Definition of neurilemma in English:
nounPlural neurilemmas, Plural neurilemmata ˌnjʊərɪˈlɛməˌn(y)o͝orəˈlemə
Anatomy The thin sheath around a nerve axon (including myelin where this is present).
Example sentencesExamples
- The axis cylinder is the essential conducting structure of the nerve, while the neurolemma and the myelin act as insulating agents.
- When an axon is cut the neurilemma forms a regeneration tube.
- The neurilemma of a medullated fibre contains myelin laid down by Schwann cells.
- The oligodendrocyte does not form a neurilemma because its cell body does not wrap around any axons.
- These nuclei are believed to be in connection with a delicate sheath corresponding with the neurolemma of the medullated nerve fiber.
covering, cover, case, casing, envelope, sleeve, wrapper
Anatomy In the cat and monkey myelin changes are prominent at the junction of the glial and neurilemmal portions of the root, which suggests increased vulnerability at that point.
Example sentencesExamples
- Finally, each nerve fiber and its neurilemmal sheath are enclosed by a connective tissue sheath termed endoneurium.
- Cutaneous neurofibromas are derived from peripheral nerves and supporting structures, including neurilemmal cells.
- Histologically, these tumors are named after the cell of origin, the Schwann cell which is also known as a neurilemmal cell, thus these tumors are also known as neurilemmomas.
- It arises from the outer layer of the neurilemmal sheath of the Schwann cell.