A grey goose with orange-yellow bill and legs, breeding in the arctic tundra of Lapland and Siberia and overwintering in parts of Europe and Asia.
Anser fabalis, family Anatidae
Example sentencesExamples
- Part of the Slamannan plateau is to be designated a special area for bean geese.
- A key factor in maintaining bean geese in the valley is the availability of secure roosts close to the feeding areas.
- I have enjoyed watching the bean geese over a 40-year period and have witnessed their changing fortunes through the decades.
- There the geese used to eat the remains of the bean harvests, hence their name ‘bean goose’.
- Yesterday six bean geese flew over in a neat puzzle for Pythagoreans.
- A flock of more than 200 Taiga bean geese visit the Slammanan plateau from October to February every year.
- The bean goose breeds along northern Eurasia from the highlands of Norway in the west to Kamchatka in the east.