

单词 masculine

Definition of masculine in English:


adjective ˈmaskjʊlɪnˈmæskjələn
  • 1Having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men.

    he is outstandingly handsome and robust, very masculine
    Example sentencesExamples
    • For Poe, the masculine qualities are necessary for good criticism and, indeed, for good patriotism.
    • These are very attractive and masculine qualities.
    • You have a lot of, if you don't mind me saying this, masculine qualities.
    • To that extent they become momentary warriors, taking on in the act some culturally masculine qualities.
    • The truth of the matter is that these are masculine qualities as well.
    • In this group, the female pelvis is very masculine in appearance and so forensic anthropology achieves a very low level of correct identification.
    • Metal frames are sturdier, giving you a more masculine appearance.
    • This 16th century bastioned city is unique in the feminine quality among the masculine citadels of Rajasthan.
    • Sure, my hair may have been tucked under my hat but even so, my features weren't completely masculine!
    • Media reporting of the judgments was deeply depressing and suggested our newspapers, if not our divorce courts, are still driven by very masculine agendas.
    • This is in partial contrast to the previous emphasis on masculine qualities in the work force.
    • The outfit is complemented by a brightly coloured, alluringly masculine hat.
    • One study found that masculine traits were associated with a greater variety of assumed issue competencies.
    • The piece consisted of a strong masculine quality through the incorporation of proud gestures and demonstration of great physical skill.
    • For too long the subject area has had a predominantly, if not exclusively, masculine appearance.
    • Actually, part of her success is that she combines traditionally masculine and feminine qualities in one package.
    • We have seen on TV displays of miraculous masculine prowess.
    • He was still pale and his skin was still smooth and soft like that of a woman's, but his features all together gave out a masculine appearance.
    • Thus, it appears that masculine identity is both shaped and reinforced by physical activity and sport involvement.
    • A fine figure of a man, he radiates masculine self-assurance, a quality that interested the Queen greatly.
    virile, macho, manly, all-male, muscular, muscly, strong, strapping, well built, rugged, robust, brawny, powerful, red-blooded, vigorous
    informal hunky, ripped, shredded
    North American informal buff
    US informal jacked
    mannish, manlike, unfeminine, unwomanly, unladylike, Amazonian
    informal butch, dykey
    archaic viraginous, viragoish
    1. 1.1 Relating to men; male.
      a masculine voice
      Example sentencesExamples
      • However, I thought I caught a hint of relief in his masculine voice.
      • Just as they were about to sit a deep, masculine voice called out to Emily.
      • The harsh masculine voice rang out, accompanied by the sound of several pairs of feet on the stairs.
      • A deep masculine voice rang out clearly around the classroom, strong and confident.
      • This time she did get an answer, although the voice was firm and masculine.
      • Growing up in a feminine household, with just my mum and sister around, it's not hard to see why I should have been so drawn to the very masculine environment of a football crowd.
      • I heard a deep masculine voice that sounded vaguely familiar behind me.
      • A masculine voice encroached on her musings and Valerie looked up.
      • It was a deep masculine voice that made the little child shiver and sob harder.
      • A hesitant and very masculine voice echoed through the earpiece.
      • Her bosses at work, which she called ‘a very masculine environment,’ reacted favourably as well.
      • I sighed as that deep masculine voice pierced through my thoughts.
      • I spun around at the sound of a masculine voice and nearly jumped out of my skin.
      • My ears prickled at the sound of the masculine voice from behind me.
      • The voice too, was masculine, speaking into his mind clearer than ever before, strong and deep.
      • A masculine voice soon interrupted them, the kitchen door opening.
      • So the two women represent untenable solutions to being a woman in this violent, masculine environment.
      • The rhythm of a masculine voice flows well with altering images on the monitors.
      • She slowly opened her eyes when she heard a gentle masculine voice calling her name.
      • One of the most interesting things about Daniel is that his voice retains its masculine character no matter how high he sings.
      male, manly, manlike, of men, man's, men's, male-oriented
  • 2Grammar
    Of or denoting a gender of nouns and adjectives, conventionally regarded as male.

    masculine pronouns
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It's the nominative masculine plural definite article.
    • It is unfortunate that the gender of the noun, being masculine, is confused with the intent of the word, which is neutral.
    • Italian casa ‘house’ is a noun of feminine gender, giardino ‘garden’ is a noun of masculine gender.
    • Latin homo is a masculine noun that can mean a human being, a male person, or humanity in general.
    • Anthropos and homo are both of masculine gender, but refer to people of both sexes.
noun ˈmaskjʊlɪnˈmæskjələn
the masculine
  • 1The male sex or gender.

    the dance presents the world of the masculine, its raw energy
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In these works she deals with mythical beasts who are used as symbols of the masculine and feminine in a painterly and expressive manner.
    • It must be part of an inclusive approach to discussing a new history, which integrates the feminine with the masculine.
    • Custom and language associate the former characteristics with the feminine, the latter, with the masculine.
    • For the feminine to gain power, the implication is that the masculine must lose it-and then must compensate somehow.
    • The feminine is positioned on the side of the open, the masculine on the side of liquidation, closure and exclusion.
    • The result seems very much a mix of the two genders, with the emphasis on the masculine.
    • I don't think anyone has ever solved what is the deep feminine and the deep masculine.
    • But we believe the feminine is a little bit more important than the masculine.
    • To do this they must address the men in their lives in order to accept the masculine in themselves.
    • One of those forces has been the persistent desire to distance science from the feminine, and to identify it with the masculine.
    • Lines and circles, the masculine and the feminine, are cosmic principles whose roots are in our souls.
    • Feminine things and archetypes will be honored and praised, while the masculine will be thought of as weak and sinful.
    • Women have already made considerable progress in incorporating the masculine.
    • But a great many still have a little more trouble with the masculine.
    • It differentiates the masculine from the feminine, the child from the adult and the human from the animal.
    1. 1.1Grammar A masculine word or form.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It will be observed that the masculine of the adjective is declined exactly like a masculine noun of the second declension, the feminine exactly like a feminine noun of the first declension, and the neuter exactly like a neuter noun of the second declension.
      • What is the masculine of a doe?
      • In dictionaries, adjectives are always given in the masculine singular and this may not be the form in which you need the adjective and you may have to change it.
      • The Masculine of either the Adjective or the Participle is freely used in any Case and in any construction.


  • masculinely

  • adverb
    • But it is the similarity of Aretino's praise of Venus's masculinely feminine form to Dolce's admiring description of the femininely masculine Adonis that is especially striking.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Appropriately, our most masculinely decorated room is named in honor of the Captain himself.
      • Next came the denim jacket, my hands masculinely gripping the lapels, a debonair smile cocked across my face.
      • He's one of those masculinely pretty people that only come along every once in a while.
      • The men's designs were more modern in their scope; and Mr Tong showed some very masculinely sexy pieces here.


Late Middle English (in grammatical use): via Old French from Latin masculinus, from masculus 'male'.

  • macho from [1920s]:

    When Mexicans described a man as macho, it was usually to compliment him on his vigour and virility. But when English-speaking Americans adopted the word from Mexican Spanish in the 1920s it acquired overtones of ‘masculine in an overly assertive or aggressive way’. The Spanish word macho derives from Latin masculus ‘male’, the source of masculine (Middle English). Machismo, also from Mexican Spanish and based on macho, dates from the 1940s.


Definition of masculine in US English:


  • 1Having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men, especially strength and aggressiveness.

    he is outstandingly handsome and robust, very masculine
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Thus, it appears that masculine identity is both shaped and reinforced by physical activity and sport involvement.
    • Media reporting of the judgments was deeply depressing and suggested our newspapers, if not our divorce courts, are still driven by very masculine agendas.
    • A fine figure of a man, he radiates masculine self-assurance, a quality that interested the Queen greatly.
    • One study found that masculine traits were associated with a greater variety of assumed issue competencies.
    • These are very attractive and masculine qualities.
    • Actually, part of her success is that she combines traditionally masculine and feminine qualities in one package.
    • This is in partial contrast to the previous emphasis on masculine qualities in the work force.
    • The truth of the matter is that these are masculine qualities as well.
    • Sure, my hair may have been tucked under my hat but even so, my features weren't completely masculine!
    • For too long the subject area has had a predominantly, if not exclusively, masculine appearance.
    • You have a lot of, if you don't mind me saying this, masculine qualities.
    • In this group, the female pelvis is very masculine in appearance and so forensic anthropology achieves a very low level of correct identification.
    • Metal frames are sturdier, giving you a more masculine appearance.
    • The piece consisted of a strong masculine quality through the incorporation of proud gestures and demonstration of great physical skill.
    • To that extent they become momentary warriors, taking on in the act some culturally masculine qualities.
    • We have seen on TV displays of miraculous masculine prowess.
    • This 16th century bastioned city is unique in the feminine quality among the masculine citadels of Rajasthan.
    • He was still pale and his skin was still smooth and soft like that of a woman's, but his features all together gave out a masculine appearance.
    • For Poe, the masculine qualities are necessary for good criticism and, indeed, for good patriotism.
    • The outfit is complemented by a brightly coloured, alluringly masculine hat.
    virile, macho, manly, all-male, muscular, muscly, strong, strapping, well built, rugged, robust, brawny, powerful, red-blooded, vigorous
    mannish, manlike, unfeminine, unwomanly, unladylike, amazonian
    1. 1.1 Relating to men; male.
      a masculine voice
      Example sentencesExamples
      • My ears prickled at the sound of the masculine voice from behind me.
      • Growing up in a feminine household, with just my mum and sister around, it's not hard to see why I should have been so drawn to the very masculine environment of a football crowd.
      • One of the most interesting things about Daniel is that his voice retains its masculine character no matter how high he sings.
      • So the two women represent untenable solutions to being a woman in this violent, masculine environment.
      • She slowly opened her eyes when she heard a gentle masculine voice calling her name.
      • Just as they were about to sit a deep, masculine voice called out to Emily.
      • The harsh masculine voice rang out, accompanied by the sound of several pairs of feet on the stairs.
      • I heard a deep masculine voice that sounded vaguely familiar behind me.
      • A hesitant and very masculine voice echoed through the earpiece.
      • I sighed as that deep masculine voice pierced through my thoughts.
      • Her bosses at work, which she called ‘a very masculine environment,’ reacted favourably as well.
      • It was a deep masculine voice that made the little child shiver and sob harder.
      • A masculine voice soon interrupted them, the kitchen door opening.
      • The voice too, was masculine, speaking into his mind clearer than ever before, strong and deep.
      • However, I thought I caught a hint of relief in his masculine voice.
      • A deep masculine voice rang out clearly around the classroom, strong and confident.
      • This time she did get an answer, although the voice was firm and masculine.
      • The rhythm of a masculine voice flows well with altering images on the monitors.
      • A masculine voice encroached on her musings and Valerie looked up.
      • I spun around at the sound of a masculine voice and nearly jumped out of my skin.
      male, manly, manlike, of men, man's, men's, male-oriented
  • 2Grammar
    Of or denoting a gender of nouns and adjectives, conventionally regarded as male.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • It's the nominative masculine plural definite article.
    • Latin homo is a masculine noun that can mean a human being, a male person, or humanity in general.
    • Anthropos and homo are both of masculine gender, but refer to people of both sexes.
    • It is unfortunate that the gender of the noun, being masculine, is confused with the intent of the word, which is neutral.
    • Italian casa ‘house’ is a noun of feminine gender, giardino ‘garden’ is a noun of masculine gender.
the masculine
  • 1The male sex or gender.

    the masculine as the norm
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I don't think anyone has ever solved what is the deep feminine and the deep masculine.
    • It differentiates the masculine from the feminine, the child from the adult and the human from the animal.
    • Custom and language associate the former characteristics with the feminine, the latter, with the masculine.
    • Women have already made considerable progress in incorporating the masculine.
    • In these works she deals with mythical beasts who are used as symbols of the masculine and feminine in a painterly and expressive manner.
    • The feminine is positioned on the side of the open, the masculine on the side of liquidation, closure and exclusion.
    • It must be part of an inclusive approach to discussing a new history, which integrates the feminine with the masculine.
    • One of those forces has been the persistent desire to distance science from the feminine, and to identify it with the masculine.
    • But we believe the feminine is a little bit more important than the masculine.
    • Lines and circles, the masculine and the feminine, are cosmic principles whose roots are in our souls.
    • To do this they must address the men in their lives in order to accept the masculine in themselves.
    • For the feminine to gain power, the implication is that the masculine must lose it-and then must compensate somehow.
    • Feminine things and archetypes will be honored and praised, while the masculine will be thought of as weak and sinful.
    • But a great many still have a little more trouble with the masculine.
    • The result seems very much a mix of the two genders, with the emphasis on the masculine.
    1. 1.1Grammar A masculine word or form.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It will be observed that the masculine of the adjective is declined exactly like a masculine noun of the second declension, the feminine exactly like a feminine noun of the first declension, and the neuter exactly like a neuter noun of the second declension.
      • What is the masculine of a doe?
      • The Masculine of either the Adjective or the Participle is freely used in any Case and in any construction.
      • In dictionaries, adjectives are always given in the masculine singular and this may not be the form in which you need the adjective and you may have to change it.


Late Middle English (in grammatical use): via Old French from Latin masculinus, from masculus ‘male’.





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