

单词 resolution

Definition of resolution in English:


noun rɛzəˈluːʃ(ə)nˌrɛzəˈluʃ(ə)n
  • 1A firm decision to do or not to do something.

    she kept her resolution not to see Anne any more
    a New Year's resolution
    Example sentencesExamples
    • But, after a bit of thought I realized that making resolutions is much easier if you do it for other people.
    • As this is the time of the year for resolutions perhaps a decision to attend the Parents Association meetings would be a good start to 2002.
    • The local people, he said, were more firm in their resolution to end violence and bloodshed.
    • He stared at me curiously, though behind that curiosity was a firm resolution I had no idea of.
    • The resolution of this decision faded slightly when I saw her, and even more so when I finally stepped into the laundrette and bathed in her smile.
    • Today those resolutions, though, still stand.
    • However, here are suggestions for resolutions for loved ones in my life.
    • When I was duly discharged I made a firm resolution to surrender my subscriptions, which were bleeding my budget with their ridiculously high rates and false promises.
    • From then on, his reading, prayer and entire formation were concentrated on his firm resolution.
    • The prosecution must conduct a fair, thorough probe of the scandal under any circumstances with a firm resolution to root out the corrupt ties between politics and business once and for all.
    • Well, did you keep your new year's resolution or resolutions?
    • It's also time to make some firm resolutions, ones that you intend, for once, to keep.
    • Meanwhile, if you have made an unusual New Year's resolution - or have a suggestion of a resolution for someone else - get in touch.
    • There are a few words, but the plot - a series of episodes, mini - dramas, decisions and resolutions - isn't dependent on them.
    • It's probably the spirit of New Year resolutions doing the rounds, but there seems to be a lot of talk about how many books one can read as against the number of books one wants to read.
    • Some of you may remember my New Year's resolutions and noticed that quite a few of them had something to do with weight loss.
    • The desire to live in Shanghai firmed her resolution to win the competition for a place with the airline.
    • I was told that this - my life right now - was prime time for resolutions, that the decisions I made now would determine every possible outcome of my future.
    • Once the festivities of Christmas and New Year are over, many of us will be turning our thoughts to making resolutions for the year ahead.
    • I grant, of course, that the firmest resolution can change, but when it changes quickly one is entitled to wonder whether it was a firm resolution.
    intention, resolve, decision, intent, aim, aspiration, design, purpose, object, plan
    commitment, pledge, promise, undertaking
    1. 1.1 A formal expression of opinion or intention agreed on by a legislative body or other formal meeting, typically after taking a vote.
      the conference passed two resolutions
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The campaign says it wants members to vote against a resolution expressing confidence in the managing director.
      • To pass, the resolution will need nine votes without a veto from any of the permanent members of the Security Council.
      • When the board next meets on January 4, members will vote on a formal resolution to ban smoking in public.
      • The resolution passed on a vote of 61 to 14 with 13 abstentions.
      • The meeting overwhelmingly passed a resolution threatening further industrial action if management persisted.
      • The meeting passed a resolution which supported direct action against the war.
      • The Council has also increasingly made use of opinions and resolutions as a way of pressuring the Commission into generating legislative proposals.
      • Last night, the Senate passed, by voice vote, a resolution issuing a formal apology for failing to pass federal anti-lynching laws.
      • Unlike ordinary resolutions which are decided after taking account the proxy vote and show of hands at the meeting, all 7 resolutions were voted on by a poll.
      • During the meeting six different resolutions were moved and passed.
      • Activists need to call members' meetings where they pass resolutions calling for escalation of the action.
      • Shareholders will vote on the resolutions at annual meetings this spring.
      • There was a dispute at the meeting so the resolution was never passed.
      • Yesterday the legislature passed a resolution demanding that the Cabinet resume building the plant.
      • They need six more votes to pass the resolution.
      • Here the community used to have general meetings and approve resolutions.
      • The secretary has pointed out repeatedly that all it takes is nine votes to pass a resolution, and he is sure that he has them.
      • At what was described as a general meeting the 1880 purchase was approved, and a special meeting passed a resolution declaring the trusts.
      • The meeting passed a resolution authorising the party to enter into coalition arrangements with other parties.
      • The resolution passed by unanimous vote in the subcommittee.
      motion, proposal, proposition, plan
      ruling, verdict, judgement, finding, adjudication, decision, declaration, decree
      North American resolve
      Law determination
  • 2mass noun The quality of being determined or resolute.

    he handled the last British actions of the war with resolution
    Example sentencesExamples
    • After the collapse of the market the Federal Reserve System acted with resolution to absorb the shock.
    • We will not initiate war, but if war is imposed on us, we will defend ourselves with the utmost resolution and determination.
    • The Civil Commissioners acted with resolution, but they were dogged by the problem of the ultimate legitimacy of their acts.
    • The victory will depend on courage, resolution, and a determination to defend what we value - leaders are right to remind us of this.
    • A crucial art of the political leader in a crisis is to mask his own fear with a calming projection to the public of certainty and resolution.
    • She acted with resolution and looked very cool. This made me realized again that women could be very strong on such occasion.
    • Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of his virtues.
    • In general the frontier of Virginia was ravaged less than that of Pennsylvania, because the government of the former acted with resolution and dispatch in raising 1000 militia for defence.
    • However, on the day, they showed such determination and resolution that nothing could stand between them and victory.
    • The world is a better place for the removal of his influence, of that I'm certain, but I feel it's a time for grim determination and resolution rather than cheering.
    determination, purpose, purposefulness, resolve, resoluteness, single-mindedness, strength of will, strength of character, will power, firmness, firmness of purpose, fixity of purpose, intentness, decision, decidedness
    steadfastness, staunchness, manfulness, perseverance, persistence, indefatigability, tenacity, tenaciousness, staying power, strong-mindedness, backbone, dedication, commitment, constancy, the bulldog spirit, pertinacity, pertinaciousness
    stubbornness, doggedness, obstinacy, obdurateness, obduracy, inflexibility
    spiritedness, braveness, bravery, boldness, courage, pluck, courageousness, pluckiness, stout-heartedness
    German Sitzfleisch
    informal guts, spunk, grit, stickability
    North American informal stick-to-it-iveness
    archaic intension
    rare perseveration
  • 3mass noun The action of solving a problem or contentious matter.

    the peaceful resolution of all disputes
    count noun a successful resolution to the problem
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Next time these parties meet to hash out national agreements, several contentious issues will need resolution.
    • In recent years, I've been very involved in conflict resolution to solve community problems, which is currently how I earn a living.
    • It also settles for the peaceful resolution of conflicts anywhere in the world.
    • In such instances, there is an emphasis on the peaceful resolution of the dispute between the parties with reference, as necessary, to the Commission.
    • Mediation and peaceful resolution of international disputes are again topical.
    • The educator that violently hits his students in order to get them to conform or behave to his liking can surely not lay any claim to teaching of peaceful dispute resolution.
    • But what we want to see is not the use of force but the peaceful resolution of this matter, and that's in the hands of the Miami relatives.
    • I assure you the family will be pleased that there's been resolution in the matter.
    • We believe the key principles of cohesion are collective action, mutual understanding and the peaceful resolution of disputes.
    • Thus, no matter what may have been previously decided in hearings or by the couple themselves, the divorce court can impart its own resolution on the matter.
    • It was a despicable crime and we are determined to do all that we can over the next few days to bring this to an early successful resolution.
    • As president, he saw himself basically as decision maker in chief, the person to whom his aides brought major matters for final resolution.
    • For most perpetual conflicts in marriages, what matters is not conflict resolution, but the attitudes that surround discussion of the conflict.
    • I was never completely clear on what it was they expected the government to do, and I don't think there was any real resolution to the matter, which dragged on for quite a while before any new music was released.
    • Both of these seem to me matters which need resolution, and may not be capable of satisfactory control by conditions.
    • The merits of international law and the peaceful resolution of disputes through courts were advanced by that process.
    • In large part it has achieved its objectives, especially in promoting a cost-efficient, peaceful resolution of disputes.
    • It is common these days to see workers resort to strike action at the slightest hint of disagreement during collective bargaining or resolution of any industrial matter.
    • The UN has never pretended to have a monopoly on the peaceful resolution of disputes.
    • You said, ‘Democracy… teaches cooperation, the free exchange of ideas, peaceful resolution of differences.’
    solution to, answer to, end to, explanation to
    resolving, settlement, settling, solving, sorting out, working out, rectification, unravelling, disentanglement, clarification, conclusion, ending
    informal cracking
    1. 3.1Music The passing of a discord into a concord during the course of changing harmony.
      tension is released by the resolution from the dominant to the tonic chord
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Classical music codas produce the anticipation of resolution.
      • Traditionally, a musical climax is reached through the emotionally loaded swell of dynamics or harmonic resolution.
      • The return of the minor mode of the first aria at the conclusion provides dramatic resolution to the work where the poet's deceived heart is inflected with irony.
      • The intricacy of the music and the audacity of the joint improvisations take the explorations close to the edge, with changes of tempo and harmonies miraculously reaching resolution.
      • Mindlessly memorizing from the beginning of a phrase or section without analytical awareness of the cadence yields a lack of harmonic direction and resolution.
    2. 3.2Medicine The disappearance of a symptom or condition.
      complete remission was defined as resolution of clinical evidence of disease
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy resulted in complete resolution of the lesion and a long-term remission of more than 5 years.
      • Treatment includes analgesics and physical therapy, with resolution of symptoms usually occurring in three to four months.
      • An indeterminate outcome was defined as resolution of signs and symptoms of infection with a need for continued antimicrobial suppression.
      • He had been treated for irritable bowel syndrome without resolution of symptoms.
      • Improvement was defined as partial or complete resolution of clinical or subclinical symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy.
  • 4Chemistry
    mass noun The process of reducing or separating something into constituent parts or components.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Each resolution process was examined and classified into one of four types.
    • This improved separation efficiency gives sharper peaks that give better resolution, or faster separations, compared with conventional HPLC separations.
    • However, as these QTL appear to be tightly linked in coupling phase, the combined intercrosses do not provide sufficient resolution to separate the effects.
    • The acetylcholine binding site at atomic resolution has five aromatic amino acids.
    1. 4.1Physics The replacing of a single force or other vector quantity by two or more jointly equivalent to it.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The resolution of fluorescence emission spectra into Gaussian components is shown in Figs.3-6.
      • Bunsen discussed his work on this problem with Kirchhoff, who pointed the way to a method based on the prismatic resolution of the colors of flames into their separate parts.
      • An optimum radius of the curvature ensuring the best spectral resolution was determined for a nonsymmetric diffractor scheme.
  • 5The smallest interval measurable by a telescope or other scientific instrument; the resolving power.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • The effect is due to the limitation of the instrumental resolution regarding the measurement of hydration water large-scale motions.
    • The new altitude would multiply the resolution of the measurements that Cassini's instruments could make at Enceladus by a factor of nearly 6.
    • The resolution of the height measurement is mainly limited by the z-axis noise, which is normally a few tenths of a nanometer under standard imaging conditions.
    • So for many applications researchers turn to diffraction, which requires a crystal, but can achieve resolutions of a few angstroms or better.
    • To measure this region, both the instrument resolution and photon statistics need to be improved.
    1. 5.1mass noun The degree of detail visible in a photographic or television image.
      a high-resolution monitor
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Depending on your screen resolution, this image is about a third the size of the real thing, which is 700 mm long by 400 mm wide.
      • The best resolution for high definition television, which is also used by the best professional digital video cameras, is 1920x1080.
      • Also the image of the ship was getting a more clear resolution and more detail could be seen.
      • Although not all areas are highly detailed, some images are very high resolution, and some show sensitive locations in various countries.
      • One frequent stumbling block for beginners is image resolution.
      • In addition, the reflective surfaces of the prism are coated with special films to enhance both image contrast and resolution.
      • The virions on the cell surfaces were imaged at high resolution and considerable detail of the arrangement of protein assemblies on their surfaces was evident.
      • Most current studies have relied on imaging methods, which require good contrast for image resolution.
      • Most digital photography requirements will focus on one major element: image resolution.
      • Image resolution is far from being the only dimension of comparison or even the most important one.
      • But because a television display resolution is also low, it ought to play many PC games with at least acceptable performance.
      • In this image, the foreground appears slightly blurred, whereas the rocks further away appear reasonably sharp, considering image resolution.
      • A front projection system with LCD projector delivers HDTV resolution for high definition images.
      • The typical goal for optics is to use lenses that produce the sharpest clarity and largest usable image, thus providing the best image resolution.
      • The more pixels, the higher the image resolution and thus the better the photograph.
      • It's also important to point out that there is a definite need for high resolution (highly detailed) graphics and graphic images.
      • This is about where our own tests ended up, depending on the particular screen resolution and other configuration settings we used.
      • It offers all manner of options in terms of settings, degrees of resolution, and in-camera viewing of images.
      • Scanning at the maximum optical resolution captures as much detail as possible without making your file too large.
      • Even using the smallest screen resolution and the lowest graphics detail I had problems, and I don't understand why.
      clarity, clearness, visibility, precision, sharpness, crispness, acuteness, distinctness
  • 6mass noun The conversion of something abstract into another form.

    the gradual resolution of an uncertain feeling into a named emotion
    1. 6.1Prosody The substitution of two short syllables for one long one.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This is called resolution since the pair of syllables are resolved or treated as if they were a single heavy syllable.
      • The resolution of a long (or presumed long), syllable into two shorts is a common feature of verse composition.


Late Middle English: from Latin resolutio(n-), from resolvere 'loosen, release' (see resolve).


Definition of resolution in US English:


  • 1A firm decision to do or not to do something.

    she kept her resolution not to see Anne any more
    a New Year's resolution
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It's also time to make some firm resolutions, ones that you intend, for once, to keep.
    • When I was duly discharged I made a firm resolution to surrender my subscriptions, which were bleeding my budget with their ridiculously high rates and false promises.
    • But, after a bit of thought I realized that making resolutions is much easier if you do it for other people.
    • However, here are suggestions for resolutions for loved ones in my life.
    • Well, did you keep your new year's resolution or resolutions?
    • Today those resolutions, though, still stand.
    • The desire to live in Shanghai firmed her resolution to win the competition for a place with the airline.
    • Meanwhile, if you have made an unusual New Year's resolution - or have a suggestion of a resolution for someone else - get in touch.
    • He stared at me curiously, though behind that curiosity was a firm resolution I had no idea of.
    • I grant, of course, that the firmest resolution can change, but when it changes quickly one is entitled to wonder whether it was a firm resolution.
    • I was told that this - my life right now - was prime time for resolutions, that the decisions I made now would determine every possible outcome of my future.
    • The resolution of this decision faded slightly when I saw her, and even more so when I finally stepped into the laundrette and bathed in her smile.
    • Some of you may remember my New Year's resolutions and noticed that quite a few of them had something to do with weight loss.
    • As this is the time of the year for resolutions perhaps a decision to attend the Parents Association meetings would be a good start to 2002.
    • It's probably the spirit of New Year resolutions doing the rounds, but there seems to be a lot of talk about how many books one can read as against the number of books one wants to read.
    • There are a few words, but the plot - a series of episodes, mini - dramas, decisions and resolutions - isn't dependent on them.
    • The prosecution must conduct a fair, thorough probe of the scandal under any circumstances with a firm resolution to root out the corrupt ties between politics and business once and for all.
    • Once the festivities of Christmas and New Year are over, many of us will be turning our thoughts to making resolutions for the year ahead.
    • The local people, he said, were more firm in their resolution to end violence and bloodshed.
    • From then on, his reading, prayer and entire formation were concentrated on his firm resolution.
    intention, resolve, decision, intent, aim, aspiration, design, purpose, object, plan
    1. 1.1 A formal expression of opinion or intention agreed on by a legislative body, committee, or other formal meeting, typically after taking a vote.
      the conference passed two resolutions
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Yesterday the legislature passed a resolution demanding that the Cabinet resume building the plant.
      • During the meeting six different resolutions were moved and passed.
      • Here the community used to have general meetings and approve resolutions.
      • The meeting passed a resolution authorising the party to enter into coalition arrangements with other parties.
      • The meeting passed a resolution which supported direct action against the war.
      • The resolution passed by unanimous vote in the subcommittee.
      • The resolution passed on a vote of 61 to 14 with 13 abstentions.
      • The campaign says it wants members to vote against a resolution expressing confidence in the managing director.
      • There was a dispute at the meeting so the resolution was never passed.
      • They need six more votes to pass the resolution.
      • The Council has also increasingly made use of opinions and resolutions as a way of pressuring the Commission into generating legislative proposals.
      • Last night, the Senate passed, by voice vote, a resolution issuing a formal apology for failing to pass federal anti-lynching laws.
      • Activists need to call members' meetings where they pass resolutions calling for escalation of the action.
      • The meeting overwhelmingly passed a resolution threatening further industrial action if management persisted.
      • At what was described as a general meeting the 1880 purchase was approved, and a special meeting passed a resolution declaring the trusts.
      • When the board next meets on January 4, members will vote on a formal resolution to ban smoking in public.
      • To pass, the resolution will need nine votes without a veto from any of the permanent members of the Security Council.
      • Shareholders will vote on the resolutions at annual meetings this spring.
      • Unlike ordinary resolutions which are decided after taking account the proxy vote and show of hands at the meeting, all 7 resolutions were voted on by a poll.
      • The secretary has pointed out repeatedly that all it takes is nine votes to pass a resolution, and he is sure that he has them.
      motion, proposal, proposition, plan
  • 2The quality of being determined or resolute.

    he handled the last French actions of the war with resolution
    Example sentencesExamples
    • She acted with resolution and looked very cool. This made me realized again that women could be very strong on such occasion.
    • However, on the day, they showed such determination and resolution that nothing could stand between them and victory.
    • The world is a better place for the removal of his influence, of that I'm certain, but I feel it's a time for grim determination and resolution rather than cheering.
    • A crucial art of the political leader in a crisis is to mask his own fear with a calming projection to the public of certainty and resolution.
    • After the collapse of the market the Federal Reserve System acted with resolution to absorb the shock.
    • We will not initiate war, but if war is imposed on us, we will defend ourselves with the utmost resolution and determination.
    • The victory will depend on courage, resolution, and a determination to defend what we value - leaders are right to remind us of this.
    • Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of his virtues.
    • The Civil Commissioners acted with resolution, but they were dogged by the problem of the ultimate legitimacy of their acts.
    • In general the frontier of Virginia was ravaged less than that of Pennsylvania, because the government of the former acted with resolution and dispatch in raising 1000 militia for defence.
    determination, purpose, purposefulness, resolve, resoluteness, single-mindedness, strength of will, strength of character, will power, firmness, firmness of purpose, fixity of purpose, intentness, decision, decidedness
  • 3The action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.

    the peaceful resolution of all disputes
    a successful resolution to the problem
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It was a despicable crime and we are determined to do all that we can over the next few days to bring this to an early successful resolution.
    • Thus, no matter what may have been previously decided in hearings or by the couple themselves, the divorce court can impart its own resolution on the matter.
    • But what we want to see is not the use of force but the peaceful resolution of this matter, and that's in the hands of the Miami relatives.
    • In large part it has achieved its objectives, especially in promoting a cost-efficient, peaceful resolution of disputes.
    • As president, he saw himself basically as decision maker in chief, the person to whom his aides brought major matters for final resolution.
    • For most perpetual conflicts in marriages, what matters is not conflict resolution, but the attitudes that surround discussion of the conflict.
    • In such instances, there is an emphasis on the peaceful resolution of the dispute between the parties with reference, as necessary, to the Commission.
    • Both of these seem to me matters which need resolution, and may not be capable of satisfactory control by conditions.
    • It is common these days to see workers resort to strike action at the slightest hint of disagreement during collective bargaining or resolution of any industrial matter.
    • I assure you the family will be pleased that there's been resolution in the matter.
    • The merits of international law and the peaceful resolution of disputes through courts were advanced by that process.
    • We believe the key principles of cohesion are collective action, mutual understanding and the peaceful resolution of disputes.
    • In recent years, I've been very involved in conflict resolution to solve community problems, which is currently how I earn a living.
    • It also settles for the peaceful resolution of conflicts anywhere in the world.
    • The educator that violently hits his students in order to get them to conform or behave to his liking can surely not lay any claim to teaching of peaceful dispute resolution.
    • The UN has never pretended to have a monopoly on the peaceful resolution of disputes.
    • You said, ‘Democracy… teaches cooperation, the free exchange of ideas, peaceful resolution of differences.’
    • Next time these parties meet to hash out national agreements, several contentious issues will need resolution.
    • Mediation and peaceful resolution of international disputes are again topical.
    • I was never completely clear on what it was they expected the government to do, and I don't think there was any real resolution to the matter, which dragged on for quite a while before any new music was released.
    solution to, answer to, end to, explanation to
    1. 3.1Music The passing of a discord into a concord during the course of changing harmony.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Mindlessly memorizing from the beginning of a phrase or section without analytical awareness of the cadence yields a lack of harmonic direction and resolution.
      • Classical music codas produce the anticipation of resolution.
      • The return of the minor mode of the first aria at the conclusion provides dramatic resolution to the work where the poet's deceived heart is inflected with irony.
      • The intricacy of the music and the audacity of the joint improvisations take the explorations close to the edge, with changes of tempo and harmonies miraculously reaching resolution.
      • Traditionally, a musical climax is reached through the emotionally loaded swell of dynamics or harmonic resolution.
    2. 3.2Medicine The disappearance of inflammation, or of any other symptom or condition.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Treatment includes analgesics and physical therapy, with resolution of symptoms usually occurring in three to four months.
      • He had been treated for irritable bowel syndrome without resolution of symptoms.
      • Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy resulted in complete resolution of the lesion and a long-term remission of more than 5 years.
      • An indeterminate outcome was defined as resolution of signs and symptoms of infection with a need for continued antimicrobial suppression.
      • Improvement was defined as partial or complete resolution of clinical or subclinical symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy.
  • 4Chemistry
    The process of reducing or separating something into its components.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • This improved separation efficiency gives sharper peaks that give better resolution, or faster separations, compared with conventional HPLC separations.
    • Each resolution process was examined and classified into one of four types.
    • The acetylcholine binding site at atomic resolution has five aromatic amino acids.
    • However, as these QTL appear to be tightly linked in coupling phase, the combined intercrosses do not provide sufficient resolution to separate the effects.
    1. 4.1Physics The replacing of a single force or other vector quantity by two or more jointly equivalent to it.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Bunsen discussed his work on this problem with Kirchhoff, who pointed the way to a method based on the prismatic resolution of the colors of flames into their separate parts.
      • The resolution of fluorescence emission spectra into Gaussian components is shown in Figs.3-6.
      • An optimum radius of the curvature ensuring the best spectral resolution was determined for a nonsymmetric diffractor scheme.
  • 5The smallest interval measurable by a scientific (especially optical) instrument; the resolving power.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • The resolution of the height measurement is mainly limited by the z-axis noise, which is normally a few tenths of a nanometer under standard imaging conditions.
    • The effect is due to the limitation of the instrumental resolution regarding the measurement of hydration water large-scale motions.
    • To measure this region, both the instrument resolution and photon statistics need to be improved.
    • The new altitude would multiply the resolution of the measurements that Cassini's instruments could make at Enceladus by a factor of nearly 6.
    • So for many applications researchers turn to diffraction, which requires a crystal, but can achieve resolutions of a few angstroms or better.
    1. 5.1 The degree of detail visible in a photographic or television image.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In addition, the reflective surfaces of the prism are coated with special films to enhance both image contrast and resolution.
      • The more pixels, the higher the image resolution and thus the better the photograph.
      • In this image, the foreground appears slightly blurred, whereas the rocks further away appear reasonably sharp, considering image resolution.
      • Most digital photography requirements will focus on one major element: image resolution.
      • Depending on your screen resolution, this image is about a third the size of the real thing, which is 700 mm long by 400 mm wide.
      • The virions on the cell surfaces were imaged at high resolution and considerable detail of the arrangement of protein assemblies on their surfaces was evident.
      • This is about where our own tests ended up, depending on the particular screen resolution and other configuration settings we used.
      • Although not all areas are highly detailed, some images are very high resolution, and some show sensitive locations in various countries.
      • Even using the smallest screen resolution and the lowest graphics detail I had problems, and I don't understand why.
      • It's also important to point out that there is a definite need for high resolution (highly detailed) graphics and graphic images.
      • The typical goal for optics is to use lenses that produce the sharpest clarity and largest usable image, thus providing the best image resolution.
      • Scanning at the maximum optical resolution captures as much detail as possible without making your file too large.
      • But because a television display resolution is also low, it ought to play many PC games with at least acceptable performance.
      • The best resolution for high definition television, which is also used by the best professional digital video cameras, is 1920x1080.
      • A front projection system with LCD projector delivers HDTV resolution for high definition images.
      • One frequent stumbling block for beginners is image resolution.
      • Also the image of the ship was getting a more clear resolution and more detail could be seen.
      • Image resolution is far from being the only dimension of comparison or even the most important one.
      • It offers all manner of options in terms of settings, degrees of resolution, and in-camera viewing of images.
      • Most current studies have relied on imaging methods, which require good contrast for image resolution.
      clarity, clearness, visibility, precision, sharpness, crispness, acuteness, distinctness
  • 6The conversion of something abstract into another form.

    the gradual resolution of an uncertain feeling into a named emotion
    1. 6.1Prosody The substitution of two short syllables for one long one.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This is called resolution since the pair of syllables are resolved or treated as if they were a single heavy syllable.
      • The resolution of a long (or presumed long), syllable into two shorts is a common feature of verse composition.


Late Middle English: from Latin resolutio(n-), from resolvere ‘loosen, release’ (see resolve).





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