Definition of inequivalve in English:
adjective ɪnˈiːkwɪvalvinˈēkwəˌvalv
Zoology (of a bivalve shell) having valves of different sizes.
Example sentencesExamples
- Some forms have unequally-sized valves, and are called inequivalve. Chama and the unrelated Cleidothaerus are strongly inequivalve.
- The shell is strongly inequivalve, the ventral valve being convex and the dorsal one only slightly arched, except for the fold, resulting in an almost opercular aspect.
- Reticulochlamys zinsmeisteri is easily distinguished from R. borjasensis n. sp., mainly because R. borjasensis has strongly inequivalve shells, with prominent plicae sculptured with scaly riblets.
- The shell is slightly prosocline, very weakly inflated, and strongly inequivalve, with concave left valve and weakly convex right one.
- Most scallops have slightly inequivalve shells.