

单词 perform

Definition of perform in English:


verb pəˈfɔːmpərˈfɔrm
[with object]
  • 1Carry out, accomplish, or fulfil (an action, task, or function)

    I have my duties to perform
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The members of the club committee at present perform the dual role of branch and club committee.
    • If you do not inform your reader with the basics of how to accomplish a task, perform a function or use a new tool, I guarantee he will find out from someone else.
    • However, assays were routinely performed using at least three different lines and lead to similar qualitative results.
    • Could someone with a lesser aerobic capacity successfully perform the tasks required of a transit officer?
    • After the session, most people feel relaxed and mellow but in complete control of all of their faculties and able to perform any task or duty such as driving or working.
    • It is not to perform the function of carrying the signal over a distance to the point of the wall socket.
    • Many have these tests performed by independent laboratories.
    • As discussed earlier, there is an increased reliance on contractors to perform mission critical tasks.
    • True love, it seems, has a nourishing effect; it performs a similar function to the veins which carry enriching blood around the body.
    • But we cannot be expected to perform the task of a training officer.
    • Most of these traditional serological tests are still routinely performed in the clinical laboratory.
    • Many are left on in that time, perhaps performing the odd maintenance task.
    • Twenty-four percent of participants reported that they had neither performed nor received oral sex.
    • The assay was performed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
    • And yes, I have tested the restore function and it faithfully performed this task, too.
    • As her maid of honor, it is my duty to perform certain tasks.
    • Children were expected to perform lung function and complete diaries daily and to make time for home visits every 4 weeks.
    • One person proposed that they test each part as it was received; another suggested that the vendor perform testing in return for a sorting fee.
    • But he said workers were able to reach the plant to perform maintenance tasks by walking along nearby railroad tracks.
    • Surgery was routinely performed on an outpatient basis.
    carry out, do, execute, discharge, bring about, bring off, accomplish, achieve, fulfil, complete, conduct, effect, dispatch, work, implement
    informal pull off
    archaic acquit oneself of
    rare effectuate
    1. 1.1no object, usually with adverbial Work, function, or do something well or to a specified standard.
      the car performs well at low speeds
      our £120 million investment in the company is not performing at present
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Whether wriggling free of markers, surging out in front of goalscoring charts or simply performing to a standard those around him cannot match, the Swede is a master at setting himself apart.
      • And what it did was bring the pride back to our sprinting men. who, by their own standards, did not perform as they would have liked in the individual event.
      • It's something that, if your whole team doesn't perform at a high standard, doesn't happen.
      • ‘We've always been capable of winning tests against anyone, but the difficulty has been performing at that standard in the next game,’ he said.
      • It is an appealing game for non-professional athletes who perform to the highest standard.
      • As a team, they haven't performed to the required standard.
      • And this money is only paid back over time as the private sector delivers the services, usually over a period of about 25 years; and if it performs to the standards set.
      • Students performed better in a series of cognitive tests of attention and memory.
      • The new system will allow people to tell at a glance how their local council was performing and provide national accountability by highlighting how the performance has changed over time.
      • By 1997 he made it to the final and hasn't performed at a lesser standard since, making the final every consecutive year.
      • They must perform to the standards they have set themselves week in, week out.
      • In such a state, they always try to perform at a higher level.
      • The process was initially introduced for local government in 2002 to give people a single overall judgment on how well their local council performs and delivers services.
      • In the aftermath of that it became clear that some players were unable to give the sort of commitment that was required while other fellows were not performing to the necessary standard.
      • Adding to this problem is increasing pressure on teachers to demonstrate that their students are performing at satisfactory levels in the standard subjects.
      • So this is a company which by most standards is still performing very well, but there are one or two internal issues that it has to deal with at the moment as well as the fact that it's facing a tough market.
      • A member of the health care team experiencing low morale may perform at a lower standard of practice than usual.
      • Pre-season training will be an important time for Charlie because players with his talent should be performing at a high standard more often than not.
      • But she and her fellow dogs did not perform to the standard their owners are used to and the team came a disappointing fifth.
      • This is a pity since there have been prolonged periods where he has performed to an acceptable standard.
      function, work, operate, run, go, respond, behave, act, acquit oneself/itself
    2. 1.2informal no object Have successful or satisfactory sexual intercourse with someone.
      when I go to bed with any other woman I am quite unable to perform
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Cessation of sexual activity was often due to the attitude and the ability of the male to perform sexually.
      • For many men, the ability to perform sexually and to satisfy their partner was an important marker of their masculinity.
      • Typically men have a lot of their self esteem and identity tied in with their ability to perform sexually.
      • Partners often blame themselves and feel inadequate, which puts even more pressure on the sufferer to perform and compounds the problem further.
      • After he is unable to perform sexually with a female colleague, he begins to further question his sexuality.
      • It is frequently assumed that elderly persons lose their sexual desires or that they are physically unable to perform.
      • He had a couple of strokes that rendered him unable to perform sexually, or walk, or act like the rest of the world.
  • 2Present (a form of entertainment) to an audience.

    the play has already been performed in Britain
    Example sentencesExamples
    • These were made at a time when her style had matured, so it is not easy to appreciate how she would have performed them in the revues.
    • In between the shows, the comic interludes were performed to keep the audience in good spirits with twinkle-footed clowns.
    • But what makes the piece so powerful is that he performs it with a dangerous charm flashing smiles of complicity at the neutered hacks.
    • He had a highly engaging stage presence and obviously enjoyed performing his regular material in front of an audience.
    • It is an old-fashioned thriller being performed in a summer repertory season for a holidaying audience.
    • Stocking groups from across York will perform renaissance-style entertainments during the free event.
    • Join in the revelry with the six-man entertainment group as they perform hula dances to the tune of Hawaiian guitars and songs.
    • Street entertainment will be performed by a local dramatic society and some invited speciality artists.
    • In this very Inn of Court that you see before you, this very hall, Shakespeare's Twelfth Night was performed in the presence of Shakespeare.
    • In hip-hop music, lyricists educate young audiences by performing songs that challenge oppressive ideas.
    • In her new book, she presents a practical guide for actors in approaching and performing Shakespearean texts.
    • During a banquet one night a group of five dancers in the entertainment entourage were performing a disco dance.
    • His plays, many long considered unstageable, were finally being performed to enthusiastic audiences.
    • This to me spells a director who requires foresight or who ought to hold more rehearsals after the play has been performed before an audience for at least a couple of times.
    • The two actors and two actresses performed the one-act drama three times according to three different scripts by three different writers.
    • Actors and actresses performing Racine should speak their lines as verse instead of attempting to make this formal and highly ordered language seem the natural expression of psychological states.
    • You can tell why he's a star when he's front of an audience performing a song.
    • No authorial comment has been more widely noted than the request of Chekhov that his plays be performed as comedies.
    • Two noted Hohner accordion players performed this street entertainment at different times in the past, but did not work together.
    • Onstage you have actors who've been performing musical comedy a long time.
    stage, put on, present, mount, enact, act, represent, do, produce
    1. 2.1no object Entertain an audience, typically by acting, singing, or dancing on stage.
      the band will be performing live in Hyde Park
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We can perform contentedly on stage, and are well-received by the audiences, who normally go hysterical upon hearing the intro.
      • That he has regained sufficient emotional stability, after many years of considerable distress, to perform before live audiences is welcome.
      • If the bully does not have an audience, there is no stage for performing.
      • She danced as if she was actually on stage performing to an audience.
      • Classic bikes will be on display and rock bands will perform on an outdoor stage in the market place.
      • Friends from down the decades were there to share in the tributes and memories and former members of his band performed on stage together for the first time in many years.
      • Throughout the festival, visitors will be treated to free outdoor music gigs from almost 40 bands performing from seven outdoor stages dotted around the city centre.
      • The children have been busy rehearsing over the past few weeks and are really looking forward to performing on stage in front of a live audience.
      • The idea is, while there is a lot on offer for young people of a sporting bent during the holidays, there is less for those interested in singing or dancing, performing on the stage, on television or in the movies.
      • This lady is known for her dominating stage presence and the relative ease with which she performs and sings.
      • But seeing her perform live on stage was a different experience altogether.
      • It is more than probable that so many of the audience have never been quite so close to performing actors and during my visit a party of local school children was completely mesmerised.
      • So, does he prefer performing on stage to a live audience or acting on TV?
      • He says he has always loved singing, and discovered his talent when he performed on stage during a family holiday in Turkey.
      • The elimination of taped auditions has also helped the choirs involved, as they get exposure to performing before a live audience.
      • To save their lives the pair must perform for an audience of troops and republican prisoners who are to be shot the next day.
      • The children sang and performed for a packed audience.
      • On September 22, 23 and 24 the fiesta will take over parts of Parliament Street with a Latin market and live acts performing on stage there, as well as other parts of the festival.
      • Some street entertainment by performing artists and musicians was organised in the car free zone to amuse passing shoppers, workers and those just visiting the city centre to socialise.
      • The pastoral council are looking for people who can sing, dance or perform on stage for a variety show they are arranging in Moneenroe hall in March.
      appear, play, be on stage


  • performability

  • noun pəfɔːməˈbɪlɪti
    • What are the conditions of performability, of recognition, of the generation and circulation of affect?
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Where truth and beauty conflict or compete, he has opted for elegance of form, or a measure of performability.
      • One of big arguments about laptops is the lack of performability.
  • performable

  • adjective pəˈfɔːməb(ə)lpərˈfɔrməb(ə)l
    • He would like to devise ways of making electronic music more jammable and performable.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The cantata is a useful and appealing addition to the choral repertoire, eminently performable though also stretching, with contrapuntal textures and lots of dialogue between men's and women's sections.
      • The current assumption that all the plays are in principle both performable and worth performing is comparatively new.
      • What a tragedy that Mozart never saw fit to complete this tantalising work, with such a brilliant and performable act already virtually finished in all but the details of orchestration.
      • The initial problem was to find a performable Hindi translation.
  • performatory

  • adjective & noun


Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French parfourmer, alteration (by association with forme 'form') of Old French parfournir, from par 'through, to completion' + fournir 'furnish, provide'.


conform, corm, dorm, form, forme, haulm, lukewarm, Maugham, misinform, norm, outperform, shawm, storm, swarm, transform, underperform, warm

Definition of perform in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Carry out, accomplish, or fulfill (an action, task, or function)

    I have my duties to perform
    Example sentencesExamples
    • As discussed earlier, there is an increased reliance on contractors to perform mission critical tasks.
    • But he said workers were able to reach the plant to perform maintenance tasks by walking along nearby railroad tracks.
    • After the session, most people feel relaxed and mellow but in complete control of all of their faculties and able to perform any task or duty such as driving or working.
    • Many are left on in that time, perhaps performing the odd maintenance task.
    • Many have these tests performed by independent laboratories.
    • But we cannot be expected to perform the task of a training officer.
    • True love, it seems, has a nourishing effect; it performs a similar function to the veins which carry enriching blood around the body.
    • The members of the club committee at present perform the dual role of branch and club committee.
    • As her maid of honor, it is my duty to perform certain tasks.
    • Most of these traditional serological tests are still routinely performed in the clinical laboratory.
    • If you do not inform your reader with the basics of how to accomplish a task, perform a function or use a new tool, I guarantee he will find out from someone else.
    • Twenty-four percent of participants reported that they had neither performed nor received oral sex.
    • Surgery was routinely performed on an outpatient basis.
    • And yes, I have tested the restore function and it faithfully performed this task, too.
    • It is not to perform the function of carrying the signal over a distance to the point of the wall socket.
    • The assay was performed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
    • Children were expected to perform lung function and complete diaries daily and to make time for home visits every 4 weeks.
    • However, assays were routinely performed using at least three different lines and lead to similar qualitative results.
    • One person proposed that they test each part as it was received; another suggested that the vendor perform testing in return for a sorting fee.
    • Could someone with a lesser aerobic capacity successfully perform the tasks required of a transit officer?
    carry out, do, execute, discharge, bring about, bring off, accomplish, achieve, fulfil, complete, conduct, effect, dispatch, work, implement
    1. 1.1no object, usually with adverbial Work, function, or do something to a specified standard.
      the car performs well at low speeds
      Example sentencesExamples
      • As a team, they haven't performed to the required standard.
      • The process was initially introduced for local government in 2002 to give people a single overall judgment on how well their local council performs and delivers services.
      • The new system will allow people to tell at a glance how their local council was performing and provide national accountability by highlighting how the performance has changed over time.
      • It is an appealing game for non-professional athletes who perform to the highest standard.
      • In such a state, they always try to perform at a higher level.
      • Students performed better in a series of cognitive tests of attention and memory.
      • And this money is only paid back over time as the private sector delivers the services, usually over a period of about 25 years; and if it performs to the standards set.
      • It's something that, if your whole team doesn't perform at a high standard, doesn't happen.
      • Pre-season training will be an important time for Charlie because players with his talent should be performing at a high standard more often than not.
      • So this is a company which by most standards is still performing very well, but there are one or two internal issues that it has to deal with at the moment as well as the fact that it's facing a tough market.
      • By 1997 he made it to the final and hasn't performed at a lesser standard since, making the final every consecutive year.
      • This is a pity since there have been prolonged periods where he has performed to an acceptable standard.
      • But she and her fellow dogs did not perform to the standard their owners are used to and the team came a disappointing fifth.
      • A member of the health care team experiencing low morale may perform at a lower standard of practice than usual.
      • Adding to this problem is increasing pressure on teachers to demonstrate that their students are performing at satisfactory levels in the standard subjects.
      • And what it did was bring the pride back to our sprinting men. who, by their own standards, did not perform as they would have liked in the individual event.
      • Whether wriggling free of markers, surging out in front of goalscoring charts or simply performing to a standard those around him cannot match, the Swede is a master at setting himself apart.
      • They must perform to the standards they have set themselves week in, week out.
      • In the aftermath of that it became clear that some players were unable to give the sort of commitment that was required while other fellows were not performing to the necessary standard.
      • ‘We've always been capable of winning tests against anyone, but the difficulty has been performing at that standard in the next game,’ he said.
      function, work, operate, run, go, respond, behave, act, acquit itself, acquit oneself
    2. 1.2informal no object Have successful or satisfactory sexual intercourse with someone.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • After he is unable to perform sexually with a female colleague, he begins to further question his sexuality.
      • Cessation of sexual activity was often due to the attitude and the ability of the male to perform sexually.
      • For many men, the ability to perform sexually and to satisfy their partner was an important marker of their masculinity.
      • He had a couple of strokes that rendered him unable to perform sexually, or walk, or act like the rest of the world.
      • Typically men have a lot of their self esteem and identity tied in with their ability to perform sexually.
      • It is frequently assumed that elderly persons lose their sexual desires or that they are physically unable to perform.
      • Partners often blame themselves and feel inadequate, which puts even more pressure on the sufferer to perform and compounds the problem further.
  • 2Present (a form of entertainment) to an audience.

    the cast of 14 perform the play superbly
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In between the shows, the comic interludes were performed to keep the audience in good spirits with twinkle-footed clowns.
    • But what makes the piece so powerful is that he performs it with a dangerous charm flashing smiles of complicity at the neutered hacks.
    • Onstage you have actors who've been performing musical comedy a long time.
    • Stocking groups from across York will perform renaissance-style entertainments during the free event.
    • No authorial comment has been more widely noted than the request of Chekhov that his plays be performed as comedies.
    • In this very Inn of Court that you see before you, this very hall, Shakespeare's Twelfth Night was performed in the presence of Shakespeare.
    • Join in the revelry with the six-man entertainment group as they perform hula dances to the tune of Hawaiian guitars and songs.
    • Two noted Hohner accordion players performed this street entertainment at different times in the past, but did not work together.
    • This to me spells a director who requires foresight or who ought to hold more rehearsals after the play has been performed before an audience for at least a couple of times.
    • Actors and actresses performing Racine should speak their lines as verse instead of attempting to make this formal and highly ordered language seem the natural expression of psychological states.
    • His plays, many long considered unstageable, were finally being performed to enthusiastic audiences.
    • During a banquet one night a group of five dancers in the entertainment entourage were performing a disco dance.
    • The two actors and two actresses performed the one-act drama three times according to three different scripts by three different writers.
    • Street entertainment will be performed by a local dramatic society and some invited speciality artists.
    • In her new book, she presents a practical guide for actors in approaching and performing Shakespearean texts.
    • In hip-hop music, lyricists educate young audiences by performing songs that challenge oppressive ideas.
    • He had a highly engaging stage presence and obviously enjoyed performing his regular material in front of an audience.
    • It is an old-fashioned thriller being performed in a summer repertory season for a holidaying audience.
    • These were made at a time when her style had matured, so it is not easy to appreciate how she would have performed them in the revues.
    • You can tell why he's a star when he's front of an audience performing a song.
    stage, put on, present, mount, enact, act, represent, do, produce
    1. 2.1no object Entertain an audience, typically by acting, singing, or dancing on stage.
      the band will be performing live in Hyde Park
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Throughout the festival, visitors will be treated to free outdoor music gigs from almost 40 bands performing from seven outdoor stages dotted around the city centre.
      • This lady is known for her dominating stage presence and the relative ease with which she performs and sings.
      • The idea is, while there is a lot on offer for young people of a sporting bent during the holidays, there is less for those interested in singing or dancing, performing on the stage, on television or in the movies.
      • Some street entertainment by performing artists and musicians was organised in the car free zone to amuse passing shoppers, workers and those just visiting the city centre to socialise.
      • Friends from down the decades were there to share in the tributes and memories and former members of his band performed on stage together for the first time in many years.
      • The children sang and performed for a packed audience.
      • If the bully does not have an audience, there is no stage for performing.
      • So, does he prefer performing on stage to a live audience or acting on TV?
      • To save their lives the pair must perform for an audience of troops and republican prisoners who are to be shot the next day.
      • The elimination of taped auditions has also helped the choirs involved, as they get exposure to performing before a live audience.
      • Classic bikes will be on display and rock bands will perform on an outdoor stage in the market place.
      • He says he has always loved singing, and discovered his talent when he performed on stage during a family holiday in Turkey.
      • That he has regained sufficient emotional stability, after many years of considerable distress, to perform before live audiences is welcome.
      • The pastoral council are looking for people who can sing, dance or perform on stage for a variety show they are arranging in Moneenroe hall in March.
      • We can perform contentedly on stage, and are well-received by the audiences, who normally go hysterical upon hearing the intro.
      • It is more than probable that so many of the audience have never been quite so close to performing actors and during my visit a party of local school children was completely mesmerised.
      • She danced as if she was actually on stage performing to an audience.
      • But seeing her perform live on stage was a different experience altogether.
      • The children have been busy rehearsing over the past few weeks and are really looking forward to performing on stage in front of a live audience.
      • On September 22, 23 and 24 the fiesta will take over parts of Parliament Street with a Latin market and live acts performing on stage there, as well as other parts of the festival.
      appear, play, be on stage


Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French parfourmer, alteration (by association with forme ‘form’) of Old French parfournir, from par ‘through, to completion’ + fournir ‘furnish, provide’.





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