

单词 rend

Definition of rend in English:


verbrent rɛndrɛnd
[with object]
  • 1Tear (something) into pieces.

    snapping teeth that would rend human flesh to shreds
    figurative the speculation and confusion which was rending the civilized world
    Example sentencesExamples
    • But as we limp into the 21st century, that gender gap is rending the fabric of the entire African-American community.
    • And the horde charged once more, their nerves steeled and their war-cries resonating, ready to shred, rend and tear apart any foe, be it human or not.
    • He knew from experience that the whip could rip flesh from bone, and rend good armor into so much scrap metal.
    • Blind resistance to that rethinking will only further rend the social fabric.
    • She had the scars to prove that they had learned the hard way how easily a dragon's claws could rend human flesh.
    • Within two years the empire was rent by conflicts between the powerful successor generals, whose ambitions had only been repressed by their devotion to the authority of Alexander.
    • When the pain in his side bent him almost double and sweat stung his eyes, blurring his sight, still he flung himself forward, his breath a roar in his ears, his heart feeling as though it would rend itself in his chest.
    • These missiles locked onto their targets and streaked unerringly through space, determined to rend metal and flesh.
    • Our flag is no piece of sheeting for authoritarians to hide behind as they rend our hard-won liberties in the name of ‘protecting’ us from a dangerous world.
    • They were pawns, used to play a game that would otherwise rend the universe apart.
    • That also rends into tatters the shreds of my emotionless image, wouldn't you say?
    • The gryphons swooped on her soldiers and began to rend them apart.
    • Before you rend any fabric, hear me out, please.
    • Unfortunately, there's not enough violence here to fully rend and flay, just enough to bruise.
    tear/rip apart, tear/rip in two, tear/rip to pieces, split, rupture, sever, separate
    literary cleave, tear/rip asunder, sunder, rive
    rare dissever
    1. 1.1archaic with object and adverbial of direction Wrench (something) violently.
      he rent the branch out of the tree
    2. 1.2literary Cause great emotional pain to.
      you tell me this in order to make me able to betray you without rending my heart
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But nothing prepared me for the aggregate loss, when each problem list and interesting case turns out to be your neighbor and friend, and every final parting rends you where the heart resides.
      • There are plenty of factual accounts in Bringing them Home which rend the heart.
      torment, afflict, torture, pain, agonize, cause agony to, cause pain to, cause suffering to, harrow, pierce, stab, wound, crucify


  • rend the air

    • literary Sound piercingly.

      a shrill scream rent the air
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Unearthly screams rent the air; foul smells offended the nostrils.
      • Shouts of excitement and shrills of joy rent the air.
      • The beating of drums coupled with notes from the trumpet rent the air.
      • The occasional scream of agony and the sound of the lash rent the air.
      • Loud cheers rent the air as the smiling star, somewhat overwhelmed by the tumultuous welcome, made her way inside the college.
      • He was almost to the tree, when he heard a piercing scream rend the air.
      • Loud guffaws rent the air and before one wave of laughter could die another surged in.
      • The shockwave hit a second later, throwing Tim and the others to the floor as a loud crack rent the air, the sound nearly deafening them.
      • A horrible yowling sound rent the air, a cacophony of dissonant notes in the cool morning stillness.
      • A student brass band played, rose petals were showered and pigeons were released as peace slogans rent the air.
  • rend one's garments (or hair)

    • Tear one's clothes (or pull one's hair out) as a sign of extreme grief or distress.

      the women began to wail and rend their garments
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Even today, when we approach the remaining vestige of our ancient Temple, we rend our garments like those in mourning.
      • There is a gasp; the high priest rends his garments and declares Jesus a blasphemer.


Old English rendan; related to Middle Low German rende.


amend, append, apprehend, ascend, attend, befriend, bend, blend, blende, commend, comprehend, condescend, contend, defriend, depend, emend, end, expend, extend, fend, forfend, friend, impend, interdepend, lend, mend, misapprehend, misspend, offend, on-trend, Oostende, Ostend, perpend, portend, reprehend, scrag-end, send, spend, subtend, suspend, tail end, tend, transcend, trend, underspend, unfriend, upend, vend, weekend, wend

Definition of rend in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Tear (something) into two or more pieces.

    snapping teeth that would rend human flesh to shreds
    figurative the speculation and confusion that was rending the civilized world
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The gryphons swooped on her soldiers and began to rend them apart.
    • Within two years the empire was rent by conflicts between the powerful successor generals, whose ambitions had only been repressed by their devotion to the authority of Alexander.
    • That also rends into tatters the shreds of my emotionless image, wouldn't you say?
    • These missiles locked onto their targets and streaked unerringly through space, determined to rend metal and flesh.
    • Unfortunately, there's not enough violence here to fully rend and flay, just enough to bruise.
    • But as we limp into the 21st century, that gender gap is rending the fabric of the entire African-American community.
    • She had the scars to prove that they had learned the hard way how easily a dragon's claws could rend human flesh.
    • Our flag is no piece of sheeting for authoritarians to hide behind as they rend our hard-won liberties in the name of ‘protecting’ us from a dangerous world.
    • Blind resistance to that rethinking will only further rend the social fabric.
    • Before you rend any fabric, hear me out, please.
    • They were pawns, used to play a game that would otherwise rend the universe apart.
    • When the pain in his side bent him almost double and sweat stung his eyes, blurring his sight, still he flung himself forward, his breath a roar in his ears, his heart feeling as though it would rend itself in his chest.
    • And the horde charged once more, their nerves steeled and their war-cries resonating, ready to shred, rend and tear apart any foe, be it human or not.
    • He knew from experience that the whip could rip flesh from bone, and rend good armor into so much scrap metal.
    rip apart, tear apart, rip in two, tear in two, rip to pieces, tear to pieces, split, rupture, sever, separate
    1. 1.1archaic Wrench (something) violently.
      he rent the branch out of the tree
    2. 1.2literary Cause great emotional pain to (a person or their heart).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But nothing prepared me for the aggregate loss, when each problem list and interesting case turns out to be your neighbor and friend, and every final parting rends you where the heart resides.
      • There are plenty of factual accounts in Bringing them Home which rend the heart.
      torment, afflict, torture, pain, agonize, cause agony to, cause pain to, cause suffering to, harrow, pierce, stab, wound, crucify


  • rend the air

    • literary Sound piercingly.

      a shrill scream rent the air
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The beating of drums coupled with notes from the trumpet rent the air.
      • The shockwave hit a second later, throwing Tim and the others to the floor as a loud crack rent the air, the sound nearly deafening them.
      • A horrible yowling sound rent the air, a cacophony of dissonant notes in the cool morning stillness.
      • Loud cheers rent the air as the smiling star, somewhat overwhelmed by the tumultuous welcome, made her way inside the college.
      • A student brass band played, rose petals were showered and pigeons were released as peace slogans rent the air.
      • Unearthly screams rent the air; foul smells offended the nostrils.
      • The occasional scream of agony and the sound of the lash rent the air.
      • Shouts of excitement and shrills of joy rent the air.
      • Loud guffaws rent the air and before one wave of laughter could die another surged in.
      • He was almost to the tree, when he heard a piercing scream rend the air.
  • rend one's garments (or hair)

    • Tear one's clothes as a sign of extreme grief or distress.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • There is a gasp; the high priest rends his garments and declares Jesus a blasphemer.
      • Even today, when we approach the remaining vestige of our ancient Temple, we rend our garments like those in mourning.


Old English rendan; related to Middle Low German rende.





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