Definition of Africanized in English:
(British Africanised)
adjective ˈafrɪk(ə)nʌɪzdˈæfrəkəˌnaɪzd
1Made African in character.
an Africanized form of Cajun music
2Denoting an aggressive strain of honeybee, originally produced by crossing honeybees of European stock with bees of African stock.
Africanized bees do not store adequate food supplies for the harsh months
Definition of Africanized in US English:
(British Africanised)
1Made African in character.
an Africanized form of Cajun music
2Denoting an aggressive strain of honeybee, originally produced by crossing honeybees of European stock with bees of African stock.
Africanized bees do not store adequate food supplies for the harsh months