Definition of postmillennialism in English:
mass noun(among fundamentalist Christians) the doctrine that the Second Coming of Christ will be the culmination of the prophesied millennium of blessedness.
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- Belief in a future millennium either preceding or following (postmillennialism) the second coming of Christ, when he will reign on earth in a kingdom of his saints.
- The four most popular views are dispensational premillennialism, historical premillennialism, amillennialism, and postmillennialism.
- Conditional postmillennialism also offers believers a safety net, for it constitutes a fail - proof prophecy, pre-empting any potential for cognitive dissonance or loss of faith.
- There is a millennium, after which Christ will come again (postmillennialism).
- Neither amillennialism nor postmillennialism is inclined to search for God's supernatural intervention as an agent in eschatological events.
Unlike postmillennialists, who anticipated a gradual progress towards the millennium through Christian, human agencies, premillennialists looked for a sudden change through divine, cataclysmic action.
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- Pietistic postmillennialists deny that the postmillennial advance of the kingdom involves the total transformation of culture through the application of biblical law.
- In the Antebellum Era, most Evangelical Protestants were optimistic postmillennialists.
- Amillennialists are not likely as optimistic as postmillennialists nor as pessimistic as premillennialists.
- Schaeffer and other premillennialists picked up themes of dominionism from the postmillennialist Rushdoony, and adapted them to premillennial theology.