
      • I explained that the only way to do this with the speed they required was to raise a purchase order.
      • Residents insisted a petition be raised to ensure that all villagers could support the council's position.
      • He also agreed the false invoice raised to cover the donation was unorthodox.
      • She has not been allowed to see documents to prove a travel warrant was raised.
      • They raised two petitions and sent 64 letters of objection.
  • 4Collect, levy, or bring together (money or resources)

    she was attempting to raise $20,000
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The raffle raised £80 to support an orphanage for street children in Romania.
    • She pledged to raise cash to buy play equipment so that residents could build a new play park.
    • There is little prospect of raising the required amount.
    • A bring and buy sale at the library on Saturday attracted a lot of support and raised £400.
    • Supporters have raised more than £100,000 towards the planned takeover deal.
    • The school raised £50,000 in support of its bid, which will mean a massive funding boost if it succeeds.
    • Clark hopes to raise up to $50 million from investors in the first year.
    • The royal bodyguard and a navy were maintained and the revenue to support them raised.
    • The campaign helped the company raise money and generate partnership interest.
    • The club flourished and became a limited company in 1894 and capital was raised to build a new super stadium at Burnden Park.
    • He had to sell part of the stamp collection to raise funds.
    • He was finally appointed lieutenant colonel and authorized to raise a regiment.
    • The money raised provides ongoing support for AIDS orphaned children in Zambia.
    • The money raised by this collection was used to paint the corridors of the school.
    • Trustees who run the facility are trying to raise £800,000 to build a roof so it can be used all year and generate more cash.
    • Put another way, the government cannot raise large amounts of revenue from a tax that can easily be avoided.
    • Different student clubs within the community are planning events to raise funds and provide resources for the relief effort.
    • The funding to purchase these properties was raised from individual investors who purchased shares in the companies.
    • They raised a force of 6,000 to join the army - raw recruits, including many London apprentices.
    • They had built Fort St. David in Cuddalore and they raised an army here and began their ascent to power.
    get, obtain, acquire
    recruit, enlist, sign up, conscript, call to arms, call up, muster, mobilize, levy, rally, press, gather together, get together, collect, assemble, call together
    levy, impose, exact, demand, charge
  • 5Bring up (a child)

    he was born and raised in San Francisco
    Example sentencesExamples
    • An infant is raised by one or two parents and acquires an attachment, usually a strong one, to these people.
    • Moses was saved and raised up as an Egyptian; later he set the remaining Israelites free.
    • Born and raised Mormon, he comes to all his shows dressed as a missionary.
    • My dad was the only one raising us and he became seriously ill.
    • What's really annoying about this is that it's quite easy to raise a healthy infant on a vegan diet.
    • Infants are raised principally by the mother with the help of extended kin.
    • Traditionally, the mother was the primary caregiver, but recently the father and other family members have been recognized as equally important in raising infants.
    • It's because women drop out of the workforce, raise children, prefer jobs where they can work at home.
    • One of the strangest things that happens to you when you are raising a toddler is how the normally mundane things get you incredibly excited.
    • This will reduce the number of latch-key kids, reduce loitering and crime on the streets and decrease the stress on mothers who try valiantly to juggle jobs, while at the same time looking after and raising a family.
    • We must ensure that the debate begins, and not ends, on how we protect children born and being raised in households blighted by drugs.
    • Born in Canberra and raised by an adoptive Spanish mother and Paraguayan father, he has no doubt about his loyalty.
    • They settled in Brooklyn and all of the children were raised and other generations born here.
    • Born in Indiana, raised by the 1960s, he has never retreated from the fight against the squares.
    • He was born in Auckland but raised by his aunt and uncle in Tonga from the age of 1 until he was 7.
    • You know it's a shame to be raised up in a world where there's nothing but fighting.
    • King wrote new rules for raising infants - strict four-hourly feeding, no night feeds, potty training from an early age and fresh air day and night.
    • A divorced woman raising a youngster is nearly three times more likely to file for bankruptcy than her single friend who never had children.
    • Stay-at-home pops like me enthusiastically welcome this affirmation; it validates the decision to let our salaried lives fall by the wayside in favor of raising our kids.
    • Born in Hunan and raised by his grandparents while his parents worked in another region, Tan had a carefree childhood.
    bring up, rear, nurture, look after, care for, take care of, provide for, mother, parent, tend, protect, cherish
    1. 5.1 Breed or grow (animals or plants)
      they raised pigs and kept a pony
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She explains that she raises beef cattle and grows grain, potatoes, hay, and also tends a small vegetable garden.
      • He comes from Bulgaria, where his family has a small farm and raises a few goats.
      • Manure gives him enough nitrogen, and more than enough phosphorous and potassium, to raise his crop.
      • Being a farm girl, I felt certain I could raise crops, tend livestock, and hunt game to feed my family.
      • Livestock and sheep are raised, and the principal crops are cereals, fruits, citrus, and tobacco.
      • The workers raise chickens, grow their own vegetables, have a fish tank and rent out space for horses.
      • They raised crops and pastured their flocks in Morocco's mountainous inland regions.
      • A few years ago, the Hills began selling pork, and they're raising beef cattle for the first time this year.
      • He raised cattle and later added pigs and sheep to gain a steadier income to support his family.
      • He didn't grow any crops or raise any animals but still he always seemed to prosper.
      • To raise the best crop, growers have to find that delicate balance between the two extremes.
      • Furthermore, how many of us really know that we can raise crops without using pesticides and chemicals, and the benefits of using herbs in cooking?
      • Danish agriculture is so different, even though we raise the same crops and face the same challenges as the States.
      • A project in the Himalayas diverts 6 million litres of sewage per day that would otherwise be dumped into the Ganges and uses it to raise fodder crops.
      • Many farms also raise poultry and livestock, and almost all farm families have at least one or two pigs.
      • The research should also benefit those who raise sheep, since the genetic makeup of sheep is very similar to that of cattle.
      • If you don't live where citrus grows outdoors, you can raise plants in containers in greenhouses or solariums.
      • In the wild, fruit trees are raised from seed, but when they are domesticated they need to be propagated by taking cuttings and grafting.
      • Once they have achieved that goal, they raise a cash crop.
      • He now has no land to grow crops or raise cattle.
      breed, rear, nurture, keep, tend
      grow, farm, cultivate, produce, propagate, bring on
  • 6Bring (someone) back from death.

    God raised Jesus from the dead
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Jesus claimed to be God and God rewarded him by raising him from the dead - because he was telling the truth.
    • So when he was raised from death, his friends remembered this, and they believed it.
    • Dozens of miracles and curses will allow you to wreak havoc on your enemies or even raise them from the dead to fight for you.
  • 7Abandon or force an enemy to abandon (a siege, blockade, or embargo).

    Example sentencesExamples
    • In 244 he seized Eryx in Sicily but was unable to raise the siege of Drepana.
    • The Jeanne D'Arc of this film is no longer the heroic leader who raised the siege of Orleans.
    • In May 1645 Prince Rupert captured Leicester, forcing the parliamentarians to raise the siege of Oxford.
    • In 1836 the British Legion helped raise the siege of San Sebastián, and regular Royal Marines arrived to garrison a nearby port.
    • On the approach of the Frankish army he again raised the siege, but this time the Franks gave battle.
    end, stop, bring to an end, put an end to, terminate, abandon, lift
  • 8Drive (an animal) from its lair.

    the jack rabbit was only 250 yards from where he first raised it
    1. 8.1 Cause (a ghost or spirit) to appear.
      the piece raises the ghosts of a number of twentieth-century art ideas
  • 9(of someone at sea) come in sight of (land or another ship)

    they raised the low coast by evening
    1. 9.1British informal Establish contact with (someone) by telephone or radio.
      I raised him on the open line
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Later that afternoon, I heard another climber raising his partners farther down the mountain on his two-way radio.
      • He raised the U.S. Coast Guard on VHF radio but was unable to provide his coordinates.
      • She figured she was safe enough to try raising the prison, so she configured the radio and transmitted a hailing.
      contact, get in touch with, get hold of, reach, communicate with
  • 10Medicine
    Stimulate production of (an antiserum, antibody, or other biologically active substance) against the appropriate target cell or substance.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • It had become a laboratory standard or reference strain for raising antibodies and for challenge in virus neutralization test to detect and assay antibody in serum.
    • Transverse taproot sections were treated with antibodies raised against the 23 kDa protein.
    • The filter is then probed with antibodies raised against a particular protein.
    • Fucose was complexed with bovine serum albumin to raise antibodies against fucose.
    • Fucose was ligated to bovine serum albumin and antibodies were raised against the conjugate.
  • 1North American An increase in salary.

    he wants a raise and some perks
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Rudd says salary was not the issue but admits he wanted a raise.
    • Over the next four years, he held more responsible jobs at the company, but these promotions weren't accompanied by raises.
    • And police officers get raises because they have a union.
    • In that last salary review, the judges had asked for a raise of $47,000 or 26 per cent.
    • Yearly raises in our profession range from infinitesimal to nonexistent.
    • The rising cost of health benefits could more than cancel out proposed raises.
    • And employers, faced with falling demand and dwindling margins, cut back on salaries, raises, benefits, and other perks.
    • Our raises are not keeping pace with inflation.
    • Conversely, if workers want a raise, they're going to have to fight for it.
    • With pension promises basically free, companies were also offering pension increases in lieu of salary raises, increasing their obligations.
    • Second, when salary raises were distributed, excellence in teaching would be weighed just as heavily as excellence in research.
    • And the teachers unions are out mostly for pay raises.
    • This means it will be difficult for the salary raise to go through without some departments having to make other cutbacks.
    • His managers have taken 30-percent pay cuts, his workers haven't had a raise in three years.
    • Companies stepped up hiring and gave workers bigger raises in July.
    • Academics may fancy themselves ‘above’ the sordid world of commerce, but they fight mightily for raises, time off, perks.
    • We gave up six years' worth of salary raises in exchange for stock in the employee stock ownership plan formed in 1994.
    • Far more than in the past, companies are using their paltry salary pools to reward stars with relatively meaty raises.
    • I'm sure he was making a really long list of good things to say about me, and adding up a really long row of numbers that will be the raise in my salary.
    • He kept Baker, but Baker, when refused a raise in salary, sat out the 1915 season.
    rise, pay increase, salary increase, wage increase, increment
  • 2(in poker or brag) an increase in a stake.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Since you owed the pot 15 cents for calling and 25 for your raise, you would put 40 cents into the pot.
    • In your example, player B did not have enough table stakes to cover future raises, so he went all-in.
    • Routinely calling each raise from the blind may cost you quite a bit of money.
    • Then betting commences with raises, calls and folds as usual.
    • Although there is a limit on bets and the number of raises per round, there is no limit on the number of rounds.
    • Second, he must not be sophisticated enough to read right through your semi-bluff raise.
    • Calling a bet, then digging back into your chip pile and declaring a raise is called a string-raise.
    • I could have stayed alive in the tournament by making a small raise on the flop rather than going all-in.
    • You want to limp and fold, while they limp and call your raises when you are in position.
    • It is usual to agree, before the start of the game, a limit for bets and raises in the poker stage.
    • If someone raises your big blind and everyone folds, you're getting 3.5 to 1 on calling the raise.
    • I had nothing invested so far but jacks were a fair hand, worth calling a raise; or so I thought.
    • After all bets and raises are called, hands are shown, and the winner collects or splits the pot.
    • I need you to recommend a beginners' poker book, one that explains checking, raises, and the different games.
    1. 2.1Bridge A higher bid in the suit that one's partner has bid.
  • 3Weightlifting
    usually with adjective or noun modifier An act of lifting or raising a part of the body while holding a weight.

    bent-over raises
    Example sentencesExamples
    • For example, the more you bend your elbows on a flye or lateral raise, the easier it will be to lift the weight.
    • When doing front raises, lift the dumbbells no higher than eye level.
    • He finishes with either bent-over lateral raises or dumbbell shrugs, alternating weekly between the two.
    • The overhead press and overhead lateral raise are good movements to make your shoulders wider.
    • Precede this exercise with overhead presses and follow it with side laterals and bent-over lateral raises.


  • raise the devil

    • informal Make a noisy disturbance.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • There are twenty-four tracks where she'll scream and shout and raise the devil.
      drink and make merry, go on a drinking bout, go on a binge, binge, binge-drink, overindulge, drink freely, drink heavily, go on a pub crawl, go on a spree
  • raise one's glass

    • Drink a toast.

      I raised my glass to Susan
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He glances at the portrait of Heinrich, and raises his glass.
      • Congratulations,’ he said, raising his glass.
      • We raise our glasses and sing victory songs to Paul.
      • Hopefully we'll all be able to raise our glass in celebration on Sunday evening.
      • She, the toughest of critics, raised her glass in praise.
      • ‘To birthdays,’ Roberto said, raising his glass.
      • ‘To the new factory,’ he said jubilantly, raising his glass.
      • To them I raise my glass: working and looking after children is the hardest combination there is.
  • raise one's hand

    • Strike or seem to be about to strike someone.

      she raised her hand to me
  • raise one's hat

    • Briefly remove one's hat as a gesture of courtesy or respect to someone.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • But I have also known a huntsman call off hounds that seemed certain to kill, and raise his hat in tribute to the stag that had given us a run to remember.
      • The famous physician, Boerhaave, had such a high regard for its manifold curative properties that it is said that he never passed an Elder without raising his hat.
      • I remember when I was first appointed a judge, a senior but disappointed member of the Bar raised his hat to me, saying: ‘I raise my hat, if not to you, at any rate to the office’.
  • raise hell

    • 1informal Make a noisy disturbance.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • I hear that there are now kids coming to the party meetings and raising hell.
      • It's not all that quiet, but it's nice, if you don't mind the drunks raising hell and throwing up on your doorstep.
      • He wasn't even too keen on their socialist agenda, but he joined them because they let him do what he enjoyed best - raising hell.
      • But you get the drift, it was party time and the Haywood hellraisers were raising hell.
      • The shop owner was later to testify that Bill was drunk and crazy - that we raised hell and stayed there a long time, making sure we were remembered.
      • He spent his nights drinking, gambling, womanising, playing jazz and generally raising hell in dance halls and pubs.
      • Those three were raising hell on the coast here before you were born and they don't seem to be slowing down any as they get older.
      • People would come from the suburbs into Old Strathcona to party and raise hell.
      • On another similar occasion they rode their bikes, all seven of them, into the Big Yard of St Mary's College hooting and tooting, waving their blue and blue ensigns, raising hell, so to speak, until they were chased out.
      • It was really just an excuse for the teachers to drink coffee and complain about the morning so far, while the students raised hell across school.
      cause a disturbance, cause a commotion, be loud and noisy, run riot, run wild, behave wildly, go on the rampage, get out of control
      1. 1.1Complain vociferously.
        he raised hell with real estate developers and polluters
        Example sentencesExamples
        • So, now I must go make phone calls and raise hell.
        • In practice, it does not look as if any party is inclined to raise hell.
        • I don't understand why the railway company doesn't raise hell about this.
        • There's not necessarily anything wrong with raising hell about the other party.
        • Conservative students are rightly raising hell over his rallies on campuses nationwide - which are being subsidized in many cases with student fees and taxpayer funds.
        • I know for political reasons they want to sort of raise hell and show that they're out there fighting for American workers.
        • We have a history of being cantankerous - shouting objections, raising hell and generally making life miserable for those in power.
        • Once they agree to 90 percent of what you want, it's very difficult for you to continue to raise hell.
        • The Democrats have even started raising hell about the problems.
        • Aussies raise hell when they feel the umpire has given a bad decision.
        remonstrate, expostulate, be very angry, be furious, be enraged, argue, protest loudly to, object noisily to, complain vociferously to
  • raise a laugh

    • Make people laugh.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Others may well be shocked or slightly sickened by the film's determination to be as filthy rude as possible on the way to raising a laugh.
      • I assumed that the author wrote them in that way in order to raise a laugh.
      • I don't vouch for the suitability of all the stories, of course, but quite a few of them have raised a laugh.
      • It was certainly getting harder to raise a laugh from the audience, who were hot, sweaty and lethargic.
      • On the other hand, all you've got to do to raise a laugh this month is to walk down the street.
      • The are few people in the world with whom I feel pretty sure I can say anything - anything - and neither shock nor fail to raise a laugh.
      • It's a pleasantly light-hearted affair that's guaranteed to raise a laugh.
      • But the theatre studies course Joseph took at school paid off and he even managed to raise a laugh.
      • Even in death, the comic genius has raised a laugh among his adoring fans.
      • It's not particularly groundbreaking, but it's a good hour of fun that raises a laugh or two each week, which is as much as I expect these days.
  • raise the roof

    • Make or cause someone else to make a great deal of noise, especially through cheering.

      when I finally scored the fans raised the roof
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was just fantastic; there were 4000 voices raising the roof - shivers down the spine stuff.
      • More than 100 people, including his friends and family, packed out the pub on Saturday night, and raised the roof when the results were announced.
      • The arrival of both teams was greeted by a huge ovation as the small crowd of only 32,187 supporters raised the roof and made their presence felt.
      • A big Manchester crowd raised the roof as the Grantown-on-Spey rider clocked an impressive time, just a tenth of a second slower than his best.
      • He is urging fans to raise the roof and roar Burnley to safety.
      • The New Zealand Barbarians received polite applause and the England team, not surprisingly, were met with a standing ovation that raised the roof.
      • When they start singing the Marseillaise, they can raise the roof - and that is enough to put the fear of God into any opposition.
      • The team grew in confidence after that goal and, with the home supporters raising the roof, Azerbaijan looked shaken.
      • I sincerely hope that the next time Paula sets foot in a British stadium, the crowd absolutely raise the roof for her.
      • At the time you complained that your laughs disappeared into the cavernous sky-high ceiling, but two of the Canuck comics preceding you had no problem firing up the crowd and raising the roof.
  • raise one's voice

    • 1Speak more loudly.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Sometimes people wonder why a preacher speaks with intensity and raises his voice.
      • Ever since he came to Swansea I never heard him raise his voice in anger or speak ill of anyone.
      • I never got hostile toward her, and I never even thought of raising my voice when I was speaking with her.
      • I was imperturbable at work, never losing my patience or raising my voice.
      • I know it's no excuse for raising my voice, but I needed to get him to stop immediately, so scaring him with a loud voice certainly accomplished that.
      • He began to raise his voice a bit, turning his attention to the members of the Council.
      • The victim went to the room occupied by the offender and an argument began, in the course of which the offender raised his voice and threats were exchanged.
      • I'm sick of saying ‘No’, sick of raising my voice, sick of losing my temper, or throwing time-outs at him when he doesn't listen.
      • To start with, I was probably a little out of line raising my voice.
      • He spoke slowly, clearly, and deliberately, and avoided raising his voice, even during lectures.
      1. 1.1Begin to speak or sing.
        Example sentencesExamples
        • As he had done, fruitlessly, so many times before, he raised his voice in the chill air to sing a melody which he and Richard - no mean musician himself - had composed together.


Middle English: from Old Norse reisa; related to the verb rear.





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