

单词 offend

Definition of offend in English:


verb əˈfɛndəˈfɛnd
  • 1with object Cause to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful.

    17 per cent of viewers said they had been offended by bad language
    Example sentencesExamples
    • People are well within their rights to be offended by such publications.
    • She's upset and she's offended that anyone would try to profit from such photos.
    • If it was any other person, I would have been offended and annoyed that someone should try and exert such force over me.
    • I admit, I was really offended by that last remark.
    • Would that offend you or hurt you or upset you any more?
    • We too have strong convictions, we too can be offended, insulted and annoyed, and we have to say we're not going to put up with it.
    • She told me so, and she made it clear to me that my comments upset and offended her.
    • The piece spends so much time trying to offend nobody and entertain everybody it ends up being completely anodyne.
    • Aboriginal people are deeply offended by it and that's quite understandable.
    • She got really offended by the suggestion, " Colleen said.
    • With regard to the first, if in the course of a discussion an offence is offered, the person who has been offended is the injured party.
    • The teams involved said they ‘never set out to upset or offend anyone.’
    • I am sorry if I have upset or offended anyone that is reading this.
    • I appreciate that this is a very emotive and difficult subject to discuss openly, and I therefore apologise unreservedly if any part of my opinion has upset or offended you.
    • I tried to pretend I wasn't offended by his remark.
    • Warning: the following article contains scenes that may shock and offend some people.
    • However, as it did nothing to either entertain or offend me, I am dismissing this case with prejudice.
    • I feel rather offended by the suggestion, in fact.
    • The unknowing teacher might offend some students and upset others by using the wrong words, tone, or body language.
    • How, you may wonder, can I possibly offend so many people in a single column?
    hurt someone's feelings, give offence to, affront, upset, displease, distress, hurt, wound, pain, injure, be an affront to, get/put someone's back up, disgruntle, put out, annoy, anger, exasperate, irritate, vex, pique, gall, irk, provoke, rankle with, nettle, needle, peeve, tread on someone's toes, ruffle, ruffle someone's feathers, rub up the wrong way, make someone's hackles rise, insult, humiliate, embarrass, mortify, scandalize, shock, outrage, spite
    informal rile, miff, rattle, aggravate, put someone's nose out of joint, get up someone's nose, get under someone's skin, hack off, get someone's goat, get to, bug
    British informal nark, get on someone's wick
    North American informal tick off
    vulgar slang piss off
    1. 1.1 Be displeasing or cause problems to.
      the smell of ash offended him
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This provides a lock for those who must use it or simply prefer to use it without offending the sensibilities of those who do not.
      • Mr Webster cut the oats and other offending foods out of his diet - and his sneezing was reduced dramatically.
      • Top offending foods identified were, in alphabetical order, barley, beef, chicken, lamb, potato, rice, soya and wheat.
      • I must first off say that I am completely offended by your good looks.
      • He concluded that 52 per cent of sufferers had reported a significant reduction of their symptoms after changing their diet to remove offending foods from their diets.
      • If your sensibilities are easily offended, you have no business attempting to work in a creative collaborative situation.
      • But as much as such low-end food might offend my culinary sensibilities, I can drive right by.
      • Patients identify offending foods by common names such as lobster, as opposed to the species names.
      • A spokeswoman told the newspaper that offending sections of the site had been removed and apologised for any offence caused.
      • To them if a practice offends their subjective sensibilities it must be unconstitutional.
      • I am also offended at the waste of food in America, especially by young people.
      • First I deciphered the most offending foods in the dish.
      • The smell offended her nose a bit more then she would have liked.
      • They eat seafood and vegetables only; reportedly, the mere smell of pork offends their delicate senses.
      • Call me rigidly European, but it offends my sense of food order.
      • Methadone is not a magic bullet that removes all offending behaviour.
      • Food which offends taste will assuredly offend the stomach.
      • Food allergies are untreatable, and people with these allergies must avoid offending foods, which can be impossible.
      • The smell of burning flesh still offended his nostrils, but he ignored it.
      • We had not originally envisaged being concerned with offending behaviour per se nor with offenders.
      displease, be displeasing to, be distasteful to, be disagreeable to, be offensive to, cause offence to, upset, put off, disgust, repel, revolt, be repugnant to, repulse, turn someone's stomach, sicken, nauseate, make sick, make someone's gorge rise
      informal turn off
      North American informal gross out
  • 2no object Commit an illegal act.

    a small hard core of young criminals who offend again and again
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Well, your Honour, it would offend in two ways.
    • To avoid young people offending in the first place, there will be more drug education in schools and schemes to tackle truancy and the number of excluded youngsters.
    • Increasing the severity of sentences will deter criminals from offending.
    • He offended on bail so often that magistrates remanded him in custody on March 25.
    • Criminals try to avoid offending in places where they are likely to be noticed.
    • There have been cases which have been very successful and in the case of the young boy who stole the bike, he hasn't offended now for many, many years.
    • The Criminal Justice Intervention Programme aims to help more criminals who offend to feed their habit get clean.
    • I'm very confident that we are making a big difference these days into the lives of young people who are likely to commit crimes and to offend.
    • The court was told the defendant, who has nine previous convictions, offended on bail.
    • He does not appear to be a young man who is likely to offend again in this way in the future.
    • Aborigines sometimes killed straying convicts, but officialdom usually assumed they had offended in some way.
    • Bogus callers who target elderly victims may start their criminal careers as young as seven or eight and are often taught to offend by relatives or family friends, according to a Home Office study.
    • Are victims not entitled to every assurance that their abusers will not offend again?
    • The project has been introduced to help police solve crimes and deter criminals from further offending.
    • Who would be held responsible if this man offended again?
    • Treo is a project that works with young people who have offended.
    • The Prince's Trust has also been given money to fund a mentoring project to support young people from the borough who have offended or may be at risk of offending.
    • A judge gave the 29-year-old a two-year conditional discharge meaning he will escape punishment unless he offends again.
    • In many cases where young boys sexually offend there was a family history of emotional, sexual and physical abuse.
    • The multi-agency Youth Offending Team was set up just over a year ago in a bid to prevent young people offending and re-offending.
    break the law, commit a crime, do wrong, sin, go astray, fall from grace, err, transgress
    archaic trespass
    1. 2.1 Break a commonly accepted rule or principle.
      those activities which offend against public order and decency
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The code requires us not to broadcast material which offends against good taste or is offensive to public feeling.
      • Must he also offend against the rule of law by introducing a new form of detention without trial?
      • Disjunctive properties offend against the principle that a genuine property is identical in its different particulars.
      • Because, in my submission, it then offends against the principle that where the duties are pre-eminently spiritual certain presumptions arise.
      • This was wrong, not only because it offended against the principle of equality but because in practice many women did have dependents.
      • To maintain law and order, the judges have, and must have, power at once to deal with those who offend against it.
      • They are laws which offend against the principle of autonomy and they are laws which place both doctors and patients at risk.
      • The plaintiffs attacked this plea on the grounds that it offended against the repetition rule.
      • However, being politically disposed to one point of view on an issue did not necessarily offend against the rules of natural justice.
      • He said that the question the judge put to the jury was improper and offended against the principle of random selection of the jury.
      • There are occasions when closed courts can be justified, although they offend against the principle that justice must be seen to be done.
      • His submission in this context was that the scheme offended against elementary principles of public law.
      • An authentic choice is likely to offend against the rules established by them.
      • For one thing, it offends against the principle that deterrent punishment must be kept to the effective minimum.
      • These passages clearly offend against a number of the principles I have listed above.
      • The law was first amended in 1914 so that soldiers could leave Parliament and not offend against the absence rules.
      • If a state's laws offend against the Constitution, the Supreme Court can declare them unconstitutional.
      • Evidence so admitted does not offend against the general rule.
      • It is limited to cases where enforcement of the copyright would offend against the policy of the law.
      • The alleged crimes offend against the laws of all nations.


Late Middle English: from Old French offendre, from Latin offendere 'strike against'.


amend, append, apprehend, ascend, attend, befriend, bend, blend, blende, commend, comprehend, condescend, contend, defriend, depend, emend, end, expend, extend, fend, forfend, friend, impend, interdepend, lend, mend, misapprehend, misspend, on-trend, Oostende, Ostend, perpend, portend, rend, reprehend, scrag-end, send, spend, subtend, suspend, tail end, tend, transcend, trend, underspend, unfriend, upend, vend, weekend, wend

Definition of offend in US English:


  • 1with object Cause to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful.

    viewers said they had been offended by bad language
    Example sentencesExamples
    • People are well within their rights to be offended by such publications.
    • The piece spends so much time trying to offend nobody and entertain everybody it ends up being completely anodyne.
    • I admit, I was really offended by that last remark.
    • If it was any other person, I would have been offended and annoyed that someone should try and exert such force over me.
    • She's upset and she's offended that anyone would try to profit from such photos.
    • I appreciate that this is a very emotive and difficult subject to discuss openly, and I therefore apologise unreservedly if any part of my opinion has upset or offended you.
    • I am sorry if I have upset or offended anyone that is reading this.
    • How, you may wonder, can I possibly offend so many people in a single column?
    • However, as it did nothing to either entertain or offend me, I am dismissing this case with prejudice.
    • She told me so, and she made it clear to me that my comments upset and offended her.
    • The unknowing teacher might offend some students and upset others by using the wrong words, tone, or body language.
    • The teams involved said they ‘never set out to upset or offend anyone.’
    • Would that offend you or hurt you or upset you any more?
    • Warning: the following article contains scenes that may shock and offend some people.
    • I feel rather offended by the suggestion, in fact.
    • We too have strong convictions, we too can be offended, insulted and annoyed, and we have to say we're not going to put up with it.
    • I tried to pretend I wasn't offended by his remark.
    • She got really offended by the suggestion, " Colleen said.
    • Aboriginal people are deeply offended by it and that's quite understandable.
    • With regard to the first, if in the course of a discussion an offence is offered, the person who has been offended is the injured party.
    hurt someone's feelings, give offence to, affront, upset, displease, distress, hurt, wound, pain, injure, be an affront to, get someone's back up, put someone's back up, disgruntle, put out, annoy, anger, exasperate, irritate, vex, pique, gall, irk, provoke, rankle with, nettle, needle, peeve, tread on someone's toes, ruffle, ruffle someone's feathers, rub up the wrong way, make someone's hackles rise, insult, humiliate, embarrass, mortify, scandalize, shock, outrage, spite
    1. 1.1 Be displeasing to.
      he didn't smoke and the smell of ash offended him
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Top offending foods identified were, in alphabetical order, barley, beef, chicken, lamb, potato, rice, soya and wheat.
      • Methadone is not a magic bullet that removes all offending behaviour.
      • The smell offended her nose a bit more then she would have liked.
      • Food allergies are untreatable, and people with these allergies must avoid offending foods, which can be impossible.
      • I am also offended at the waste of food in America, especially by young people.
      • First I deciphered the most offending foods in the dish.
      • Call me rigidly European, but it offends my sense of food order.
      • To them if a practice offends their subjective sensibilities it must be unconstitutional.
      • Mr Webster cut the oats and other offending foods out of his diet - and his sneezing was reduced dramatically.
      • Patients identify offending foods by common names such as lobster, as opposed to the species names.
      • He concluded that 52 per cent of sufferers had reported a significant reduction of their symptoms after changing their diet to remove offending foods from their diets.
      • A spokeswoman told the newspaper that offending sections of the site had been removed and apologised for any offence caused.
      • The smell of burning flesh still offended his nostrils, but he ignored it.
      • Food which offends taste will assuredly offend the stomach.
      • We had not originally envisaged being concerned with offending behaviour per se nor with offenders.
      • This provides a lock for those who must use it or simply prefer to use it without offending the sensibilities of those who do not.
      • I must first off say that I am completely offended by your good looks.
      • But as much as such low-end food might offend my culinary sensibilities, I can drive right by.
      • If your sensibilities are easily offended, you have no business attempting to work in a creative collaborative situation.
      • They eat seafood and vegetables only; reportedly, the mere smell of pork offends their delicate senses.
      displease, be displeasing to, be distasteful to, be disagreeable to, be offensive to, cause offence to, upset, put off, disgust, repel, revolt, be repugnant to, repulse, turn someone's stomach, sicken, nauseate, make sick, make someone's gorge rise
  • 2no object Commit an illegal act.

    a small hard core of young criminals who offend again and again
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Criminals try to avoid offending in places where they are likely to be noticed.
    • Who would be held responsible if this man offended again?
    • Well, your Honour, it would offend in two ways.
    • He does not appear to be a young man who is likely to offend again in this way in the future.
    • The project has been introduced to help police solve crimes and deter criminals from further offending.
    • Increasing the severity of sentences will deter criminals from offending.
    • In many cases where young boys sexually offend there was a family history of emotional, sexual and physical abuse.
    • To avoid young people offending in the first place, there will be more drug education in schools and schemes to tackle truancy and the number of excluded youngsters.
    • I'm very confident that we are making a big difference these days into the lives of young people who are likely to commit crimes and to offend.
    • There have been cases which have been very successful and in the case of the young boy who stole the bike, he hasn't offended now for many, many years.
    • The Prince's Trust has also been given money to fund a mentoring project to support young people from the borough who have offended or may be at risk of offending.
    • Are victims not entitled to every assurance that their abusers will not offend again?
    • The multi-agency Youth Offending Team was set up just over a year ago in a bid to prevent young people offending and re-offending.
    • Bogus callers who target elderly victims may start their criminal careers as young as seven or eight and are often taught to offend by relatives or family friends, according to a Home Office study.
    • Treo is a project that works with young people who have offended.
    • The Criminal Justice Intervention Programme aims to help more criminals who offend to feed their habit get clean.
    • A judge gave the 29-year-old a two-year conditional discharge meaning he will escape punishment unless he offends again.
    • Aborigines sometimes killed straying convicts, but officialdom usually assumed they had offended in some way.
    • He offended on bail so often that magistrates remanded him in custody on March 25.
    • The court was told the defendant, who has nine previous convictions, offended on bail.
    break the law, commit a crime, do wrong, sin, go astray, fall from grace, err, transgress
    1. 2.1 Break a commonly accepted rule or principle.
      those activities which offend against public order and decency
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The plaintiffs attacked this plea on the grounds that it offended against the repetition rule.
      • These passages clearly offend against a number of the principles I have listed above.
      • To maintain law and order, the judges have, and must have, power at once to deal with those who offend against it.
      • For one thing, it offends against the principle that deterrent punishment must be kept to the effective minimum.
      • They are laws which offend against the principle of autonomy and they are laws which place both doctors and patients at risk.
      • It is limited to cases where enforcement of the copyright would offend against the policy of the law.
      • The code requires us not to broadcast material which offends against good taste or is offensive to public feeling.
      • Because, in my submission, it then offends against the principle that where the duties are pre-eminently spiritual certain presumptions arise.
      • However, being politically disposed to one point of view on an issue did not necessarily offend against the rules of natural justice.
      • His submission in this context was that the scheme offended against elementary principles of public law.
      • The law was first amended in 1914 so that soldiers could leave Parliament and not offend against the absence rules.
      • If a state's laws offend against the Constitution, the Supreme Court can declare them unconstitutional.
      • Disjunctive properties offend against the principle that a genuine property is identical in its different particulars.
      • Must he also offend against the rule of law by introducing a new form of detention without trial?
      • The alleged crimes offend against the laws of all nations.
      • This was wrong, not only because it offended against the principle of equality but because in practice many women did have dependents.
      • He said that the question the judge put to the jury was improper and offended against the principle of random selection of the jury.
      • Evidence so admitted does not offend against the general rule.
      • There are occasions when closed courts can be justified, although they offend against the principle that justice must be seen to be done.
      • An authentic choice is likely to offend against the rules established by them.


Late Middle English: from Old French offendre, from Latin offendere ‘strike against’.





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