A padded glove for handling dishes in or from a hot oven.
Example sentencesExamples
That was why Jenny and Danny had been using oven gloves.
It was an afternoon spent hearing about the speed with which oven gloves are selling locally at the moment, in a kitchen filled with beautifully-made decorations.
I know it's not as simple as buying co-ordinating oven gloves, towels and apron, but it's a good place to start.
Like many other jobs I dare say it's easy once you know how but as someone who has the manual dexterity of a frog wearing oven gloves I was quite impressed.
Safia appeared at the doorway clutching three plates of blackened fish in a pair of huge flowery oven gloves.
Wrap your hand in an oven glove then hold the oyster, flat side uppermost.
In the end, the only way Mum could hope to get any peace was to buy me a pair of oven gloves and begin to train me up on the safe use of the cooker.
With a suitably thick cloth or oven glove, transfer each dish or shell to a plate that you have lined with a napkin.
For the scrubbing, he will use what looks like an oven glove but is far scratchier.
Remember to have oven gloves or mittens nearby to avoid burning hands on hot skewers or griddle plates.
For something a little different in the kitchen, sew a pocket onto the palm of each of your oven gloves and fill them with rosemary.
Poppy, my most excellent beagle, had done nothing except pull the oven gloves down from the worktop.
Remove the large pancake from the oven using a pair of oven gloves.