Definition of interseptal in English:
adjective ɪntəˈsɛpt(ə)lˌin(t)ərˈseptl
Anatomy Zoology Situated between septa or partitions.
Example sentencesExamples
- Thin sclerenchyme covers some tabularial surfaces, especially those in the siphonofossula and peripheral interseptal depressions.
- In early stages, Eurekaphyllum is distinguished from Papiliophyllum by its calicinal expansions, tabulae which are not domed eccentrically in the counter quadrants, and by its commonly open cardinal interseptal loculi.
- Adult tabularial surfaces very gently convex, or slightly depressed periaxially, downturned in interseptal loculi and deeply depressed in cardinal siphonofossula.
- Septal margins show conspicuous zones of irregular dissolution around interseptal spaces, but the zones do not occur where septa grew together.
- Flanks of septa near interseptal spaces have higher, but more irregular, concentrations of Mg.