

单词 bread

Definition of bread in English:


noun brɛdbrɛd
mass noun
  • 1Food made of flour, water, and yeast mixed together and baked.

    a loaf of bread
    as modifier a bread roll
    count noun Italian breads
    Example sentencesExamples
    • They passed by a bakery, and the pair caught a delicious whiff of freshly baked bread loaves laid out outside on a desk.
    • The same scheme will be applied to yoghurts, margarine, bread yeast, ice creams and vermouths.
    • I can assure you she gave them no chance to eat wheat bread from her flour barrel.
    • The Secretary-General is supposed to bake bread without flour, much less yeast.
    • Unfortified whole wheat bread and bread baked from cake flour will still be available.
    • Elijah looked around, and by his head was a jar of water and some baked bread.
    • Sooner rather than later, you really must bake a loaf of bread.
    • They are as important to the quality of his bread as the flour, salt, and oil he uses.
    • One of the nicest gifts I ever received was a splendid loaf of bread the student had baked.
    • The refining process also denudes the flour on which this bread is based of much of its fibre and nutrients.
    • Other ways of using the fruit include drying slices and grinding them into flour for bread.
    • On the kitchen counter sat a freshly baked loaf of bread and a large chocolate cheesecake.
    • The smells were of fresh mint and coriander, of bread baking in a wood oven.
    • Substitute whole-grain flour for half or all of the white flour when baking bread.
    • Baking a loaf of bread will change the way you think about food.
    • I've baked countless loaves of bread as a baker and saved the world from hunger.
    • As food he would take with him specially baked small loaves of bread.
    • In preparation, the women have baked 500 loaves of bread to share with their visitors.
    • I was making a stew which would hopefully last a few days and I'd also baked a loaf of bread earlier.
    • While we waited, hot freshly baked bread rolls were brought to the table along with a very large pepper mill.
    1. 1.1 The bread or wafer used in the Eucharist.
      altar bread
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There also is no mention of the familiar words of blessing over the bread and cup.
      • My flesh, Jesus said, is the bread of life given for the world, bread willing to be broken.
      • Then we are ready for Jesus to reveal himself to us in the breaking of the bread during Communion.
      • History offers numerous examples of pious Roman Catholic women who claim to exist on the wine and bread of the Holy Sacrament alone.
      • Thirdly, the breaking of bread reminds us that the church lives under the shadow of the cross.
      • In its first room were the lamp-stand, the table and the consecrated bread; this was called the Holy Place.
      • Now this was according to God's will, so that the church might be provided with pure altar bread made by the hands of a chaste and innocent youth.
      • This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
      • In his place was a priest with power to turn wine into blood and wafers of bread into flesh.
      • The other kind of bread makes us strong in our love for God, other people, and ourselves.
      • After all, the consecrated bread had become body, and a body already contains blood.
      • Trial by blessed bread was a test for priests, for it was assumed guilty clergy would choke on hallowed food.
      • I invite you to come now and to eat the living bread and drink the new wine of Christ and His Gospel.
      • The symbolic bread was broken and given to the disciples with instruction to eat it.
      • The bread is representative of Christ's body, and the wine is his blood.
      • When he sat down at the table to eat, he took some bread and said a blessing; then he broke it and gave it to them.
      • The bread was to represent Jesus' body, which, according to Rees, was broken for everyone.
      • Altars in the homes are decorated with bread, candy, fruit, and flowers.
      • When you receive communion, Jesus is present to you in the bread and in the wine.
      • The church is necessary, because we cannot break the bread and drink the wine alone.
    2. 1.2 The food that one needs in order to live.
      his day job puts bread on the table
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Of course we must end poverty, and give men and women enough bread to live on.
      • Let it be enough for you to have bread and live virtuously and poorly like Christ, as I do here.
      • His dad's job is putting bread on the table.
  • 2informal Money.

    I hate doing this, but I need the bread
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The uncreative tell the creative what to do because they want the bread.
    • I don't have the bread to buy a new bike.
    • She's going to be tired and irritable, and bound to bring up the subject of who earns the bread.
    • It makes sense to use your head and spread the bread.
    cash, hard cash, ready money
verb brɛdbrɛd
[with object]
  • Coat (food) with breadcrumbs before cooking.

    bread the chicken and fry it in oil
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I went about breading and frying slices of extra-firm tofu as the aroma of fried chicken filled the kitchen.
    • So although I have no problem breading veal, or diving into the intricacies of pasta making, seafood remains a bit of a mystery to me.
    • Bread meat, chicken and fish rather than broiling or roasting them.
    • Continue breading each food item, keeping them separate on the plate or baking sheet.
    • However, fresh fish can be breaded and pan-fried with a crispy cornmeal coating in less than 10 minutes.
    • Use a separate breading station for vegetables and meats or just make sure you bread the vegetables first.
    • Amaranth flour is good for breading fish or chicken.
    • Rather than relying on fried onions from the can, I breaded the onions in panko (Japanese breadcrumbs).
    • Once all fish are breaded, cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator for 15 minutes.
    • I used ground beef, cubed mozarella instead of cheese string, and I breaded the meatballs.


  • be the best (or greatest) thing since sliced bread

    • informal Be very good.

      they think that she is the greatest thing since sliced bread
      Example sentencesExamples
      • While some analysts think it's the next best thing since sliced bread, it has the feeling of WAP redux.
      • That's not to say there isn't a market there, rather that we haven't been convinced it's quite the next best thing since sliced bread.
      • Some people are a little confused by this latest trend, wondering what all the fuss is about and why it's becoming the next best thing since sliced bread.
      • Just because almost everyone thinks the group is the next best thing since sliced bread doesn't mean that it won't fall apart.
      • She finally locates the Assistant Wine Whatever-His-Title-Is, and he of the broad-smile-on-a-wide-face recommends the wine as if it were the next best thing since sliced bread.
      utmost, optimum, last word, very limit, height, epitome, peak, pinnacle, acme, apex, apogee, zenith, culmination, perfection, nonpareil, extreme, extremity
  • bread and circuses

    • Entertainment or political policies used to keep the mass of people happy and docile.

      with football and politics as the bread and circuses of our decadent empire, whither religion?
      Example sentencesExamples
      • And in the time-honoured political tradition of ensuring the plebeians are provided with both bread and circuses, there is a mysterious allocation for a ‘national indoor sports facility’, location unknown.
      • And maybe near-by, someone will hear something a little less shrill than the sound of 100,000,000 people clamoring for more bread and circuses.
      • A couple of millennia ago, Roman satirist Juvenal said that there were only two things that a citizen anxiously wished for - bread and circuses.
      • It would seem that little has changed since the first-century Roman satirist Juvenal famously wrote that all that the modern citizen craved was bread and circuses.
      • Call me economically irrational, call me sentimental, call me a sucker for bread and circuses, but I must admit I got a buzz over seeing the first train arrive in Darwin at the weekend.
      • All the citizen sheep require is a shepherd to provide bread and circuses and to whisper electronic promises of security into their ears at night.
      • The modern version of globalization, by contrast, is run more along Roman lines, in which the provinces are milked to pay for the bread and circuses of the imperial heartland.
      • Besides bread and circuses, (invented to distract everyone from toppling tyrants in the ‘good old days’), something had to be done to let frisky folks vent a little.
      • All the rest is a soap opera dreamed up by politicians and their lickspittles in the London media, just as mad Roman emperors gave their citizens bread and circuses to keep them from revolting.
      • To suggest that Roman numerals are not appropriate to enumerate the Super Bowl is to fail to understand the significance of bread and circuses in ancient Rome and their connection to the legendary circuses during Super Bowl week.
      • And this kind of mass entertainment destroyed the morality of the Roman people, who no longer worked for a living; they lived on bread and circuses, on entertainment and the dole.
      • It's said that the mainstream media is increasingly dominated by corporate interests, political spin, and bread and circuses postmodern pap.
      • To use his own analogy, at present the people enjoy both bread and circuses.
      • Office-holders spend much of their time supplying bread and circuses.
      • We're surrounded by show, just as the Roman Empire turned to bread and circuses to hide other things that were taking place.
      • It also feeds nationalist hunger among the populace, making them proud of the achievements of their country even while they realize that they live under an authoritarian and corrupt government - bread and circuses for the masses.
      • I am reminded of Juvenal's weary dictum about bread and circuses, which in rough translation said the Roman citizen thought of little else but feeding his face and watching sport.
      • Outside its locked doors, amid atmospheric squalor, the huddling masses distract themselves with bread and circuses, while one man agitates for revolution.
      • My suspicion is that it all went wrong after ordinary citizens tired of bread and circuses and moved on to musicals.
      • Then we would dump it in favor of bread and circuses.
  • bread and water

    • A frugal diet that is eaten in poverty, chosen in abstinence, or given as a punishment.

      he could be put on bread and water for forty-eight hours
      Example sentencesExamples
      • How would you like your bread and water, Mr. Galileo?
      • ‘Oh yeah, it's great - finally I can eat more than bread and water,’ he joked.
      • What these people need is a diet of bread and water.
      • The 32 measures included sleep and sensory deprivation, the use of military dogs to terrify prisoners, temperature extremes and diets of bread and water.
      • The cardinals soon chose Gregory X who, three years later, introduced new rules for the election of Popes, including one that said cardinals had to meet in seclusion on a gradually reduced diet until they were living on bread and water.
      • This included locking them up for a week on a diet of bread and water.
      • As Hollywood learned long before many of us were born, when you dish up bread and water because it's quick and easy, a starved population will eat.
      • After an hour of watching kids lick ice creams in front of us - while we survived bread and water - we were released, having raised around $16,000 to help the Red Cross continue its vital community work.
      • Affluent Russians are paying hundreds of pounds to enlist at an army boot camp where they are forced to complete gruelling runs through muddy fields, and where they are fed on porridge, bread and water and are bullied by officers.
      • During the mass children carried symbolic objects including pieces of wood, representing the rural forest communities who were deported, and bread and water, symbolising food rations in the camps.
      • I wince when I spot a bill on the doormat, I'm on tenterhooks when the car is in for a service (as it was last week - it's bread and water for us for the next couple of months) and fear the worst when I get a receipt from the cash point.
      • The Vatican asked Catholics to either abstain from all food from sunrise to sunset, as devout Muslims do, take just bread and water, or eat the minimum required for their health.
      • They had no bed, breakfast was bread and water and dinner was a bowl of rice with chicken carcass or turkey neck.
      • Any OAPs without a private pension must be living on bread and water.
      • In the age of budget cuts, does the warden ever call down and tell him to forget the steak dinners, it's going to be bread and water for awhile?
      • It will be a tough bread and water diet supplemented by soul searching and large slices of humble pie topped by healthy sprinklings of modesty.
      • So I ended up with bread and water for the first two days.
      • It's a step up from bread and water, but it is ridiculous that this is what he's expected to live on.
      • ‘It's just regular food, not bread and water,’ she confirmed.
      • It would almost certainly be possible to generate public enthusiasm for public executions and feeding prisoners on bread and water.
  • bread and wine

    • The consecrated elements used in the celebration of the Eucharist; the sacrament of the Eucharist.

      he rejected the idea of any physical presence of Christ in the bread and wine
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Conversely, the Christian sacrifice of bread and wine in the Eucharist is a rejection of the shedding of blood in animal sacrifice.
      • His bodily gestures at the altar in presiding at the Eucharist, especially in consecrating the bread and wine, were important.
      • What makes us holy, common though we may be, is exactly what makes the elements of bread and wine holy.
      • We know him: in our prayer, in the bread and wine of the sacrament, in every gracious word, in smiles of generous welcome and in every moment of joy or beauty that leaves us more whole and human.
      • Second, researchers could ask if Catholics believe that the consecrated bread and wine are symbols in which the body and blood of Christ are really present.
      • On the night before he died, Jesus transformed the Passover bread and wine into his own body and blood and told us to eat and drink.
      • Worshipers share bread and wine in the Eucharist as a sign of their unity with each other and with Jesus.
      • I feel a need to rub elbows with fellow Christians, kneel at a communion rail, taste the bread and wine.
      • It means: the true and total change of bread and wine into Christ's body and blood.
      • And what we have is some bread and wine - consecrated by the Word and prayer to be to us the body and blood of our Lord.
      • The non-divine, but human-made Eucharistic elements of bread and wine can affect only the material body.
      • They could conduct baptisms, weddings and funerals, but certain priestly functions were still forbidden, including consecrating the communion bread and wine.
      • We need to live our lives formed by the radical sharing of bread and wine in the Eucharist.
      • We understand now that when we bless the bread and wine, they are transformed into Jesus' own body and blood.
      • The Catholic church bars non-Catholics from sharing the Eucharist because of differences over the interpretation of how Jesus is present in the elements of bread and wine.
      • They rejected the sacrament of baptism and denied the presence of Christ in the Eucharist - the Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine.
      • In faith and trust, we need to receive into our very bodies and souls the true presence of Jesus in and through the elements of bread and wine.
      • It may sound precious, but I wonder if a first step is to begin making, literally making, the bread and wine of communion.
      • I mean, of course, the fourfold action of taking, blessing, breaking, and giving the elements of bread and wine.
      • Jesus gathered with his apostles, teaching that bread and wine would become the Eucharist.
  • the bread of life

    • A source of spiritual nourishment.

      the Scriptures are the bread of life to the believer
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He is the Holy One of God, he is the bread of life that came down from heaven.
      • In the sixth chapter of the gospel Jesus says, ‘I am the bread of life.’
      • It is to this place that those whom Jesus raises from the dead will go as well as those who have eaten the bread of life which comes down from heaven.
      • In New Testament language, he wants to partake of the bread of life and drink the living water.
      • It is the bread of life, and you don't have to bake it.
      • He is sealed and appointed by God the Father, to give the bread of life to them that hunger, and to give the water of life to them that thirst.
      • Around the same time as Peter's bold profession, Jesus told a crowd of people that he was no less than the bread of life and that those who ate of him would live forever.
      • To people who are without God and without hope in the world, it is not the bread of life but only a ‘handful of pebbles’.
      • What sense does it make to bring someone to new birth if they are not to be fed on the bread of life?
      • My attitude toward the men and women I was gathering in the congregation was silently shaped by how I was planning to use them to succeed, with little thought to feeding their souls with the bread of life.
      • The name Bethlehem means ‘House of Bread’ an appropriate name for the one who came to feed us with the bread of life.
      • Distributing the bread of life by preaching Christ to sinners is a greater work than feeding five thousand with loaves and fishes.
      • Christ comes to each of us, not to be a snack but to be the full meal for our lives, as He is the bread of life.
      • What does it mean to say that Jesus is ‘the living bread of life?’
      • Christ feedeth and fast nourisheth his church with his own precious body, that is, the bread of life coming down from heaven.
      • He noted with disgust that he had been given ‘stone instead of the bread of life.’
      • This is the bread of life, this unimportant failure to be perfect.
      • Singing is the milk and honey, but sermons, the gospel, is your bread, the bread of life.
  • one's daily bread

    • The money or food that one needs in order to live.

      she earned her daily bread by working long hours
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is considered honourable to earn one's daily bread through honest work and not by begging or dishonest means.
      • So the electric water heater has started earning its daily bread once more.
      • The boys in their attempt to earn their daily bread clean tables and collect used plates and tumblers, with the disappointment writ large on their faces on finding children of the same age group enjoying delicious dishes.
      • What prompted this woman - earning her daily bread through selling live chickens and running a dry cleaning agency - to embark on such a mission?
      • Sometimes they would ride their carriage into the village, and there they would see poor people working hard to earn their daily bread.
      • I would suggest that where something so desperately close to our very lives is concerned, our daily bread, we should not lightly ignore the question of who owns it lock, stock and barrel.
      • Over 90 per cent of the people lived in the country and earned their daily bread and ale from the resources of the land.
      • To the extent that it undermines the stable provision of daily bread, it is actively dangerous to the safety and stability of the world, including to ourselves.
      • People here are preoccupied with money and resigned to the pressure to compete for their daily bread.
      • Earl is more than capable of earning his daily bread at any time as a journalist of some regard at home and elsewhere around the region.
      • Above all, there is need for a paradigm shift from jobless to job-led growth in order to ensure that every poor person is enabled to earn his or her daily bread.
      • He has to brave everything to earn his daily bread.
      • But for the integrity and the respect of the innocent billions, earning their daily bread under the confines of economic stagnation, that deserve a shelter of peace.
      • He earns his daily bread using his skills as an illustrator, while music just helps him ‘animate his sketches’.
      • Unlike the animals in the zoo, who lead a sedate life, animals in the Shanghai Circus have to earn their daily bread through hard training and good performances.
      • Many preachers are not supported full time, and must earn their daily bread in other work.
      • For the working class family, it may help their daily bread.
      • They have lived quite turbulent lives and devoted themselves to earning their daily bread.
      • Will we always live in the shadows, more worried about the daily bread and less about the lasting values that we have always searched for?
      • Which is why we not merely anticipate fresh disasters, of war or peace, but, contrary to all moral PC, firmly count on them for helping us continue to earn our daily bread.
      livelihood, income, source of income, means of support, means, subsistence, keep, maintenance, sustenance, nourishment, daily bread, upkeep
  • know which side one's bread is buttered (on)

    • informal Know where one's advantage lies.

      middle-class people who know which side their bread is buttered
      Example sentencesExamples
      • They know which side their bread is buttered on and vote accordingly.
      • Sylvester Stallone, knowing which side his bread is buttered, isn't just stopping at resurrecting Rocky in the movies.
      • Holland is a sober-suited confidant who knows which side his bread is buttered on.
      • Yep, I'm a lucky man, and I know which side my bread is buttered.
      • Robin Richards on the other hand knows which side his bread is buttered and gave much cause for indigestion with his saccharine acceptance of the job.
      • There are various ways of sidestepping such rules, but one of the best ones is only to brief an expert with a well-developed reputation of knowing which side his bread is buttered on.
      • After all, the quiet genius with a wicked wit knows which side his bread is buttered on.
      • They know which side their bread is buttered on and until that changes, they won't budge.
      • Gotta let 'em know which side their bread is buttered on.
  • take the bread out of (or from) people's mouths

    • Deprive people of their livings by competition or unfair working practices.

      he declared it would be better to get fair wages than see the bread taken out of our mouths
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Public funds rest upon taxation: they take the bread out of people's mouths, willing or no.
  • want one's bread buttered on both sides

    • informal Want more than is practicable or than is reasonable to expect.

      the play wants its bread buttered on both sides
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Corporate females on the other hand want their bread buttered on both sides
      • Universities that want their bread buttered on both sides when it comes to affirmative action would do better to apply more fiber than fat in their reasoning.
      • He is not willing to make any sacrifice but wants his bread buttered on both sides.
      • She wants her bread buttered on both sides - she does not want to be committed to one person
      • The forum is full of people who seem to want their bread buttered on both sides - who seem to say one thing and do another.
  • break bread

    • 1Celebrate the Eucharist.

      as we gathered to break bread, a sense of thanksgiving ran through us
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I didn't earn the right to preach, to break bread at the table of Christ, to walk beside people while they pass through the rough places.
      • It's a lot easier to imagine him eating a working lunch in a corporate boardroom than breaking bread at a prayer breakfast with a bunch of Christian Dominionists.
      • Jesus broke bread and said it would represent his body.
      • He gave them a new commandment: break bread together in his memory, and love each other.
      • I am thinking especially of the oil painting in the Louvre where a tired and almost anaemic God is recognised by the two disciples with whom he breaks bread in the inn at Emmaus.
      • Rather than ceasing to baptize or break bread, Lewis suggests an attitude of repentance because of the lack of unity among Christians.
      • Later, however, precise details would be given: namely, that this confession would take place when the community gathered on each Lord's day to break bread and celebrate the Eucharist.
      • Then we broke bread and fed each other from God's table.
      • Accepting the freedom of this way and sharing it in life together for the sake of the whole world, we find that our random acts of nutrition have been transformed into the Christian practice of breaking bread.
      • The Christian practice of breaking bread acknowledges the table - at home, at work, at school, at church - as a place not only for food but also for speech.
      1. 1.1dated Share a meal with someone.
        Donald's staying to break bread with us
        Example sentencesExamples
        • Local residents can fire questions and voice concerns and break bread with them as they pass.
        • I'm out of town the rest of today for a loan closing and to break bread with an old friend or two.
        • I was able to break bread with him just last week.
        • I hope you are in not so much of a rush that you cannot stay and break bread with us.
        • Those who had the privilege to know him and break bread with him never felt bored or lonely.
        have dinner, have supper
  • one cannot live by bread alone

    • People have spiritual as well as physical needs.

      we cannot live by bread alone, but it helps
      Example sentencesExamples
      • While bread has been referred to as the ‘staff of life,’ it is also true that you cannot live by bread alone.
      • Advocates of Taiwan independence, particularly those residing comfortably in the United States, like to point out that one cannot live by bread alone, but must have the personal freedom of choice.
      • However, as the Bible intones, one cannot live by bread alone.
      • As they say, you cannot live by bread alone, so be sure to take care of the liquid side of your diet as well.
      • And since you cannot live by bread alone, you must feed on the bread of life by faith, clinging always to the things of the Ruach Hakodesh, that is, the Moshiach's life-giving words.
      • All we say is that you cannot live by bread alone, which means you cannot live by material standards.
      • Biblically, one cannot live by bread alone, but Lent has seen me living almost entirely on Starbucks’ avocado and sun dried tomato sandwiches, with banana and toffee muffins for dessert!


Old English brēad, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch brood and German Brot.

  • In Old English bread was not the standard term for the familiar food. That was loaf, which has since become restricted to a lump of bread. Bread was such an important part of the diet in the past that it came to stand for food in general. That is why the old translation of the Lord's Prayer says ‘Give us this day our daily bread’. It also lies behind the word breadwinner (early 19th century) for the person whose income feeds the family and to be on the breadline (early 20th century). The sense ‘money’, suggested by the similar use of dough (Old English), was originally 1930s underworld slang in the USA. People have been writing bread and butter letters as a thank you for hospitality since the beginning of the 20th century, initially in the USA, but have known which side their bread is buttered since at least the mid 16th.


abed, ahead, bed, behead, Birkenhead, bled, bred, coed, cred, crossbred, dead, dread, Ed, embed, Enzed, fed, fled, Fred, gainsaid, head, infrared, ked, lead, led, Med, misled, misread, Ned, outspread, premed, pure-bred, read, red, redd, said, samoyed, shed, shred, sked, sled, sped, Spithead, spread, stead, ted, thread, tread, underbred, underfed, wed

Definition of bread in US English:


  • 1Food made of flour, water, and yeast or another leavening agent, mixed together and baked.

    a loaf of bread
    as modifier a bread roll
    Italian breads
    Example sentencesExamples
    • On the kitchen counter sat a freshly baked loaf of bread and a large chocolate cheesecake.
    • The Secretary-General is supposed to bake bread without flour, much less yeast.
    • Other ways of using the fruit include drying slices and grinding them into flour for bread.
    • I was making a stew which would hopefully last a few days and I'd also baked a loaf of bread earlier.
    • Baking a loaf of bread will change the way you think about food.
    • Unfortified whole wheat bread and bread baked from cake flour will still be available.
    • They passed by a bakery, and the pair caught a delicious whiff of freshly baked bread loaves laid out outside on a desk.
    • In preparation, the women have baked 500 loaves of bread to share with their visitors.
    • Elijah looked around, and by his head was a jar of water and some baked bread.
    • One of the nicest gifts I ever received was a splendid loaf of bread the student had baked.
    • Sooner rather than later, you really must bake a loaf of bread.
    • As food he would take with him specially baked small loaves of bread.
    • The smells were of fresh mint and coriander, of bread baking in a wood oven.
    • While we waited, hot freshly baked bread rolls were brought to the table along with a very large pepper mill.
    • The same scheme will be applied to yoghurts, margarine, bread yeast, ice creams and vermouths.
    • Substitute whole-grain flour for half or all of the white flour when baking bread.
    • The refining process also denudes the flour on which this bread is based of much of its fibre and nutrients.
    • I've baked countless loaves of bread as a baker and saved the world from hunger.
    • I can assure you she gave them no chance to eat wheat bread from her flour barrel.
    • They are as important to the quality of his bread as the flour, salt, and oil he uses.
    1. 1.1 The bread or wafer used in the Eucharist.
      altar bread
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Now this was according to God's will, so that the church might be provided with pure altar bread made by the hands of a chaste and innocent youth.
      • This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
      • The symbolic bread was broken and given to the disciples with instruction to eat it.
      • In his place was a priest with power to turn wine into blood and wafers of bread into flesh.
      • The bread is representative of Christ's body, and the wine is his blood.
      • Trial by blessed bread was a test for priests, for it was assumed guilty clergy would choke on hallowed food.
      • Thirdly, the breaking of bread reminds us that the church lives under the shadow of the cross.
      • My flesh, Jesus said, is the bread of life given for the world, bread willing to be broken.
      • Altars in the homes are decorated with bread, candy, fruit, and flowers.
      • There also is no mention of the familiar words of blessing over the bread and cup.
      • When you receive communion, Jesus is present to you in the bread and in the wine.
      • In its first room were the lamp-stand, the table and the consecrated bread; this was called the Holy Place.
      • History offers numerous examples of pious Roman Catholic women who claim to exist on the wine and bread of the Holy Sacrament alone.
      • The bread was to represent Jesus' body, which, according to Rees, was broken for everyone.
      • After all, the consecrated bread had become body, and a body already contains blood.
      • The other kind of bread makes us strong in our love for God, other people, and ourselves.
      • Then we are ready for Jesus to reveal himself to us in the breaking of the bread during Communion.
      • When he sat down at the table to eat, he took some bread and said a blessing; then he broke it and gave it to them.
      • I invite you to come now and to eat the living bread and drink the new wine of Christ and His Gospel.
      • The church is necessary, because we cannot break the bread and drink the wine alone.
    2. 1.2 The food that one needs in order to live.
      his day job puts bread on the table
      Example sentencesExamples
      • His dad's job is putting bread on the table.
      • Let it be enough for you to have bread and live virtuously and poorly like Christ, as I do here.
      • Of course we must end poverty, and give men and women enough bread to live on.
  • 2informal Money.

    I hate doing this, but I need the bread
    Example sentencesExamples
    • She's going to be tired and irritable, and bound to bring up the subject of who earns the bread.
    • It makes sense to use your head and spread the bread.
    • I don't have the bread to buy a new bike.
    • The uncreative tell the creative what to do because they want the bread.
    cash, hard cash, ready money
[with object]
  • Coat (food) in breadcrumbs before cooking.

    bread the chicken and fry it in oil
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Bread meat, chicken and fish rather than broiling or roasting them.
    • Once all fish are breaded, cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator for 15 minutes.
    • I went about breading and frying slices of extra-firm tofu as the aroma of fried chicken filled the kitchen.
    • Continue breading each food item, keeping them separate on the plate or baking sheet.
    • Rather than relying on fried onions from the can, I breaded the onions in panko (Japanese breadcrumbs).
    • However, fresh fish can be breaded and pan-fried with a crispy cornmeal coating in less than 10 minutes.
    • So although I have no problem breading veal, or diving into the intricacies of pasta making, seafood remains a bit of a mystery to me.
    • Amaranth flour is good for breading fish or chicken.
    • I used ground beef, cubed mozarella instead of cheese string, and I breaded the meatballs.
    • Use a separate breading station for vegetables and meats or just make sure you bread the vegetables first.


  • the best (or greatest) thing since sliced bread

    • informal Used to emphasize one's enthusiasm about a new idea, person, or thing.

      they think that she is the greatest thing since sliced bread
      Example sentencesExamples
      • While some analysts think it's the next best thing since sliced bread, it has the feeling of WAP redux.
      • That's not to say there isn't a market there, rather that we haven't been convinced it's quite the next best thing since sliced bread.
      • Just because almost everyone thinks the group is the next best thing since sliced bread doesn't mean that it won't fall apart.
      • Some people are a little confused by this latest trend, wondering what all the fuss is about and why it's becoming the next best thing since sliced bread.
      • She finally locates the Assistant Wine Whatever-His-Title-Is, and he of the broad-smile-on-a-wide-face recommends the wine as if it were the next best thing since sliced bread.
      utmost, optimum, last word, very limit, height, epitome, peak, pinnacle, acme, apex, apogee, zenith, culmination, perfection, nonpareil, extreme, extremity
  • bread and circuses

    • A diet of entertainment or political policies on which the masses are fed to keep them happy and docile.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Outside its locked doors, amid atmospheric squalor, the huddling masses distract themselves with bread and circuses, while one man agitates for revolution.
      • And maybe near-by, someone will hear something a little less shrill than the sound of 100,000,000 people clamoring for more bread and circuses.
      • All the rest is a soap opera dreamed up by politicians and their lickspittles in the London media, just as mad Roman emperors gave their citizens bread and circuses to keep them from revolting.
      • My suspicion is that it all went wrong after ordinary citizens tired of bread and circuses and moved on to musicals.
      • And this kind of mass entertainment destroyed the morality of the Roman people, who no longer worked for a living; they lived on bread and circuses, on entertainment and the dole.
      • The modern version of globalization, by contrast, is run more along Roman lines, in which the provinces are milked to pay for the bread and circuses of the imperial heartland.
      • Office-holders spend much of their time supplying bread and circuses.
      • A couple of millennia ago, Roman satirist Juvenal said that there were only two things that a citizen anxiously wished for - bread and circuses.
      • Then we would dump it in favor of bread and circuses.
      • It's said that the mainstream media is increasingly dominated by corporate interests, political spin, and bread and circuses postmodern pap.
      • All the citizen sheep require is a shepherd to provide bread and circuses and to whisper electronic promises of security into their ears at night.
      • It also feeds nationalist hunger among the populace, making them proud of the achievements of their country even while they realize that they live under an authoritarian and corrupt government - bread and circuses for the masses.
      • Besides bread and circuses, (invented to distract everyone from toppling tyrants in the ‘good old days’), something had to be done to let frisky folks vent a little.
      • We're surrounded by show, just as the Roman Empire turned to bread and circuses to hide other things that were taking place.
      • And in the time-honoured political tradition of ensuring the plebeians are provided with both bread and circuses, there is a mysterious allocation for a ‘national indoor sports facility’, location unknown.
      • It would seem that little has changed since the first-century Roman satirist Juvenal famously wrote that all that the modern citizen craved was bread and circuses.
      • To use his own analogy, at present the people enjoy both bread and circuses.
      • I am reminded of Juvenal's weary dictum about bread and circuses, which in rough translation said the Roman citizen thought of little else but feeding his face and watching sport.
      • Call me economically irrational, call me sentimental, call me a sucker for bread and circuses, but I must admit I got a buzz over seeing the first train arrive in Darwin at the weekend.
      • To suggest that Roman numerals are not appropriate to enumerate the Super Bowl is to fail to understand the significance of bread and circuses in ancient Rome and their connection to the legendary circuses during Super Bowl week.
  • bread and water

    • A frugal diet that is eaten in poverty, chosen in abstinence, or given as a punishment.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • During the mass children carried symbolic objects including pieces of wood, representing the rural forest communities who were deported, and bread and water, symbolising food rations in the camps.
      • Any OAPs without a private pension must be living on bread and water.
      • What these people need is a diet of bread and water.
      • ‘It's just regular food, not bread and water,’ she confirmed.
      • The Vatican asked Catholics to either abstain from all food from sunrise to sunset, as devout Muslims do, take just bread and water, or eat the minimum required for their health.
      • The 32 measures included sleep and sensory deprivation, the use of military dogs to terrify prisoners, temperature extremes and diets of bread and water.
      • The cardinals soon chose Gregory X who, three years later, introduced new rules for the election of Popes, including one that said cardinals had to meet in seclusion on a gradually reduced diet until they were living on bread and water.
      • How would you like your bread and water, Mr. Galileo?
      • It will be a tough bread and water diet supplemented by soul searching and large slices of humble pie topped by healthy sprinklings of modesty.
      • In the age of budget cuts, does the warden ever call down and tell him to forget the steak dinners, it's going to be bread and water for awhile?
      • ‘Oh yeah, it's great - finally I can eat more than bread and water,’ he joked.
      • After an hour of watching kids lick ice creams in front of us - while we survived bread and water - we were released, having raised around $16,000 to help the Red Cross continue its vital community work.
      • It's a step up from bread and water, but it is ridiculous that this is what he's expected to live on.
      • It would almost certainly be possible to generate public enthusiasm for public executions and feeding prisoners on bread and water.
      • So I ended up with bread and water for the first two days.
      • Affluent Russians are paying hundreds of pounds to enlist at an army boot camp where they are forced to complete gruelling runs through muddy fields, and where they are fed on porridge, bread and water and are bullied by officers.
      • This included locking them up for a week on a diet of bread and water.
      • They had no bed, breakfast was bread and water and dinner was a bowl of rice with chicken carcass or turkey neck.
      • As Hollywood learned long before many of us were born, when you dish up bread and water because it's quick and easy, a starved population will eat.
      • I wince when I spot a bill on the doormat, I'm on tenterhooks when the car is in for a service (as it was last week - it's bread and water for us for the next couple of months) and fear the worst when I get a receipt from the cash point.
  • bread and wine

    • The consecrated elements used in the celebration of the Eucharist; the sacrament of the Eucharist.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • His bodily gestures at the altar in presiding at the Eucharist, especially in consecrating the bread and wine, were important.
      • They rejected the sacrament of baptism and denied the presence of Christ in the Eucharist - the Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine.
      • We know him: in our prayer, in the bread and wine of the sacrament, in every gracious word, in smiles of generous welcome and in every moment of joy or beauty that leaves us more whole and human.
      • The Catholic church bars non-Catholics from sharing the Eucharist because of differences over the interpretation of how Jesus is present in the elements of bread and wine.
      • Conversely, the Christian sacrifice of bread and wine in the Eucharist is a rejection of the shedding of blood in animal sacrifice.
      • We need to live our lives formed by the radical sharing of bread and wine in the Eucharist.
      • Worshipers share bread and wine in the Eucharist as a sign of their unity with each other and with Jesus.
      • The non-divine, but human-made Eucharistic elements of bread and wine can affect only the material body.
      • And what we have is some bread and wine - consecrated by the Word and prayer to be to us the body and blood of our Lord.
      • What makes us holy, common though we may be, is exactly what makes the elements of bread and wine holy.
      • I feel a need to rub elbows with fellow Christians, kneel at a communion rail, taste the bread and wine.
      • They could conduct baptisms, weddings and funerals, but certain priestly functions were still forbidden, including consecrating the communion bread and wine.
      • In faith and trust, we need to receive into our very bodies and souls the true presence of Jesus in and through the elements of bread and wine.
      • We understand now that when we bless the bread and wine, they are transformed into Jesus' own body and blood.
      • It means: the true and total change of bread and wine into Christ's body and blood.
      • It may sound precious, but I wonder if a first step is to begin making, literally making, the bread and wine of communion.
      • Second, researchers could ask if Catholics believe that the consecrated bread and wine are symbols in which the body and blood of Christ are really present.
      • Jesus gathered with his apostles, teaching that bread and wine would become the Eucharist.
      • On the night before he died, Jesus transformed the Passover bread and wine into his own body and blood and told us to eat and drink.
      • I mean, of course, the fourfold action of taking, blessing, breaking, and giving the elements of bread and wine.
  • the bread of life

    • Something regarded as a source of spiritual nourishment.

      the Scriptures are the bread of life to the believer
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is to this place that those whom Jesus raises from the dead will go as well as those who have eaten the bread of life which comes down from heaven.
      • To people who are without God and without hope in the world, it is not the bread of life but only a ‘handful of pebbles’.
      • In New Testament language, he wants to partake of the bread of life and drink the living water.
      • What does it mean to say that Jesus is ‘the living bread of life?’
      • He is sealed and appointed by God the Father, to give the bread of life to them that hunger, and to give the water of life to them that thirst.
      • The name Bethlehem means ‘House of Bread’ an appropriate name for the one who came to feed us with the bread of life.
      • Singing is the milk and honey, but sermons, the gospel, is your bread, the bread of life.
      • He is the Holy One of God, he is the bread of life that came down from heaven.
      • Distributing the bread of life by preaching Christ to sinners is a greater work than feeding five thousand with loaves and fishes.
      • It is the bread of life, and you don't have to bake it.
      • Around the same time as Peter's bold profession, Jesus told a crowd of people that he was no less than the bread of life and that those who ate of him would live forever.
      • Christ feedeth and fast nourisheth his church with his own precious body, that is, the bread of life coming down from heaven.
      • Christ comes to each of us, not to be a snack but to be the full meal for our lives, as He is the bread of life.
      • He noted with disgust that he had been given ‘stone instead of the bread of life.’
      • This is the bread of life, this unimportant failure to be perfect.
      • In the sixth chapter of the gospel Jesus says, ‘I am the bread of life.’
      • What sense does it make to bring someone to new birth if they are not to be fed on the bread of life?
      • My attitude toward the men and women I was gathering in the congregation was silently shaped by how I was planning to use them to succeed, with little thought to feeding their souls with the bread of life.
  • break bread

    • 1Celebrate the Eucharist.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Rather than ceasing to baptize or break bread, Lewis suggests an attitude of repentance because of the lack of unity among Christians.
      • Accepting the freedom of this way and sharing it in life together for the sake of the whole world, we find that our random acts of nutrition have been transformed into the Christian practice of breaking bread.
      • The Christian practice of breaking bread acknowledges the table - at home, at work, at school, at church - as a place not only for food but also for speech.
      • Then we broke bread and fed each other from God's table.
      • Later, however, precise details would be given: namely, that this confession would take place when the community gathered on each Lord's day to break bread and celebrate the Eucharist.
      • I didn't earn the right to preach, to break bread at the table of Christ, to walk beside people while they pass through the rough places.
      • I am thinking especially of the oil painting in the Louvre where a tired and almost anaemic God is recognised by the two disciples with whom he breaks bread in the inn at Emmaus.
      • He gave them a new commandment: break bread together in his memory, and love each other.
      • It's a lot easier to imagine him eating a working lunch in a corporate boardroom than breaking bread at a prayer breakfast with a bunch of Christian Dominionists.
      • Jesus broke bread and said it would represent his body.
      1. 1.1dated Share a meal with someone.
        Example sentencesExamples
        • I'm out of town the rest of today for a loan closing and to break bread with an old friend or two.
        • Local residents can fire questions and voice concerns and break bread with them as they pass.
        • Those who had the privilege to know him and break bread with him never felt bored or lonely.
        • I was able to break bread with him just last week.
        • I hope you are in not so much of a rush that you cannot stay and break bread with us.
        have dinner, have supper
  • one cannot live by bread alone

    • People have spiritual as well as physical needs.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Advocates of Taiwan independence, particularly those residing comfortably in the United States, like to point out that one cannot live by bread alone, but must have the personal freedom of choice.
      • While bread has been referred to as the ‘staff of life,’ it is also true that you cannot live by bread alone.
      • As they say, you cannot live by bread alone, so be sure to take care of the liquid side of your diet as well.
      • All we say is that you cannot live by bread alone, which means you cannot live by material standards.
      • Biblically, one cannot live by bread alone, but Lent has seen me living almost entirely on Starbucks’ avocado and sun dried tomato sandwiches, with banana and toffee muffins for dessert!
      • And since you cannot live by bread alone, you must feed on the bread of life by faith, clinging always to the things of the Ruach Hakodesh, that is, the Moshiach's life-giving words.
      • However, as the Bible intones, one cannot live by bread alone.
  • cast one's bread upon the waters

    • Do good without expecting gratitude or reward.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • But she cast her bread upon the waters by giving everyone she met her time and her kindness.
      • Often the best I can do personally is to cast my bread upon the waters and hope that it will feed somebody.
      • Once we have cast our bread upon the waters, the most we can do is wait.
      • If you don't cast your bread upon the waters, it can't come back to you when you need it most.
      • In my opinion Andy has cast his bread upon the waters, and according to the Good Book, it should come back to him seven-fold one of these days.
      • We will cast our bread upon the waters and cheer the Chargers all the way.
      • The apostle had cast his bread upon the waters of Ilissus and Cephisus to find it after many days.
      • Cast your bread upon the waters, but do it confidently, not hesitatingly, remembering that you cast your bread upon the waters of baptism.
      • We are to cast our bread upon the waters, which may seem fruitless.
      • He sowed living seed, and he expected to reap a harvest from it; he cast his bread upon the waters, and he means to search and watch till he finds it again.
      • To be on the safe side, we know on what side our bread is buttered, and we cast our bread upon the waters to ensure a fair share for all.
      • The Bible tells us to cast our bread upon the waters and it will return to us.
      • In short, in true biblical fashion, the homily to which we are being treated is that we should cast our bread upon the waters in the hope - after not too many days - of hauling in a high-tech bakery!
      • He cast his bread upon the waters, and deservedly it was returned to him in the love and affection of his family and friends.
      • And we cast our bread upon the waters and fed the birds - ducks, swans, and fat pigeons on the banks.
      • When we minister to the saints, when we cast our bread upon the waters, when we honor Him and His word, God will certainly bless us.
      • That is why it has always been my greatest desire to get these poems out and to cast my bread upon the waters so to speak.
      • Once you've cast your bread upon the waters, don't wait around for the responses to come back.
      • When we cast our bread upon the waters, we can presume the someone downstream whose face we may never see will benefit from our action, even as we enjoy the gifts sent to us from a donor upstream.
      • Anyway, the Bible enjoins us to cast our bread upon the waters, and in this case I got the wet bread back thirty years later.
  • know which side one's bread is buttered (on)

    • informal Know where one's advantage lies.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Robin Richards on the other hand knows which side his bread is buttered and gave much cause for indigestion with his saccharine acceptance of the job.
      • Yep, I'm a lucky man, and I know which side my bread is buttered.
      • Holland is a sober-suited confidant who knows which side his bread is buttered on.
      • Sylvester Stallone, knowing which side his bread is buttered, isn't just stopping at resurrecting Rocky in the movies.
      • There are various ways of sidestepping such rules, but one of the best ones is only to brief an expert with a well-developed reputation of knowing which side his bread is buttered on.
      • They know which side their bread is buttered on and until that changes, they won't budge.
      • Gotta let 'em know which side their bread is buttered on.
      • After all, the quiet genius with a wicked wit knows which side his bread is buttered on.
      • They know which side their bread is buttered on and vote accordingly.
  • take the bread out of (or from) people's mouths

    • Deprive people of their livings by competition or unfair working practices.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Public funds rest upon taxation: they take the bread out of people's mouths, willing or no.
  • want one's bread buttered on both sides

    • informal Want more than is practicable or than is reasonable to expect.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Corporate females on the other hand want their bread buttered on both sides
      • Universities that want their bread buttered on both sides when it comes to affirmative action would do better to apply more fiber than fat in their reasoning.
      • She wants her bread buttered on both sides - she does not want to be committed to one person
      • He is not willing to make any sacrifice but wants his bread buttered on both sides.
      • The forum is full of people who seem to want their bread buttered on both sides - who seem to say one thing and do another.
  • daily bread

    • The money or food that one needs in order to live.

      she earned her daily bread by working long hours
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But for the integrity and the respect of the innocent billions, earning their daily bread under the confines of economic stagnation, that deserve a shelter of peace.
      • Unlike the animals in the zoo, who lead a sedate life, animals in the Shanghai Circus have to earn their daily bread through hard training and good performances.
      • Earl is more than capable of earning his daily bread at any time as a journalist of some regard at home and elsewhere around the region.
      • Many preachers are not supported full time, and must earn their daily bread in other work.
      • To the extent that it undermines the stable provision of daily bread, it is actively dangerous to the safety and stability of the world, including to ourselves.
      • Which is why we not merely anticipate fresh disasters, of war or peace, but, contrary to all moral PC, firmly count on them for helping us continue to earn our daily bread.
      • The boys in their attempt to earn their daily bread clean tables and collect used plates and tumblers, with the disappointment writ large on their faces on finding children of the same age group enjoying delicious dishes.
      • What prompted this woman - earning her daily bread through selling live chickens and running a dry cleaning agency - to embark on such a mission?
      • People here are preoccupied with money and resigned to the pressure to compete for their daily bread.
      • Sometimes they would ride their carriage into the village, and there they would see poor people working hard to earn their daily bread.
      • Above all, there is need for a paradigm shift from jobless to job-led growth in order to ensure that every poor person is enabled to earn his or her daily bread.
      • It is considered honourable to earn one's daily bread through honest work and not by begging or dishonest means.
      • They have lived quite turbulent lives and devoted themselves to earning their daily bread.
      • He has to brave everything to earn his daily bread.
      • Over 90 per cent of the people lived in the country and earned their daily bread and ale from the resources of the land.
      • For the working class family, it may help their daily bread.
      • Will we always live in the shadows, more worried about the daily bread and less about the lasting values that we have always searched for?
      • He earns his daily bread using his skills as an illustrator, while music just helps him ‘animate his sketches’.
      • I would suggest that where something so desperately close to our very lives is concerned, our daily bread, we should not lightly ignore the question of who owns it lock, stock and barrel.
      • So the electric water heater has started earning its daily bread once more.
      livelihood, income, source of income, means of support, means, subsistence, keep, maintenance, sustenance, nourishment, daily bread, upkeep


Old English brēad, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch brood and German Brot.





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