An online petition is calling for long-overdue changes to legislation.
We very much welcome this long-overdue apology.
The proposal takes the long-overdue step of phasing out the portion of the student-loan program that relies on private lenders.
I began working part-time so as to facilitate a long-overdue healing process.
He confronts his boss and asks for a long-overdue promotion.
The move is a two-headed attack, with dramatic price slashing on one front and a long-overdue expansion of the range of wines on the other.
The retired airmen hope their moving gesture will raise awareness of the campaign for a long-overdue memorial to the men who gave their lives during the bomber offensive.
This call to allow schools to select on the grounds of ability marks a long-overdue challenge to a system that has failed too many children.
This timely anthology is a long-overdue acknowledgement of the struggles and triumphs of women scientists in our midst.
Voters can demand a long-overdue return to genuine democratic values.
late, not on time, behind schedule, behindhand, behind time, long-delayed, delayed, belated, tardy, unpunctual